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杨浦区 2016 届九年级 4 月质量调研(二模) 英语试题 (满分:150 分考试时间:100 分钟) Part l Listening(第一部分听力) I.Listening Comprehension(听力理解):(共 30 分) A.Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):(6 分) B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的 对 7. A) Rainy. B) Snowy. C) Cloudy. D) Clear. 8. A) Science. B) Math. C) P.E. D)Society. 9. A) Cute. B) Popular. C) Friendly. D) Serious. 11. A) Teacher and student. B) Doctor and patient. C) Shop assistant and customer. D) Manager and clerk. . 12. A) Bus No. 112. B) Bus No. 153. C) Bus No. 113. D) Bus No. 117. 13. A) Room 102 is not available now. B) John wants to book a room in the hotel. C) The hotel will get John another room. D) John is complaining about the noise. 14. A) He did some physical activity. B) He did his homework. C) He listened to a program. D) He studied for the exams. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断句子是 否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用"T"表示,不符合的用"F”表示: (6 分) 15. Gabriela fell down when she was on her way to the bus stop. 16. Gabriela immediately called an ambulance(救护车). 17. It was hard for the nurses to get to Gabriela because so many students were around her. 18. Gabriela's leg wasn't broken but it hurt. 19. Gabriela's classmate drove her home because he lived close to her. 20. The story mainly tells us that one should stay calm when something bad happens. [来源:Z_xx_k.Com] D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成内容,每空格限填- 词): (10 分) 21.Emma's mom published her first book when she was just old. 22.Emma's dad is a famous and has won many tournaments. 23.Chris's latest invention can protect your iPod from 24. Emma is of her school football team. 25. Emma's parents are her and her brother. Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and vocabulary Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案):(共 20 分) 26. Which of the following is pronounced as ? A) train B) chance C) chain D) shine 27. Sue is responsible reporting the great changes which have taken place in education. A) of B) from C) with D) for 28. Growing into adult means having the right to do certain things, such as getting a part-time job. A) a B) an C) the D)/ ' 29. You can enjoy the best collection of Historic Building Structures on side of the bridge. A) both B) neither C) either D) all 30. The situation is bad in England, but it is far in Scotland. A) bad B) worse C) worst D) the worst[来源:学科网 ZXXK] 31. Disney's new animated movie Zootopia may be movie of the year. A) amusing B) more amusing C) most amusing D) the most amusing 32. Why were women and children forced to work the late I 800s? A) in B) for C) on D) at 33. Dogs are really . It's nice to pick them up and hold them-in our arms. A) lovely B) heavily C) gently D) terribly 34. The ATM machine isn't working. I need to go to the bank to get some A) coin B) money C) bill D) note 35. Some businesses refuse products from the rainforests so as not to destroy them. A) buy B) buying C) to buy D) to buying 36. He kept to start the car and the battery got flatter and flatter. A) try B) trying C) to try D) to trying 37. The patient had to have the operation, she would die. A) or B) but C) and D) so 38. George's mother will never punish him if he the truth. A) tells B) will tell C) is telling D) told 39. By the end of last month, I half of the project. A) finished B) have finished C) had finished D) will finish 40. She turned her face away from him he wouldn't see her tears. A) although B) unless C) because D) so that 41. The river by waste products from the factory. We can find no fish in it. A) has polluted B) will pollute C) has been polluted D) will be polluted 42. They were still arguing; I hear them down the road. A) could B) may C) must D) should 43. good idea it would be to start a community magazine up! A) What B) What a C) What an D) How 44. --- Would you mind waiting outside for a moment? --- A) Never mind. B) You're right. C) Of course. D) Not at all. 45. --- Perhaps we could volunteer for SITRZ during the holiday. --- A) It's very sweet of you to say so. B) Yes. I'd love to. C) That sounds like a good idea. D) I'll be glad to help you. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once (将下列单词或词组填入空格.每空格限填-词.) A. probably B. journalist C. based on D. war E. belong to Every day we hear about individuals, politicians. and world leaders trying to bring peace to countries at 46 . But there's another group of people you 47 haven't heard much about who are trying to do the same thing. And they're mainly teenagers. These teenagers 48 an organization called Seeds of Peace. Seeds of Peace was started in 1993 by a 49 named John Wallach. The group began with 46 Israeli (以色列) and Arab teens and educators, and has grown to over 5,000 members in 27 different countries. A. gain B.goal C. as well as D. attends E. carefully Every summer, 350 new "Seeds" are 50 chosen by the group. This new group of teenagers 51 the Seeds of Peace international summer camp, where they meet and live with other teenagers from "enemy" countries. The campers learn important communication skills, 52 problem solving and critical thinking skills. Most importantly, they learn how to make change happen. 15-year-old Sharon Korea from Israel summed up her expectations of the summer camp with these words: "My 53 is to be as understanding as I can be, to be open to hear the other side and respect everyone. Everyone wants peace ... I think we are going to make peace." Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当 形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词):(共 8 分) 54. Police officers are often injured in the course of their____.(duty) 55. Apple Pay came to China on February18,making China the ____country to have this service. (five) 56. Hearing someone come in, he hid ____behind the door. (he) 57. Nowadays many taxi apps enable people to get around the city more____.(easy) 58. Reading provides the knowledge we are unable to get from ____experience. (person) 59. He wants to live where he can ____clean and fresh air. (breath) 60.It was very ____of you to lie to them about your education background. (honest)[来源:Zxxk.Com] 61. The chance to meet new people with fresh views helps encourag e the ____of one's mind. (develop) Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。62-67 题,每空 格限填一词。68 题注意句首大写):(共 14 分) 62. Guests need an admission ticket to visit Disney town.(改为否定句) Guests_ ___ an admission ticket to visit Disney town. 63. People used to travel to the island by ferry.(对划线部分提问) _ ___ people use to travel to the island? 64. These chemicals can be harmful to animal life.(保持句意基本不变) These chemicals can do_ ___ animal life. 65. The strong heat and smoke drove the firemen back.(改为被动语态) The firemen_ ___ back by the strong heat and smoke. 66. He was absent from school because of his serious illness.(保持句意基本不变) He was absent from school because he was_ ___ . 67. What will life be like in 50 years' time? No one knows.(改为宾语从句) No one knows what_ ___ be like in 50 years' time. 68. new skills, a great way, is,develop. volunteering. to(连词成句) ___________________________________- Part 3 Reading and Writing(第三部分读写) Reading comprehension(阅读理解):(共 50 分) A.Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案):(12 分) When Tom brought his lunch to her table. Lindsey knew something was up. "Your friends are over there," she said. nodding toward the other side of the cafeteria.[来源:Z_xx_k.Com] "I'd rather sit here today," Tom replied. He took a bite out of his pizza and looked around the cafeteria. Lindsey looked straight ahead, silent. “So, what's new?" Tom asked. Lindsey picked at her food, pretending that she hadn't heard him.“Look. Lindsey. I'm sorry." Tom said.“1 was just kidding about your shoes." “I can't believe you said that in front of everyone," Lindsey said. Anger rose inside her, but she kept control of herself. "My mom bought me those shoes because she thought I would like them. Now everyone's going to call me ' Sparkle Toes' forever." She pushed her feet beneath her schoolbag, which she had placed on the floor. She tried her best to hide the silver sports shoes with their shining pink laces (鞋带)."I thought we were friends." she said, looking down. "We are friends." Tom said. "I was just trying to be funny. How can I make it up to you?" Finally Lindsey realized that Tom meant what he said. Plus. she had an idea. She began unlacing her shoes. "Give me your laces. You wear mine for the rest of the day," she said. Then she glanced at the second piece of pizza on Tom's plate. "And give me your other slice of pizza. Then we'll be even(扯平)." Tom nodded and smiled. "That seems fair," he said, pushing his plate toward Lindsey with one hand and reaching down to untie his laces with the other. 69. The story happened _ ___ A) in a pizza shop B) in the school cafeteria C) in a shoe store D) in the school playground 70. Why did Tom sit at Lindsey's table? A) Because he wanted to apologize. B) Because he wanted to share his pizza. C) Because no other tables were available. D) Because he wanted to be away from his friends. 71 . Which of the following is not a fact about Lindsey's shoes? A) They were silver. B) They looked silly. C) They had pink laces. D) They were bought by Mum. 72. Why did Lindsey exchange shoelaces with Tom? A) Tom liked Lindsey's laces better. B) Lindsey 's shoes did not fit properly. C) Tom wanted to wear her shoelaces. D) She wanted Tom to prove that he was sorry. 73. How would Lindsey feel if someone called her "Sparkle Toes"? A) Excited. B) Disappointed. C) Embarrassed. D) Lonely. 74. What probably happened before the story began? A) Tom made fun of Lindsey's shoes. B) Tom had a big fight with Lindsey. C) Tom told Lindsey's secrets to others. D) Tom forgot to buy Lindsey a birthday present. B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage (选择最恰当单词或词语完成 短文) Coconut Island is a beautiful island with. of course, coconut palms( 椰 子 树 ), golden beaches and clear blue sea. I'm sorry, I made a 75 there. Coconut Island was a beautiful island. There are still coconut palms, golden beaches and clear blue sea but not like before. So, what happened? Well, I have a friend who was here five years ago. Her photo album is full of wonderful pictures of empty beaches. Also she has pictures of small. wooden bungalows(小屋) on the beach. No need to book she said, just 76 and you have the place to yourself - very basic. cheap, quiet and peaceful. Not anymore! The beach is 77 empty - it's crowded all day! There is music from the cafes. children are shouting and screaming, and the hotels are very expensive. Most of the hotels are full of holidaymakers who booked their trip months ago. I'm lucky to have a small room at the back of one hotel, and it's still expensive. But perhaps this is 78 ? Not only are the roads better but there is also a new medical clinic. The local kids now speak English 'Mister. mister. you want t-shirt?' and there are many new businesses opening all the time. 79 I see an old woman trying to cross the road from her house to the shops. It's no longer a small, quiet road but a large and very busy one. She looks nervous and waits for someone to walk with her. The children no longer ride bicycles but race around the island on motorbikes. It's not so 80 either - my friend stayed in a bungalow on the beach that had no lock. Now the hotel room says it's a good idea to put things in the safe box. Are things getting better or worse? 75.A) decision B) noise C) living D) mistake 76. A) show up B) look up C) wake up D) take up 77. A) even B) never C) ever D) also 78. A) danger B) history C) progress D) travel 79. A) Generally B) Again C) Especially D) Then 80. A) comfortable B) awful C) safe D) boring C.Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14 分) “Moi, Sofia!" "Terve, Aleksi!” That's "hello" in Finland(芬兰)And that's how students and staff g 81 each other at this Finnish school. Students call their teachers by their first names. Anna Hansson has gone to this school since first grade, so she knows everybody Anna shouts "Moi" to her schoolmates as she arrives at 7:45 in the morning At her school. Anna and her classmates d 82 . along with their teacher. what their weekly aims, tasks. and activities will be. Students work at their own pace. They don't always study together. Some may be in their home classroom. Others might be in a workshop, where they ' re learning by actually doing. Today, Anna's group is working on a magazine in the workshop. Anna and her classmates don't learn by memorizing facts. I 83 , they work together to gather information. They ask their teacher for help whenever they need to. The class is active and busy, but the teacher is in full control and doesn't have to tell students to behave. Parents are welcome at the school and volunteer in workshops and evening classes. After 90 minutes, students have a break for 30 minutes. Soon. it's lunchtime! In Anna's school. students get free hot n 84 every day. Today's lunch is everybody's favourite - meatballs and mashed potatoes. It is served with salad. bread and milk on the tables with flowers in vases. Chores have always been part of the school life. All students do chores. which i 85 taking care of plants, collecting trash, recycling, and composting. Students help in the library and in the kitchen. School is o 86 between 12 noon and 2 in the afternoon. Most parents work, so city officials have built outdoor playgrounds and two buildings for younger students to do homework or play indoor games while waiting to be picked up. For o 87 students. there are clubs and hobby groups. They can study languages, learn to play instruments. and do arts and crafts. D. Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答 T 列问题): ( 12 分) ①These days, people with serious heart problems can have a heart transplant - in other words, another heart is put into their body to replace the heart with problems.[来源 学科网 ZXXK] ②Christiaan Barnard was the surgeon (外科医生) who performed the first human heart transplant operation. Barnard was born in 1922. in his native South Africa. He studied medicine at the University of Cape Town and graduated in 1953. Then he went to the USA and studied at the University of Minnesota. He returned to the University of Cape Town in 1958 to teach surgery. No one knew very much about him- but in 1967, he became world-famous. ③On 3 December. Barnard transferred the heart of a 25-year-old woman into the body of Louis Washkansky, a 55-year-old grocer. Unfortunately, Washkansky died 18 days later. Barnard did a second transplant, on 2 January 1968. for a man called Philip Blaiberg - this was a lot more successful. as Blaiberg lived for over 1 8 months after the operation. ④Barnard was not the usual picture of a surgeon. Young and handsome. he spent as much time in nightclubs as he did in operation rooms. He met the Pope(教皇)in Rome and President Lyndon Johnson in the USA. He knew many beautiful film stars of the time, but all three of his marriages failed. He also performed free surgery on hundreds of very sick people ⑤He died in September 200l, aged 78. 88. When was Christiaan Barnard born? 89. In which two countries did he study'? 90. What did Barnard do at the University of Cape Town in 1958? 91. How long did Philip Blaiberg live after his heart transplant? 92. What does paragraph④tell us about Barnard? Answer in one sentence. 93. What kind of person do you think Barnard was? Give your reasons. VII. Writing(作文):(共 20 分) 94. In 60 to 120 words, write about the topic "What makes a good neighbour”.(以“怎样 才是个好邻居”为题,写一篇 60-120 个词的短文,标点符号不占格) (注意:短文中不得出现考生真实的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。) 参考答案 Part 1 A. 1. C 2. E 3. A 4. H 5. F 6. D B. 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. B 11. B 12. C 13. D 14. A C. 15. T 16. F 17. T 18. T 19. F 20. F D. 21. 14 years 22. chess player 23. getting wet 24. the captain 25. proud of Part 2 26. C 27. D 28. B 29. C 30. B 31. D 32. A 33. A 34. B 35. C 36. B 37. A 38. A 39. C 40. D 41. C 42. A 43. B 44. D 45. C 46. D 47. A 48. E 49. B 50. E 51. D 52. C 53. B 54. duties 55. fifth 56. himself 57. easily 58. personal 59. breathe 60. dishonest 61. development 62. don't need 63. How did 64. harm to 65. were driven 66.seriously ill 67. life will 68. Volunteering is a great way to develop new skills. /A great way to develop new skills is volunteering. Part 3 A. 69. B 70. A 71. B 72. D 73. C. 74. A B. 75. D 76. A 77. B 78. C. 79. D 80. C. C. 81. greet 82. decide/discuss 83. Instead 84. meals 85. include 86. over 87. older D. 88. In 1922. 89. South Africa and the USA. 90. He taught surgery. 91. (For) over 18 months. 92. He was different from other surgeons in many ways. /As a surgeon, he is different from other surgeons./It tells us about the personal life of Barnard out side the operation room. 93. (Possible answers: He was a historic hero. He was great because he was the first surgeon who performed the human heart transplant operation. He was a special person who enjoyed life and contributed much to human hea lth. He was not afraid of challenges as he was the first to performed the human heart transplant; He had strong belief in saving lives and worked hard to do so. In fact he was so successful as a surgery that Pope and president met him. )

