初中英语九年级全册Unit5Whataretheshir课件 人教新目标版

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初中英语九年级全册Unit5Whataretheshir课件 人教新目标版

Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? 第五课时 Section B (2a2e) ►turn into意为“变成”,有时也可用作turn…into…,意为“把……变 成……”。 eg:Water can turn into ice in cold weather.水在寒冷的天气里能变成冰。 【拓展】与turn相关的短语归纳 turn on打开 turn off关上 turn down调低 turn up调高 ►according to意为“根据,按照”,其中to为介词,其后可接名词、代词、 从句,一般不接view (看法),opinion(意见)等这类词,也不接表示第一人称 的代词(me, us)。 eg: According to the weather report it will be sunny tomorrow.天气预报说明 天是晴天。 We are right according to the law.我们是有法律依据的。 ►be covered with意为“被……覆盖着”,其主动形式为cover…with…,意 为“用……把……覆盖”。 ►lively形容词,意为“生气勃勃的;(色彩)鲜艳的;生动的”。 eg:Mr.Wang's lessons are always lively and interesting.王老师的课总是生动 有趣。 ►heat的用法 ①作名词,意为“热;高温”。 eg:The heat from the fire will soon dry your coat.炉火的高温很快就会烤干 你的外套。 ②作动词,意为“加热;(使)变热”。 eg:Please heat me some milk.请给我热一些牛奶。 ►complete动词,意为“完成”。 【拓展】complete还可作形容词,意为“完整的;完全的;彻底的”。 eg:That isn't a complete list.那不是一份完整的清单。 【注意】compete动词,意为“比赛;竞争;对抗”。 ►重点词组归纳 such as例如 send out发送;发出 be in trouble处于困境之中 一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 1.Li Ke has a lovely pet cat.I____ name is Miaomiao. 2.Can you feel the h______ of the sun on your back? 3.Let's cut this piece of cloth in half with a pair of s________ first. 4.Ice,snow and steam (水蒸气) are different f_______ of water. 5.I saw a b________ rising into the air. ts eat cissors orms alloon 二、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 6.They held a great ___________(celebrate) in the square on New Year's Eve. 7.The piece of wood should ______________(polish) before you sell it. 8.More and more foreigners like Chinese _______________(tradition) art. 9.My teacher did what he could to make his class ___________(live). 10.I really want to know more about ____________(history) events. celebration be polished traditional lively historical 三、单项选择。 11.During the Spring Festival,paper cuttings ________ on windows,doors and walls as symbols of wishes for good luck and a happy new year. A.are put    B.were put    C.puts    D.putting 12.Sky lanterns are made ________ bamboo and covered ________ paper.(易 错题) A.by; with B.with; in C.of; with D.in; by 13.—Why did you stay up late last night? —Because I had to ________ my work last night. A.admire B.complete C.punish D.suggest A C B 14.It ________ me two hours to make this lantern. A.took B.cost C.paid D.spent 15.(郴州中考)—Waiter, a glass of orange juice, please. —Sorry.Orange juice ________ only for breakfast. A.will serve B.serves C.is served A C 四、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 16.当我有困难的时候,她会支持我。 She stood by me when I was_________________. 17.根据我的手表(上的时间),你迟到了半个小时。 ___________________my watch,you are late for half an hour. 18.水加热后能变成水蒸气。 Water can _____________steam when it is heated. in trouble According to turn into 19.我爸爸喜欢许多运动,比如游泳和踢足球。 My father likes many sports,___________swimming and playing football. 20.蝙蝠可以发出声波来了解周围的环境。 Bats can ______________sound waves to make sense of their environment. such as send out

