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江苏省盐城市 2020 年中考英语一模模拟卷 本次考试时间为 100 分钟,卷面总分为 120 分 一、单项选择。 1.As Hannah Lucas had a disease, she and her brother Charile made app called notOK to let her get help from others when she wasn't feeling well. A. the; the B. a; the C. an;不填 D. the;不填 【答案】C 【解析】 句意:当汉娜·卢卡斯得了一种病时,她和她的弟弟查理制作了一个叫 not OK 的应用软件,让她在不舒服 的时候得到别人的帮助。第一空表示一个名叫 not OK 的软件,app 是元音音素开头,故用不定冠词 an 修饰。 第二空表示其他的一些人,故用 others,不加冠词。Others 其他一些(人或事);the others 其他所有的(人 或事)。故选 C。 2.--- Although Ms Zhou is an old lady, she is always in the pink. ---Yes. Because she exercises every day and eats a balanced diet. Here “in the pink” means __________. A. healthy B. lucky C. beautiful D. creative 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】句意:——周女士虽然年事已高,但身体总是很健康。——是的。因为她每天锻炼,饮食均衡。 这里“in the pink”的意思是健康。考查词义辨析题。A. healthy 健康的;B. lucky 幸运的;C. beautiful 漂亮 的;D. creative 有创意的。but 表转折,根据上文原因 Because she exercises every day and eats a balanced diet., 可知周女士身体健康,故选 A。 3.—How was your trip to the British Museum? —I spoke no English and was _______ silent during the visit. A. completely B. peacefully C. patiently D. carefully 【答案】A 【解析】 句意:——你去大英博物馆的旅行怎么样?——我不讲英语,在访问期间完全沉默。考查副词辨析题。A. completely 完全地 B. peacefully 和平地,C. patiently 安静地;D. carefully 细心地。silent 安静的,形容词需用 副词修饰;根据句意语境,可知选 A。 4.—Listen! Is that Linda playing the piano in the room? —No. It be Linda, she has gone to London, A. may not B. needn’t C. can’t D. mustn’t 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】句意:——听!是琳达在房间里弹钢琴吗?——不,不可能是琳达,她已经去了伦敦。 A. may not 可能不会;B. needn’t 不必;C. can’t 不可能;D. mustn’t 不允许。因为她已经去了伦敦,所以推测 在房间里弹钢琴的不可能是琳达,否定的推测用 can’t 表示把握性较大,故答案为 C。 5. The boy _____ his hand and asked if the sun ______ in the east every day. A. rose, rises B. raised, raised C. raised, rises D. rises, raised 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】句意:男孩举起手问太阳是否每天都从东方升起。 考查动词辨析。raise 举手,及物动词;rise 升起,不及物动词。第一个空,根据后面的 and asked 知填 raise 的过去式;第二个空,陈述的是客观真理,故使用 rise 的一般现在时的单三形式。根据句意,应选 C。 6.—My cousin does well in many outdoor activities, but he never _________. —What a _________ boy! We should learn from him. A. gets off: thoughtful B. takes off; energetic C. shows off; modest D. puts off; curious 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】句意:我表哥在许多户外活动中表现很好,但他从不炫耀。多么谦虚的男孩!我们应该向他学习。 A.下车、深思熟虑的;B.起飞、精力充沛的;C.炫耀、谦虚的;D.推迟、好奇的。never shows off 从不张扬 炫耀。他,三单要用 shows off。虽然做的好,但是从不张扬炫耀可知他是谦虚的。故选 C。 7.—Where is Jim? — He _________ Beijing on business for a week. He’ll be back tomorrow. A. has come to B. has gone to C. has been to D. has been in 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】句意:吉姆在哪里? 他去北京出差一周了。他明天回来。考查现在完成时的用法。A. has come to 已经来了;B. has gone to 去了;C. has been to 去过;D. has been in 在某地。英语中表示一段时间的时间状语 不能和瞬间动词一起使用,反之表示瞬间的时间状语不能是持续性动词一起使用。For a week 是表示一段时 间的时间状语,选项 ABC 表示瞬间动作,只有选项 D 表示持续性动作,故选 D。 【点睛】完成时态中动词用法:英语完成时态中有瞬间动词与持续性动词之分,瞬间动词只表示瞬间动作, 不能和表示一段时间的时间状语连用,反之持续性动词也是一样。在没有时间状语的情况下,就要结合语 境具体分析。 8.In our school library there _________ a number of books on science and the number of the books _________ growing. A. are; is B. is; are C. is; is D. are; are 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】句意:在我们学校的图书馆里,有许多关于科学的书,而且书的数量也在增加。a number of 意思 是“许多”,相当于 many,修饰可数名词复数,be 动词用复数 are。the number of 意思是“……的数量”, 跟复数名词连用作主语时,中心词是 number,be 动词要用单数 is。故选 A。 9.— Could you show the way to the station to me may be five minutes' walk from here? — No problem. But it's silly to take a taxi you can easily walk to the station. A. /; if B. which; since C. that; when D. who; if 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】句意:—你能告诉我从这儿大概要走五分钟就到的车站的路吗?——没问题。但是不必坐出租车, 因为你可以很容易地走到车站。根据句子结构可知,第一个空后是定语从句,先行词是 the way,从句中缺 少主语,故用 which 引导;第二空引导的是状语从句,if 如果;since 既然;when 当…时候。根据句意可知, 应填 since,引导原因状语从句。故选 B。 10.—I'm going to give a talk on Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games to my classmates. —Great! But don't forget to tell them_________. A. when will it take place B. Beijing is the first city to hold both Summer Olympics and Winter Olympics C. whether Zhangjiakou City will join in Beijing D. when the good news was announced on July 31st, 2015 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】句意:——我要给我的同学做一个关于北京 2022 年冬奥会的报告。——太好了!但是别忘了告诉 他们北京是第一个同时举办夏季奥运会和冬季奥运会的城市。 考查宾语从句。根据 But don't forget to tell them____.可知后面应跟一个宾语从句,宾语从句中应该用陈述语 序,即主语+谓语,所以排除 A 选项。再根据常识可知张家口是北京冬奥会的协办城市,是早已经确定的事 情,而不是将要加入北京,所以 C 选项时态不正确,排除。D 选项中的 when 和 July 31st, 2015 时间重复, 表述错误,排除。所以只有 B 选项符合题意,故答案选 B。 11.If success is a gate, the road this gate must be made up of difficulties. A. towards B. against C. opposite D. beyond 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】句意“如果成功是一个门,通往这个门的道路一定是由困难组成”。A.朝向;B.反对;C.在……对 面;D.超越。根据句意可知,表示“通往成功的道路”,故选A。 12.Of course, the boy will be recommended to be this year's Top Ten Teenagers in Wuxi, because he is easy-going, smart and _____ hard-working. A. after all B. above all C. in all D. first of all 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】句意“当然,这个小男孩将被推荐成为今年无锡十大青少年,因为他随和、聪明,尤其是勤奋”。 A.毕竟;B.尤其是;C.总共,合计;D.首先。根据句意可知,表示“尤其是勤奋”,故选B。 13.He couldn’t _____ an answer when I asked him why he was late for the meeting again. A. look over B. put up C. open up D. come up with 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】句意“当我问他 什么他再一次开会迟到时,他不能想出一个答案”。A.检查,查看;B.张贴、举 起、搭建、留宿;C.打开;D.想出。根据句意可知,译为“他不能想出一个答案”,故选D。 【点睛】 come out 出来;出版 come across 偶然遇见 come over 顺便来访;过来 come on 来吧;赶快;加油 come in 进入;进来 come from 来自 come into 进入 come along 一道去;赶快;进行;进展 为 come up 出来,上升 come true 实现 come down 退步;下降 come up with 想出 come back 回来;想起来 14.---Eric, _____ can you have your poster been ready? ---I'm not sure. We are still waiting for the final design. A. how long B. how soon C. how often D. how far 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】句意“-艾瑞克,你多久能把海报准备好?-我不确定,我们仍然在等待最后的设计”。A.多长(问 时间长短和长度);B.多久(与一般将来时连用,且用 in+一段时间回答);C.多久一次(问频率);D.多远 (问距离,且常与 from...to...连用)。根据句意可知,译为“多久能准备好海报”,故选B。 15.--- It is not good to work too hard like him. --- No, as the saying goes, ________ A. year’s plan starts with spring. B. all work and no play make Jack a dull boy. C. the grass is greener on the other side. D. Rome wasn’t built in a day. 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】句意“-像他一样工作太刻苦不好。-是的,不好,正如谚语所说:只会工作不会玩,聪明的孩子也 变傻”。A.一年之计在于春;B.只会工作不会玩,聪明的孩子也变傻;C.这山望着那山高;D.冰冻三尺非一 日之寒。根据句意可知,他工作太刻苦,第二个人同意他的观点,应该说“只会工作不会玩,聪明的孩子 也变傻”。故选B。 二、完型填空。 There was a king who loved art very much. One day a(n) ___16___ came and said, "Please let me paint a picture on a wall." The king happened to have a big new hall ___17___ . So he ___18___ the artist to work on one of the walls. At the same time, another artist came and asked to work on the ___19___ wall. He promised he would make the same picture as the first artist’s ___20___ looking at the first artist’s work. The second artist asked to have a thick curtain put up between the two walls ___21___ neither of them could see each other. The following day they began to work. The first artist brought in ___22___ supply(供给) of paint, oil, water and so on. The second one came with a ___23___ and a bucket (桶). A month later, the first artist’s work was completed, and the second artist said, “My wall is ___24___ too!” The king went to see the first artist’s wall. He was pleased with it and gave the artist a lot of money. He then asked people to ___25___ the curtain. ___26___! Each line was ___27___ the same as that on the opposite wall. The king was quite satisfied and gave him double money. However, he ___28___ how the second man had made it. “I just wipe the wall with the cloth,” the man said calmly. The wall was made of white marble (大理石). He made it shine like a mirror. The reflection (倒影) of the first painting ___29___ up on it! The ___30___ is a reflection of you too. If you are sad, the world will be sad. If you are happy, the world will be happy. 16. A. editor B. artist C. server D. actress 17. A. created B. destroyed C. pushed D. built 18. A. reminded B. realized C. allowed D. made 19. A. opposite B. common C. same D. similar 20. A. with B. without C. over D. under 21. A. even if B. as if C. so that D. in case 22. A. little B. few C. enough D. useless 23. A. mirror B. cloth C. stick D. curtain 24. A. present B. free C. ready D. useful 25. A. open B. shut C. close D. closed 26. A. Exciting B. Amazing C. Frightening D. Interesting 27. A. probably B. exactly C. certainly D. hardly 28 A. knew B. warned C. noticed D. wondered 29. A. set B. added C. showed D. took 30. A. story B. king C. world D. painter 【答案】16. B 17. D 18. C 19. A 20. B 21. C 22. C 23. B 24. C 25. A 26. B 27. B 28. D 29. C 30. C 【解析】 . 【分析】 文章大意:本文通过两个画家为国王作画,其中一个画家能用布擦墙使墙亮得像镜子一样可以反射对面墙 上的画的故事告诉我们,世界就是你的一个倒影,你开心,世界就开心,你难过,世界就难过。 【16 题详解】 句意:一天,一位画家来了。 editor 编辑;artist 画家、艺术家;server 侍者;actress 女演员。根据下文 Please let me paint a picture on a wall. 请让我在墙上画一幅画吧。以及 So he __3__ the artist to work on one of the walls.中的 artist 是直接的信息 提示;可知此处表示的是一位画家,故答案选 B。 【17 题详解】 句意:国王碰巧派人修建了一个新的大厅。 created 创造;destroyed 摧毁;pushed 推;built 建造。 根据 The king happened to have a big new hall __2__ .中的关键词 a big new hall,可知是国王建造了一个新的大 厅,该处使用的是使役动词 have 的符合结构,故用 built 表示“建造”的被动完成;故答案选 D。 【18 题详解】 句意:于是他允许画家在其中一面墙上作画。 reminded 提醒;realized 实现、认识到;allowed 允许;made 制造。联系下文 A month later, the first artist’s work was completed, 一个月后,第一个画家 作品完成了,结合 So he __3__ the artist to work on one of the walls.可 知是国王允许画家在一面墙上作画,故答案选 C。 【19 题详解】 句意:与此同时,另一位画家来了,要求在对面的墙上作画。 opposite 对面的、对立的;common 普通的;same 相同的;similar 类似的。根据下文 Each line was __12__ the same as that on the opposite wall. 每个线条都和对面墙上的一致。结合 At the same time, another artist came and asked to work on the __4__ wall.可知是同时,又来了一位画家,请求在对面的墙上作画,故答案选 A。 【20 题详解】 句意:他承诺他将在不看第一个画家的作品的情况下做出和第一个画家一样的画。 with 具有、拥有;without 无、不、没有;over 在……上面;under 在……下面。根据下文 The second artist asked to have a thick curtain put up between the two walls __6__ neither of them could see each other. 第二个画家要求在 两堵墙之间挂起一块厚窗帘,这样他们两人都看不见对方。可知此处表示他承诺他会在不看第一个画家的 作品的情况下作出与第一个画家同样的画,所以 without 符合句意,故答案选 B。 【21 题详解】 句意:第二个画家要求在两堵墙之间挂起一块厚窗帘,以便他们两人都看不见对方。 的 even if 即使、虽然;as if 好像、似乎;so that 以便、结果是;in case 假使、假如。根据 The second artist asked to have a thick curtain put up between the two walls __6__ neither of them could see each other.可知这里是 so that 引导的目的状语从句,即拉上窗帘的目的是为了使他们都不能看见彼此,故答案选 C。 【22 题详解】 句意:第一个画家带来了足够供给的涂料、油画颜料、水等等。 little 少的(修饰不可数名词);few 很少(修饰可数名词);enough 足够的;useless 无用的。联系上下文语 境,结合 The first artist brought in __7__ supply(供给)of paint, oil, water and so on.可知是第一个画家带来了 足够供给的涂料、油画颜料、水等等。enough 足够的,符合题意,故答案选 C。 【23 题详解】 句意:第二个画家带来了一块布和一个桶。 mirror 镜子;cloth 布;stick 棍、手杖;curtain 窗帘。根据下文“I just wipe the wall with the cloth,” the man said calmly. “我只是用布擦墙,”男人平静地说。可知第二个画家带了一条布和桶,故答案选 B。 【24 题详解】 句意:第二个画家说:“我的墙也准备好了!” present 现在的、到场的;free 免费的;ready 准备好的;useful 有用的。根据上文 the first artist’s work was completed, 第一个画家的作品完成了,结合 the second artist said, “My wall is __9__ too!”中的关键词 too,可知 此处表示我的墙也准备好了,故答案选 C。 【25 题详解】 句意:然后他让人们打开窗帘。 open 打开,动词原形;shut 关上、停止营业;close 关闭,动词原形;closed 关闭,过去式。根据下文 Each line was __12__ the same as that on the opposite wall.每个线条都和对面墙上的一模一样。再联系上文语境,第 二个画家要求在两堵墙之间挂起一块厚窗帘,这样他们两人都看不见对方。可知此处指的是国王让人们打 开窗帘,ask sb to do sth.让某人做某事,故答案选 A。 【26 题详解】 句意:让人吃惊的是,每条线都和对面墙上的一模一样。 Exciting 令人兴奋的;Amazing 令人吃惊的;Frightening 令人害怕的;Interesting 有趣的。根据下文 Each line was __12__ the same as that on the opposite wall. 每个线条都和对面墙上的一模一样,这显然是“令人吃惊 的”,故答案选B。 【27 题详解】 句意:每个线条都和对面墙上的一模一样。 probably 大概、很可能;exactly 确切地、精确地;certainly 确定地、当然;hardly 几乎不。结合语境可知此 处表示每个线条都完全与对面的墙上一样,故答案选 B。 【28 题详解】 句意:然而,他很想知道第二个人是怎么做到的。 knew 知道、了解;warned 警告;noticed 注意到;wondered 想知道。结合语境,以及下文第二个画家的解 释,可知此处表示国王想知道第二个画家是如何做到的,故答案选 D。 【29 题详解】 句意:第一幅画的倒影出现在墙面上! set up 竖立、建立;added up 合计; showed up 呈现;took up 占据、拿起、开始做……。根据上文 The wall was made of white marble (大理石). He made it shine like a mirror. 这面墙是用白色大理石砌成的,这让它像镜子一 样闪闪发光。结合 The reflection (倒影) of the first painting __14__ up on it!可知此处表示第一幅画的倒影出现 在墙面上!所以 showed up 符合句意,故答案选 C。 【30 题详解】 句意:世界也是你的倒影。 story 故事;king 国王;world 世界;painter 画家。根据下文 If you are sad, the world will be sad. If you are happy, the world will be happy.如果你悲伤,这个世界也会悲伤。如果你快乐,世界也会快乐。结合 The __15__ is a reflection of you too.可知此处表示世界也是你的倒影,故答案选 C。 【点睛】解答完形填空首先要通读全文,掌握大意。结合选项初步弄清短文写了些什么内容。在理解全文 意思的基础上,结合文章内容对空缺句子作合乎逻辑的推理。必须弄清空缺词句的确切含义,空缺词句与 其前后句的意义衔接必须自然、合理,最后根据语境,结合选项,选出正确答案。如,第 8 小题,根据下 文“I just wipe the wall with the cloth,” the man said calmly. “我只是用布擦墙,”男人平静地说。可知第二个画家 带了一条布和桶,故答案选 B。第 11 小题,根据下文 Each line was __12__ the same as that on the opposite wall. 每个线条都和对面墙上的一模一样,这显然是“令人吃惊的”,故答案选B。 三、阅读理解 (A) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案。 A 31. How much is the writing course? A. £30. B. £60. C. £95. D. £125. 32. On Sunday a student can ________________. A. take a writing course B. meet the native teachers C. practice listening skills D. have a speaking class 33. A writing course will last ____________ hour. A. 10 B. 20 C. 30 D. 50 34. You can learn about the school in many ways EXCEPT_______________. A. making a phone call B. visiting its website C. sending an email D. follow(关注)its public -hat 35. This is a(n) _____________. A. travel guide B. advertisement C. science report D. instructions 【答案】31. A 32. C 33. A 34. D 35. B 【解析】 【分析】 本题是广告类阅读理解。讲述的是欢迎学生们到 LANLEY 英语学校来上外语课。 【31 题详解】 细节理解题。问题 How much is the writing course?写作课程多少钱?依据文中 Writing course is only£30. 写作 课程只需要£30 可知,故选 A。 【32 题详解】 细节理解题。问题 On Sunday a student can ________________.在周日一个学生可以上什么课。依据文中 Listening course is every day of the week 每天都有听力课程。写作和口语练习周日没有课程可知,故选 C。 【33 题详解】 细节理解题。问题 A writing course will last ____________ hour.写作课持续多长时间。 依据文中 10 hours writing course 可知,故选 A。 【34 题详解】 细节理解题。问题 You can learn about the school in many ways EXCEPT_______________.你可以从很多方面了 解学校,除了_______。 依据文中给出的联系方式有电话、邮箱和网址可知,除了 D 公共关注之外都可以 联系,故选 D。 【35 题详解】 细节理解题。问题 This is a(n) _____________.这是什么类阅读。 依据所给短文形式和内容可知,是一则宣 传英语学校的广告 advertisement,故选 B。 【点睛】做阅读理解题,首先要准确理解题意,然后根据题意和短文内容选出正确的答案。(1)(2)(3) (4)(5)考查细节理解能力,此类型题较简单,学生准确理解题意后,直接到文中找出答案。本文主要考 查学生的细节理解能力。准确理解题意后,到文中找出相关的叙述,做出正确的判断。 B In ancient times, there was a king who loved flowers. His palace was always decorated with beautiful orchids(兰 花)and other flowers. As the king grew older, he knew that one day he would have to give up his throne(王位). So he had to find someone to rule the country. The other day, the king had an idea. He asked his servants to travel to every part of the country and give every citizen a single orchid seed(种子). He then announced that the person who grew the most beautiful orchid would take his throne. Everyone in the country then got their own seed. One young man named David was especially excited about the news, because he had experience in growing flowers himself. David planted his seed in a pot and put it in a place where it would get lots of sunlight. He watched it carefully every day. But as hard as he tried, his flower simply would not grow. Finally, it was time for everyone to give their flowers to the king. David took his empty potto the palace. “Your Majesty(尊敬的陛下), I am sorry to say that I could not grow an orchid. But I hope you can see that I tried my best,” he said. The king was moved by David’s honesty. Although he did not choose David as the new king, he gave David a job as a royal court judge(法官). He helieved that David’s honesty would make him the right person to make sure the justice(公正)in the country. 36. According to the king’s order, who could be the next king? A. The man who was the smartest. B. The man who was the most honest, C. The man who could plant the best seed. D. The man who could grow the most beautiful orchid. 37. What do we know about David? A. He told a joke to the king. B. He failed to grow the king’s orchid. C. He was good at growing orchids. D. He was chosen to be the next king. 38. What does the underlined word “it” refers to in Paragraph 4? A. The pot. B. His flower. C. The seed. D. The sunlight. 39. What can we learn from the story? A. David was the only winner in the end. B. It is stupid of the king to choose David as a judge. C. It is impolite of David to give an empty pot to the palace. D. The king believed honesty was very important for a judge. 40. Which of the following is the best title of the passage? A. Honesty Is the Best Policy B. How to Grow Orchids C. Flowers Are the Best Gifts D. It’s Very Easy to Grow Orchids 【答案】36. D 37. B 38. C 39. D 40. A 【解析】 【分析】 本文介绍了古代有一个喜欢花的国王。并且宣布能种植出最美丽兰花的人将继承王位。大卫是一位年轻人, 但无论怎么努力,都没有种植出兰花,带着空花瓶去了宫殿。国王被大卫的诚实所感动。虽然他没有选择 大卫作为新国王,但他给了大卫一份皇家法院法官的工作,他相信大卫的诚实会使他成为正直的人,以确 保国家的正义。 【36 题详解】 细节理解题。根据 He then announced that the person who grew the most beautiful orchid would take his throne. 然 后他宣布种植最美丽兰花的人将继承王位。可知,按照国王的命令,能种出最美丽兰花的人可以成为下一 个国王。故选 D。 【37 题详解】 细节理解题。根据 But as hard as he tried, his flower simply would not grow. 但尽管他努力,他的花还是长不出 来。可知,他没有种出国王的兰花。故选 B。 【38 题详解】 推理判断题。句子 He watched it carefully every day.的意思是:他每天都仔细观察。根据上文的句子 David planted his seed in a pot and put it in a place where it would get lots of sunlight. 大卫把种子种在盆里,放在阳光充 足的地方。可知,句子中的 it 是指上文中的 the seed,即:国王给的兰花种子。故选 C。 【39 题详解】 推理判断题。题干的意思是:我们能从这个故事中学到什么?根据 he gave David a job as a royal court judge(法官).He believed that David’s honesty would make him the right person to make sure the justice(公正)in the country. 他给了大卫一份皇家法院法官的工作,他相信大卫的诚实会使他成为一个正直的人,以确保国家的 公正。可以推出,国王认为诚实对法官来说非常重要。故选 D。 【40 题详解】 推理判断题。题干的意思是:以下哪一个是文章的最佳标题?A. Honesty Is the Best Policy 诚实是最好的为人 之道。B. How to Grow Orchids 如何种植兰花。C. Flowers Are the Best Gifts 花是最好的礼物。D. It’s Very Easy to Grow Orchids 兰花很容易种植。根据短文的内容 The king was moved by David’s honesty. Although he did not choose David as the new king, he gave David a job as a royal court judge(法官). He believed that David’s honesty would make him the right person to make sure the justice(公正)in the country. 可知,大卫是一个非常诚实的人, 国王才选择他做皇家法院法官的。因此最好的标题应该选择 Honesty is the Best Policy 诚实是最好的为人之道。 故选 A。 【点睛】用细节定位法来做细节理解题。 细节理解题属直接解答性问题,是阅读理解题中最简单的一种,多数属中低难度的送分题。但由于中 考所占的比例很大,应特别引起注意。 事实和细节题的命题特点是:把某词语、某个句子或某具体事实用不同于原文的另一方式或句型表达, 即同义改写。解答这类题的窍门是:A)注意掌握英语的多种表达法;B)正确分析词语在句中的作用;C) 熟练运用英语的句型转换;D)读懂题干所提出的问题,并准确地找到文中涉及该问题的句子。 做细节题具体方法与步骤如下:  略读材料,大概了解原文,掌握中心或主旨。  按文章的体裁,作者写作的组织模式及有关的信息词,如 for example,first,second…等预测应该到 何处寻找自己所需要的事实。  将自己精力放在寻找你所需要的细节上,快速通篇跳读,眼睛自左至右,自上而下呈 Z 形扫视,直 到找到细节出处,待找到含细节句子时,放慢速度,仔细核对比较内容,直至找到答案。 C One day, Bassanio came to visit Antonio. This was not unusual because they were good friends. But the visit was more important than usual for Bassanio. He already owed Antonio a lot of money, but now he wanted to borrow some more. "I have been spending more money than I earn," began Bassaio. "I already owe you a lot of money. I will tell you how I am going to get enough money to pay back all the money I owe." "Yes, tell me," said Antonio. "If I can help you, I will." "When I was a boy at school," began Bassanio, "I sometimes lost a ball when I was playing. When that happened. I would throw another ball in exactly the same way and watch it carefully. I would often find the two balls together. You might to think of your money that way. The money you gave me is the first ball. It is lost, and I know it’s my fault. But if you gave me some more money, it could be like that second ball and help you get all the money back. I will give back the money you give me now as well as the money that I have already lost." Antonio invited him to continue. Bassanio told him about a rich young lady in Belmont. Her name was Portia. Her father died and left her a lot of money. She was beautiful as well as rich. And she was not married. Many men came from all over the world to court her, but nobody had succeeded. Bassanio had met Portia before, and he knew that she liked him. He told Antonio that if he had enough money he would soon make her his wife. "She is rich and young and beautiful. Her hair is like gold. And her face is always sunny and happy. She is always smiling. Antonio! She is beautiful. She likes me. I am certain she would marry me, marry me" he explained. Antonio laughed. "You are my friend, Bassanio," he comforted. "And I will help you. You know that all my ships are at sea just now, so I do not have much money to give you. However, you can go into town and try to borrow the money. Tell the moneylenders that Antonio will guarantee the money is paid back to them. Don't worry! " 41. Why did Bassanio go to visit Antonio? A. To return the money to Antonio. B. To ask him to go to Belmont with him C. To discuss his business with Antonio. D. To borrow more money from Antonio. 42. How would Bassanio pay back Antonio's money? A. He would use Antonio's money as "the first ball". B. He would use Antonio's money as "the second ball". C. He would return the money with the help of relatives. D. He would borrow some money from the moneylenders. 43. Which of the following about Portia is TRUE? A. She was single girl with gold hair. B. She promised to marry Bassanio. C. She got a lot or money from her business. D. Many men succeed in courting her. 44. What does the underlined word "guarantee" mean m the last paragraph? A. make sure B. worry about C. carry out D. work out 45. What can you infer (推断) from the passage? A. Portia would refuse to meet Bassanio. B. Antonio didn't lend the money to Bassamo. C. Bassanio would go to Belmont and court Portia. D. Bassanio would pay all the money back to Antonio. 【答案】41. D 42. B 43. A 44. A 45. B 【解析】 文章大意:文章讲了巴萨尼奥向安东尼奥借钱。巴萨尼奥告诉他贝尔蒙特有一位富有的年轻女士,她的名 字叫波西亚,她的父亲去世了,留给她很多钱,她既漂亮又富有。巴萨尼奥以前见过波西亚,他知道她喜 欢他。他告诉安东尼奥,如果他有足够的钱,他很快就会娶她,但安东尼奥还是没有借给他钱。 【41 题详解】 细节理解题。根据 But the visit was more important than usual for Bassanio. He already owed Antonio a lot of money, but now he wanted to borrow some more.但这次访问对巴萨尼奥来说比平常更重要。他已经欠了安东尼 奥很多钱,但现在他想再借一些。可知巴萨尼奥去拜访安东尼奥是为了借钱,故答案选 D。 【42 题详解】 细节理解题。根据 You might to think of your money that way. The money you gave me is the first ball. It is lost, and I know it’s my fault. But if you gave me some more money, it could be like that second ball and help you get all the money back. I will give back the money you give me now as well as the money that I have already lost. 你可以这 样想你的钱。你给我的钱是第一个球。它丢了,我知道这是我的错。但是如果你再给我一些钱,就会像第 二个球一样,帮你把所有的钱拿回来。我要把你现在给我的钱和我已经失去的钱都还给你。可知会使用他 的钱当成第二个球,故答案选 B。 【43 题详解】 细节理解题。根据 she was not married. 她没有结婚。She is rich and young and beautiful. Her hair is like gold. 她 又富又年轻又漂亮,她的头发像金子一样;可知她是单身且有金色的头发,所以 A 选项符合题意,正确; 根据巴萨尼奥的叙述 I am certain she would marry me, 我相信她会嫁给我,可知波西亚并没有答应嫁给他,所 以 B 选项不符合文意,错误。根据 Her father died and left her a lot of money. 她父亲去世了,给她留下了一大 笔钱。可知是她父亲给她留下的钱,不是她做生意得到的钱,所以 C 选项不符合文意,错误。根据 Many men came from all over the world to court her, but nobody had succeeded.许多男人从世界各地来追求她,但没有一个 成功。可知 D 选项不符合文意,错误。故答案选 A。 【44 题详解】 词义猜测题。根据上文 you can go into town and try to borrow the money.你可以到城里去借钱。以及下文 Don't worry!别担心。结合本句 Tell the moneylenders that Antonio will guarantee the money is paid back to them.可知句 意为:告诉放债人,安东尼奥将保证把钱还给他们。所以 guarantee 意思是“确保、保证”,结合选项可知A 选项符合题意,故答案选 A。 【45 题详解】 推理判断题。根据 You know that all my ships are at sea just now, so I do not have much money to give you. However, you can go into town and try to borrow the money. Tell the moneylenders that Antonio will guarantee the money is paid back to them. Don't worry! 你知道我所有的船现在都在海上,所以我没有很多钱给你。不过,你 可以到城里去借钱。告诉放债人,安东尼奥将保证把钱还给他们。别担心!由此可以推知安东尼奥没有把钱 借给巴萨尼奥,故答案选 B。 (B)任务型阅读。 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。 When it comes to judgement (评价) of their bodies, women can’t win. I spoke to two women who were shamed for being fat, and after losing weight, shamed for being fit. Sarah Moore is a 29-year-old mother of three children from Indiana, US. She became a personal trainer after losing more than 45 kg. She remembers the fat-shaming that happened to her before her weight loss. When waiting to get on a roller coaster, people behind her were complaining about the wait, and the person who worked there said, “Don’t worry. She’s probably not going to fit on here, and you’ll be next.” But after losing weight, Moore said people commented (评论) on her body even more. “Now I get comments like, ‘Are you sure you can eat that?’ I think they’re worried I’ll get the weight back,” she said. How does it make her feel? “Fat-shaming brought me sadness and I couldn’t get any help. Fit-shaming makes me feel angry,” she said. Changes in body weight can also influence relationships. It can break the balance because people who lose weight can not only become more confident but also be the envy of others. Fit-shaming has been more difficult to deal with for Andrea Sereda, a 38-year-old social worker in Canada. She said judgement of her body is something she’s faced for years. Sereda said that when she was 9, her grandfather said to her at a birthday party, “I don’t think you should eat cake,” and made comments about how many calories each bite had inside as she ate it. The judgement of Sereda’s body increased after she lost 57 kg. Closer friends seemed to compare their own bodies negatively (消极的) with Sereda’s new body type. “I am afraid of going out and having to deal with all these comments,” Sereda said. Let us try to understand that just because someone has lost weight, it doesn’t make them fair game (可抨击的对 象) for comments on their new shapes. Everyone should live free of being body shamed, paying no attention to how they look. Shamed for being fat or ___46___ Examples Sarah Moore Andrea Sereda Before losing weight Someone ___47___ whether she could fit on the roller coaster. At a party, her grandfather ___48___ her eating cake. ___49___ losing weight People made even ___50___ comments on her body. It was not pleasant for her friends to ___51___ her new body type with their own. The two women’s ___52___ She used to feel sad and ___53___ for being fat and is angry for being fit now. She was afraid to ___54___ out and deal with all these comments. The writer’s ideas · We’d better not comment on those who have lost weight. · We should live ___55___ having shame for our body. 【答案】46. fit 47. doubted 48. prevented/stopped 49. After 50. more 51. compare 52. feelings 53. helpless 54. go 55. without 【解析】 文章大意:本文主要通过 Sarah Moore 和 Andrea Sereda 两个人在减肥前和减肥后人们对于她们身体的评价 和自己的感受,告诉我们不要去过多的在乎身体怎样,我们要活的轻松一点,不要去在意别人对于自己身 体的看法。 【46 题详解】 考查形容词。根据文中的信息 I spoke to two women who were shamed for being fat, and after losing weight, shamed for being fit. 我采访了两位女士,她们为自己的肥胖感到羞愧,减肥后又为自己的健康感到羞愧。可 知文章是关于 being fat or fit,故答案为 fit。 【47 题详解】 考查动词。根据文中的信息 When waiting to get on a roller coaster, people behind her were complaining about the wait, 等着上过山车的时候,她身后的人抱怨着等待;可知一些人怀疑她的体重是否适合坐过山车。doubt 疑惑、怀疑,陈述过去的事情用一般过去时态,故答案为 doubted。 【48 题详解】 考查动词。根据文中的信息 Sereda said that when she was 9, her grandfather said to her at a birthday party, “I don’t think you should eat cake,” Sereda 说,她 9 岁时,祖父在生日聚会上对她说:“我觉得你不应该吃蛋 糕”,可知他的祖父阻止他吃蛋糕;阻止,英文表达是prevent 或 stop,事情发生在过去,用一般过去时态, 故答案为 prevented/stopped。 【49 题详解】 考查介词。根据本行后面所对应的内容,结合文中的信息 But after losing weight, Moore said people commented (评论) on her body even more. 但在减肥之后,人们对她的身材评价更多了。可知此处表达的是:减肥后,故 用介词 after 在……之后,且首字母要大写,故答案为 After。 【50 题详解】 考查形容词。根据文中 信息 But after losing weight, Moore said people commented (评论) on her body even more. 但在减肥之后,人们对她的身材评价更多了。more 更多的,形容词的比较级,even 甚至,修饰比较 级,故答案为 more。 【51 题详解】 考查动词。根据文中的信息 Closer friends seemed to compare their own bodies negatively (消极的) with Sereda’s new body type. 更亲密的朋友似乎把自己的身体和 Sereda 的新体型做了负面的比较。compare 比较、对比, 此句是 it is+形容词+to do sth.所以用填动词原形,故答案为 compare。 【52 题详解】 考查名词。根据本行后面所对应的内容,可知是描述这两位女士的感受的,feeling 感觉、感受,此处指两 个人的感受,所以用复数,故答案为 feelings。 【53 题详解】 考查形容词。根据文中 Sarah Moore 的陈述 Fat-shaming brought me sadness and I couldn’t get any help. 肥胖羞 辱给我带来了悲伤,我无法得到任何帮助。couldn’t get any help 也可以理解为无助的 being helpless,故答案 为 helpless。 的 【54 题详解】 考查动词。根据文中 Andrea Sereda 的陈述 I am afraid of going out and having to deal with all these comments. 我 害怕走出去,害怕面对所有这些评论。be afraid of doing 可以理解为 be afraid to do,所以这里用动词原形; go out 出去,故答案为 go。 【55 题详解】 考查介词。根据文中的信息 Everyone should live free of being body shamed, 每个人都应该摆脱被人羞辱的生活, free of being 可以理解为 without being,故答案为 without。 (C).阅读与回答问题。 Have you ever heard of Wu Dajing? He was born in Jiamusi, Heilongjiang Province on July 24, 1994. He is a world-famous Chinese short track speed skater(短道速滑运动员). He is very handsome. He is 1.82 metres tall, but his weight is just 73 kilograms. He enjoys watching TV plays in his free time, although he is always busy training. Jiang Shuying is his favorite actress in China. Wu Dajing showed great interest in skating when he was very young. In 2004, he began to train for short track speed skating. In November, 2010 he became a member of China’s national team and trained even harder. With the help of his chief coach Li Yan, he skates better and faster. Because of his good performance(表现), Wu Dajing was chosen for the Chinese team at the Winter Olympic Games. He won a silver medal in the men’s 500 metres at 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia, as well as a bronze(铜牌) in the men’s 5,000-metre relay race(接力赛). On February 22, 2018 he won a gold medal in the men’s 500 metres at the 2018 Winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang and at the same time broke the record of Olympic Games. He also won a silver in the men’s 5,000-metre relay race as a member of Chinese men’s team. He is a symbol of courage and success. As Chinese, we are all proud of him. 回答下面 5 个问题,每题答案不超过五个词 56. What does Wu Dajing do in his free time? ___________________________________________________________ 57. When did he become a member of China’s national team? ___________________________________________________________ 58. Who helps him skate better and faster? ___________________________________________________________ 59. Why was he chosen for the Chinese team at the Winter Olympic Games? ___________________________________________________________ 60. How many medals did he win at the 2018 Winter Olympic Games? ___________________________________________________________ 【答案】56. He watches TV plays. 57. In November, 2010. 58. His chief coach/ Li Yan. 59. Because of his good performance. 60. Two. 【解析】 文章大意:文章描述了短道速滑运动员武大靖的日常生活特点和他获得的荣誉记录。他外貌俊朗,身高一 米八二,体重七十三公斤,喜欢空闲时间看电视,最爱的演员是江疏影。武大靖在训练时付出了巨大了努 力,也取得了令人骄傲和肯定的成绩。 【56 题详解】 细节理解题。根据 He enjoys watching TV plays in his free time,可知,武大靖喜欢在空闲时间看电视剧,故答 案为 He watches TV plays. 【57 题详解】 细节理解题。根据 In November, 2010 he became a member of China’s national team and trained even harder.可知, 2010 年 11 月,武大靖成为中国国家队队员,训练更加刻苦。故答案为:In November,2010. 【58 题详解】 细节理解题。根据 With the help of his chief coach Li Yan, he skates better and faster. 可知,在主教练李岩的帮 助下,他滑得越来越好,越来越快。故答案为:His chief coach/Li Yan. 【59 题详解】 细节理解题。根据 Because of his good performance, Wu Dajing was chosen for the Chinese team at the Winter Olympic Games. 可 知 , 由 于 他 的 出 色 表 现 , 武 大 靖 在 冬 季 奥 运 会 上 被 选 入 中 国 队 。 故 答 案 为 : Because of his good performance. 【60 题详解】 细节理解题。根据 On February 22, 2018 he won a gold medal in the men’s 500 metres at the 2018 Winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang and at the same time broke the record of Olympic Games. He also won a silver in the men’s 5,000-metre relay race as a member of Chinese men’s team. 2018 年 2 月 22 日,武大靖在平昌冬奥会上 获得男子 500 米金牌,同时打破了奥运会纪录。作为中国男子队的一员,他还获得了男子 5000 米接力赛的 银牌。由此可知,2018 年冬奥会上武大靖获得了 2 枚奖牌。故答案为:Two. 四、词汇。 A) (A) 根据句意和汉语注释,写出正确的单词。(每空限一词) 61. Lots of _________(现代化的) buildings appeared on both sides of the street. 62. The truth he told us not only brought him some friends but also some ________ (敌人) . 63. Can you __________(描述) your feeling when you heard the terrible news? 64. After graduating from the university, he went on to work in a __________(医疗的) team. 65. We should guard _________(对抗) any possible danger in the community centre. 【答案】61. modern 62. enemies 63. describe 64. medical 65. against 【解析】 【61 题详解】 句意:街道两旁出现了许多现代化的建筑物。modern 现代化的是形容词,根据汉语提示可知,buildings 建 筑物是名词。名词前要用形容词修饰。故应填 modern。 【62 题详解】 句意:他告诉我们的事实不仅给他带来了一些朋友,也给他带来了一些人敌人。enemy 敌人是可数名词, 根据汉语提示可知,some 后要加可数名词复数。Some enemies 一些人敌人。故应填 enemies。 【63 题详解】 句意:当你听到这个可怕的消息时,你能描述下你的感受吗?describe 描述是动词,根据汉语提示可知,Can 后要加动词原形。故应填 describe。 【64 题详解】 句意:大学毕业后,他继续在一个医疗队工作。medical 医疗的是形容词,根据汉语提示可知,team 队是名 词。名词前要用形容词修饰 in a medical team 在一个医疗队。故应填 medical。 【65 题详解】 句意:在社区活动中心我们应该防范任何可能发生的危险。against 防范、对抗。根据汉语提示可知,guard against 防范固定搭配短语。故应填 against。 B) 根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。 66. Early this morning I was busy__________ (dig) in the garden to plant trees. 67. He has made the___________ (satisfy) progress since he gave up playing computer games. 68. How________ (peace) the pandas are lying on the big stone! They are enjoying the sunshine. 69. Don’t get___________ (patient) when you are in trouble. You should try to calm down. 70. You needn’t worry about your daughter. She___________ (lie) in bed for ten minutes. 【答案】66. digging 67. satisfying 68. peacefully 69. impatient 70. has lain 【解析】 【66 题详解】 句意:今天早上,我正忙着在花园里挖坑种树。 根据题干 Early this morning I was busy____ (dig) in the garden to plant trees. 可知句意为:今天早上,我正忙着 在花园里挖坑种树。be busy doing sth.忙于做某事,dig 挖,动词,ing 形式为 digging,故答案为 digging。 【67 题详解】 句意:自从他放弃玩电脑游戏以来,他已经取得了令人满意的进步。 根据题干 He has made the____ (satisfy) progress since he gave up playing computer games.可知句意为:自从他放 弃玩电脑游戏以来,他已经取得了令人满意的进步。satisfy 令人满意,动词,设空处修饰后面的名词 progress,所以应填入一个形容词作定语,与 satisfy 所对应的形容词是 satisfying 令人满意的,故答案为 satisfying。 【68 题详解】 句意:熊猫躺在大石头上多么平静啊! 他们正在享受阳光。 根据 How_____ (peace) the pandas are lying on the big stone! They are enjoying the sunshine.可知句意为:熊猫躺 在大石头上多么平静啊! 他们正在享受阳光。本句为感叹句,这里是修饰动词,所以用副词,与 peace 所 对应的副词是 peacefully 平静地、安然地,故答案为 peacefully。 【69 题详解】 句意:当你遇到麻烦时,不要失去耐心。你应该试着冷静下来。 根据 You should try to calm down. 你应该试着冷静下来。结合 Don’t get____ (patient) when you are in trouble.可 知此处表示的是相反的意思,即没有耐心,结合所给出的词语提示,可知应填 impatient 不耐烦,故答案为 impatient。 【70 题详解】 句意:你不必为你女儿担心,她已经在床上躺了十分钟了。 根据 You needn’t worry about your daughter. 结合 She____ (lie) in bed for ten minutes.可知句意为:你不必为你 女儿担心,她已经在床上躺了十分钟了。句子时态用现在完成时,其结构为 have/has+done,主语 she 是第 三人称单数,用 has,lie 的过去分词是 lain,故答案为 has lain。 C) 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。 Do you know who invented tea? In fact, tea, the most popular drink in the world (after water), was invented by accident. According to an ancient Chinese legend, the Emperor Shen Nong discovered tea w___71___ he was boiling drinking water over an open fire. Some l___72___ from a nearby bush fell into the water and remained there for some time. The Emperor n___73___ that the leaves in the water produced a pleasant smell. L___74___ he decided to taste the hot mixture. To his surprise, it was quite d ___75___ . And in his way, one of the world's favorite drinks was invented. China is the home of tea with a history of o___76___ 4,000 years. People all over China drink tea almost every day. Also tea is drunk by a large number of people in the world. Tea from China, along w___77___ silk and china, began to be known by the world more than 1,000 years ago and has been an important Chinese export since then. Tea leaves are produced mainly in the s___78___ of the Yangtze River, in the provinces of Zhejiang, Jiangxi and Fujian, because of the pleasant climate and rich soil there. Longjing , Wulong , Tieguanyin and Pu'er are a___79___famous kinds of tea. Over the past centuries, Chinese people have d___80___ their own tea culture, which includes tea planting, tea-leaf picking, tea making and so on. Tea is also a quite popular topic which is often mentioned in dances, songs, poems and novels. 【答案】71. when/while 72. leaves 73. noticed 74. Later 75. delicious 76. over 77. with 78. south 79. all 80. developed 【解析】 文章大意:本文主要讲述的是有关于茶叶的事情。茶叶是偶然间被神农发现的,发现之后就一直受到人们 的欢迎,直到现在。有很多品种的茶叶受人们喜爱,比如普洱、龙井等。 【71 题详解】 句意:据中国古代传说,神农大帝在明火上烧水时发现了茶。 根据 the Emperor Shen Nong discovered tea w__1__ he was boiling drinking water over an open fire.可知是神农大 帝在明火上烧水时发现了茶,“当……的时候”when/while,这里是 when/while 引导的时间状语从句,故答 案为 when/while。 【72 题详解】 句意:附近一丛灌木上的一些叶子掉进了水里,在那里停留了一段时间。 根据 a nearby bush 附近一丛灌木,以及下文的 the leaves in the water produced a pleasant smell.水里的叶子发出 一种清香的气味,结合首字母提示,可知应该是叶子掉进了水里,修饰词 some 后面名词用复数,故答案为 leaves。 【73 题详解】 句意:神农大帝注意到水里的叶子发出一种清香的气味。 根据 The Emperor n__3__ that the leaves in the water produced a pleasant smell.结合首字母提示,可知是神农大 帝注意到水里的叶子发出一种清香的气味。notice 注意,动词;故事发生在过去,时态用一般过去时,故答 案为 noticed。 【74 题详解】 句意:后来他决定尝一下这种热的混合物。 根据 L__4__ he decided to taste the hot mixture. 结合首字母提示,可知是后来他决定尝一下这种热 混合物。 later 后来,副词,置于句首,修饰整个句子,表示这是发现气味之后的决定,首字母要大写,故答案为 Later。 【75 题详解】 句意:令他惊讶的是,它非常美味。 根据下文 one of the world's favorite drinks was invented. 世界上最受欢迎的饮料之一被发明了。结合 To his surprise, it was quite d __5__ .及首字母提示,可知应该是尝起来很美味,故答案为 delicious。 【76 题详解】 句意:中国是茶的故乡,有 4000 多年的历史。 根据,根据 China is the home of tea with a history of 中国是茶的故乡,后面提到 4000 年,结合首字母 o,可知 是有超过 4000 年的历史,over 超过,故答案为 over。 【77 题详解】 句意:中国茶与丝绸、瓷器一样,早在 1000 多年前就开始为世界所知, 根据 Tea from China, along w__7__ silk and china, began to be known by the world more than 1,000 years ago,结 合首字母提示,可知此处表达的是中国茶与丝绸、瓷器一样,早在 1000 多年前就开始为世界所知。along with 的 连同……一起,固定词组,故答案为 with。 【78 题详解】 句意:茶叶主要产自长江以南。 根据下文 in the provinces of Zhejiang, Jiangxi and Fujian, 浙江,江西,福建,结合 Tea leaves are produced mainly in the s__8__ of the Yangtze River,以及常识,可知这些城市都是在长江以南,south 南方、南部,in the south of the Yangtze River 长江以南,故答案为 south。 【79 题详解】 句意:龙井、乌龙、铁观音、普洱茶都是名茶。 根据 Longjing , Wulong , Tieguanyin and Pu'er are a__9__famous kinds of tea.可知龙井、乌龙、铁观音、普洱茶 这几种都是名茶,表示“三者或三者以上都”用 all,故答案为 all。 【80 题详解】 句意:在过去的几个世纪里,中国人发展了自己的茶文化。 根据下文 includes tea planting, tea-leaf picking, tea making and so on. 包括种茶、采茶、制茶等,可知这些都属 于茶文化,结合 Over the past centuries, Chinese people have d__10__ their own tea culture, 及首字母提示,可知 句意为在过去的几个世纪里,中国人发展了自己的茶文化。develop 发展,动词,由前面的 have 可知句子时 态用现在完成时,即 have/has+动词的过去分词,故答案为 developed。 五、书面表达。 81.书面表达 有梦想就有目标,有希冀才会奋斗。无论国家、社会还是个人,梦想都是保持生机、激发活力的源泉。2018 年 12 月 31 日国家主席习近平发表的二〇一九年新年贺词中提到“我们都在努力奔跑,我们都是追梦人”。最 近,你班就“我们的梦想”展开了一次讨论。下面是你们小组的谈论情况汇总,请根据所给要点写一篇 80 词 左右的英语短文,向英语校刊投稿: 1. Philip,想当音乐家,很有音乐天赋,曾经创作了具有地方特色音乐并获奖; 2. Anita,比起做导演更想当演员,她在校戏剧社担任主角,2018 年首次亮相荧屏; 3.Tom, 想去亚洲其他国家旅游,比如世界第二人口大国印度,印度以 IT 业而闻名; 4.你,擅长破案解谜,梦想成为一名侦探, 查明一切真相; 5.为了实现梦想,你认为……。 注意:1.短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。 2.短文须包括以上内容要点,语句通顺、意思连贯。 3.第 5 点须展开合理想象,发挥 1-2 句。 Our dreams Recently, we have held a discussion to talk about our dreams. Here is the report about our ideas_______________________________________________________________ 【答案】Our dreams Recently, we have held a discussion to talk about our dreams. Here is the report about our ideas. Philip has a musical talent. He used to create music with local characteristics and won awards, so he wanted to be a musician. Anita would rather be an actor than a director. She starred in the school drama club and made her screen debut in 2018. Tom wants to travel to other Asian countries, such as India, the world's second most populous country, which is famous for its IT industry. As for me, I'm good at solving puzzles. So, I dream to be a detective and find out all the truth. In order to realize our dream, I think we must study hard now and lay a good foundation of knowledge. 【解析】 【详解】这篇短文使用了大量的固定句式和短语,为文章增色不少,如 hold a discussion,talk about,a lot of,used to,would rather…than,such as,be famous for,as for me,be good at,dream to be,find out,in order to 等。而复杂并列结构 She starred in the school drama club and made her screen debut in 2018.和 He used to create music with local characteristics and won awards, so he wanted to be a musician./ Tom wants to travel to other Asian countries, such as India, the world's second most populous country, which is famous for its IT industry. / In order to realize our dream, I think we must study hard now and lay a good foundation of knowledge.等复杂从句结构 的运用,丰富了短文内容,使表达多样化,是本文的最大亮点。在学习中注意总结牢记一些固定句式及短 语,写作时就可以适当引用,使文章表达更有逻辑性,也更富有条理。 【点睛】书面表达题既不是汉译英,也不是可任意发挥的作文。它要求将所规定的材料内容经整理后展开 思维,考查运用所学英语知识准确表达意思的能力。所以,考生不能遗漏要点,要尽量使用自己熟悉的单 词、短语和句式,尽可能使用高级词汇和较复杂的句式结构以便得到较高的分数。

