2020-2021学年人教版初三英语全册知识点 Unit 5

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2020-2021学年人教版初三英语全册知识点 Unit 5

‎2020-2021学年人教版初三英语全册知识点 Unit 5‎ 重点词汇 ‎1.glass n.玻璃;(pl.)眼镜 ‎2.fair n.展览会;交易会 adj.公平的 unfair adj.不公平的 ‎3.environmental adj.自然环境的;有关环境的 environment n.环境 ‎4.leaf n.(pl.leaves)叶;叶子 ‎5.produce v.生产;制造;出产 product n.产品;制品 ‎6.widely adv.广泛地;普遍地 wide adj.宽的 ‎7.process v.加工;处理 n.过程 ‎8.avoid v.避免;回避 avoid doing sth.避免做某事 ‎9.Germany 德国 German 德国人;德语 ‎10.competitor n.参赛者;竞争者 compete v.竞争 competition n.比赛,竞赛 ‎11.scissors n.(pl.) 剪刀 ‎12.lively adj.生气勃勃的;(色彩)鲜艳的 live v.生活 ‎13.historical adj.(有关)历史的 historic adj.历史上有名的;有历史意义的 historian n.史学工作者;历史学家 ‎14.complete v.完成 adj. 完全的,彻底的 completely adv.彻底地;完全地;完整地 ‎15.be known/famous for 因……而出名 be known/famous as 作为……而出名 ‎16.no matter 不论;无论 ‎17.be made of 由……制造 be made in 在……(地方)制造 ‎18.as far as I know 据我所知 ‎19.by hand 手工 ‎20.find out 查明;弄清 ‎21.turn...into...=change...into...把……变成……‎ ‎22.be covered with 被……覆盖 ‎23.be good for 有益于……‎ be good at=do well in擅长……‎ be good with 与……相处得好 be good to 对……友好 ‎24.in fact实际上 ‎25.according to 根据 ‎♦重点句型 ‎1.What are the shirts made of?衬衫是由什么制成的?‎ ‎2.And they were made in the US.而且他们是美国制造的。‎ ‎3.No matter what you may buy,you might think those products were made in those countries.无论你买什么,你会认为那些产品是在那些国家制造的。‎ ‎4.The international kite festival is held in April every year.国际风筝节是在每年的四月举行。‎ ‎5.Laura didn’t know that kite flying could be so exciting.劳拉不知道放风筝会如此令人兴奋。‎ ‎6.It seems that many people all over the world drink Chinese tea.似乎世界上很多人都喝中国的茶叶。‎ ‎7.When the leaves are ready,they are picked by hand and then are sent for processing.当茶叶成熟的时候,它们被手工摘下来然后送去加工。‎ ‎8.He realized that Americans can hardly avoid buying products made in China.他意识到美国人几乎不可避免会购买到中国制造的产品。‎ ‎9.It takes several weeks to complete everything.完成所有工作需要花费几周时间。‎ ‎10.Kang Jian thinks it’s great that China is so good at making these everyday things.康健认为中国擅长制造这些日常用品是很了不起的。‎ ‎♦重要知识点 知识点1be made of 的用法 be made+‎ of由……制成,可看出原材料(物理变化)‎ from由……制成,看不出原材料(化学变化)‎ in在……制造,后接产地 into被制成……‎ for为……制造 by由……制造,后接制造者 up of由……组成,后接组成部分 例如:‎ The desk is made of wood.这张桌子是由木头制成的。‎ Paper is made from wood.纸由木材制成。‎ This TV set is made in Jiangsu.这台电视机是在江苏制造的。‎ The cake was made by my grandma.这块蛋糕是我奶奶做的。‎ This team is made up of six students.这个队由六名学生组成。‎ 知识点2辨析grow,plant,produce与make的用法 ‎1.grow侧重指生长,成长,可以是植物、动物,或其他事物(如企业,野心等),指的是从小到大的整个过程。例如:‎ Tomatoes grow best in direct sunlight.西红柿在阳光直射下长得最好。‎ ‎2.plant主要指栽种这一行为,指把种子或秧苗栽种到土壤里使其生长。例如:‎ He says he plans to plant fruit trees and vegetables.他说他打算种植果树和蔬菜。‎ ‎3.produce可以表示工业上的生产,也可以表示生产粮食蔬菜,还可表示雌性生育等。例如:Our cat produced kittens last week.我家的猫上周生小猫咪了。‎ ‎4.make主要指制造,可以指工业上的生产,不能表示通过种植而获得的产品。例如:‎ She makes her own clothes.她自己做衣服。‎ 知识点3process的用法 ‎1.process作动词,意为“加工”。例如:‎ Workers are processing vegetables.工人们正在加工蔬菜。‎ ‎2.process还可用作名词,意为“过程”,是可数名词。常见搭配in the process of 意为“在……过程中”。例如:‎ The car is in the process of repairing.那辆车正在修理中。‎ 知识点4seem的用法 ‎1.It seems that...“似乎,好像,看起来……”。例如:‎ It seems that he is leaving here.看起来他要离开这里。‎ ‎2.常见搭配:‎ ‎(1)It seems like...“似乎……;好像……”,其后常接名词。例如:‎ It seems like years since we last met.距我们上次见面似乎已经好多年了。‎ ‎(2)seem (to be)+adj.“似乎……”。例如:‎ You seem (to be) unhappy.你好像不高兴。‎ ‎(3)seem to do sth.“似乎要做某事”以及seem+adj.“似乎……”,均可与It seems that句型相互转换。例如:‎ It seems that he is angry.=He seems angry.=He seems to be angry.他似乎很生气。‎ 知识点5辨析find,find out与 look for的用法 ‎1.find意为“找到,发现”,强调结果。例如:‎ He can’t find his watch.他找不到他的手表。‎ ‎2.find out 意为“查明,找出”,是指经过认真观察、调查和研究后才发现某事或某物。例如:‎ Please find out the answer to the question.请找出这个问题的答案。‎ ‎3.look for 意为“寻找”,强调过程或动作。例如:‎ I’m looking for my pen.我正在寻找我的钢笔。‎ 知识点6辨析lively,living与alive的用法 ‎1.lively意为“生气勃勃的;生动的,活泼的”,既可以指活着的生物,也可以指抽象的概念。在句中作定语或宾语补足语。例如:‎ He may be eighty,but he is still lively.他可能八十岁了,但是仍然精力充沛。‎ ‎2.living意为“活着的,健在的”。既可指生物,也可指其他事物。在句中作定语或表语,作表语时相当于alive。例如:‎ The river is so dirty that no living things can live in it.河水太脏了,没有生物能在里面生存。‎ ‎3.alive意为“活着的”。常用作表语,如果作定语,需后置。例如:‎ He is one of the oldest men alive in the world.他是世界上仍健在的最长寿的老人之一。‎

