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第 12 课时 Units 5—6( 八下 ) 第一篇 教材考点梳理 基础检测清单 词汇识记 1.       ( adv. ) 突然 ; 忽然   2.       ( adj. ) 奇特的 ; 奇怪的   3.      ( n. ) 暴风雨   4.      ( n. ) 光 ; 光线 ; 光亮   5.      ( n. ) 地域 ; 地区   6.      ( n. ) 火柴   7.       ( prep. ) 倚 ; 碰 ; 撞   8.     ( v. ) 开玩笑 ; 欺骗   9.       ( v. ) 理解 ; 领会 ; 认识到 10.       ( n. ) 章节 ; 段落   11.      ( n. ) 学生   12.      ( n. ) 日期 ; 日子   13.      ( n. ) 塔 ; 塔楼   14.      ( n. ) 石头   suddenly strange light match against tower kid pupil passage date realize storm area stone 词汇识记 15.      ( adj. ) 虚弱的 ; 无力的   16.     ( adj. ) 愚蠢的 ; 不明事理的 17.       ( n. ) 物体 ; 物品   18.     ( n. ) 尾巴   19.     ( v. ) 适合 ; 合身   20.       ( n. )( 尤指 ) 夫妻 ; 两人 ; 两件事物 21.      ( v. & n. ) 笑 ; 微笑   22.     ( n. ) 丝绸 ; 丝织物   23.       ( pron. ) 没有人 ( n. ) 小   人物 24.      ( v. ) 欺骗 ; 蒙骗 ( n. ) 骗子   25.      ( adj. ) 全部的 ; 整体的   26.      ( adv. ) 光亮地 ; 明亮地 ( adj. ) 明亮的 27.       ( n. ) 地 ; 地面   28.      ( n. ) 声音   weak silly object tail smile silk nobody cheat bright fit couple whole ground voice 词汇识记 29.      ( 闹钟 ) 发出响声   30.      接电话   31.       进入梦乡 ; 睡着   32.       看一看   33.       沉默 ; 无声   34.       拆除 ; 往下拽 ; 记录   35.      首先 ; 最初 36.       有点儿 ; 稍微   37.       变成   38.       从前   39.     爱上 ; 喜欢上   40.       结婚   go off pick up have a look in silence at first a little bit turn … into fall in love take down fall asleep get married once upon a time 词汇拓展 · 名词 1.wood →       ( adj. ) 木制的   *in the woods 在树林里 2.ice →     ( adj. ) 冰冷的   3.west →       ( adj. ) 西方的   4.gold →       ( adj. ) 金色的   5.wife →      ( 复数 )  · 形容词 6.true →      ( n. ) 实情 ; 事实   →      ( n. ) 信赖 ; 信任   →       ( adj. ) 真实的 ; 诚实的 →      ( adv. ) 诚恳地 ; 确实 *to tell the truth 说实话 7.brave →       ( adv. ) 勇敢地   8.strange →       ( n. ) 陌生人   →       ( adv. ) 奇怪地   wooden icy western trust truly bravely stranger truthful golden truth strangely wives 词 汇 拓 展 9.complete →       ( adv. )  10.silent →       ( n. ) 寂静   →       ( adv. )  *keep silent 保持沉默 11.recent →      ( adv. ) 最近   · 动词 12.report →     ( n. ) 记者   *It is reported that … 据报道 …… 13.beat →      ( 过去式 )  →       ( 过去分词 )  14.rise →      ( 过去式 )  →      ( 过去分词 )  15.shoot →      ( 过去式 )  →      ( 过去分词 )  16.hide →      ( 过去式 )  →       ( 过去分词 )  completely silence recently hid rose risen silently reporter beat beaten shot shot hidden 词 汇 拓 展 17.shine →      ( 过去式 )  →      ( 过去分词 )  18.lead →     ( 过去式 )  →     ( 过去分词 )  →       ( n. ) 领导者   →       ( n. ) 领导 ; 领导 地位 *lead to … 导致 …… 19.excite →       ( adj. ) 令人兴奋的 →       ( adj. ) 感到兴奋的 →       ( n. ) 兴奋   *be excited about … 对 …… 感到兴奋 20.fit →       ( 过去式 )  →       ( 过去分词 )  shone shone led led exciting excited leadership excitement fit/fitted leader fit/fitted 英汉互译 · A 组 1. 昨天晚上八点你在干什么 ?   2. 我在洗澡。   3. 当暴风雨来临时 , 他正在图书馆看书。     What were you doing at eight last night? I was taking a shower. He was reading in the library when the rainstorm came. 英汉互译 4. 本的爸爸正在拿几块木板盖住窗户 , 同时他妈妈在确认手电筒和收音机都能正常使用。 Ben's dad was putting pieces of wood over the windows while his mom               the flashlights and radio were working.  was making sure 英汉互译 · B 组 5. 尽管有些人可能不记得谁杀了他 , 但是他们记得他们听到这个消息时正在干什么。 Although some people may not remember           him, they remember                    when they heard the news.  who killed what they were doing 英汉互译 6. 但是如果他不能把尾巴藏起来 , 他就不能把自己变成人。 But      he can hide his tail, he cannot               a man.  7. 有一年天气太干旱 , 以至于粮食颗粒不长。 One year, the weather was             no food would grow.  unless turn himself into so dry that 英汉互译 8. 故事是怎样开始的 ?   9.As soon as the man finished talking, Yu Gong said that his family could continue to move the mountains after he died.   How does the story begin? 这个人一说完 , 愚公就说在他死后 , 他的子孙可以继续移山。 语法链接 1. 过去进行时。 [ 详见 P109, 专题 ( 八 )] 2. 状语从句。 [ 详见 P130, 专题 ( 十三 )] ❶ remind   v. 提醒 ; 使想起 (1)remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起某事 The key reminds me of the mistakes I made before. 这把钥匙使我想起了我以前犯的错误。 (2)remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事 The teacher reminded me to bring my homework here. 老师提醒我把作业带到这儿来。 (3)remind sb.+that 从句 提醒某人 …… Tourists are reminded that smoking is not allowed in the museum. 游客们被提醒禁止在博物馆抽烟。 【 题 1 】 (1) — When is National Public Memorial Day( 国家公祭日 )? — On December 13th. And it can      us      the hard days in the past.  A.think; of B.remind; of C.help; out (2) The volunteers put up many signs to remind people      the environment.  A.protected B.protecting C.to protect B C ❷ marry   v. 结婚 用法 例句 marry sb . 与 某人结婚 He married Jane last month. 他上个月和简结婚了。 marry sb. to sb. 把某人嫁给某人 The old man married his daughter to a doctor. 这位老人把他的女儿嫁给了一位医生。 be married 强调状态 , 可与表示一段时间的时间状语连用 My parents have been married for about twenty years. 我父母已经结婚大约二十年了。 ( 续表 ) 用法 例句 get married 强调动作 , 不可与表示一段时间的时间状语连用 When did your brother get married? 你哥哥 / 弟弟是什么时候结婚的 ? 【 题 2 】 (1) 我最好的朋友去年结婚了。   (2) — Is Mary      ?  — Yes. She      Bob for one year.  A.marrying; was married with B.married; got married to C.married; has been married to (3)Yesterday he asked his girlfriend to      him.  A.marry B.marry to C.be married My best friend got married last year. A C ❸ pick up  接电话 pick up 的不同含义 : (1) 捡起 ; 拾起 I would have picked it up if I had noticed it. 如果我看见的话 , 我早就把它捡起来了。 (2)( 偶然 ) 得到 ; 学会 He picked up French while he was staying in Paris. 他待在巴黎时学会了法语。 (3) 搭载 ; 开车去接 ( 某人 ) Pick me up at the hotel. 来宾馆接我。 [ 注意 ] pick up 是动副词组 , 其后接代词作宾语时 , 代词应位于 pick 与 up 之间。 Could you please pick it up? 你可以把它捡起来吗 ? 【 归纳拓展 】 与 up 搭配的相关短语 : put up 举起 ; 搭起 ; 张贴   look up 仰视 ; 查阅 give up 放弃 use up 用尽 cut up 切碎 mix up 使混合 ; 弄乱 make up 组成 ; 编造 stay up 熬夜 think up 想出 wake up 唤醒 get up 起床 hang up 挂断电话 open up 开阔 dress up 乔装打扮 eat up 吃光 fix up 修理 clean up 打扫 cheer up 使某人振奋 【 题 3 】 (1) — Look! What's that? — Oh, it's my jacket. Please      .  A.pick it up      B.pick up it C.pick them up (2)Yesterday I      some information about hotels in Beidaihe on the Internet.  A.set up B.looked up C.cleaned up A B ❹ noise/voice/sound 词条 含义 例句 noise 噪声 ; 吵闹声 Don't make any noise. The kids are sleeping. 别吵 , 孩子们正在睡觉。 voice 嗓音 ; 说话 声 ; 歌唱 声 She often speaks in a low voice. 她经常低声说话。 sound ( 各种 ) 声音 ; 响声 Light travels faster than sound. 光比声音传播速度快。 【 归纳拓展 】 (1)in a low voice 低声地 ;in a loud voice 大声地 (2)sound 还可作系动词 , 意为“听起来” , 后面接形容词作表语。 sound like 意为“听起来像 ……” 。 【 题 4 】 The boy didn't sleep well because of the      from the factory.  A.voice B.noise C.sound B ❺ asleep/sleep/sleepy 词条 含义及用法 例句 asleep 形容词 , 意为“睡着的 ; 入睡的” , 强调状态 , 不能作前置定语 They're asleep. Don't wake them up. 他们睡着了 , 别叫醒他们。 sleep 作动词时 , 意为“入睡 ; 睡觉” ; 作名词时 , 意为“睡眠” He didn't sleep well before the exam . 考试 前他没睡好。 sleepy 形容词 , 意为“困倦的 , 瞌睡的” She always feels sleepy in class because she stays up. 因为熬夜 , 她上课总感到困倦。 【 题 5 】 根据句意 , 用 asleep, sleep 或 sleepy 填空 (1)I felt very       in class because I stayed up late last night.  (2)When I did my homework, my brother fell       on his desk.  (3)You must have enough       so that you can have energy to listen to your teachers in class.  sleepy asleep sleep ❻ whole/all 词条 词性 用法 举例 whole adj. 仅作定语 ; 位于定冠词、物主代词或名词所有格后 the whole story 整个故事 ; two whole weeks 整整两个星期 all pron. 位于定冠词、物主代词或名词所有格之前 all my shoes 我所有的鞋 ; all the money 所有的钱 【 题 6 】 根据句意 , 用 whole 或 all 填空 (1)Sometimes, a person's      life is easily changed by something unexpected.  (2)When I entered the classroom,      the students were already in their seats.  (3)The boy wiped      his toys and put them in the box.  (4)The      village will be covered with snow in winter.  whole all all whole ❼ with 的复合结构 “ with+ 宾语 + 宾语补足语”结构为 with 的复合结构。此结构常作状语 , 其中宾语常常是名词 , 宾语补足语可以是介词短语、形容词、副词或过去分词等。 With some books in his hand, he entered the classroom. 他走进了教室 , 手里拿着一些书。 Don't sleep with the window open in winter. 冬天不要开着窗户睡觉。 【 归纳拓展 】 with 的反义词是 without 。 【 题 7 】 (1)The girl sat there quite silent and still with her eyes    on the wall.  A.fixing B.to fix C.fixed (2)No one can be successful      hard work.  A.by B.without C.with C B ❽ find sb./sth. … “ find+ 宾语 + 宾语补足语”意为“发现某人 / 某物 ……” , 宾语补足语可以是现在分词、副词、名词 ( 短语 ) 、介词短语或 (to be+) 形容词等。 We found a group of children playing on the playground. 我们发现一群孩子正在操场上玩耍。 I found him out last night. 昨晚我发现他出去了。 You'll find it a good book. 你会发现它是一本好书。 I found him (to be) much younger than I had expected. 我发现他比我原先预想的要年轻得多。 [ 注意 ] 当 find 后接形容词作宾语补足语时 , 可改为“ find+that 从句”或“ find+it+ 形容词 + 动词不定式”。 I find playing computer games frustrating. =I find that playing computer games is frustrating. =I find it frustrating to play computer games. 我发现玩电脑游戏令人感到沮丧。 【 题 8 】 (1)Many people find      listening to music can make them happy.  A.it B.that C.to be (2)We all find      interesting to watch this TV program.  A.it B.that C.to be B A ❾ have trouble (in) doing sth.  做某事有困难 have trouble/difficulty/problems doing/with sth. 意为“做某事有困难” , 可与“ It's difficult/hard for sb. to do sth. ”句型互换。 He has trouble speaking/with English.=It's hard for him to speak English. 他说英语有困难。 【 题 9 】 The old man has trouble      us clearly.  A.hear B.hearing C.to hear B Ⅰ. 语法填空 1. There must be something wrong with the machine.It is making strange      .  A.noise B.noisy C.voice 2.      you read it, you can't imagine how moving the story is.  A.Because B.Unless C.If A B 3. Don't forget to remind yourself      you should have medicine before sleep.  A.of B.to C.that 4. — You'll travel to America, right? — Yes, but I have trouble      English.  A.to speak B.speaking C.with speak C B 5. Chinese people find      our duty to help develop African countries along the Belt and Road( 一带一路 ).  A.it B.this C.that 6. — Do you      your son after school?  — No. He comes back home on the school bus. A.pick up B.look after C.drop in A A 7. — Did Sa Beining, one of the most famous hosts of CCTV,      a Canadian girl?  — Yes, they      for about 4 years.  A.marry to; got married B.get married to; have got married C.marry; have been married C Ⅱ. 中英互译 1. 他默默地看着我。   2. 患难见真情。   3. 一个小时内完成这项任务似乎不太可能。   He looked at me in silence. A friend in need is a friend indeed. It doesn't seem very possible to finish the task in an hour. 4. The first time I saw her, I fell in love with her.   5. They keep fighting to help the weak and never give up.   当我第一次看到她的时候 , 我就爱上了她。 他们一直奋力帮助弱者并且从不放弃。   运用下列给出的词汇或短语 , 适当联想相应情景 , 把词和短语串联成一段微型短文。想象合理 , 符合逻辑。 Key words: suddenly, heavily, realize, brave, at first, instead of       One possible version :    Xiao Ming and I are good friends and we both like playing soccer. One afternoon, we were playing soccer happily in our neighborhood. Suddenly, I kicked the ball so heavily that it broke one window of Aunt Wang's house. I was afraid and wanted to run away at first. Xiao Ming stopped me and said sorry to Aunt Wang. I realized I was wrong. We should be brave to face our mistakes instead of running away from them.

