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‎2018届 江苏无锡 初三英语 二模试卷 分类汇编-------完型 金桥 I had always cared about sick children and tried to help them. But when my little grandson received third degree burns, I learned first-hand how    15   a loving adult feels when his/her child is suffering and he/she can’t take the pain away. This experience    16    me to feel sorry for parents with sick children.‎ One mom told me that she    17    like running into the street and screaming, “My child is sick. Would somebody please help us?” It breaks my    18     that these parents are so anxiously(忧虑地) searching for someone to care and help them    19   the hard times of watching their helpless child suffer. So I decided to do something to help them.‎ Two years ago, I almost lost my eyesight. Luckily, I regained(恢复) some eyesight, but I was no longer able to work.     20   I had a lot of time. At first, I thought that my life was     21   because I couldn’t do any of the things I used to do. I believed that my life had no purpose and I was no    22   to anybody anymore. I began to be interested in surfing the Internet for information.‎ One day I received several emails asking for help for sick children. I decided to post their stories and pictures on a webpage. What began as a    23    has grown into a fulltime job I enjoy doing every day. Since my website was built, I’ve received tens of emails from worried parents asking me to put their child’s story online. And over 325 volunteers have    24   me to send children “happy mail” without being paid.‎ ‎15 A. bored B. puzzled C. helpless D. hopeful ‎16 A. made B. advised C. guided D. led ‎17 A. seemed B. felt C. looked D. sounded ‎18 A. heart B. head C. legs D. face ‎19 A. over B. with C. across D. through ‎20 A. But B. Though C. So D. Since ‎21 A. meaningless B. meaningful C. interesting D. boring ‎22 A. point B. sense C. good D. hope ‎23 A. picture B. wish C. hobby D. website ‎24 A. paid B. joined C. invited D. advised 省锡中 Josette Duran was surprised when her son Dylan, 14, asked her to pack him a(an) ___15t____ snack in his school lunch. When she asked him why, his reply was truly touching.‎ ‎“I asked, ‘why? Are you not getting full? What’s going on? And he said, ‘No, I want to take one for my friend,” Duran remembered.‎ It turned out that Dylan had a classmate whose family ____16__ needed help. The boy’s single mother had recently lost her job and could no longer afford her son’s lunches. After learning this, Duran was even willing to reach out to them.‎ ‎“I was homeless a few years ago. I know how ___17____ it is to ask for help. You get sad and feel embarrassed(尴尬),” said Duran.‎ When the young boy’s mother learned of Duran’s warm heart, she called her up and ‎ ___18___ to pay her back for everything, but Duran couldn’t accept it. “I don’t think I did anything ___19___,” Duran said, “I just think I did what a human being is ____20__ to do.”‎ The kindness doesn’t ____21___ there. Duran is the coach of the girls’ volleyball team of the local school. Her team raised $ 400 to cover the cost of all the extra lunches Duran had made out of her own pocket. But Duran refused to keep the cash, and __22____, donated it to the snack bar at her son’s school. “ Now everyone can eat,” Duran said, “ What makes me especially ____23__ is that it all started with my son. Being kind doesn’t have to come in the form of money; just know that if you’re having a good day while someone else is having a bad day, you should ___24__ that.”‎ ‎15. A. delicious B. extra C. simple D. healthy ‎16. A. really B. hardly C. finally D. simply ‎17. A. lucky B. dangerous C. silly D. hard ‎18. A. refused B. managed C. regretted D. offered ‎19. A. special B. necessary C. interesting D. impossible ‎20. A. allowed B. reminded C. supposed D. invited ‎21. A. happen B. succeed C. stop D. change ‎22. A. instead B. besides C. anyway D. however ‎23. A. hopeful B. proud C. thankful D. surprised ‎24. A. fix B. discover C. remember D. doubt 惠山区 Most parents, I suppose, have had the experience of reading a bedtime story to their children. And they must have realized how difficult it is to write a __15__ children’s book. Either the author has aimed too __16__, so that children can’t follow what is in his story, __17__ the story seems to be talking to the readers.‎ The best children’s books are __18__too difficult nor very simple, and satisfy the children who hears the story and the adult who __19__ it. Unluckily, there are in fact few books like this, __20__ the problem of finding the right bedtime story is not easy to solve. This may be why many of the books regarded as __21__ of children’s literature were in fact written for grow-ups. “Alice in Wonderland” is the most obvious (明显) of this. ‎ Children, left for themselves, often __22__ the worst possible interest in literature. Just leave a child in a bookshop or a library and he will more willingly choose the books written in an unimaginative way, or have a look at the most children’s comics, full of the stories and jokes which are the rejections (排斥) of teachers and righting-thinking parents. ‎ Perhaps we parents should stop __23__ to brainwash(洗脑)children into accepting our taste in literature. __24__, children and adults are so different that we parents should not expect that they will enjoy the same books. So I suppose we’ll just have to compromise(妥协)over the ‎ bedtime story.‎ ‎15. A. short B. long C. bad D. good ‎ ‎16. A. high B. short C. easy D. difficult ‎ ‎17. A. and B. but C. or D. so ‎ ‎18. A. not B. neither C. either D. quite ‎19. A. hears B. buys C. understands D. reads ‎ ‎20. A. but B. however C. so D. because ‎ ‎21. A. articles B. favourite C. arts D. works ‎ ‎22. A. put B. show C. find D. add ‎ ‎23. A. going B. liking C. trying D. preferring ‎ ‎24. A. After all B. Above all C. First of all D. As a result 新吴区 Greenpeace is a global (全球的) environmental organization that has been trying to stop companies and governments from doing bad things to the environment. It is known for its direct 15 in the world. And it has made the public know environmental problems. ‎ In 1995, a Greenpeace ship stopped a French nuclear weapon (核武器) test. Greenpeace has also repeatedly sent ships to 16 whales (鲸鱼) from Japanese whalers, who kill whales for their meat which is used at expensive restaurants.‎ The Greenpeace 17 have tried to stop nuclear weapons from being built and have fought against big companies and governments that are destroying the rainforests and other areas with a 18 environment. Greenpeace pays close attention to many environmental problems: whaling, global warming, clean energy and nuclear power. Greenpeace activists often put themselves in 19 to stop the activities that they are against. They use small boats to try to stop the killing of whales. They also 20 themselves to trees that workers want to cut down. They say that they are trying to protect the environment for all of us and for future generation.‎ ‎ 21 they have a lot of support from people around the world, they have not been able to stop many of the things they are fighting against. The organization 22 money from governments, political parties or companies in order to avoid their influence. ‎ The people who 23 Greenpeace are from all over the world. What they all have in common is the one big aim—a green and 24 future for all. People from all walks of life come together under the Greenpeace flag to spend their free time fighting for the environment.‎ ‎15. A. plans B. methods C. actions D. tasks [来]‎ ‎16. A. prepare B. protect C. provide D. prevent ‎ ‎17. A. ships B. officers C. companies D. members ‎ ‎18. A. pleasant B. natural C. special D. wet ‎19. A. danger B. action C. control D. fear ‎20. A. hold B. keep C. hang D. tie ‎ ‎21. A. Whether B. Although C. Because D. Unless ‎ ‎22. A. refuses B. requires C. accepts D. borrows ‎23. A. set up B. put up C. make up D. open up ‎24. A. cheerful B. meaningful C. hopeful D. peaceful ‎ 参考答案 金桥:CDBAD CACCB 省锡中:BADDA CCABA 惠山区:15-19 DACBD 20-24 CDBCA 新吴区:15-19 CBDBA 20-24 DBACD

