初中英语九年级全册Unit5Whataretheshirtsmadeof第七课时SelfCheck课件 人教新目标版

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初中英语九年级全册Unit5Whataretheshirtsmadeof第七课时SelfCheck课件 人教新目标版

Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? 第七课时 Self Check 一、根据句意,选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空。 leaf,traffic,complete,process,internation 1.It's known to all that May Day is a great ________ holiday. 2.I like to go to the mountains to collect beautiful ________ in autumn. 3.My grandpa doesn't like living in big cities because there's too much ________ and noise. 4.Thanks to your help,I ________ the work on time yesterday. 5.Some strawberries on my uncle's farm are ________ into juice. international leaves traffic completed processed 二、单项选择。 ( )6.—Do you know anything about C919? —Of course.It's a kind of plane which ________ China.(2019,铜仁) A.is made of       B.is made in C.is made from D.is made up of ( )7.The number of the people using Huawei ________ is getting larger and larger.(2019,盐城) A.cultures B.customers C.products D.histories B C ( )8.—What time do you get up in the morning on school days? —I get up at 7:00 every morning to avoid ________ the early bus. A.miss   B.missed  C.missing  D.to miss ( )9.Kunming ________ its pleasant weather—neither hot in summer nor cold in winter. A.is known as B.is known to C.is known for D.is known by ( )10.—Can you tell me where cotton ________ in China? —Well,people in the north of China ________ a lot of cotton.(易错题) A.grow;grow B.grow;are grown C.is grown;grow D.is grown;are grown C C C 三、按要求完成下列句子。每空词数不限。 11.The workers plant lots of trees every spring.(改为被动语态) Lots of trees ________________ the workers every spring. 12.The best Chinese Xuan Paper is produced in_Anhui. (对画线部分提问) _______________ the best Chinese Xuan Paper produced? are planted by Where is 13.珠穆朗玛峰顶峰常年被积雪覆盖。(翻译句子) The top of Mount Qomolangma ________________ snow all year round. 14.不管你说什么,我都不会相信你了。(翻译句子) ________________ you may say,I won't believe you. 15.我妈妈要求我每天打扫卧室。(翻译句子) I ________________ my bedroom every day by my mother. is covered with No matter what am asked to clean 四、从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。有两项为多余项。 A:Hi,Jane!Your dress feels very soft.16.________ B:It's made of cotton. A:I see.It's very good.17.________ B:It's produced in my mother's factory. A:What?18.________ A C D B:Yes.She works at Zig Clothes Factory.She makes many clothes every day. A:I know that factory.19.________ By the way, how long does it take your mom to make such a dress? B:About three hours.It's easy for her. A:Oh?20.________ B:Sorry,I don't know.My mother hasn't shown me how to make it. F G A.What's it made of? B.How much did it cost? C.Where is it produced? D.Was it made by your mother? E.Would you like to make one? F.It's famous for making clothes. G.Do you know how it is made? 五、完形填空。 Do you know what tools we Chinese eat with?Let me tell you!We use __21__ to eat food.They look like two beautiful sticks.They are made of many different __22__.The materials that are made into chopsticks include wood,bamboo, plastic,iron,__23__ and even gold.Though there are so __24__ different kinds of chopsticks,I think the best ones are bamboo chopsticks because they only need three years to __25__ into materials.They are cheaper than other chopsticks.Wood chopsticks are also very good,__26__ a tree needs to grow for many years before it is used to make chopsticks. Using bamboo chopsticks is __27__ for the environment than using wood chopsticks.Silver chopsticks can be used to not only eat food but also __28__ food.In the old days,the emperors and the rich people used them to check if the food had poison (毒).It is said that if the food has poison,the color of silver chopsticks will __29__ black from white. Welcome to China and try __30__ to use chopsticks. ( )21.A.forks B.Chopsticks C.knives D.bowls ( )22.A.materials B.wood C.paper D.stones ( )23.A.iron B.bamboo C.gold D.silver ( )24.A.little B.few C.many D.much ( )25.A.grow B.come C.go D.pour ( )26.A.so B.or C.and D.but ( )27.A.better B.Worse C.more useful D.more important ( )28.A.eat B.cook C.examine D.buy ( )29.A.turn B.change C.become D.get ( )30.A.what B.when C.how D.why B A D C A D A C A C 六、阅读理解。 A Mobile apps have been part of our life. The following apps are part of the most popular ones.   Ctrip can be the best helper when you feel it hard to buy the train or plane tickets.You can buy tickets anywhere at any time.Next time when you want to go to another city or country,you may use it to get tickets.   Ximalaya Reading has lots of books like short stories and even fairy tales for children.What's special about it is that you can download books to listen to.It's so wonderful,isn't it?   Baby Bus is a very good friend for children under three years old.Kids can learn to speak,know numbers and draw pictures with the help of this app.Do you have a little brother or sister under three?If so,use it to help him or her.   World Heroes can help you learn more English words while you are playing games.So,if you have problems remembering the new words when you learn English,use it!I'm sure you will make great progress in learning English. ( )31.If you are going to see your friend in another city, you may use the app ________. A.World Heroes B.Ximalaya Reading C.Baby Bus D.Ctrip ( )32.You can't ________ in Ximalaya Reading. A.find short stories B.find fairy tales C.download films to watch D.download books to listen to D C ( )33.If you have a kid of ________,you may download the app Baby Bus. A.five years old B.more than six years old C.less than three years old D.over eight years old ( )34.________,World Heroes can help you. A.To remember more English words in a fun way B.To buy train or plane tickets anywhere at any time C.To know numbers quickly and draw pictures well D.To read lots of books like short stories and fairy tales C A ( )35.What does the text mainly want to introduce? A.Four useful mobile apps. B.Four English learning apps. C.Four types of mobile phones. D.Four computer games for children. A B Lanterns have been part of Chinese culture for centuries and play an important part in many celebrations.In ancient times,there were mainly three kinds of lanterns: Palace lantern (宫灯) 36.________ When making palace lanterns,fine wood was used.The palace lanterns were covered with silk or glass.Different kinds of pictures were drawn on the covers.These lanterns were not only used as lights but also as decorations (装 饰) in palaces. Gauze lantern (纱灯) B Less expensive bamboo and gauze were used to cover the lantern.37.________ In Chinese culture,red lanterns are symbols of happiness.So red lanterns are always hung on important festivals such as Lantern Festival,Spring Festival and National Day in parks or along main streets.In some famous Chinatowns abroad, you can see red lanterns all the year round.38.________ Shadowpicture lantern (走马灯) E D It was usually used for amusement.39.________ There were two layers (层) of covers and pictures were drawn on the inside layer.When the candle was lit (被点 燃),the heat caused a paper wheel inside the lantern to turn around,so that moving pictures appeared on the outside cover. Now more kinds of lanterns appear in festivals besides the traditional ones.More modern technology is used on making lanterns.40.________ C A A.The shapes of the modern lanterns have changed a lot too. B.It was mainly used in palaces in ancient times. C.The shape was much like that of the palace lanterns. D.They have become a symbol of Chinese culture worldwide. E.Red gauze was used when making them. 七、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。 每词限用一次。 it,call,glass,process,wide,local, place,heat,polish,complete Glass products are everywhere.They are 41.________ used in our everyday life.But have you ever appreciated (欣赏) the glass art?No?Then go to the Glastory Arts Center.42.________ founder and owner is Mr. Chou,who was born in Taipei,China,but grew up in England.He noticed that the 43.________ people really loved the art.He wanted people at home to do the same.So he decided to return home and share his love for 44.________ making with others.And he opened the Glastory Arts Center. widely Its local glass To be honest,it's not easy 45.________ a piece of glass art.The artist starts by making a glass ball.Then he uses a machine to cut and 46.________ the glass.When the artist is happy with the shape and design,he places the glass in a kiln (窑) 47.________.Slowly the glass is heated to a temperature of about 500℃.Then the piece is moved to a second kiln. It 48.________ “The Glory Hole”. The Glory Hole heats the glass to a higher temperature.It also causes the glass to become very shiny.The art piece is then taken out while it is still hot.The artist joins a smaller piece of hot glass to the first one.Then the art piece 49.________ in a special oven to cool.The glass must cool slowly,or it will break.When the whole 50.________ is finished,you can see a beautiful piece of glass art. to complete polish to heat is called is placed process

