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话题五 健康与急救 全国近几年关于“健康与急救”话题的书面表达涉及较广,主要从以下几个角 度命题: 1.谈论健康饮食以及如何保持健康; 2.如何保障个人的人身安全及对生活中常见的安全注意事项进行描述; 3.关于健康,谈自己的看法与做法。 命题探究 开头句 1.It is very important to keep healthy. 2.More and more people realize the importance of keeping healthy. 3.What is the most important thing in the world? I think it is health. 亮点句型 中间句 1.It ' s necessary for us to do enough exercise to keep healthy. 2.Eating fruit and vegetables is good for your health, while eating junk food is bad for your health. 3.We neither go to sleep too late nor get up too late. 结尾句 1.If we can follow the advice, I believe we can have a healthier body and a better life. 2.We must try our best to protect and value our lives. 3.I hope you are healthy and enjoy your life. 好句积累 1.Good health is over wealth.健康是最大的财富。 2.Health is happiness.健康就是幸福。 3.Good medicine always tastes bitter.良药苦口利于病。 4.Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy.早睡早起身体好。 3月26日是第二十三个全国中小学生安全教育日。今年安全教育日的主题是 “普及安全知识,确保生命安全”。暑假即将来临,为了进一步增强中小学生的 安全意识,提高自我保护能力,学校将举行以安全为主题的征文活动。请你根据 下面表格内容写一篇题为“How can we make ourselves safe?”的英语短文。 典例剖析 要点 内容 饮食安全 不吃变质食物,少吃或不吃垃圾食品 交友安全 网上慎重交友,不和陌生人交谈 旅行安全 照看好私人物品,遇险及时报警 游泳安全 不独自游泳,不到河、湖里游泳 …… …… 提示词:be careful(小心) go bad(变质) 要求:1.必须包含所给的全部要点及内容,可适当发挥。 2.文中不能出现真实的姓名和学校名。 3.词数100左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。 How can we make ourselves safe? As teenagers, to learn how to make ourselves safe is especially important.                         写作指导 本文是篇说明文。写作内容要围绕“如何能使自己安全?”而进行,根据写作提 示进行描述,不可遗漏要点,可适当发挥,全文应以第一人称为主,时态应为一般 现在时。注意过渡词的使用和句式的多样性。 谋篇布局   范文评析 How can we make ourselves safe? ①As teenagers, to learn how to make ourselves safe is especially impor- tant. Here are some of my suggestions.  ② First, we are supposed to be careful when making friends online, which may bring us unnecessary troubles. Second, remember never to go swimming on our own in the river or lake because doing that will probably put ourselves into dangerous situations. Besides, in order to eat healthily and safely, we ' d better eat less junk food and not eat food that goes bad, for they will do harm to our health. At last, when traveling outside, take care of our personal things and call the police for help in time if we are in danger. ③In short, safety must come first! ①开头:引出话题:要分享一些如何使自己安全的建议。 ②正文 : 使自己安全的具体措施及理由。过渡语运用恰当 , 句式结构合 理且多样。 ③结尾 : 再次强调安全的重要性。 亮点仿写 短语 1.be supposed to do sth.应该做某事 2.make friends交朋友 3.on one ' s own靠某人自己 4.in order to为了 5.do harm to对 …… 有害 6.take care of照顾 7.call the police for help in time及时报警求助 8.be in danger处于危险之中 仿写 1.为了将来能好好照顾自己,从现在开始我们应该靠我们自己去做一些事情。 (in order to, take care of, be supposed to do sth., on one ' s own)     In order to take care of ourselves well in the future, we are supposed to do some- thing on our own from now on.     2.无论何时我们处于危险之中,我们应该及时报警求助。(whenever引导的状语 从句,be in danger, call the police for help in time)     Whenever we are in danger, we should call the police for help in time.    

