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‎2014年贵州省铜仁市初中毕业生学业(升学)统一考试英语试卷 第Ⅰ卷 客观题 (共90分)‎ 第一部分 听力测试 温馨揭示:听力Ⅰ共四个部分,分别听完这四部分的材料后,先将各部分的试题在第Ⅰ卷上选做出来,等包括听力Ⅱ在内的听力材料全部结束后,再将答题卡上与各小题的所选答案对应的答题框涂黑。并将听力Ⅱ的填空部分写在答题卡相应的位置。‎ 听 力Ⅰ (20分)‎ Ⅰ.听五个句子,选择与所听内容相符的图片,并在答题卡的相应位置将其字母序号涂黑。每个句子读两遍。(5分)‎ A B C D E Ⅱ.听五个句子,分别选择其相应的应答语,并在答题卡的相应位置将其字母序号涂黑。每个句子读两遍。(5分)‎ ‎⒍ A.Yes, I like. B. It’s very hot. C. Sorry, I don’t.‎ ‎⒎ A. Every day. B. On Sunday. C. Yesterday.‎ ‎⒏ A. Yes, it is. B.Yes, I am. C. Yes, there is.‎ ‎⒐ A. Thank you. B. Yes, we will. C. No, I don’t like apples.‎ ‎⒑ A.This is Marry. B. Hold on, please. C. Thank you very much.‎ Ⅲ.听五段对话,根据其内容及各题的问题选择正确选项,并在答题卡的相应位置将其字母序号涂黑。每段对话读两遍。(5分)‎ ‎⒒ Where are they talking?‎ A. In a school. B. In a shopping center. C. In a hospital.‎ ‎⒓ What’s the dress made of?‎ A. Natural materials. B. Silk. C. Cotton.‎ ‎⒔ When are they going to meet?‎ A. At 7:00. B. At 8:00. C. At 7:30.‎ ‎⒕ What will the man do next?‎ A. Go for a field trip. B. Stay at home. C. Watch TV.‎ ‎⒖Where will Darren go for his vacation?‎ A. China. B. America. C. England.‎ Ⅳ.听一篇短文,根据短文内容和所提问题选择正确答案,并在答题卡的相应位置将其字母序号涂黑。短文读两遍。(5分)‎ ‎⒗ Some western people don’t like the number _________.‎ A. 11. B. 12. C. 13.‎ ‎⒘ They don’t like the number because they think it’s _________.‎ A. Small. B. Boring C. unlucky.‎ ‎⒙ When all the friends arrived, Mr. Smith asked them _________.‎ A.to have dinner. B. to have a party. C. to drink coffee.‎ ‎⒚ Mr. Smith invited _________ friends to get together.‎ A. 11. B. 12 C. 13‎ ‎⒛ Mr. Brown said there were 14 people because ___________.‎ A. his wife would hare a baby soon.‎ B. another friend was coming.‎ C. Mrs. Smith was coming.‎ 温馨提示:听力Ⅱ (10分) 试题在第Ⅱ卷 第二部分 综合运用 Ⅰ. 单项选择 (15分)‎ 从下列各题所给的选项A、B、C、D中选择能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡的相应位置将其涂黑。‎ ‎21. There _________ a sports meet in our school next week.‎ A. Is B. will have C. Are D. will be ‎22. —Is this_________ bike?‎ ‎—No, it’s Lily’s. _________ is over there.‎ A. your, My B. your, Mine C. yours, Mine D. yours, My ‎23. He hardly goes to school by car, _________ he?‎ A. Does B. doesn’t C. Is D. isn’t ‎24. —My mother has been ill for several days.‎ ‎—____________‎ A. That’s too bad. B. I’m sorry to hear that.‎ C. How terrible! D. Never mind.‎ ‎25. Da Shan is _________ at Chinese. He can speak Chinese very _________.‎ A. good,good B. well,well C. good,well D. well,good ‎26. —How can we protect ourselves ________ the earthquake?‎ ‎—We should stay calm first.‎ A. With B. About C. For D. from ‎27. The Yangzhi River is one of __________ in the world.‎ A. the longest rivers B. the longest river C. longer rivers D. longer river ‎28. Do you know _________ an “o” and _________ “u” in the word “computer”?‎ A. there is,an B. is there,an C. there is,a D. is there,a ‎29.We’ll play basketball ________ Class 3 tomorrow.‎ A. Over B. Against C. To D. for ‎30. —Must I water the flowers now?‎ ‎—No, you ________ . You __________ do it later.‎ A. mustn’t,must B. musn’t,may C. needn’t,may D. needn’t,must ‎31. —Where is Mr. Zhao?‎ ‎—He _________ to Mount Fanjing. He’ll come back _______ a week.‎ A. has been,in B. has gone,after C. has gone,in D. has been,after ‎32. —_________ sweet music! Do you like it?‎ ‎—Mm, it ___________ beautiful!‎ A. How a, sounds B. How,listens C. What a,listens D. What,sounds ‎33. We _________ for a picnic if it _________ rain this Sunday.‎ A.go,doesn’t B. will go, won’t C. will go, doesn’t D. go, won’t ‎34.In our school, _____ students like English, but _____ of them can speak English smoothly.‎ A. a little, a few B. a few, few C. a few, little D. a little, few ‎35. —It’s too hot. Why not go swimming with us?‎ ‎—___________‎ A. Good idea! B. That’s right! C. Well done! D. Congratulations!‎ Ⅱ. 完形填空 (10分)‎ 阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容从短文后各题所给的选项中选择能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡的相应位置将其涂黑。‎ Fashion is 36 f culture. the Tang costume stands 37 Chinese history and fashion culture. It 38 Tang costume when China became known to other countries 39 the Han and Tang dynasties. From then on, people called Chinese clother Tang costumes .‎ Chinese fashion is not only differendt from western fashion, 40 from that in other Asian countries such as Japan and Korea.The beautiful silk knots and the other decorations on Tang style clothes are popular all over the 41 now Today people can design the Tang costume as 42 formal or casual clothes . it 43 both the wearer's personal style and 24 rich traditional culture. So we say the Tang costume is very 45 and very different from western-style suits.‎ ‎36. A. Filled B. Full C. made ‎37. A. .for B. To C. in ‎38. A. was called B. is called C.call ‎39. A. Before B. Among C. during ‎40. A. and also B. but also C. and ‎41. A. World B. Country C. nation ‎42. A. Either B. Neither C. both ‎43. A. Express B. Expressed C. expresses ‎44. A. Japan’s B. Korea’s C. China’s ‎45. A. Interesting B. Attractive C. new Ⅲ. 情景交际 (15分)‎ ‎⑴ 从B栏中找出与A栏相对应的答语,并在答题卡的相应位置将其涂黑。 (5分)‎ A B ‎46. How far is your home from school? A. It’s great! I really love living there.‎ ‎47. I wish I could fly to the moon one day. B. It’s two o’clock.‎ ‎48. What’s the time now? C. About ten minutes’ walk.‎ ‎49. How do you like living in the country? D. Of course not.‎ ‎50. Would you mind my opening the window? E. I hope your dream will come true.‎ ‎⑵ 从方框内选择能填入对话相应空白处的适当选项,并在答题卡的相应位置将其涂黑。 (10分)‎ A. We stayed there for two weeks.‎ B.Whom did you go with?‎ C.They are very friendly D.We visited many places of interest and took many photos.‎ E.How did you go there?‎ A:Where did you go for your summer holiday last year? B:I went to Beijing.‎ A: 51 B: I went there with my parents.‎ A: 52 B: I went there by plane.‎ A:How long did you stay there? B: 53‎ A:What did you do there? B: 54‎ A:What do you think of people there? B: 55‎ 第三部分 阅读理解及判断 Ⅰ. 阅读理解 (20分)‎ 阅读A与B两篇短文,从56-65每小题所给的选项中选出最佳答案,并在答题卡的相应位置将其涂黑。‎ ‎(A)‎ We live in the computer age. People use computers to do much of their work. Such as playing games, listening to music, shopping and so on. But few people know how totake care of them. Please remember the following when you use your computer:‎ ‎1.Keep your computer in a dry cool room. Too much heat is bad for computers.‎ ‎2.Do not smoke near your computer. Smoking is also bad for them.‎ ‎3.Do not drink or eat near computers. A little water and pieces of food in the keyboard are also bad for a computer.‎ ‎4.Keep your screen clean and do not have it too bright. They are bad for your eyes. Make sure the screen is not too far or too near your eyes when you use a computer.‎ ‎56. What can people do with computers?‎ A. playing games. B. listening to music. C. Shopping. D. all of them above.‎ ‎57. Where should coputers be put?‎ A. Five. B. Seven. C. Thirty-five. D. Forty.‎ ‎58. What is bad for a computer?‎ A. Too much heat in the room, smoking or eating near the computer.‎ B. Too much heat in the room, drinking or eating near the computer.‎ C. Too much heat in the room, smoking or drinking near the computer.‎ D. Too much heat in the room, smoking, drinking or eating near the computer.‎ ‎59. Why shouldn’t we keep the screen of a computer too bright? Because it’s bad for ______.‎ A. the computer B. our eyes C. our bodies D. our environment ‎60. The best title of the passage may be _________.‎ A. How to protect our eyes?‎ B. How to use computers?‎ C. How to protect your computer?‎ D.What can computers do for us?‎ ‎(B)‎ Wang Yan, a 15-year-old Chinese girl, likes eating snacks very much. She prefers cream biscuits, McDonald’s food, KFC chicken. As a result, she has become overweight.‎ Today in China, there are many children like Wang Yan. Health experts say that children should have healthy eating habits. First, they must eat regular meals and begin with a healthy breakfast. Second, they should have different kinds of foods, such as fruit, vegetables, grain, eggs, milk and meat. Third, children shouldn’t eat too much junk food. It’s delicious, but eating it often is bad for their health. If children do as the experts say, they won’t become overweight. They will be healthier. Students won’t become tired at school, and they will have enough energy to study hard.‎ ‎61.Why has Wang Yan become overweight?‎ A. Because she doesn’t like sports. B. Because she likes eating vegetables C. Because she likes eating snacks. D. Because she likes eating fruit.‎ ‎62. How many pieces of advice do health experts give in this passage?‎ A. Two. B. Three. C. Four D. Five.‎ ‎63. What kind of food are good for our health according to the passage?‎ A. Milk, fruit, KFC chicken.‎ B. Cream biscuits, McDonald’s hamburgers and KFC chicken.‎ C. Packages of biscuits.‎ D. fruit, vegetables, grain, eggs, milk and meat.‎ ‎64. What will be the result if we do as the experts say? We will be _________.‎ A. Overweight. B. Healthier. C. tired at school D. confident.‎ ‎65. What does the writer think of junk food?‎ A. Terrible. B. Healthy. C. Unhealthy D. Sweet.‎ Ⅱ. 阅读判断 (10分)‎ ‎(C)‎ Many people go to school for an education. Some learn languages, history, math and other subjects. Others go to school to learn a skill. School education is very important and useful. Yet, no one can learn everything from school. A teacher can not teach his students everything they want to know. So, much more is to be learned outside school by the students themselves.‎ Great people before us didn’t get everything from school .Their teachers only showed them the way. Edison did not even finish school. But they were all so successful because they knew how to study. They read books that were not taught at school . They would ask many questions as they read. They worked hard all their lives. Above all , they knew how to use their heads.‎ 根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正 (A)与误 (B),并在答题卡的相应位置将其涂黑。‎ ‎66. Many people go to school only for an education, they don’t there to learn a skill.‎ ‎67. People can learn everything from school.‎ ‎68. Students can learn much more outside school by themselves.‎ ‎69. Edison was successful because he read many books that were taught at school.‎ ‎70. Great people knew how to use their heads.‎ 第Ⅱ卷 主观题 (共60分)‎ 听 力Ⅱ (10分)‎ 听一篇短文,根据所听到的短文内容填写表格。每空一词。答案书写在答题卡卷Ⅱ各小题规定的位置。‎ Time On a cold 71.___________ afternoon Place Some children were skating on the ice in a 72.___________‎ Accident The ice 73._________, one of the boys fell into the water.‎ ‎74.______ old men wanted to help the boy, but they fell into the water,too.‎ A young man 75.______ into the water and saved the boy and the old men.‎ 任务型阅读 (10分)‎ 阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容完成76-80小题。答案书写在答题卡卷Ⅱ各小题规定的位置。‎ William Shakespeare was born in 1564 in England. At school. He liked watching plays. He decided to be an actor when he finished school at the age of 14.‎ At 28, he moved to London and joined a theater company which opened the Globe Theater in 1599. He became an actor and he also wrote plays. He usually acted his own plays. He got almost no money from his writing. But he made a lot of money from acting.‎ Shakespeare died at the age of 52. He is a famous writer in the world.‎ 根据以上短文内容,完成下列句子,每空限填一个单词。‎ ‎76. William Shakespeare was a great writer and an _________ .‎ ‎77. William Shakespeare liked watching plays when he was at __________‎ ‎78. William Shakespeare joined a _________ company when he was 28.‎ ‎79. William Shakespeare didn’t make a lot of money from his _________ but acting.‎ ‎80. Shakespeare died in __________ .‎ 第四部分 书面表达 Ⅰ. 单词拼写 (10分)‎ ‎(A) 根据括号里所给单词(汉语)的适当形式填空,答案书写在答题卡卷Ⅱ各小题规定的位置。‎ ‎81. What do you often have for ___________ (午餐)?‎ ‎82. Look! My sister ___________ (洗) her hands.‎ ‎83.Would you like ___________ (park) your car here?‎ ‎84. How many people are there in your ___________ (家庭) ?‎ ‎85. My brother is old enough to look after ________ (he).‎ ‎(B) 根据句意和空缺处所给首字母写单词,答案书写在答题卡卷Ⅱ各小题规定的位置。‎ ‎86.Li Hua’s grandfather has been d___________ for 20 years.‎ ‎87. My uncle works in a hospital. He is a d__________ .‎ ‎88. Thursday is the f________ day of the week.‎ ‎89. Zhang Ping is very c__________ . He usually makes mistakes in his exam.‎ ‎90. In North China, people usually have n______, while in the south people usually have rice.‎ Ⅱ. 短文改错 (10分)‎ 下列短文的划线部分是错误的,请将其正确答案书写在答题卡卷Ⅱ各小题规定的位置。‎ Most children likes watching TV very much. And they like watching 91. __________‎ cartoons every day.But watching TV too many is bad for them.Why do 92. __________‎ children likes watching TV? Because they think it is interested and 93. __________‎ easy to watching TV. They can hear the voices and watch the moving 94. __________‎ pictures at a same time. They can see and learn a lot 95. __________‎ from their countries. They also learn newer and better ways of 96. __________‎ do something. They may find the world is smaller and smaller. 97. __________‎ Many children watch TV only on Saturday and Sunday evening.Because 98. __________‎ They are busy with lessons on weekdays. And some children watch TV 99. __________‎ every night. So they go to bed too later. It’s bad for their health and eyes. 100. _________‎ Ⅲ. 写 作 (20分)‎ 假如明天是你妈妈的生日,你想为妈妈做一份炒饭,请根据所给内容提示,写一篇你做炒饭的过程。1. 2. 3.‎ 参考词汇:1. fried rice cooked meat oil salt green onions(葱)‎ ‎2. cook cut put fry add ‎3. carefully finely(细微地) slowly lightly 要 求:1.语言表达准确,语意通顺、连贯;‎ ‎2.书写工整、规范;‎ ‎3.根据所给内容及参考词汇,可适当发挥;‎ ‎4.文中不得出现真实的校名和姓名;‎ ‎3. 词数:70词左右。文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数。‎ Tomorrow is my mother’s birthday.__________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎(短文书写于答题卡卷Ⅱ规定的位置)‎ 铜仁市2014年初中毕业生学业(升学)统一考试英语科听力材料 听力Ⅰ (20分)‎ Ⅰ.听五个句子,选择与所听句子相符的图片,并在答题卡的相应位置将其字母序号涂黑。每段句子读两遍。(5分)‎ ‎⒈The music sounds beautiful.‎ ‎⒉ Li Lei has a cold, so he has to stay in bed.‎ ‎⒊ It’s a good season to fly kites in spring.‎ ‎⒋ China is famous for tea.‎ ‎⒌Beijing Opera is very popular with old people.‎ Ⅱ.听五个句子,分别选择其相应的应答语,并在答题卡的相应位置将其字母序号涂黑。每个句子读两遍。(5分)‎ ‎⒍ What’s the weather like today?‎ ‎⒎ How often do you play basketball?‎ ‎⒏ Is there a book on the desk?‎ ‎⒐ Help yourself to some apples.‎ ‎⒑ Who’s that?‎ Ⅲ.听五段对话,根据其内容及各题的问题选择正确选项,并在答题卡的相应位置将其字母序号涂黑。每段对话读两遍。(5分)‎ ‎⒒ M:Can I help you?‎ W:Yes, I want to buy the coat. How much is it?‎ M:50 yuan, madam.‎ Q:Where are they talking?‎ ‎⒓M: Look at that dress. How beautiful!‎ W: I like it. What is it made of?‎ M: It’s made of natural materials.‎ Q: What’s the dress made of?‎ ‎⒔M: Let’s go shopping together, Kate.‎ W: Good idea! When shall we meet?‎ M: Let’s make it 7:30 tomorrow morning.‎ Q: When are they going to meet?‎ ‎⒕M: Lucy, I always feel very bored and lonely.‎ W: Why not go for a field trip with me?‎ M: Good idea.‎ Q:What will the man do next?‎ ‎⒖W: Hi, Darren. Would you like to come to China for your vacation?‎ M: I’d like to. But my parents will take me to England instead.‎ Q:Where will Darren go for his vacation?‎ Ⅳ.听一篇短文,根据短文内容和所提问题选择正确答案,并在答题卡的相应位置将其字母序号涂黑。短文读两遍。(5分)‎ In some western countries, some people don’t like the number 13 because they think 13 is an unlucky number. For example, they don’t like to live on the thirteenth floor. One evening, Mr. Smith asked some friends to get together. When all of his friends arrived, he asked them to sit at the table for dinner. He began to count the people. Suddenly, he cried out,“Oh, there are thirteen people here!”Everyone’s face looked pale except Mr. Brown. He said with a smile, “Don’t worry, my friends. My wife Mrs. Brown will have a baby in a few weeks. So we have fourteen people here.”All of the friends became happy again. “Congratulations!”they said to Mr. Brown. They all had a good time that evening.‎ 听力Ⅱ (10分)‎ 听一篇短文,根据所听到的短文内容填写表格。答案书写在答题卡第Ⅱ卷各小题规定的位置。短文读两遍。‎ It was a cold winter afternoon. Some children were skating on the ice in a lake. Suddenly the ice broke. One of the boys fell into the water. The children were shouting, "Help! Help!"‎ Two old men were skating on the ice. They heard the sound and skated over to help.‎ The ice was thin and the two old men fell into the water, too. But they were still trying their best to save the little boy. But none of them could get out.Then people ran over to help them. A young man jumped into the water to save them. With the help of the young man, the boy and the two old men were out of the water. But one of the men was not feeling well. Some people took him to a hospital.‎ 参考答案 第Ⅰ卷 听力测试 (每小题1分)‎ ‎1-5 CEDBA 6-10 BACAA 11-15 BACAC 16-20 CCABA 综合运用 (每小题1分)‎ Ⅰ. 单项选择 ‎21-25 DBABC 26-30 DACBC 31-35 CDCBA Ⅱ. 完形填空 ‎36-40BAACB 41-45 AACCB Ⅲ. 情景交际 ‎46-50 (每小题1分) CEBAD ‎51-55 (每小题2分) BEADC 阅读理解及判断 (每小题2分)‎ ‎56-60 DCDBC 61-65 CBDBC 66-70 BBABA 第Ⅱ卷 听力Ⅱ (每小题2分)‎ ‎71.winter 72.lake 73.broke 74.Two 75.jumped 任务型阅读 (每小题2分)‎ ‎76. actor 77. school 78. theater 79. writing 80. 1616‎ Ⅰ. 单词拼写 (每小题1分)‎ ‎81. lunch 82. is washing 83. to park 84. family 85. himself ‎86. dead 87. doctor 88. fifth 89.careless 90. noodles Ⅱ. 短文改错 (每小题1分)‎ ‎91. like 92. much 93. interesting 94. watch 95. the ‎96.about 97. doing 98. evenings 99.But 100.late Ⅲ. 写作 (20分)‎ One possible version 1:‎ Tomorrow is my mother’s birthday. I want to make fried rice for her in order to express my love. I am sure I can cook it very well. Now let me show you how to cook it. First, cut some cooked meat very finely. Next, I need to put some oil in the pan. Then fry the meat lightly. After that, I need to add the rice slowly. Fry it for a few minutes. Finally, add some salt and green onions. Now the fried rice is ready.(82words)‎ One possible version 2:‎ Tomorrow is my mother’s birthday, I want to do something for my mother, I ‘d like to make fried rice for her, first, I must cut some cooked meat very finely, next, I need to put some oil in the ‎ pan., fry the meat lightly, after that, I need to add the rice slowly, then fry it for a few minutes. Finally , I should add some salt and green onion. How delicious! My fried rice is ready , I hope my mother will enjoy it .‎ 评分标准 档次 分值 评 分 标 准 一档 ‎18-20‎ 内容涵盖所有要点,格式正确,语言流畅,表达准确,意思连贯;无语言错误。‎ 二档 ‎15-17‎ 内容涵盖所有要点,格式正确,表达清楚,意思连贯;但有个别语言错误。‎ 三档 ‎12-14‎ 内容涵盖大部分要点,格式基本正确,表达较为清楚,意思连贯;但有一些语言错误。‎ 四档 ‎6-11‎ 内容涵盖部分要点,格式基本正确,写出少量正确句子,但整体表达不太连贯,且语言错误较多。‎ 五档 ‎1-5‎ 只有个别句子可读,甚至只能写出一些相关的单词,不成句子。‎

