徐州专版2020中考英语复习方案第一篇教材考点梳理课时训练21Unit5九上试题 2

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徐州专版2020中考英语复习方案第一篇教材考点梳理课时训练21Unit5九上试题 2

课时训练(二十一)  Unit5(九上)‎ ‎(限时:30分钟)‎ Ⅰ.选择填空 ‎1.The film festival is open     some actors and film-makers.  ‎ A.for B.to C.as D.with ‎2.[2019·常州一模]Wind power, a kind of clean energy, is becoming more and more     . ‎ A.wealthy B.ancient C.common D.serious ‎3.[2020·原创]—Zhou Qi has a     for playing basketball. Do you agree with me? ‎ ‎—Yes, I think he can help Chinese national basketball team win more games.‎ A.present B.gift C.dream D.ring ‎4.[2019·重庆]Miss Chen, my dear English teacher, often encourages me     the challenges in my study.  ‎ A.face B.faces C.facing D.to face ‎5.Attention, please! The last award will be     to the MVP of the Olympic volleyball, Zhu Ting, China.  ‎ A.lent B.introduced C.donated D.presented ‎6.[2019·无锡]—The local food may taste a bit strange.‎ ‎—Well,     we are here, why not give it a try? ‎ A.though B.unless C.since D.because ‎7.[2019·东营]—Chang'e 4 landed on the far side of the moon     on January 3, 2019. ‎ ‎—Wow! This day should be remembered.‎ A.completely B.suddenly C.successfully D.strongly ‎8.[2019·南通]Some jazz musicians are great because they can     music while playing. ‎ A.put up B.set up C.take up D.make up ‎9.[2019·呼和浩特]—Did you call Michael back?‎ ‎—I didn't need to,     I'll see him tomorrow. ‎ A.unless B.because C.when D.though 7‎ ‎10.[2019·昆明]—Gina, could you please play the drums on the art festival? ‎ ‎—    . I can only play the guitar. ‎ A.I'm afraid I can't B.Yes, I can C.Sure, I'd love to D.Not bad Ⅱ.完形填空 ‎  My father and I always had a bit of trouble in our relationship. It's not that we didn't love each other. It's just that we used to have  11  opinions.My dad is one of the most hard-working men I know, but I was a  12 . I played sports as a kid, but gave  13  when I was making progress. Then I showed an  14  in music. My father got excited and  15  me a guitar when I was about eight. But I really didn't like it until I was a teenager. During those teen years, I got up my guitar and  16  playing along. ‎ Then I went to college. My father thought I should focus more on my  17 , while I thought I should have more fun playing music. I dreamed to be a musician. When I grew into a young man, I suddenly fell  18  ill one day and it was discovered that I had a terrible kidney disease(肾病). I had to accept  19  all my life, or get a transplant(移植). ‎ I felt like there was a heavy  20  on my shoulders. Life became hard for me. But I was lucky enough because of my loving parents who 21  me and took care of me. While trying to  22  just what to do with my life, my father got tested to see  23  he was the right man to give me his kidney. I tried to refuse, but he'd hear  24  of it. He saved my life at last. ‎ Two years ago, I made up a band. He had always wanted to play in a band, but  25  got the chance when he was young. It was one of the greatest gifts I could give to him. ‎ ‎(  )11.A.special B.different C.private D.necessary ‎(  )12.A.musician B.coach C.actor D.dreamer ‎(  )13.A.up B.out C.off D.away ‎(  )14.A.introduction B.influence C.increase D.interest ‎(  )15.A.expected B.threw C.bought D.praised ‎(  )16.A.began B.regretted C.finished D.meant ‎(  )17.A.hobbies B.studies C.skills D.choices ‎(  )18.A.similarly B.hardly C.seriously D.harmfully ‎ ‎(  )19.A.agreements B.movements C.arguments D.treatments ‎(  )20.A.weight B.disadvantage C.disbelief D.warning 7‎ ‎(  )21.A.provided B.encouraged C.afforded D.managed ‎ ‎(  )22.A.decide B.behave C.build D.doubt ‎(  )23.A.how B.whether C.why D.what ‎(  )24.A.each B.all C.much D.none ‎(  )25.A.almost B.completely C.never D.basically Ⅲ.[2019·徐州一模]阅读理解 ‎  Music and Art will enter the Entrance Exam for the high school in Jiangsu. Without music, life would be a mistake. Music is a big part of our lives. But in recent years, some US schools have cut music classes to control budgets (预算).‎ For example, Chicago public schools hurt arts education when it fired(解雇) over 1,000 teachers. Among them, 10 percent of the teachers taught art or music, according to The Washington Times. In fact, this is not just a problem in the US. In other countries, such as China and the UK, music classes are not thought to be as important as ones like science, math and history. That's partly because music is not seen as a very important life skill, and it isn't tested. Many students are busy with schoolwork, so parents and students choose to focus on subjects that are tested more often.‎ However, learning music is beneficial(有益的) in many ways.‎ When playing music, you need different abilities to work together. It is not as simple as it looks, according to Kenneth Guilmartin of Music Together, an early childhood music development program. For example, when playing the piano, people see music notes and decode(解码) them in their brains. They also use their fingers to make sounds. You need to deal with all these things at the same time.‎ Music has a special connection with science as well. You can see that many scientists are good at playing music: Einstein played the violin, and German physicist Max Planck was talented in playing the piano.‎ ‎26.Some schools in the US cut music classes, because     . (  ) ‎ A.students in the US weren't interested in music B.they were too difficult to learn 7‎ C.there weren't enough music teachers in the US D.the schools wanted to control budgets ‎27.In Paragraph 2, what does the underlined word “them” refer to(指代)? (  )‎ A.Public schools. B.Fired teachers.‎ C.Parents in Chicago. D.Students in Chicago.‎ ‎28.What's the main idea of Paragraph 4? (  )‎ A.Different abilities are needed to work together while we are playing music.‎ B.Playing the piano needs people to use fingers to make sounds.‎ C.Decoding music notes is needed while we are playing music.‎ D.Playing the piano needs people to see music notes.‎ ‎29.What's the writer's opinion according to this passage? (  )‎ A.Music is as simple as it looks.‎ B.Music classes should be cut in some schools.‎ C.Music is a big part of our lives.‎ D.Music isn't a very important life skill for us.‎ Ⅳ.词语运用 ‎(A)选用方框内的单词或词组填空,其中有一个单词或词组是多余的。‎ pleasant is known for dividing concerts praised separated ‎30.As a music fan, my aunt likes to go to different     . ‎ ‎31.We spent a very     trip to the Summer Palace last Sunday.  ‎ ‎32.Nowadays China     its new “four great inventions”—shared bicycles, electronic payment, high-speed railways and online shopping. ‎ ‎33.The river is a     line between these two villages.  ‎ ‎34.At the meeting the boss     John for the progress he made. ‎ B)[2020·原创]用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空,使短文内容完整、正确。‎ ‎  Tom 35.    (work)in a big company and he is often very busy. One day, when he went out of the office, it was late in the evening and it was 36.    (fog). There were no 37.    (bus) at that moment, so he had to walk home. The street was so dark that he could hardly see 38.    (something). So he had to walk along slowly and 39.     (careful).  ‎ Just at that time, Tom found a man with a lantern 40.    (come) in the distance. “If I go with that person, I 41.    (be) able to see well,” he said to himself. ‎ 7‎ When the man with a lantern got nearer, Tom found he was coming with a cane (手杖) in his hand. Tom 42.    ‎ ‎(think) this was strange and asked, “Why are you walking so slowly with a cane even when you have a lantern?” ‎ The man with the lantern answered, “This lantern cannot help 43.     (I)but it can light up to help others in the dark. I know 44.     (well) than anyone else how it feels when you cannot see.” ‎ Ⅴ.[2020·原创]根据短文内容及首字母提示,写出所缺单词,使短文内容完整、正确。‎ ‎  Good morning, my dear teacher and friends. It's my turn to give a daily report. I'm going to talk about what my friends did last Sunday. Bill is 45.f     to others. He helped his friend Tina with her English. Kate loves 46.a     ‎ very much,especially cute dogs. She went to the farm with her cousins. Jane loves 47.c    . She learned to make sandwiches and delicious meals from her aunt. Bob is quite interested in science. He went to the science museum and 48.m     a model plane there. His dream is to be a pilot. Jack likes watching movies. It was his twelfth birthday last Sunday. His friends invited 49.h     to go to the movies to celebrate it. They had a great time there. That's all for my report. Thanks for your attention.  ‎ 7‎ ‎【参考答案】‎ Ⅰ.1. B 2.C 3.B ‎4.D encourage sb. to do sth. 为固定搭配,意为“鼓励某人做某事”。故选D。‎ ‎5.D ‎6.C 承接上文“当地食物也许尝起来有点奇怪。”结合答语中“为什么不试一试呢?”可推知此处表示“既然我们到了这儿了”。故选C。‎ ‎7.C 8.D ‎9.B unless除非,如果不,引导条件状语从句;because因为,引导原因状语从句;when当……时候,引导时间状语从句;though虽然,引导让步状语从句。空格后面是不需要回电话的原因。故选B。‎ ‎10.A Ⅱ.[主旨大意] 本文是一篇记叙文。儿子小时候喜爱音乐,后来上了大学想成为一名音乐家,但一场厄运降临到他的头上——他得了肾病。他需要长时间的治疗,或者需要换肾。多亏了爸爸的照顾和关爱,并给儿子捐了自己的一个肾,治好了儿子的病。儿子创办了自己的乐团,也圆了爸爸年轻时的梦想。‎ ‎11.B 根据上句内容可知,“父子之间有一点小摩擦”,主要体现在“他们不是不互相关爱,而是他们的观点不同”。故选B。 ‎ ‎12.D 13.A ‎14.D show an interest in意为“对……有兴趣”,符合题意。故选D。‎ ‎15.C 16.A 17.B 18.C ‎19.D 由上文“…I had a terrible kindy disease”可推知我必须终身接受治疗,或者进行肾移植。treatments意为“治疗”,符合题意。故选D。‎ ‎20.A 由下文“Life became hard for me”推知此处应为“我感觉有一个重担压在我的肩上。”weight意为“重量;重担”,符合题意。故选A。‎ ‎21.B 22.A 23.B ‎24.D 根据下句“最后他救了我的命”可知,“我拒绝接受他给我换肾,但是他完全不听我的话”。故选D。‎ ‎25.C Ⅲ.26—29 DBAC Ⅳ.30.concerts 31.pleasant ‎32.is known for 33.dividing ‎34.praised 35.works ‎36.foggy 37.buses ‎38.anything 39.carefully 7‎ ‎40.coming 41.will be ‎42.thought 43.me ‎ ‎44.better ‎ Ⅴ.45.friendly 46.animals ‎47.cooking 48.made ‎49.him 7‎

