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话题六 经历与感受 近几年中考中与“经历与感受”话题相关的书面表达通常从以下三个角度进 行考查: 1.记述一件事并谈自己的感受; 2.围绕学校生活谈自己的经历及感受; 3.表达对家人、学校或朋友的情感和祝愿。 命题探究 开头句 1.I ' d like to talk about my trouble I ' m facing these days. 2.In my view, helping others gives me a strong feeling of being needed and brings me happiness. 3.Last weekend, when my parents went out, I did something surprising for them. 4.I ' d like to express my thanks to my parents for their devotion to me these years. 亮点句型 中间句 1.I feel sad today for I failed the math exam again. 2.He is a positive person and never loses heart. 3.He is so strong-minded that he gets over all the difficulties. 4.Friends should be honest. If you are honest, your friend will trust you. 5.I was so thankful that I decided to help others from then on. 结尾句 1.Thank you for everything you have done for me. 2.I think the wonderful party will always be in my mind. 3.No matter how hard life is, we won ' t fail unless we give up our hope. 4.It ' s important for us to learn to be thankful. If everyone can help each other, the world will be full of love. 好句积累 1.Gratitude is the memory of the heart.感恩就是心灵的记忆。 2.Old friends and old wine are the best.陈酒味醇,老友情深。 2018年父亲节(6月17日)快到了。为了表达对父亲的爱和感恩,学校校刊要做一 期“爸爸,我想对你说 …… ”的英文专栏,请根据以下要求,写一篇短文向校刊 投稿。 要点提示: 1.描述父亲的外貌、性格; 2.父亲让你感动的是 …… 3.今天,你最想对父亲说 …… 典例剖析 写作要求: 1.词数100左右,标题已给出; 2.可适当增减词汇,使语句流畅、完整; 3.文中不能透露个人真实信息。 Dad, I want to tell you...                         写作指导 本文是篇记叙文。写作要点:描写父亲的外貌特征和性格(一般现在时)——父 亲让你感动的事(一般过去时)——今天,想对父亲说的话(一般现在时及一般将 来时)。主要人称为第三人称。 谋篇布局   范文评析 Dad,I want to tell you... ①My father is tall and strong. He has black hair and big shining eyes. He likes telling jokes. He is a doctor. He not only can help with people ' s physical health but also can help with people ' s hearts. ②He is my hero in my heart. What touched me most happened last year . I fell in love with a pretty girl in another school. I spent much time thinking of her so that I couldn ' t focus on my schoolwork. After knowing this, my father didn ' t shout at me. Instead, he wrote to me every day to talk with me about it like a big brother. Finally I got out of my trouble gradually. I love his way of dealing with my private problems. ③ Father ' s Day is coming.My dear dad, you don ' t need to worry about me anymore. I believe there would be some other problems on my way to growing up . But I also believe that I can deal with them well with you around me. Thank you, my dear dad, I love you! You are the best dad in the world!   ①开头:描写父亲的外貌及性格。not only...but also...使用恰当。 ②正文:写父亲使自己感动的事,从句及过渡词运用多样。 ③结尾:表达自己要对父亲说的话。表达自然贴切。 亮点仿写 短语 1.tell jokes讲笑话 2.not only...but also...不但 …… 而且 …… 3.focus on集中于 4.shout at...对 …… 大喊 5.deal with处理 6.not...anymore不再 …… 7.worry about担心 仿写 1.讲笑话不仅能使你放松而且也能使别人快乐。(tell jokes, not only...but also...)     Telling jokes not only can make you relax but also can make others happy.     2.我集中于学习后,我的妈妈不再担心我的学习,也不对我大喊了。(focus on, not...any more,worry about, shout at...)     After I focused on my study, my mother didn ' t worry about my study or shout at me any more.    

