冀教版九年级英语复习课件Unit 9 Communication

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冀教版九年级英语复习课件Unit 9 Communication

Lesson 49 Get Along with Others 冀教版 九年级 Unit 9 Communication 一 、根据汉语提示写单词, 并背记相应英语 词汇 1. Dad _________ ( 几乎 不 ) ate anything because of the illness. 2 . You are _________ ( 要求 ) by law to wear a seat belt. hardly       required       3. ________________ ( 交流 ) is important in our daily life. 4. “That’s a lie!” he shouted in _________ ( 怒火 ). 5. This __________ ( 单元 ) tells us friendship is important. Communication       anger      unit 二、根据汉语意思完成句子,并背记英语句子 6. 你在学校或在家与其他人相处得怎样 呢 ? _________ do you ________ ________ _________ others in school or at home? How get along with 7. 许多人对自己的生活感到满意。 Many people _______ ________ _________ their _________ . are satisfied with lives 8. 把事情公开总是更好的。 It’s always better to get things out ________ _______ ________ . in the open 9. 很难得出一个合适的解决方案。 It is very difficult to ________ ________ ________ right __________ . come to a solution 10. 他们更可能在他们的工作中成功。 They are more _________ to _________ in their jobs. likely succeed 1. Be friendly and you’ll _______ well with others. A. look at B . get on C . put on D . pick up B 2. Many public service ads on TV remind us to spend more time ___________________ ( 与 …… 相处 ) our parents well. 【 中考 · 连云港 】 getting on/ along with 3. 夏天到了,应该要求岸边所有救生人员齐心协力防 止孩子们独自下河游泳。 (require) 【 中考 · 襄阳 】 Summer is coming. All the lifeguards on the bank should ____________________________________ __________________________ in the river. be required to work together to prevent kids(from) swimming alone 4. —Bad luck! My watch doesn’t work well. 【 中考 · 常州 】 — Take it easy. It just needs _________________ (repair). to be repaired /repairing 5. The Queqiao satellite ( 卫星 ) will form a ________ bridge between controllers on Earth and the far side of the Moon. 【 中考 · 扬州 】 A. contribution B . communication C. celebration D . competition B 【 点拨 】 考查名词辨析。句意:鹊桥卫星会搭建地球上的控制器和月球背面之间的通讯桥梁。下文 between…and… 提示用名词 communication 表示“通讯”。故选 B 。 6. I often _____________ with my parents. It’s good to have a _________________ with them. They can teach me a lot. (communicate) communicate communication 7. The young man with long yellow hair is most _________ the murderer. A. like to be B . to be like C . likely to be D . to be likely C 【 点拨 】 句意:长着长的黄色头发的那个年轻男人最有可能是凶手。 be likely to be 表示可能是 …… 。故选 C 。 8. The weather in Nantong is ________ that in Wuxi. A . alike B . like C . likes D . likely B 【 点拨 】 句意:南通的天气就像无锡的天气一样。 alike 相似的 ; like 像 ( 介词 ) , 喜欢 ( 动词 ) ; likes 喜欢 , 动词的三单形式 ; likely 可能的。 that 代指 weather, 前面要用介词 like, 故选 B 。 9. Fortunately, no one was _________ hurt in the earthquake several weeks ago.(serious) 【 中考 · 上海 】 seriously 10. He is a __________ person , but he is good at telling funny stories. 【 中考 · 包头 】 A. serious B . patient C . kind D . humorous A 【 点拨 】 考查形容词辨析。 serious 严肃的。根据 but he is good at telling funny stories. 转折可知,他不是一个幽默而是一个严肃的人,但也擅长讲幽默故事。故选 A 。 一 、单项选择 1. The “teacher-free exam” means that students take their exams ________ teachers . Students must be more honest. A. without B . against C . through D . by A 2. The boss is so _________ that no one dares to play jokes on him. 【 中考 · 日照 】 A. friendly B . careful C . popular D . serious D 【 点拨 】 考查形容词。句意:这个老板如此严肃以至于没有人敢和他开玩笑。 serious 意为“严肃的”。故选 D 。 3. — WeChat ( 微信 ) really influences people’s life . — _________ . It is easier for us to keep in touch with others. A. Mainly B . Exactly C . Simply D . Mostly B 4. My mother told me that she was not ________ my examination results. A. satisfying in B . satisfied with C . satisfying with D . satisfied in B 5. I used to quarrel a lot with my parents, but now we just ________ fine together. A. get along B . get up C . get away D . get off A 6. The famous writer Lin Qingxuan is _______ to come to our school to give a speech again. A. possible B . likely C . probable D . perhaps B 【 点拨 】 句意:著名作家林清玄很可能再次来到我们学校做演讲。 be likely to do sth. 可能做某事,故选 B 。  7. It’s well-known that learning English well _________ time and efforts. 【 改编 · 青海 】 A . requires B. wastes C. spends A 8. — Only You is a TV program ________ is popular with most young people. — Yes, it is definitely true. 【 中考 · 安顺 】 A . that B. whose C. what D. who A 【 点拨 】 这里的先行词是 a TV program, 表示事物 , 用 that 引导定语从句。故选 A 。 二、用所给单词的适当形式完成句子 9. Good _________________ (communicate ) can help people make more friends. communication 10. The father shouted at his son with _________ (angry). anger 11. Don’t worry! I think we will find a _________ (solve) to the problem in the end. solution   12. Sometimes there are __________________ (misunderstand) between you and your parents. It’s awful! misunderstandings   13. Jane looked __________ (hope) at her husband for a football ticket to get closer to her favourite player. hopefully    三、连词成句 14 . likely, this afternoon, she, is, to come __________________________________ . She is likely to come this afternoon   15. a, wearing, the girl, is, red coat ________________________________ . The girl is wearing a red coat 16. he, with, his, gets along well, classmates _____________________________________ . He gets along well with his classmates   17 . require, room, your, cleaning, does ________________________________ ? Does your room require cleaning   18. their projects, will, how, work on, they ___________________________________ ? How will they work on their projects   Lesson 50 Tips for Good Communication 冀教版九年级 Unit 9 Communication 一、根据汉语提示写单词, 并背记相应英语词汇 1. At the airport, you should show your __________ ( 护照 ) . 2 . Everything was in its __________ ( 合适的 ) place . 3 . She made it a _________ ( 许诺 ) to keep the secret. passport   proper    promise     4. We won’t make the same mistake __________ ( 再 ; 又 ) . 5. Our flight was ___________ ( 取消 ) . again     canceled 二、根据汉语意思完成句子,并背记英语句子 6. 表明你是一位好的倾听者的一个简单的方法就是进 行眼神的交流。 One simple way to show you are a good _________ is to ________ ________ _________ . listener make eye contact 7. 没有 人愿意浪费时间和不诚实的人交流。 No one wants to _________ ________ ________ to someone who is not _________ . waste time talking honest 8. 我们每个人都应该遵守诺言。 We each should _______ our ___________ . keep promise(s) 9. 如果你和你的朋友约定好了见面时间,就尽最大 努力 做到准时。 If you _________ a time to meet your friends, do your best ________ be ________ ________ . set to on time 10. 让你的朋友提前知道。 Let your friends ________ ________ ________ _________ . know ahead of time 1. Chinese people find ________ our duty to help develop African countries along the Belt and Road ( 一带一路 ) . A . it B. this C. that D. these A   【 点拨 】 句意:中国人民发现帮助发展一带一路沿线的非洲国家是我们的责任。分析该句结构可知,空处为形式宾语,真正宾语为动词不定式,故选 A 。 2. 保持健康对我们是很重要的。 【 中考 · 新疆 】 It is very important for us ________ _________ healthy. to keep 3. 明星该如何得体吸引粉丝 注意 , 网上 对此曾有热议。 【 中考 · 无锡 】 There was a heated online discussion on ____________ __________________________________________________________________________________________. how stars should attract/catch/draw the attention of fans properly 4. The speaker showed some _______ examples to make the science report easy to understand. 【 中考 · 安徽 】 A . awful B . stupid C. proper D. thick C   【 点拨 】 考查形容词词义辨析。 proper 合适的,根据语境可知选 C 。 5. You ___________ (promise ) to take our boy to Disneyland last year. Don’t let him down again. 【 中考 · 无锡 】 promised 6. —It’s useless to regret what has been done. Don’t make those mistakes again. —I won’t. That’s a(n ) _________ 【 中考 · 河南 】 A. order B . decision C . promise D . agreement C    【 点拨 】 词义辨析法。句意: —— 后悔做过的事情是没有用的。不要再犯那样的错误。 —— 我不会了,这是 ________ 。 promise 承诺,根据句意应选 C 。  7. Please _________ your promise. Don’t break it. A. take B. keep C . listen D. bring B    8. When you’re invited to have dinner at home by an American friend, you should be _______ or a little later. It’s different from our Chinese custom. 【 中考 · 山西 】 A. on time B. on business C. on show A    【 点拨 】 考查介词短语辨析。 on time 意为“按时”,去美国人家里面做客应按时到达或稍晚些到,须填 on time 。故选 A 。  9. Thanks to the taxi driver, the little kid was sent to the hospital _______ . A. in time B . on time C . all the time D . by the time A    10. 雨下得如此之大,去太极湖的徒步旅行被取消了。 【 改编 · 十堰 】 It rained so hard that the hiking to Tai Chi Lake ________________ . was cancelled 11. —Don’t _______ hope . Everything will be over soon. — Yes. We should learn to be brave when we are in trouble. 【 中考 · 滨州 】 A. turn up B . give up C . clean up D . take up B   【 点拨 】 考查动词短语的辨析。由句意“不要放弃希望。一切会很快结束的。”可知, B 项符合句意。 一、单项 选择 1. ( 易错题 ) All of us find ________ necessary to take exercise. A . this B . that C. them D. it D   2. Nick is never late for work. He always gets to the office ________ . A. on time B. in time C . at times D . by the time A    3. —David, why are you so excited? —My father has made a ________ that he will take me to Tibet next month. A. face B . promise C . mistake D . difference B     4. The match _________ because of the bad weather. What a pity! 【 中考 · 徐州 】 A. will cancel B. has cancelled C . was cancelled D . is cancelling C     【 点拨 】 考查动词时态、语态辨析。句意:比赛因坏天气而被取消。真遗憾!应该用被动语态。故选 C 。 5. If you want to be ahead of your classmates, you have to study much harder than before. ________ A. in front of B. in the front of C . better than D . in touch with C 【 点拨 】 句意:如果你想要 ( 考试成绩 ) 在你的同学们的前面,你必须要比以前更加努力学习。 in front of 在 …… 的前面 ; in the front of 在 ……( 内部 ) 的前部 ; better than 好于,比 …… 好 ; in touch with 与 …… 联系。故选 C 。 6. You should find a ______ chance to explain everything to your mother. She’s still angry with you. A. serious B . difficult C . proper D . normal C 7. Our teacher often tells us _______ time . 【 中考 · 遂宁 】 A. not waste B. don’t waste C . not to waste D . doesn’t waste C 【 点拨 】 考查非谓语动词的用法。表示告诉某人不做某事的句式为 tell sb. not to do sth. ,故选 C 。  8. Trust yourself and ________ your own ideas. A. be sure B. believe in C . agree with D . look at B 9. —I hear that Lucy’s uncle is a worker here. —Yes . Look, the man ________ is working over there is her uncle. 【 中考 · 内江 】 A . whom B . who C . what D. which B 【 点拨 】 考查定语从句。此定语从句中,先行词是 the man ,指人并在从句中作主语,所以只能用 who 。故选 B 。 10. If we _______ take environmental problems seriously, the earth _______ worse and worse. A. don’t ; won’t be B . won’t; isn’t C . won’t; is D . don’t; will be D 【 点拨 】 本题运用语法判定法。 if 引导条件状语从句,其时态遵循“主将从现”的原则,即主句为一般将来时,从句要用一般现在时表将来。故选 D 。 二、用所给单词的适当形式完成 句子 11 . ___________ ( smile) is an easy way to be friendly. Smiling    12. Please listen to your teacher __________ (care) in class. carefully   13. We’ll make a great effort __________ (finish) our work . to finish   14. It is important for us to be a good _________ (listen). listener   15. Tell me the __________ (true). I don’t want any story. truth 三、连词成句 16. polite, make, it’s, eye contact, to ____________________________________ . It's polite to make eye contact    17. set, you, to help me, a time, can ___________________________________ ? Can you set a time to help me    18. cancel, had to, the, meeting, they __________________________________ . They had to cancel the meeting    19. make, friends, comfortable, you, feel ______________________________________ . Friends make you feel comfortable    20. find, a solution, the main thing, to, is _____________________________________ . The main thing is to find a solution Unit 9 Communication Lesson 51 What Could Be Wrong 冀教版 九年级 一 、根据汉语提示写单词, 并背记相应英语 词汇 1. Let them __________ ( 计算 ) out the answer. 2 . Last __________ ( 周五 ) , our school held a sports meeting. figure Friday 3. “Go home __________ ( 直接地 ) after school!” the young mother said to her son. 4. Do you ___________ ( 意识到 ) you’re an hour late? 5. We’re still ______________ ( 考虑 ) where to move. directly     realize   considering 二、根据汉语意思完成句子,并背记英语 句子 6. 我们过去常常在一起学习,一起玩耍。 We ________ ________ study and play together. used to 7. 自从 上周五以来,她就不和我说话 了。 __________ _________ last Friday, she ________ _________ to me. Ever since hasn't spoken 8. 我弄不明白问题是什么。 I can’t _________ _________ __________ the problem is. figure out what 9. 很难分辨出这两辆轿车有什么区别 。 It’s pretty hard _________ __________ the difference between the two cars. to tell 10. 她可能需要一些时间来冷静一下。 She may need some time ________ _______ ________ . to cool down 1. 他在写作方面有困难。 He ________ _________________________ __________ his writing. has problems/ difficulty/trouble with 2. —Could you help me carry the equipment to the basketball field, Robin? —_________ . I’ll do it at once. 【 中考 · 连云港 】 A. Not at all B . No problem C . Wait a moment D . That’s right 【 点拨 】 考查交际用语。 No problem “ 没问题 ” 。根据答语“我立刻就做”可推知表示同意,故选 B 。 B 3. My washing machine __________ ________ ( 不运转 ) , so I will have it repaired. 【 改编 · 宿迁 】 doesn't work 4. Xiong’an New Area will help _________ big problems in Beijing, such as traffic jams. 【 中考 · 济宁 】 A. set out B. check out C . work out D . give out C 5. 别去烦她!此事与她无关。 【 改编 · 无锡 】 _________ __________ _________ ! It has nothing to do with her. Leave her alone 6. —Oh, dear! I can’t find my key to the office. — Don’t worry. I think you might ________ it in your car. 【 中考 · 莱芜 】 A . offer B. forget C. borrow D. leave D 【 点拨 】 考查动词的词义辨析。 leave“ 遗忘 ” 。根据 “can't find my key” 可知,这里表示把钥匙遗忘在某地。故选 D 。 7. You will still miss the flight ________ you catch a Didi car. 【 中考 · 潍坊 】 A . even if B . as if C. until A 【 点拨 】 考查连词辨析。 even if “ 即使 ” 。上文“还是会错过”和下文的“赶上 Didi 汽车”提示用 even if“ 即使”引导让步状语从句。故选 A 。 8. Could you please tell me ________ ? 【 中考 · 兰州 】 A. where are you from B . how can I get there C . what’s the matter with you D . where does he live C 【 点拨 】 考查宾语从句语序。宾语从句的语序要用陈述句语序, “what's the matter with you” 为陈述句语序,故选 C 。 9. 我不知道她怎么了。 I don’t know what’s _________ ________ her . wrong with 10. My grandpa ________ in the city , but now he _______ living in the country. A. used to work; is used to B . used to do; is used to C . used to work; used to D . is used to do; is used to A   【 点拨 】 句意:我爷爷过去在城里工作,但是现在他习惯住在乡下。 used to do sth. 过去常做某事 ; be used to doing sth. 习惯做某事。结合语境选 A 。 11. Jim ________ get up very late. But now he ________ getting up early. A. used to; is used to B . used to; used to C . was used to; is used to D. was used to; used to A   【 点拨 】 used to do sth. 表示过去常常做某事,而 be used to doing sth. 表示习惯做某事,故选 A 。 12. People _________ write letters to friends, but now WeChat and QQ ________ communicating with others. A . used to; are used to B. are used to; are used for C. used to; are used for D. are used to; used to 【 点拨 】 句意:人们过去经常给朋友们写信,但是现在微信和 QQ 被用来和他人交流。此题考查固定短语 used to do sth. 过去经常做某事和 be used for doing sth. 被用来做某事。根据句意,应选 C 。 C   一、单项 选择 1. ( 易错题 ) Sandy sits between _______ and ________ . A. he ; I B . him; me C . I; he D . me; he B 【 点拨 】 between…and… 为介词短语,其后接人称代词宾格形式。句意:桑迪坐在他和我中间。故选 B 。 2. My hometown is becoming more and more beautiful with trees and flowers on _______ sides of the roa. 【 中考 · 泰安 】 A . all B . both C . neither D . either B 3. My uncle used to ________ in a small village, but now he has been used to ________ in a big city. A. live ; living B . live; live C . living; living D . living; live A 4. —Jack hasn’t taken his piano lessons for a long time. — He is considering ________ his piano course and spending more time on his study. 【 中考 · 鄂州 】 A. to drop B . to throw C . dropping D . throwing C 5. That problem is just a piece of cake for me. I can _________ . A. figure it out B . figure out it C . not figure it out D . not figure out it A 6. Can you tell me the time ? My watch _______ . A. is wrong B. doesn’t go C . doesn’t work D . won’t tell me C 7. Rick hasn’t changed. He looks exactly ________ he did at school. A. as long as B . such as C . as soon as D . the same as D 8. Dick ________ in America, but he has been ________ Chinese food since he moved to China . 【 中考 · 阜康 】 A. used to live; used to eating B . is used to live; used to eat C . is used to live; used to eating D . used to living; used to eat A 【 点拨 】 used to 意为“过去常常”。其后跟动词原形 ; be used to 意为“习惯于”,其后跟动名词形式。故选 A 。 9. —Mom, can I go dancing this evening? —_________ your homework first, and then we’ll talk about it. 【 中考 · 资阳 】 A. Finish B . Finishing C . To finish D . Finished A 【 点拨 】 考查动词用法。此句为表示命令的祈使句,使用动词原形开头。故选 A 。 10. Excuse me, can you help me find out ________ with my computer? 【 中考 · 黄石 】 A. what wrong is B . what’s wrong C . what was wrong D . what wrong was B   【 点拨 】 句意:打扰一下,你能帮助我弄清楚我的电脑出了什么毛病吗?根据语境可知要用一般现在时。宾语从句要用陈述句语序, what's wrong 是陈述句语序。故选 B 。 二、用方框内所给单词或短语的适当形式填空 11 . Don’t stop walking. Let’s _____________ . experience, real, leave...alone, move on, ask...for... move on 12. I __________ felt sorry for my fault. I didn’t mean to do it. experience, real, leave...alone, move on, ask...for... really   13. Please _________ me _________ . I want to be quiet. experience, real, leave...alone, move on, ask...for... leave alone 14. You can _________ your teacher _________ help if you are in trouble. experience, real, leave...alone, move on, ask...for... ask for 15. Mr. Green has rich _________ in English teaching. He has taught for many years. experience, real, leave...alone, move on, ask...for... experience   三、根据汉语意思完成句子 16 . 即使他不帮我,我也能完成任务。 I will finish the task _____________ he doesn’t help me. even though/if 17. 我学物理有困难,我要买这本书。 I ____________________ physics . I will get this book. have problems with 18. 在讨论这个主题之前,你应该让他冷静下来。 You should let him _______________ before discussing the subject. cool/calm down 19. 我认为我们有必要走开一下去考虑这件事。 I think we need to go away and ______________ this . think about 20. 迄今为止,机器人还没有引发任何问题 。 【 改编 · 赤峰 】 Till now, robots haven’t caused _______ __________ . any problems 四、词语 运用 根据短文内容或所给提示,在横线上填上适当的词 完成短文。 When doing shopping, Joy came across Nick, the ________ 21 (little) popular student in school because he wore strange clothes and had a face ________ 22 only a mother could love. least that After dinner, Joy’s family went ________ 23 the movie theater for the Spring Festival. Joy’s thoughts kept t 24 back to Nick. It must be terrible to be l 25 on the Spring Festival with his parents dead. to urning onely That night, while everyone else slept like a baby, Joy was _________ 26 (think) of ways to help Nick. As soon as she heard her parents get up, she quickly jumped out of bed. She told them about Nick. Then she asked, “Shall we invite him over today?”“ _________ 27 (surely),” said her mother who was always happy when guests came. Her father _________ 28 (smile). thinking Sure smiled   When Joy called Nick two hours later, he was deeply _________ 29 (move). He joined them for dinner. Joy came to understand ________ 30 (share) the cheer is the greatest joy to Nick, even to the whole world. moved sharing Lesson 52 The Power of a Smile 冀教版九年级 Unit 9 Communication 一、根据汉语提示写 单词 , 并 背记相应英语 词汇 1. There might be some _________________ ( 误解 ) between them. 2 . You should learn to __________ ( 适应 ) to the new environment as soon as possible. misunderstanding    adapt     3. “Thank you,” he says __________ ( 只是 ) . 4. The students have their meals in the _________ ( 用餐 ) room. 5. He got to his feet with __________ ( 困难 ) . simply dining      difficulty 二、根据汉语意思完成句子,并背记英语句子 6. 如果你不是组内的一员,你是很难被接受的。 If you are not part of a group, it can be difficult ________ you to _________ ___________ . for be accepted 7. 但是事情甚至比他想象的更糟糕。 But the things _________ ________ ________ __________ he imagined. were even worse than 8. 他必须以某种方式适应这个新 环境。 ____________ , he had to ________ ________ this new environment. Somehow adapt to 9. 后来,他在大厅里注意到这个男孩脸上带着温暖的 微笑朝他走来。 Later , he __________ the boy __________ towards him in the hall __________ a warm smile on his face. noticed coming with 10. 虽然萨姆不会用法语说很多,但每个人都笑 了。 Although Sam __________ _________ ________ say much in French, everyone smiled and laughed. wasn't able to 1. They believe in themselves and they can overcome these ______________ ( 困难 ) . 【 改编 · 贵港 】 difficulties    2. I have some ________ in working out the problem. A. difficulty B . difficulties C . troubles D . difficult A   3. Mr. Smith will arrive at our school next week. The underlined part “arrive at” means ________ . 【 中考 · 梧州 】 A . get B. go C. come D. reach D 【 点拨 】 考查动词的辨析。 arrive at 意为“抵达 ; 到达”,相当于 get to 或 reach 。故选 D 。 4. Before __________ (reach) an agreement, they had a heated discussion. 【 改编 · 包头 】 reaching   5. Did you notice anyone ________ the house? A. left B . to leave C . leave D . leaves C 6. Goldilocks ___________ ( 注意到 ) a little house, so she hurried towards it. 【 中考 · 聊城 】 noticed 7. —Are you a basketball player in your school? —Yes. I ________ the team 3 years ago. I ________ in it for 3 years. 【 中考 · 眉山 】 A. joined; was B. was joined; am C. have joined; have been D. joined; have been D 【 点拨 】 考查动词时态。 3 years ago 是一般过去时的时间状语,第一个空用一般过去时,且用主动语态 ; 时间状语 for 3 years 为一段时间,作状语时谓语动词应为可持续性动词且应用现在完成时。故选 D 。 8. —Why not ________ the dancing? — That’s a good idea. Let’s ________ them . A. join ; join B . join in; join C . join; join in D . join in; join in B 【 点拨 】 句意: —— 为什么不加入到这个舞蹈中? —— 那是个好主意。让我们加入到他们中吧。 join sb. 加入到某人的行列中 ; join in 参加活动。结合句意选 B 。 一、单项 选择 1. — What’s this ________ English ? — It’s a map. 【 中考 · 重庆 B】 A. on B. in C. to D . for B   2. Youth (《 芳 华 》 ) is a wonderful film, I’ve never seen a _________ one before. 【 中考 · 抚顺 】 A. worse B . better C . best D . worst B   3. The man looked for his dog, but he didn’t find it ________ . A. anywhere B. nowhere C . somewhere D . everywhere A   4. My brother adapted ________ rice when he moved to the south. A. eat B . eating C . to eat D . to eating D   5. Do you have difficulty ________ English ? A. to learn B . of learning C . learning D . learn C 6. —I will go to Guangdong for my summer holiday, Mom. — I will meet you when you ________ the airport . 【 中考 · 铜仁 】 A. will reach B . reaches C . reached D . reach D     【 点拨 】 语法判定法。 when 引导的时间状语从句中主句用将来时,从句用一般现在时来代替将来时,又 you 为第二人称,故选 D 。  7. Danny noticed the teacher ________ towards him and stopped talking with his classmates. A. walking B . to walk C . to walking D . walks A 8. We will ________ the city club. Would you like to ________ us ? A. join ; join B . take part in; join C . take part in; join in D . join in; join A 9. Don’t worry. All the children will ________ arrive at school on time tomorrow. A. are able to B . can C . be able to D . can be able to C    10. We _______ some robots at home in the future, and there ________ some in the office, too. A. will have; will have B . have; will be C . will have; will be D . will have; are C 【 点拨 】 本题用关键词法。根据句中的时间状语 in the future 确定要用一般将来时。主语 We 后用 will have 表示“我们将要有” ; there be 结构的将来时为: there will be 或 there is/are going to be 。故选 C 。 二、用括号内所给词的适当形式 填空 11. I feel even __________ (bad ) today. I have to see a doctor. worse   12. After __________ (arrive) there, he went to visit his friend. arriving   13. We’re going to Germany at the ____________ (begin) of July. beginning    14. David said nothing, but __________ (simple) nodded. simply   15. It may be difficult for us ______________ (accept) when we come to a new environment. to be accepted 三、连词成 句 16. Lucy, can, help them, do, what __________________________________? What can Lucy help them do 17. they, the plates, took away, eating, after _______________________________________. They took away the plates after eating   18. there, are, the holiday, many tourists, during ______________________________________? Are there many tourists during the holiday   19. somehow, he, to solve, has, the problem ______________________________________. He has to solve the problem somehow   20. play, Peter, the piano, could, at the age of six _________________________________________. Peter could play the piano at the age of six Lesson 53 Working in Groups 冀教版九年级 Unit 9 Communication 一、根据汉语提示写单词,并背记相应英语 词汇 1. I have __________ ( 困难 ) working out the maths problem. 2. __________ ( 最 后 ) , they all passed the exam. How happy they were! trouble    Finally      3. The teacher got angry because lots of students were __________ ( 缺席的 ) from class. 4 . They kept their relationship _________ ( 秘密的 ) from their parents. 5 . You probably picked up my keys __________ ( 代替 ) of yours. absent       secret       instead 二、根据汉语意思完成句子,并背记英语句子 6 . 该是我们进行小组课题的时候了 。 ________ ________ ________ our group project. It's time for 7. 一个叫李天的男孩总是缺席小组会议。 A boy _________ Li Tian ________ always _________ _________ the group meetings. named is absent from 8. 这减慢了整个小组的速度。 This __________ the whole group _________ . slows down 9. 到目前为止,你什么也没做。 ________ _______ ,you ________ ________ nothing . So far have done 10. 你可以尽你的责任,这样对每个人来说是公平的。 You can _________ ________ ______________ , and it will be __________ for everyone . do your share/part; fair 1. —The summer vacation is coming. I’m looking forward _______ it. —Me too. 【 中考 · 郴州 】 A. at B. to C. on B 2. We all look forward to ________ you again soon. 【 中考 · 宜宾 】 A . see B . seeing C . seen 【 点拨 】 考查非谓语动词。 look forward to 中的 to 是介词,后面用动名词作宾语。故选 B 。  B   3. 有时候他上课缺席并且考试不及格。 Sometimes he was _________ from classes and ________ his examination. 【 中考 · 随州 】 absent failed 4. Daming has been absent _______ class for a week. A . for B . from C . in D. of B   5. —I offered Sandy a helping hand. However, she _________ it . — Maybe she can manage herself. 【 中考 · 扬州 】 A. received B. returned C . refused D . rewarded 【 点拨 】 考查动词词义辨析。根据上下文语境及转折同 however 可知用动词 refuse 表示“拒绝”。故选 C 。 C 6. They invited Jim to join them , but he ________ to do it. A. accepted B . asked C . allowed D . refused D 7. Tom 上个月向我借了一本词典,但是到现在还没 归还 。 【 中考 · 威海 】 _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Tom borrowed a dictionary from me last month, but he hasn't returned it so far. 8. —How is your second-hand computer? —________ , so good. 【 中考 · 白银 】 A. As long B . So far C . So much D . As for 【 点拨 】 句意: —— 你的二手电脑怎么样? —— 一直很好。 so far 到目前为止 ; so much 如此多 ; as for 至于。将选项逐个放入句中可知只有 B 符合题意。故选 B 。 B 9. Learning is a lifelong journey because it brings _________ every day. 【 中考 · 曲靖 】 A. new something B. something new C . anything new D. new anything 【 点拨 】 考查形容词修饰不定代词的用法。形容词修饰不定代词要放在后面,这是一个肯定句,故选 B 。 B 10. 你的自行车出毛病了吗? Is there _______________ with your bicycle? anything wrong 一、单项 选择 1. Some of the students were absent _________ the first class because of the rain. A . from B . to C . by D. with A   2. —Sally is my best friend. She is always there whenever I’m _________ . 【 中考 · 福州 】 — Yeah. A friend in need is a friend indeed. A . in order B . in trouble C. in public B   3. —What’s your ________ to English learning, Lin Tao? — I think watching English movies is helpful. 【 中考 · 襄阳 】 A . place B. age C . time D. secret D   4. —Tom , don’t be _______ . You should make your bed every morning. — Sorry, Dad. I’ll do it now. 【 中考 · 莱芜 】 A . lazy B. shy C . careless D . foolish A   5. —What’s on TV tonight? Is there _______? — I am afraid not. A. interesting something B. anything interesting C . interesting anything D . something interesting B 6. Vivian refuses ________ her children to the weekend training centre for extra classes . 【 中考 · 上海 】 A . to send B . sending C . sent D. sends 【 点拨 】 考查非谓语动词。 refuse to do sth. 意为“拒绝做某事”,是固定搭配。故选 A 。 A     7. Jane is my new pen pal. I often look forward to _______ her email. 【 中考 · 六盘水 】 A . receive B. receives C . receiving D. received 【 点拨 】 考查非谓语动词。 look forward to doing sth. 为固定搭配,意为“期待做某事”。故选 C 。  C     8. I’d like to take a trip to Beijing. Can you give me some advice on ________? A. where go B . where to going C . when to go D . when go C     【 点拨 】 句意:我发现丹尼尔总是上学迟到。你查明原因了吗? find 表示找到,其后可跟从句。 find out 找出,发现,查明 ( 真相等 ) ,其后往往跟名词。结合句意,选 B 。 9. I ________ Daniel is always late for school. Did you _________ the reason? A. look for; find out B . find; find out C . find out; look for D . find out; find B    10. My friend’s new restaurant in Wanda Plaza( 万达广场 ) _______ two years ago, but I _______ there so far. 【 中考 · 乌鲁木齐 】 A. has opened; haven’t been B . was open; haven’t been C . opened; haven’t gone D . has been open; haven’t gone 【 点拨 】 考查动词时态。 so far 表示“迄今为止”,句子应用现在完成时。 have gone to 表示“去了某地”,还没有回来 ; have been to 表示“去过某地”,表示人在说话现场。故选 B 。 B 二、根据短文内容及所给提示,补全文中 单词或 用所 给词的正确形式填空 Dear Lisa, How is everything? So far, I ____________ 11 (not get) your news. Let me tell you about my friend. haven't got   This term, we have a new classmate _________ 12 (name) Yao Hao. He is friendly and helpful. Whenever someone is in t 13, he always offers help. He is never __________ 14 (absence) from class. I _________ 15, he goes to school on time. named   rouble   absent    Instead He follows the school _________ 16 (rule). He is a good student. But he isn’t ____________ 17 (confidence) in study. The teacher and the students decide to do _________ 18 (they) part to help him. rules confident their We are sure he will have a change from now _________ 19. I’m looking forward to _________ 20 (receive) your letter. Yours, Li Hua on receiving 三、完成 对话 ( 七 选 五 ) 【 中考 · 赤峰 】 A : Hello! This is Lucy. May I speak to Amy? B : Hi! Lucy! Speaking please! A : I’m not happy today. I don’t want to do anything. B: _______ 21 A: I argued with my mother. I spent too much pocket money. ________ 22 A. What’s up? B. It’s really difficult for parents to make money. C. That sounds great. D. Though she is wrong, she is your mother. E. What should I do? F. Now she is still angry with me. G. Could I borrow some money? A   E    B: You should talk to her and say sorry. A: Yes, I know I should. But it’s not easy. B: _______ 23 You should save your pocket money. A. What’s up? B. It’s really difficult for parents to make money. C. That sounds great. D. Though she is wrong, she is your mother. E. What should I do? F. Now she is still angry with me. G. Could I borrow some money? B    A: You are right. _______ 24 What can I do to make her happy? B: What about buying something useful for her by saving your pocket money? A. What’s up? B. It’s really difficult for parents to make money. C. That sounds great. D. Though she is wrong, she is your mother. E. What should I do? F. Now she is still angry with me. G. Could I borrow some money? F    A: ________ 25 Thanks for your advice. Goodbye! B: Bye! A. What’s up? B. It’s really difficult for parents to make money. C. That sounds great. D. Though she is wrong, she is your mother. E. What should I do? F. Now she is still angry with me. G. Could I borrow some money? C Lesson 54 How Embarrassing! 冀教版九年级 Unit 9 Communication 一、根据汉语提示写单词,并背记相应英语 词汇 1. I seemed to be ____________ ( 熟悉的 ) with him, but I could not remember his name. 2 . I always ___________ ( 提醒 ) myself that time and tide wait for no man. familiar    remind      3. They were deep in ____________ ( 交谈 ) , relaxed and smiling. 4. You’ve got a lot of ____________ ( 经验 ) of lecturing. 5. They need you to share this ____________ ( 片刻 ). conversation        experience       moment 二、根据汉语意思完成句子,并背记英语 句子 6 . 我偶然遇见了一位叫高原的老朋友 。 I ________ _________ an old friend named Gao Yuan. ran into 7. 当他拍我肩膀的时候,我搞不清楚他是谁。 When he _________ me ________ the shoulder, I couldn’t _________ _________ who he was. tapped on figure out 8 . 他看似熟悉,但我想不起他的名字。 He _________ _________ but I forgot his name . seemed familiar 9. 她提醒了王梅她的名字。 She _________ Wang Mei ________ her name. reminded of 10. 他很高兴接到我的电话。 He was happy ________ _________ ________ me. to hear from 1. It ________ that he has been ill for a long time. A. seems B. looks C. looks as if D. seems as if A 【 点拨 】 考查 seem 的用法。 It seems that… ,故选 A 。句意:看起来他病了很长时间了。 2. —Look! There is a talk show program on TV now. —Hmm. It ________ exciting . A. seems B. looks like C . feels D . seems like A   【 点拨 】 句意: —— 看!现在电视上有一个脱口秀节目。 —— 嗯,看起来很令人兴奋。 A. seems 好像,后接形容词 ; B. looks like 看起来像,后接名词 ; C. feels 感觉 ; D. seems like 好像,后接名词。根据句意和语境,可知选 A 。 3. Tiangong Ⅰ, China’s first space lab, ___________ (return) to the earth after finishing its job on April 2 this year. 【 改编 · 乐山 】 returned 4. Please __________ ( 归还 ) the books to the library on time. 【 中考 · 铜仁 】 return   5. Would you mind _______ down the music? It’s too noisy. 【 中考 · 绥化 】 A . to turn B . turning C. turn B 【 点拨 】 句意:你介意关小音乐吗?太吵了。考查短语 mind doing sth. ,故选 B 。 6. —Sorry, I forgot to buy a pen for you. —_________ . I’ll get one myself tomorrow . 【 中考 · 海南 】 A . Never mind B. No way C . Of course not A 【 点拨 】 情景交际法。 Never mind 没关系。由上句“对不起,我忘记给你买钢笔了”以及答语后一句“明天我自己买一支”,可知此处应该表示“没关系”。故选 A 。 7. —Sorry, I’ve forgotten your name. Can you ________ me ? — I’m Daniel. 【 中考 · 苏州 】 A. remind B . receive C . respect D . remember A 8. —What do you think of the movie Fang Hua ? — It is moving and it ________ my grandma ________ the life in the countryside. 【 中考 · 自贡 】 A . reminds; of B. lets; down C. wakes; up A 【 点拨 】 考查动词短语辨析。 remind sb. of… 是固定短语,意为“使某人想起某事”。根据句意可知此处是指让奶奶想起乡村生活。故选 A 。 9. —Listen! Who is singing in the next room? — It must be Sally. I often hear her _______ there . A . singing B. sings C. to sing D . sing D 【 点拨 】 考查非谓语动词。 hear sb. do sth. 听见某人做某事,强调经常做或做过某事。故选 D 。 10. —Have you _________ Tina , a famous singer in our school? — Oh, she is my friend. I just ________ her . A. heard from; heard of B . heard from; heard from C . heard of; heard from D . heard of; heard of C 【 点拨 】 句意: —— 你听说过我们学校的著名歌手 Tina 吗? —— 哦,她是我的朋友,我刚刚收到了她的来信。 hear of 听说, hear from 收到某人的来信,根据句意,故选 C 。 一、单项 选择 1. There _________ lots of bad information that is not suitable for teenagers on the Internet. A. seem to be B . seems to have C . seem to have D. seems to be D   【 点拨 】 句意:网上好像有很多不适合青少年的不良信息。考查 there be 句式,排除 B 和 C 。句子主语 information 不可数,故用第三人称单数 seems 。故选 D 。 2. —Are you familiar ________ the movie, Melissa? — Yes, I’ve watched it twice. A. for B . with C . of D . at B   3. They changed their minds at the last ________ and refused to go. A. market B . memory C . moment D . museum C   4. If you say that something is _______ , you think it is very bad or terrible. A. awful B . funny C . important D . interesting A   5. Mr. Smith, I admit ________ the window. It’s my fault. A. break B . broke C . breaking D . to break C 6. I haven’t _______ my father for a long time. A. hear from B . heard from C . hear of D . heard of B     【 点拨 】 hear from 收到某人的来信 ; hear of 听说,听说过。句意:我有很长时间没有收到父亲的来信了。故选 B 。 7. ________ you look after it carefully, this coat will keep you warm through many winters. A . If B . Unless C . Before D . So A     8. —Have you heard of the song “Where did the time go”? — Yes. It often ________ the old days and love of my family when I hear it. 【 中考 · 达州 】 A. puts me down B . reminds me of C . shows me off D . helps me out B     9. Xiandao Lake in Yangxin is the famous place ________ we’ll visit next week. 【 中考 · 黄石 】 A . that B . who C. where D . whom A    10. —Would you mind my turning up the TV? The New Year concert has just begun. —_________ . Just go ahead. 【 中考 · 广东 】 A. Please don’t B. Better not C . I’m afraid not D . Of course not D 【 点拨 】 考查交际用语。本题中,由答语后一句 Just go ahead( 你开大吧 ) 可知,语境中不介意把电视声音调大一些。故用 Of course not“ 当然不会”来表达。故选 D 。 二、用所给词的适当形式 填空 11. What an ____________ ( embarrass) moment it is! I want to leave right now. embarrassing    12. All the books have to _______________ (return) on time. be returned 13. At the beginning of a new term, we should make _________ (plan) for study. plans    14. We are happy _________ (have) a conversation with you. to have    15. Don’t forget __________ (give) my best wishes to your parents. to give 三、语法专 练 用 when, before, because, if, though 填空。 16. ________ the story is short and there are no new words in it, it is difficult to understand. Though    17. I was cooking __________ she knocked at the door. when 18. Take the medicine __________ you go to bed. before     19. They couldn’t send their children to school __________ they were poor. because    20. We are leaving for Shenzhen _________ it is fine tomorrow. if 四、连词成句 21. you , return, did, have to, before 10 p.m. ___________________________________? Did you have to return before 10 p. m.   22 . you, how, feel, did, after talking to her ______________________________________? How did you feel after talking to her 23. very, a, Mr. Smith, is, kind man ____________________________________. Mr. Smith is a very kind man 24. that, it, he knows, seems, the story ___________________________________. It seems that he knows the story 25. I, to, you, hope, hear from, soon _______________________________. I hope to hear from you soon I get along well _________1 my classmates. We have a good __________________2 (communicate). We h 3 fight with each other. In class, we study hard. Sometimes we have ___________4 (difficult) with study. We help each other. After school, we often play football outdoors. We don’t waste time __________5 (play) computer games. with   communication     ardly   difficulty    playing But today we had to cancel the plan, because we wanted to find __________6 why Bob couldn’t come to school these days. On the way to his home, we ________7 (run) into his neighbor, Mike. out      ran      He told us that Bob was doing his ________8 (sharing) to look after his mother in hospital. At that m 9 , we were sorry to hear that. We went to the hospital and promised __________10 (help) him. We hoped his mother would recover as soon as possible. share     oment    to help 单元整合与拔高 冀教版 九年级 Unit 9 Communication 一、语法整 合真 题 练 1. The manager of the hotel was waiting at the gate ________ the guests arrived. 【 中考 · 宿迁 】 A . while B . when C . unless D. after B 2. My grandfather does Chinese kung fu every day ________ he is over eighty. 【 中考 · 郴州 】 A . since B. though C. until B 【 点拨 】 考查连词的辨析。句意:尽管我爷爷八十多岁了,但他每天练中国功夫。根据语境, though 符合语意。故选 B 。 3. ________ Square Dancing is good exercise for the old, sometimes it makes a lot of noise. 【 中考 · 孝感 】 A . If B . Although C . Until D. Because 【 点拨 】 考查连词。 sometimes it makes a lot of noise 与 is good exercise 是转折关系,故选 B 。 B 4. —Thank you for telling me so much knowledge about nature. —Don’t mention it. ________ you have more questions, come to me any time. 【 中考 · 乐山 】 A . If B . Because C . Though A 5. It is raining heavily, ________ none of the students are late for school. 【 中考 · 青岛 】 A . although B. but C . so D. because B 【 点拨 】 考查连词的用法辨析。句中 “none of the students are late for school” 与 “raining heavily” 构成转折关系,因此要用连词 but 。故选 B 。 6. We are talking about the piano and the pianist _________ were in the concert last night. 【 中考 · 眉山 】 A . that B. which C. who D. whom A 【 点拨 】 考查定语从句。先行词是 the piano and the pianist ,既有人又有物,故应使用关系代词 that 。故选 A 。 7. I really like the family photo _________ we took on my grandpa’s 80th birthday. 【 中考 · 武威 】 A . who B . that C. what D. whose B 【 点拨 】 考查定语从句。先行词 photo 是物,引导词用 which 或 that 。故选 B 。 8. People remember the first traveler from England _________ came to live in America. 【 中考 · 株洲 】 A. which B . where C . who C 【 点拨 】 考查定语从句先行词。先行词是 the first traveler ,有序数词修饰先行词,应用 that ,故选 C 。 9. My grandparents like stories _______ have happy endings . 【 中考 · 临沂 】 A . they B. who C. which D. / C   二、高频考点真题练 10. It’s our duty to protect the ____________ ( 环境 ) . 【 中考 · 柳州 】 environment    They believe in ____________ ( 他们自己 ) and they can overcome the difficulties. 【 中考 · 贵港 】 themselves    12. It’s a tradition of this school to __________ ( 命名 ) its buildings after great people. 【 中考 · 无锡 】 name 13. —I am ________ sorry . I broke your camera by accident. (awful) — Never mind. I’m sure you didn’t do it on purpose and it can’ t be helped. 【 中考 · 包头 】 awfully 14. Qian Xuesen _____________ (consider ) as “ Father of Missile( 导弹 ) in China”. 【 中考 · 宿迁 】 is considered 15 . —Can you catch what the speaker is saying, Tina? — Sorry. He speaks so fast that I can _________ understand him. 【 中考 · 襄阳 】 A. nearly B. hardly C . probably D . exactly B 【 点拨 】 考查副词辨析。句意: ——Tina ,你能理解演讲者说的话吗? —— 对不起,他说得如此快,以至于我几乎不 (hardly) 理解他。故选 B 。 16. It is said that the number of forest parks in Guangdong _________ to more than 1,000 so far. 【 中考 · 广东 】 A. increase B. increased C . has increased D . will increase C 【 点拨 】 考查时态。根据 so far 可知用现在完成时。故选 C 。 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 1. What can you do when you forget a pencil or a notebook? ________________________________________ 请同学们看 《 典中点 》 第 126 页短文。 I can borrow one from a classmate.   【 点拨 】 根据原文第二段 : but there are days when you forget a pencil or a notebook. You can then borrow one from your classmate. 可知答案。 2. Why is it easier for you to have a difficult problem explained by a fellow student than to ask a teacher? _________________________________________ Because the teacher can't be always with me. 【 点拨 】 根据原文第三段 : ....student will be much easier than asking your teacher, because your teacher can’t be always with you. 可知答案。 3. What’s good about carpooling besides saving money? ___________________________________________ It will help the environment as well. 【 点拨 】 根据原文第五段 : Not only will this save you both some money, but it will help the environment as well. 可知答案。 4. Why is it good for you to have good classmates? ________________________________________________________________________________ Because having good classmates is important and helpful. 【 点拨 】 推理判断题。通读全文可知,好的同学可以在各个方面帮助你。 5. What’s the title of this passage? __________________________________ It's Lucky to Have Good Classmates. 【 点拨 】 主旨大意题。本文主题句为 When you are in a group with good classmates, it can be very good for you. 可知,身处一群好同学之中,对你很有好处。 good for you 在全文中表现为“你是幸运的”。 一、话题分析 本单元以“ 交往” 为话题,谈论了同学们之间在 各种情况下如何更好地相处。为了保持友谊,我们应 开诚布公,互谅互让。任何事情,谈开则捐弃前嫌, 和好如初;不谈则误会加深,不可理喻,错过美好的 友谊。 二、写作方法 “W—H—W” 法写人际交往类话题作文: 第一步:提出问题 (what) ;第二步:怎样解决 (how) ; 第三步:表达愿望 (what) 。 三、素材积累 1 . “ 人际交往类”作文常用词汇 get on/along (well) with, greet others in a friendly way, be honest, keep one’s promise, have difficulty with/(in) doing 2 . “ 人际交往类 ” 作文 常用句型 (1) Friendship requires good communication. ( 2) Communication is very important. ( 3) Here are some tips for... ( 4) It is easy/hard to... (5) Smiling is a universal language —it is understood everywhere. 四、写作任务 【 改编 · 盘锦 】 假如你是 Judy ,你的邻居 Frank 最近经常在晚上 弹吉他、唱歌,不但打扰了你学习,而且你的爷爷奶 奶也需要早点休息。请你以委婉的语气给 Frank 写一 个留言条,请他不要在晚上九点以后弹吉他,并希望 你们能和睦相处。词数: 80 左右。 Dear Frank, It’s your neighbor, Judy. _______________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________. Yours sincerely, Judy 五、写作模板 六、满分作文 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dear Frank, It's your neighbor, Judy. Recently, you often play the guitar or sing. I know it's your hobby and you enjoy it. But perhaps you didn't realize that your hobby brought trouble to my study and my grandparents also needed to rest early. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ So would you please not play the guitar after nine o'clock in the evening? After all, as neighbors we should care about each other so that we can get along well with each other. Do you agree, Frank? Yours sincerely Judy

