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第 8 课时 Units 7— 8( 八上 ) 第一篇 教材考点梳理 基础检测清单 读音识词 1.         [ ˈ pe ɪ p ə (r)]  2.         [spe ɪ s]  3.         [ ʃ e ɪ p]  4.         [ ˈ h ɒ l ə de ɪ ]  5.         [spuːn]  6.         [ ˈ ʃʊ ɡ ə (r)]  7.         [m əˈʃ iːn]  8.         [h əʊ l]  paper   space   shape   holiday   spoon   sugar   machine   hole 词 汇 拓 展 · 名词 1.peace →       ( adj. )  →       ( adv. )  *in peace 和平地 2.salt →      ( adj. )  3.tradition →        ( adj. )  4.factory →       ( 复数 )  5.human →       ( 复数 ) 6.sandwich →       ( 复数 )  · 形容词 7.possible →      ( n. ) 可能性   →       ( adv. ) 可能地   →       ( adj. ) 不可   能的 8.probable →      ( adv. )  9.final →       ( adv. )    peaceful peacefully salty sandwiches possibly possibility impossible traditional factories probably finally humans 词 汇 拓 展 · 动词 10.pollute →       ( n. )  →       ( adj. )  11.celebrate →       ( n. )  12.travel →       ( n. ) 旅行者   13.believe →       ( adj. ) 可信赖的 →       ( adj. ) 难以置信的 →      ( n. ) 相信   *It is believed that … 人们相信 …… 14.predict →       ( n. ) 预测   15.dig →      ( 过去式 )  →      ( 过去分词 )  →       ( 现在分词 )  pollution dug prediction digging polluted celebration traveler dug believable belief unbelievable 词 汇 拓 展 16.fall →      ( 过去式 )  →      ( 过去分词 )  *fall down (from … ) ( 从 …… ) 摔下 *fall behind 落后 *fall over 绊倒 *fall into 落入 *fall in love with sb./sth. 爱上某人 / 物 17.mix →       ( n. ) 混合物   18.shake →       ( 过去式 )  →       ( 过去分词 )  *shake hands 握手 fallen shook shaken mixture fell 短语归纳 · 动词短语 1.         参与 ; 发挥作用   2.         醒来 ; 唤醒   3.         不同意   4.         突然倒下 ; 跌倒 ;  倒塌 5.         寻找 ; 寻求   6.         接通 ( 电流、煤   气、水等 ); 打开         切断 ; 关闭   7.          把 …… 倒入 ……   8.         取出 ; 拿出   9.          用 …… 装满 ……           装满 ; 充满   10.         拯救地球   11.         感到厌烦   12.         把 …… 切块          切碎   play a part disagree with wake up fall down turn off   pour … into … take out   fill … with … be full of/be filled with save the earth look for turn on get/feel bored cut … into pieces cut up 短语归纳 13.         用 …… 盖住 ……   14._______________________________ 污染环境   · 介词短语 15.        处于危险之中   16.         未来 ; 将来   17.         在高温下   18.         通过电脑   19.         在某个时刻   · 其他短语 20.         多次 ; 反复地   21.         一个接一个   22.         数百年   23.          太空站 ; 宇宙空间站 24.         奶昔   cover … with … pollute the environment over and over again at some point one by one in danger in the future at a high temperature on computers hundreds of years space station milk shake 佳句诵读 · 未来生活 1.There will be fewer trees and the environment will be in great danger. 将有更少的树木 , 环境将会处于极大的危险中。 2.Everyone should play a part in saving the earth. 每个人都应当尽一份力来拯救地球。 3.The robots will help with/do the housework and do jobs like working in dirty or dangerous places. 机器人将会帮助做家务及在肮脏或危险的地方工作。 佳句诵读 4.There will be fewer jobs for people because more robots will do the same jobs as people. 人们将会有更少的工作 , 因为更多的机器人将会和人做一样的工作。 5.I think in the near future there will be more tall buildings, and there will be fewer cars and more buses. 我认为在不久的将来 , 高楼会更多 , 轿车会更少 , 公交车会更多。 佳句诵读 · 文化习俗 6.In most countries, people usually eat traditional food on special holidays. 在大多数国家 , 人们通常在特殊的节日里吃传统食物。 7.Most Americans still celebrate this idea of giving thanks by having a big meal at home with their family. 大多数美国人仍然通过与家人在家一起吃大餐的方式来庆祝这一感恩的日子。 语法链接 1. 一般将来时。 [ 详见 P172, 专题 ( 八 )] 2. 可数名词和不可数名词。 [ 详见 P140, 专题 ( 一 )] ❶ turn on  接通 ( 电流、煤气、水等 ); 打开 【 题 1 】 (1) — It's getting dark. Could you please      the light for me?  — All right. Just a minute. A. keep on B.turn on C.try on D.put on (2)How noisy it is! Could you please      the CD player a little?  A. turn off B.turn down C.turn on D.turn up B B (3)John      the TV and helped his mother with the housework.   A. turned off B.turned up C.turned down D.turned on (4)If the weather      to be rainy, we may have to cancel the sports meeting.  A. runs out B.breaks out C.finds out D.turns out A D 【 归纳拓展 】 1. turn on 的反义短语是 turn off ( 关上 ), 后接代词作宾语时 , 要将代词放在 turn 和 on/off 之间 , 且代词要用其宾格形式 ; 当接名词作宾语时 , 名词可以放在 on/off 之前或之后。 Kate, I want to watch TV. Please turn it on. 凯特 , 我想看电视。请打开它。 2. turn 的其他相关短语 : turn up 调大 ( 音量等 ); 出现 turn … into … 把 …… 变成 …… turn down 调小 ( 音量等 ); 拒绝 turn over 把 …… 翻转过来 turn around 转身     turn out 结果是 ❷ cut up  切碎 【 题 2 】 (1) — Could you help me      the beef for dinner, Jean?  — OK, Mom. I'll do it right away. A. take off B.knock off C.cut down D.cut up (2)You spend too much time on your mobile phone. You are supposed to      the time you spend on it.   A. cut off B.cut down C.cut up D.cut out D B (3)His left leg was badly hurt. In order to save his life, the doctor decided to      .   A. cut it off B.cut off it C.cut it up D.cut up it (4)It's impolite to      when the teacher talks.   A. cut off B.cut out C.cut in D.cut down A C 【 归纳拓展 】 1. cut up 后接代词作宾语时 , 要将代词放在 cut 和 up 之间 , 且代词要用其宾格形式 ; 后接名词作宾语时 , 名词可以放在 up 之前或之后。 She cut it up with a knife. 她用刀把它切碎了。 2. cut 的其他相关短语 : cut down 砍倒 ; 削减   cut off 切掉 ; 切断 cut out 删掉 ; 裁剪 cut in 插嘴 cut … in half 把 …… 切成两半 ❸ serve   v. 接待 ; 服务 ; 提供 【 题 3 】 — You should have      the customers some tea before the meal.   — But they said they couldn't wait to eat. A.served B.invited C.provided D.grown 【 题 4 】 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 E-payment       is now widely used in our daily life. (serve)  A service 【 归纳拓展 】 ❹ fill … with … /be filled with/be full of 【 题 5 】 (1)Life      the unexpected. Whatever we do, try our best.   A. is full of B.is filled of C.is full with D.fills with (2)First, we must      the bottle      some water.   A. fill; of B.full; of C.fill; with D.full; with A C 【 题 6 】 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 The river is      with lots of rubbish now, which makes people worried. (fill)  filled 【词义辨析】 词条 意义及用法 fill … with …  意为“用……把……装满” , 强调动作的过程 , 主语为人 be filled with  意为“充满” , 侧重于动作和装的东西 , 主语为物 be full of  意为“充满” , 侧重于状态 , 主语为物 , 可与“ be filled with ”进行同义转换 ❺ believe   v. 相信 ; 认为有可能 【 题 7 】 (1) — I got a message saying my phone number won a prize worth $3,000. — Too good to be true. Don't      it.  A.do B.hold C.make D.believe  (2)We all believe      the boy, because he never tells lies.  A.of B.for C.in D.with D C 【 题 8 】 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 In ancient times, it was       that the earth was flat.(believe)  believed 【 归纳拓展 】

