初中英语九年级全册Unit1Howcanwebe第四课时SectionB(1a-1e)课件 人教新目标版

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初中英语九年级全册Unit1Howcanwebe第四课时SectionB(1a-1e)课件 人教新目标版

Unit 1 How can we become good learners? 第四课时 Section B (1a1e) ►pronounce动词,意为“发音”。其名词形式为pronunciation,意为 “发音;读音”。 ►I don't know how to increase my reading speed.我不知道如何提高我的阅 读速度。 ①how to increase…是“特殊疑问词+动词不定式”结构,用作宾语。类 似的特殊疑问词还有what,which,when,where等,其后都可以接动词不 定式。这类简单句往往是由主从句主语一致的复合句转化而来的。 eg:She didn't know which dress to buy. =She didn't know which dress she should buy.她不知道该买哪条裙子。 ②increase动词,意为“增加,增长”。increase to意为“增加到”,后 接增长后的数字;increase by意为“增加了”,后接增加的数量(含倍数/百 分数)。 eg:The prices of the vegetables increased again.蔬菜价格又上涨了。 ③speed名词,意为“速度”,常用于结构at a speed of中,意为“以…… 的速度”。 eg:He is driving at a high speed of 80 kilometers per hour.他正以每小时 80千米的高速驾驶。 ►I don't have a partner to practice English with.我没有一个可以一起练习 英语的搭档。 该句中动词不定式短语to practice English with作名词a partner的后置定 语。a partner又是介词with的逻辑宾语,构成介宾结构。 eg:I have no pen to write with.我没有可以用来写字的钢笔。 一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。 1.The ___________(速度) of light is faster than that of sound. 2.Maybe you should _________(加入) an English club. 3.The number of cars is ______________(增加). 4.I don't know how to ____________ (发音) this word.Could you help me? 5.Your ___________ (搭档) should pass the ball to you then. speed join increasing pronounce partner 二、单项选择。 ( )6.(来宾中考) Linda works hard and she practices ________ English every day.                      A.speak B.speaks C.speaking D.to speak ( )7.(达州中考) —Why did Lucy look unhappy? —Because she was so careless that she made many spelling ________ in her homework. A.friends B.plans C.decisions D.mistakes C D ( )8.(鄂州中考)—I'll be away for a long time. —Don't worry.She can look after your pet ________. A.careful enough B.enough careful C.carefully enough D.enough carefully ( )9.My brother doesn't have a pen ________. A.writing B.to write C.writing with D.to write with C D ( )10.—Which dress would you like,Madam? —Sorry,I can't decide ________now.(原创题) A.to buy which one B.buy which one C.which one to buy D.which I should buy it C 三、从方框内选择适当的选项补全对话。 A:Hi,Jim.Where are you going? B:I'm going to my English teacher's office. A:Why? B:11._____ My English teacher says it's very important for me to improve English skills. A:Which is the worst for you,listening,speaking,reading or writing? B:12._____ I can't get my pronunciation right. D E A:What will you do then? B:My English teacher says practicing talking to my friends is a good way.So I want to join the English club.13.A A:14._____ But I don't know how to improve it. B:I think you can listen to English over the radio or watch English movies often.I think they help a lot. A:15.______ Bye! B:Bye! C B A.What about you? B.Thank you. C.My listening is poor. D.I want to join the English club. E.I think my speaking is the worst.

