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第 15 课时 Units 1—2( 九全 ) 第一篇 教材考点梳理 基础检测清单 词汇识记 1.       ( n. ) 交谈 ; 谈话   2.      ( adv. ) 大声地 ; 出声地   3.       ( n. ) 发音 ; 读音   4.      ( adj. ) 有耐心的 ( n. ) 病人   5.       ( v. ) 发现 ; 发觉   6.     ( n. ) 笔记 ; 记录 ( v. ) 注意 ; 指出 7.       ( n. ) 化学   8.       ( v. ) 增长 ; 增加   9.       ( n. ) 才能 ; 能力   10.       ( v. ) 创造 ; 创建   11.      ( v. )( 使 ) 连接 ; 与 …… 有联系 12.      ( n. ) 亲属 ; 亲戚   13.       ( v. ) 偷 ; 窃取   14.     ( v. ) 放置 ; 安放 ; 产 ( 卵 ); 下 ( 蛋 ) conversation aloud pronunciation discover note chemistry ability connect relative steal create patient lay increase 词汇识记 15.       ( n. ) 花园 ; 园子   16.       ( v. ) 欣赏 ; 仰慕   17.     ( v. ) 存在 ; 平躺 ; 处于   18.      ( v. ) 招待 ; 请 ( 客 ) n. 款 待 ; 招待 19.     ( adj. ) 死的 ; 失去生命的 20.       ( v. ) 处罚 ; 惩罚   21.      ( v. ) 警告 ; 告诫   22.       ( n. ) 现在 ; 礼物 adj. 现在的 23.       ( n. ) 温暖 ; 暖和   24.      ( v. ) 传播 ; 展开 ( n. ) 蔓延 ; 传播 25.       查阅 ; 抬头看   26.       天生具有   27.       注意 ; 关注   28.       把 …… 和 …… 连接   或联系起来 garden lie treat dead punish present warmth spread connect … with admire look up warn be born with pay attention to 词汇识记 29.       记笔记   30.       犯错误   31.       增加 ( 体重 ); 发胖   32.       摆开 ; 布置   33.      依赖 ; 依靠   34.       有 …… 共同点   35.       飞向   36.       召唤   37.      最终成为 ; 最后处于   38.       穿上盛装 ; 打扮   39.       以 …… 形状   40.       醒来   take notes make mistakes lay out depend on fly up to call out end up have … in common put on dress up wake up in the shape of 词汇拓展 · 名词 1.patient →       ( adj. ) 有耐心的 →       ( adv. ) 耐心地 →       ( n. ) 耐心   →       ( adj. ) 没有耐心的 *be patient with sb./sth. 对某人 / 事有耐心 *lose patience with sb./sth. 对某人 / 事失去耐心 2.physics →       ( adj. ) 物理   学的 →       ( n. ) 物理学家 *take a physical examination 体检 3.chemistry →       ( adj. ) 化学的       →       ( n. ) 药房 ; 化学家 patient patiently chemist physicist chemical physical patience impatient 词 汇 拓 展 · 形容词 4.wise →      ( adv. ) 明智地 →       ( n. ) 智慧 ; 才智 5.warm →       ( n. ) 温暖   →       ( adv. ) 暖和地 6.wonderful →        ( adv. ) 精彩地 →       ( v. ) 想知道   7.able →       ( 反义词 ) 不能的 ; 不会的 →       ( adj. ) 残疾的 →      ( n. ) 能力   8.busy →       ( adv. ) 忙碌地      · 动词 9.pronounce →       ( n. ) 发音   10.express →       ( n. ) 表达   wisely wisdom warmth warmly expression wonderfully wonder unable disabled ability busily pronunciation 词 汇 拓 展 11.discover →       ( n. ) 发现   12.speak →       ( 现在分词 )  →       ( adj. ) 口语的 13.punish →       ( n. ) 惩罚   14.treat →        ( n. ) 治疗   15.steal →      ( 过去式 )  →      ( 过去分词 )  16.lay →      ( 过去式 )  →      ( 过去分词 )  17.lie( 平躺 ; 处于 ) →      ( 过去式 )  →      ( 过去分词 )  18.lie( 撒谎 ) →      ( 过去式 )  →      ( 过去分词 )  discovery speaking lied spoken punishment treatment stole stolen laid laid lay lain lied 英汉互译 · A 组 1. 要理解英语口语太难了。   2. 你读得越多 , 你 ( 读得 ) 就会越快。   3. 老师说得如此快以至于我大部分时间都听不懂她 ( 所说的话 ) 。 The teacher spoke    quickly     I did not understand her most of the time.  It's too hard to understand spoken English. The more you read, the faster you'll be. so that 英汉互译 4. 我发现听有趣的东西是语言学习的秘诀。 I discovered that                is the         language learning.  5. …… 如果你对某事物感兴趣 , 你的大脑会更活跃 , 长时间地注意它对你来说也会更容易。 … if you               something, your brain is more active and it is also easier    you              it for a long time.  listening to something interesting are interested in for secret to to pay attention to 英汉互译 · B 组 6. 我不知道如何提高我的阅读速度。   7. 即使你学某些东西学得很好 , 如果你不使用它 , 也是会遗忘的。     8. 优秀的学习者会一直练习他们所学的东西 , 他们不怕犯错误。     Even though you learn something well, you will forget it unless you use it. Good learners will keep practicing what they have learned, and they are not afraid of making mistakes. I don't know how to increase my reading speed. 英汉互译 9. 我听说在中国庆祝母亲节和父亲节变得越来越受欢迎。     10. 它是关于一位名叫斯克鲁奇的老人 ( 的故事 ), 他从未笑过。     I heard that it is becoming more and more popular to celebrate Mother's Day and Father's Day in China. It is about an old man named Scrooge who never laughs or smiles. 语法链接 1. 介词 by 的用法。 [ 详见 P99, 专题 ( 五 )] 2.that, if 和 whether 引导的宾语从句。 [ 详见 P129, 专题 ( 十三 )] 3. 感叹句。 [ 详见 P127, 专题 ( 十二 )] ❶ warn   v. 警告 ; 告诫 【 题 1 】 (1)Mrs. White warned her husband      after drinking.  A.never to drive      B.to never drive C.never driving (2) — The boy      cheating in the exam, but he didn't listen.  — Oh, the teacher must be angry with him. A.warned against    B.was warned against C.is warned against A B ❷ treat   n. 款待 ; 招待  v. 招待 ; 请 ( 客 ) 【 题 2 】 (1)I am eighteen years old, so don't treat me      a child.  A.as      B.with C.to (2) — I want to treat you      a dinner. Would you like to come?  — Sure, I'd love to. A.about      B.with C.to A C ❸ mistake   n. 错误 , 失误  v. 误会 , 误解 (1)make a mistake/mistakes 犯错 It's easy to make a mistake. 犯错误很容易。 (2)by mistake 错误地 , 无意中 He put salt into the tea by mistake. 他把盐误放进茶里了。 (3)mistake A for B 把 A 错当成 B She mistook my book for her own. 她把我的书错当成她自己的书了。 【 题 3 】 (1) — Sorry, I took your pen      mistake.  — It doesn't matter. A.for      B.by C.as (2)My son is so careless that he always makes many      in his homework.  A.plans      B.decisions C.mistakes B C ❹ cause/reason/excuse   【 题 4 】 用方框中单词的适当形式填空 [cause   reason   excuse] (1)Don't make any        for your being late again.  (2)No one knows the       why you have made such a decision.  (3)The firemen are trying their best to find out the      of the big fire.  excuses reason cause ❺ end up   最终成为 ; 最后处于 (1)end up doing sth. 以做某事而告终 We must plan our spare time, or we'll end up doing nothing. 我们必须规划我们的空闲时间 , 否则我们将会以无所事事而告终。 (2)end up with sth. 以某事物结束 The party ended up with a song. 聚会以一首歌结束。 【 归纳拓展 】 (1)at the end (of) 意为“在 ( …… 的 ) 末端 , 尽头” , 后接指地点的名词 , 作地点状语。 The service center lies at the end of the street. 服务中心位于这条街的尽头。 (2)by the end of 意为“到 …… 结束时 , 到 …… 结尾时” , 后接表示时间的名词 , 在句中作时间状语。 He had finished his work by the end of last week. 到上周末 , 他已经完成了他的工作。 (3)in the end 意为“最后 , 终于” , 作状语修饰整个句子。 In the end their team won the game. 最后他们队赢得了比赛。 【 题 5 】 (1)      the end of the day, the headmaster was very happy because the class monitor helped organize an excellent class meeting.  A.To B.In      C.By (2) — Did you have a good time yesterday? — Of course. To our surprise, the party      with the singing of Auld Lang Syne .  A.ended up B.at the end C.in the end (3)      , our school team succeeded in winning the gold medal.  A.Ended up B.At the end C.In the end C A C ❻ aloud/loud/loudly 词条 用法 aloud 指为使人听见而大声说 , 常与 read 连用 loud 通常指说话声或笑声响亮而不吵闹 , 一般用来修饰 speak, talk, sing, laugh 等 loudly 通常带有喧闹的意味 , 常修饰 shout, call, cry, knock 等 【 题 6 】 (1)Please read the text      so that all of us can hear you clearly.  A.aloud B.loud C.loudly (2)The girl told us an interesting story in a      voice.  A.aloud B.loud C.loudly (3)The alarm rings so      that I shut it right away.  A.aloud B.loud C.loudly A B C ❼ create/invent/discover 词条 含义及用法 create 意为“创造 , 创作” , 指创造出新的东西 , 其对象往往是精神上的或抽象的 , 如艺术、文学作品等 , 其名词形式为 creation invent 表示客观上不存在的事物由人类“发明”出来 , 其名词形式为 invention discover 表示事物客观上存在被人类“发现” , 其名词形式为 discovery 【 题 7 】 (1)I want to      a kind of machine. It can help us with our different kinds of problems.  A.invent B.create C.discover (2)The artist has      a lot of beautiful paintings.  A.invented B.created C.discovered (3)Gold was      in California in the 19th century.  A.invented B.created C.discovered A B C ❽ not only … but also …  不但 …… 而且 …… not only 位于句首时 , 第一个分句中的主语和谓语要部分倒装。 Not only can Helen speak English, but also she can speak French. 海伦不仅能够说英语 , 而且能够说法语。 【 归纳拓展 】 not only … but also … 连接两个并列主语时 , 谓语动词要和离其最近的主语保持人称和数上的一致。 Not only Tom but also his friends are playing basketball on the playground. 不仅汤姆而且他的朋友们也在操场上打篮球。 【 题 8 】 (1)Not only you but also everyone in our class      watching basketball games.  A.like      B.likes C.is liking (2)      can Meimei paint beautiful pictures,      she can sing well.  A.Neither; nor      B.Either; or C.Not only; but also B C Ⅰ. 语法填空 1. That nurse is loved by all the sick people because she is really      with them.  A.mad B.patient C.strict 2. Gilbert      electricity and Edison      the electric light bulb.  A.discovered; invented B.discovered; discovered C.invented; invented B A 3.      Ma Yun      Li Yanhong speaks very good English, so they can communicate with businessmen around the world very well.  A.Neither; nor      B.Both; and C.Not only; but also 4. — How do you learn Chinese? —      reading more books.  A.By B.For C.With C A 5. Boys and girls, please read the text      .  A.loudly B.aloud C.loud 6. — Daniel, I'm still not sure      .  — Why not? No one is better than you in our class. A.how I can prepare for the competition B.whether I should take part in the competition C.who I can ask for more information about the competition B B Ⅱ. 中英互译 1. 他对他周围的人刻薄小气。   2. 越来越多的人关注中国的春节。   3. 我认为记笔记对提高我们的成绩很有帮助。   He is mean to people who/that are around him. More and more people pay attention to the Chinese Spring Festival. I think taking notes is very helpful to improve our grades. 4. Reading can not only increase our knowledge, but also bring us pleasure.   5. Whether our English pronunciation is standard or not depends on how much we practice.   阅读不仅能增长我们的知识 , 而且能给我们带来快乐。 我们的英语发音是否标准取决于我们练习的多少。 第一节 短文朗读 (80 词左右 )(6 分 )    English is one of my best subjects and I started learning English when I was ten years old. But at the very beginning,listening seemed a little difficult for me. So I have been doing a lot of listening practice,such as listening to tapes,watching English TV programs and singing English songs. And I found it really helpful to improve my spoken English. I believe that nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it. 第二节 情景反应 ( 共 4 小题 )(8 分 ) 情景提示 : 三年前安妮的英语并不是很好 , 后来她通过大声朗读和与外国人交流来学习英语。安妮现在是班上英语说得最好的学生。安妮现在非常喜欢英语。 1. Was Annie good at English three years ago?(2 分 )   2. How does Annie study English?(2 分 )   No, she wasn't. By reading aloud and communicating with foreigners. 3. Who is the best English speaker in Annie's class?(2 分 )   4. Does Annie like English now?(2 分 )   Yes, she does. Annie. 第三节 口头表达 (6 分 ) 要点提示 : 1. 英语变得越来越重要了 , 我们有必要学好英语。 2. 你可以通过制作单词卡片、大声朗读英语文章的方式来学英语。 3. 看英文电影也是学习英语的一个好方法。 4. 每一个人都能学好英语。        English is becoming more and more important. It's necessary for us to study English well. You can study English by making word cards and reading the text aloud. Watching English movies is also a good way to study English. Everyone can learn English well.

