译林版九年级英语上册复习课件Unit 1 Know yourself

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译林版九年级英语上册复习课件Unit 1 Know yourself

Unit 1 Know yourself 课时 1 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 译林版九年级上 一、根据首字母和汉语提示完成单词。 1. [ 中考 · 安徽 ] It is helpful to have a clear i ( 想法 )of what you want. 2. —I seldom go out for sports at weekends. — Me n ( 也不 ). I’m always busy with my homework . 3. Some teachers find it difficult to keep o ( 顺序 )in class . dea either rder 4. [ 中考 · 南京 ] Helen treats her students in a p ( 耐心的 ) and understanding way. 5. G ( 语法 )is the way that words can be put together in order to make sentences. atient rammar 二、单项选择。 6 . [ 芜湖三模 ] ______ my mother ______ my father watched the movie Avengers 4 , because they were too busy those days. A. Not only; but also B . Not; but C. Neither; nor D . Both; and C 7. My brother is good at all his subjects at school, but he never _____. A. turns off B. takes off C. gets off D. shows off D 8. We are supposed to _____a solution to stop people from looking down at their mobile phones while driving cars. A. come up with B. come from C. come out D. come true A 9. [ 中考 · 扬州 ] —Tan Dun does not use any musical instruments in his music Water . —That’s really amazing! He is so _____. A. energetic B. modest C. serious D. creative D 10. [ 中考 · 哈尔滨 ] Kids like reading stories which can make them _____. A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughing A 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 11. 孩子们已经吃光了冰箱里面的食物。 The children have ________ ________ the food in the fridge. eaten up 12. 我的表妹很有条理,她总是使她的东西井井有条。 My cousin is ________ and she always keeps her things _______ _______ _______ . organized in good order 13 . 整天工作不说话真可怕。 It is _______ to work without speaking _______ _______ _______ . terrible all day long 14. —— 你认为大卫和丽萨能成为合格的会计吗? —— 会计应该足够仔细。恐怕大卫和丽萨都不合适。 —Do you think David and Lisa can be good _______? — __________should be careful enough . ___________ David __________Lisa is suitable, I’m afraid . accountants Accountants Neither nor 15 . 他容易发怒吗? Does he _______ _______ _______ ? get angry easily 四、补全对话 ( 两项多余 ) 。 A. Yao Ming is my favourite player. B. You are so patient that you must be a good teacher. C. Do you want to be a doctor? D. What will you do in the future? E. And I also want to be a basketball player like him. F. I hope your dream can come true . G. You are welcome. A : Hello Lily. _____16 B : I want to be a teacher. What about you ? A : That’s wonderful! ___17 I want to be a superstar. D B B : Why? A : You know a star can earn a lot of money and become popular within a short period of time. B : OK ! ______18 A. Yao Ming is my favourite player. B. You are so patient that you must be a good teacher. C. Do you want to be a doctor? D. What will you do in the future? E. And I also want to be a basketball player like him. F. I hope your dream can come true . G. You are welcome. F A : Thank you . What’s your favourite sport ? B : Basketball, of course. ______19 A : Oh, all Chinese know him. A. Yao Ming is my favourite player. B. You are so patient that you must be a good teacher. C. Do you want to be a doctor? D. What will you do in the future? E. And I also want to be a basketball player like him. F. I hope your dream can come true . G. You are welcome. A B : Right. He is great! ___20 That’s my dream. A : Maybe you can be a PE teacher and teach children to play basketball. B : Good idea! A. Yao Ming is my favourite player. B. You are so patient that you must be a good teacher. C. Do you want to be a doctor? D. What will you do in the future? E. And I also want to be a basketball player like him. F. I hope your dream can come true . G. You are welcome. E 安徽译林版九年级上 课时 2 Reading I Unit 1 Know yourself 一、根据首字母和汉语提示完成单词。 1. It’s now become a r ( 赛跑 ) against the clock. 2. Linda does everything carefully and we should follow her l ( 榜样 ). 3. Simon is usually p ( 表扬 )for his good grades in the class . ace ead raised 4. You sing very well. You are a b ( 天生的 ) singer. 5. Did you get the g ( 大体的,总的 ) idea of this article? orn eneral 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 6. Lily is a quiet girl. She doesn’t like to talk_________ (many). much 7. Jim’s bike was broken yesterday, and that made him quite ________(happy) . unhappy 8. She got a job as a ________ (sale) assistant, selling handbags. sales 9. He was saving his ________ (energetic) for next week’s race in Belgium. energy 10. The story ________ (it) is very interesting in this film. itself 三、单项选择。 11 . [ 安徽省升学模拟考三 ] Wu Yishu, the winner of Chinese Poetry Competition ( 《 中国诗词 大会 》 ) always wore traditional Han clothing on this TV show. And many viewers were ____ by her classical looks. A. expressed B . explained C. impressed D . complained C 12 . She does give her little brother the lion’s ____ when they have something to eat. A. food B . meat C . part D . share D 【 点拨 】 考查名词辨析。句意为:他们有东西吃的时候 , 她一定是把最大最好的给她的弟弟。 lion's 常和 share 一起构成固定短语 lion's share, 意为“最大最好的部分”。 13 . The author, as one of the designers, ____ the overall design work. A. puts on B . gets on C . takes on D . tries on C 14 . [ 合肥庐阳区二模 ] —Where shall we meet, at school or in the park? — _____ is OK. Both of them are close to my home . A. Either B . Any C . Neither D . None A 15 . Only the one who works hard and never _____ will finally succeed. A. puts out B . gives up C. turns down D . picks up B 四、根据汉语意思完成句子。 16. 他想换个工作环境,迎接新挑战。 He wanted to change his working environment and ________ ________ ________ ________ . take on new challenges 17. 要么你去合肥,要么我去合肥。 _______ you _______ I am leaving for Hefei . Either or 18 . 鲍勃正落后于所有的顶尖选手。 Bob is _______ _______ all the top players . falling behind 19 . 这个女孩极好的绘画技巧给她的朋友们留下了很深 的印象 。 The girl _________ her friends ________ her excellent drawing skills. impressed with 20. 中国赢得了国际社会的高度赞扬。 China has ________ ________ ________ from the international community . won high praise 21 . 注意每一个细节是有必要的。 It is necessary ________ ________ ________ ________ every detail . to pay attention to 22 . 一个人在选择朋友的时候无论怎么谨慎都不为过。 A man ________ ________ ________ ________ in the choice of his friends. can't be too careful 23. 他献身于帮助穷人。 He ________ ________ ________ ________ the poor . devoted himself to helping 24 . 失之毫厘,谬以千里。 A miss is ________ ________ ________ a mile . as good as 25 . 她不仅很会演奏,而且还会作曲。 She ________ ________ plays well, ________ ________ writes music. not only but also 课时 3 Reading Ⅱ 安徽译林版九年级上 Unit 1 Know yourself 一、根据首字母及汉语提示完成单词。 1. [ 中考 · 青岛 ] Jack is a good learner because he always c ( 连接 ) what he needs to learn with something interesting. 2. He centred his a ( 注意力 ) on the problem. 3. The accident was caused by c ( 粗心大意 ). onnects ttention arelessness 4. He was a p ( 先锋 )in the field of mathematics. 5. Well done! You scored eight hits and only two m . ( 失误 ). ioneer isses 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 6. Suzy is well ___________(organize) and she can organize class activities very well. organized 7. Do you think your personality is __________(suit) for the job? suitable 8. We can’t find the differences between these two pictures __________ (easy). easily 9. The cat lay on the sofa, washing __________ (it). itself 10. Doctor Fang often does __________ (operate) for about ten hours a day. operations 三、单项选择。 11 . The chief engineer of the high-speed railway _______ Shanghai to Beijing always devotes most of his time _______ his work. A. connecting; to B . connects; to C. connected; on D . connect; on A 12 . [ 芜湖 29 中一模 ] The famous star Jackie Chan once said, “As an actor, you ______never be too hard-working .” A. must B . can C . should D . may B 13 . — It’s Mr. Feng’s new movie, but I think it is more meaningful than his others. — I agree with you. His latest movie is up to his highest ______ . A. standard B . treasure C . rule D . purpose A 14 . — Did you enjoy the outdoor training yesterday? — No, not at all! I was ____ dead after so much hard training. A. as good as B . as well as C. so good as D . so well as A 15 . [ 合肥瑶海区二模 ] Luckily, most people will be able to ______housing under the new government rules . A. manage B . repair C. afford D . share C 四、完形填空。 Ding Chen, a Chinese teenager from Anhui Taihe No.3 Middle School, invented a special climbing helper. It helps the _____16 people to go upstairs easily . 16. A. young B . short C . old D . tall C Ding Chen and his grandparents _____17 in an old building without elevators( 电梯 ), ______18 they had to climb stairs every day . 17 . A. played B . remained C . lived D . enjoyed 18 . A. but B . so C . if D . or C B His grandfather had difficulty _____19 stairs . It became harder after he fell ill. When Ding Chen was a fifth grader, he wanted to invent ____20 to help his grandpa go upstairs easily . 19 . A. lifting B . carrying C. getting D. climbing 20. A. anything B. something C . everything D . nothing D B Three years later, 13-year-old Ding _____21 all the problems he met. He made a special climbing helper . 21 . A. turned out B . took out C. got out D . worked out D People just need to put it on the railing( 栏杆 )of stairs and hold it. Then it will _____22 you up. 22 . A. throw B . pull C . smell D . tell B Ding’s middle school teacher Zhang Gang helped him make his idea _____23. They worked together for about half a year. 23. A. real B. awful C. certain D. sure A Now Ding Chen worked harder _____24 physics and maths. 24. A. from B. at C. with D. for B In the future, Ding wants to invent more things to help the people in _____25. “I am glad that I can help the people like my grandparents ,” he said . 25 . A. need B . wealth C . health D . fact A 课时 4 Grammar 安徽译林版九年级上 Unit 1 Know yourself 一、用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. Both my brothers ________ (live ) in Italy. 2. Neither of his parents ________ ( like) butter and cheese. 3. Neither John nor Mary ________ ( be) at home . live likes is 4. Both Peter and Mike often ________(watch) the football match but neither of them ________(play) football very well. 5. Either my father or my mother ________(cook) dinner. Both my brother and I ________(help) them on weekends. watch plays cooks help 二、单项选择。 6 . [ 中考 · 安徽 ] A better future is the goal of the Chinese people, _____it’s also the common interest of the world. A. so B . and C . or D . but B 7 . [ 合肥瑶海区一模 ] _____ Sally _____ Bob sings well . I believe they must be winners in the singing competition . A. Neither; nor B . Not only; but also C. Either; or D . Both; and B 8 . The girl is blind, ____ she can’t find the way home by herself. A. but B . so C . although D . because B 9 . —What film do you like best? — The Martian . It ____ shows a lot of imagination , ____ has a sense of humor. A. too; to B . neither; nor C. either; or D . not only; but also D 10 . ____ knowledge and experience are important to that task. A. Either B . Neither C . None D . Both D 三、按要求改写句子。 11. Mary doesn’t like chocolate. Her sister doesn’t like chocolate . (改为同义句) ________ Mary ________ her sister ________ chocolate . Neither nor likes 12. He failed the exam. He didn’t work hard. (合并为 一句 ) ______________________________________________ He didn't work hard so he failed the exam. 13 . Read this article. You will understand that not everything can be bought with money. (合并为一句) Read this article, ________ you will understand that not everything can be bought with money. and 14. Simon likes eating Chinese food and Millie likes eating Chinese food, too. (改写同义句) ________ ________ Simon ________ ________ Millie likes Chinese food . Not only but also 15 . Hurry up. You can catch the bus. (合并为一句) Hurry up, ________ you can’t catch the bus. or 课时 5 Integrated skills & Study skills 安徽译林版九年级上 Unit 1 Know yourself 一、根据首字母和汉语提示完成单词。 1. The band played a l ( 活泼的 ) tune. 2. Nothing is f ( 固定 不变 的 ) in this world . Everything is relative. 3. When night falls, stars a ( 出现 ). ively ixed ppear 4. He marked off the days on a c ( 日历 ). 5. [ 马鞍山二质检 ] All of us have the power to s ( 塑造 ) our lives and influence the lives of others. alendar hape 二、单项选择。 6. All the fans shouted loudly when Zhu Ting_____at the airport. A. attended B. appeared C. followed D. practised B 7. —What a great concert it is! —Yes, the singer sang 30 songs at the concert ____. A. in all B. in common C. in time D. in half A 8 . — I picked ten books and read ____ of them during the holiday. —I guess you must learn a lot. A. none B . either C . both D . each D 9 . — You look so tired. Why not stop ____ for a while ? —OK. I decide so long any more. A . working ; to work B . to work; not working C . working ; not to work D . to work; don’t work C 10 . — Many people think women are better at cooking than men. — _____. Most top chefs in the world are men. A. I agree B . Exactly C. That’s not the case D . Not at all C 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 11. 有其父必有其子,吉姆像他父亲一样喜欢打猎。 ________ ________ , ________ ________ . Jim enjoys hunting just like his father Like father like son 12. 据说,他观看了在法国举行的 2019 年女足世界杯 足球赛 的大部分赛事。 _______ _______ _______ he watched most games of the 2019 Women’s World Cup held in France. It's said that 13. 他们在某些方面相似但是在其他方面不同。 They are alike _______ _______ _______ but different in others . in some ways 14 . 那对双胞胎有相似的个性吗? Do the twins have _________ __________ ? similar personalities 15 . 在冬天我们堆雪人取乐。 We make snowmen _______ _______ in winter. for fun 课时 6 Task & Self-assessment 安徽译林版九年级上 Unit 1 Know yourself 一、根据首字母及汉语提示完成单词 。 1. [ 安徽省升学模拟考 ] Nobody was a ( 缺席的 )from school though it rained heavily yesterday. 2. His s ( 演讲 )made a strong impression on the audience . 3. We need a c ( 有信心的 )leader to overcome these difficulties . peech onfident bsent 4. He gave me a h ( 有帮助的 )suggestion. 5. Can you r ( 推荐 )me some new books on this subject? elpful ecommend 二、单项选择 。 6 . [ 合肥瑶海区二模 ] Ask Mr. Lee for advice when you get there, _____ he will show you how to do it. A. and B . so C . or D . but A 7 . [ 中考 · 青岛 ] Larry hopes ______his English, so he keeps practicing it every day. A. to solve B . solving C. to improve D . improving C 8 . [ 中考 · 淮安 ] ______ the help of modern technology , scientists got a photo of a black hole. A. At B . In C . On D . With D 9 . A year has four seasons and it _____ twelve different star signs. A. dividing into B . is dividing into C. divided into D . is divided into D 10 . [ 中考 · 南京 ]—All of Audrey Hepburn’s films are wonderful. — _____ . Especially Roman Holiday . A. I can’t agree more B . That’s not the case C. That’s not the point D . Don’t mention it A 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 11. Simon 有很多突出的品质适合这个职位。 Simon has many _______ _______ for this position. strong qualities 12. 那个女孩害怕在很多人面前演讲。 The girl is afraid of ________ ________ ________ in front of many people. making a speech 13. 既然她如此勤奋,她不会介意做额外的工作。 Since she is ________ ________ , she won’t mind ________ ________ ________. so hard-working doing extra work 14. 我认为如果你尽力的话,你能做任何事。 I think you ________ ________ ________ if you ________ ________ ________ . can do anything try your best 15. 在考试中,我们做每一道题都要三思。 In the exam, we should ________ ________ before solving each problem. think twice 四、完形填空。 When I was in middle school, I felt I was always letting people down. Once I brought my _____16 Daisy to my home. 16. A. daughter B . son C. friend D . uncle C 【 点拨 】 根据下文的描述可推断 , Daisy 是我的“朋友” , 故所缺的词是 friend 。 I noticed that all my family members seemed to ____17 Daisy better than me . 17 . A. like B . know C. understand D . learn A 【 点拨 】 此处是说 , 我注意到我的家人似乎更“喜欢” Daisy, 故所缺的词是 like 。 I felt very _____18. I even thought they didn’t love me. I wondered whether they would miss me if I died some day . 18 . A. lucky B . sad C . bored D . glad B 【 点拨 】 根据上下文的描述可知 , 我当时觉得很“难过” , 故所缺的词是 sad 。 ____19 I told my mum, “Daisy is more patient than I have ever been. You must want her to be your daughter instead of me .” 19 . A. But B . So C . Though D . Whether B 【 点拨 】 设空前描写的是我的想法 , 设空后描写的是我将想法告诉了妈妈 , 此处表因果关系 , 故所缺的连词是 So 。 My mum explained that Daisy was a lovely girl, but ____20 could replace( 代替 )me in the family. She said I was the only person who could fill my role . 20 . A. anybody B . somebody C. everybody D . nobody D 【 点拨 】 我妈妈解释的是 , Daisy 确实是一个很可爱的女孩 , 但在这个家里“没有人”可以代替我 , 故所缺的词是 nobody 。 She made me realize that even if I made _____21, I was a beloved member of the family who could never be replaced. 21 . A. mistakes B . faces C. wishes D . decisions A 【 点拨 】 她使我意识到 , 即便我犯了“错误” , 我也是不可代替的深受大家喜爱的家庭一员 , 故所缺的词是 mistakes 。 From then on, I tried to ____22 out who I was and what made me special. I looked at ______23 in a new way . 22 . A. put B . find C . look D . clear B 【 点拨 】 从那时起 , 我努力“弄清楚”我是谁以及我的特殊之处 , find out 意为“查明 , 弄清” , 符合题意。 put out 扑灭; look out 当心 , 留神; clear out 把 …… 清空 , 清理。 I looked at ______23 in a new way . 23 . A. itself B . herself C . himself D . myself D 【 点拨 】 此处是说 , 我以全新的方式审视“我自己” , 故所缺的词是 myself 。 Then I started to be positive( 积极的 )towards my life, and I was happy about who I _____24 was. I came to feel much better as I knew that no one could ever replace me . 24. A. nearly B . hardly C . really D . almost C 【 点拨 】 nearly 几乎; hardly 几乎不; really 真正地 , 真实地; almost 几乎。此处表示“然后我开始积极地面对生活 , 并且对真实的自己感到很开心”。结合题意可知应选 C 。 Each of us holds a special place in the world. You are special , no matter what others say or what you may think . So ____25 that you will be replaced. You can’t be . 25. A. forget B . worry C . consider D . think A 【 点拨 】 根据上下文的描述可知 , 此处是说 , 所以“忘记”你将会被取代的事情吧 , 故所缺的词是 forget 。 写作素养提升练 安徽译林版九年级上 Unit 1 Know yourself 每个人都有自己独特的性格,不同的性格会产生不同的行为方式。因此塑造性格,优化个性对个人和社会都有着十分重要的意义。 安徽译林版九年级上 假设你叫李明,你们班级要选拔新班长,你想向班主任王老师推荐张航。请根据表格内容,写一封 80 词左右的推荐信给王老师。 姓名 张航 特长 精通电脑,擅长演讲 性格、品质 自信、勤奋、谦虚、有条理、乐于助人 个人事迹 经常花很多时间组织课外活动,从不介意为班级做额外的工作,总是尽最大努力帮助同学,深受同学们欢迎。 【 思路构建 】 步骤 构思 列纲 1 说明写推荐信的 目的 recommend Zhang Hang as our new monitor. 2 描写被推荐人的 性格、品质特长 等(结合实例) good at making speeches, does well in computers, hard-working, modest and organized 3 再次强调被推荐 人是合适人选 the most suitable person Dear Mr Wang, I’m writing to recommend Zhang Hang as our new monitor . I think he has some strong qualities for this position . Zhang Hang is confident. He is good at making speeches . He also does well in computers. He is hard-working, modest and organized. He often spends lots of time organizing after-school activities. He is very helpful too. He never minds doing extra work for our class. 【 精彩范文 】 He always tries his best to help other students. He is very popular with us. I think Zhang Hang is the most suitable person to be our monitor. I hope you can consider my recommendation. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 1. confident 确信的,自信的 2. clever 聪明的,灵巧的 3. helpful 愿意帮忙的,有益的 4. hard-working 勤勉的,努力工作的 5. modest 谦虚的,谦逊的 6. organized 有组织的,有条理的 【 常用单词 】 1. strong qualities 突出的品质 2. do extra work 做额外的工作 3. try one’s best 尽最大努力 4. pay attention to 注意 【 常用短语 】 1. We are writing to recommend…as our new monitor. 我们写信给您推荐 …… 作为我们的新班长。 2. He/She has many strong qualities for this position. 他 / 她在这个职位上有许多突出的品质。 【 常用句型 】 3. We think…is the most suitable/right person to be… 我们认为 …… 是最合适 / 最对的人 …… 4. We hope that you agree with us. 我们希望你同意我们的意见。 假如你是 Millie ,请你给班主任( Mr Wu) 写一封推荐信,推荐 Sandy 为班长。信中要对 Sandy 进行全面介绍。内容包括: 1. 有许多优良的个人品质; 2. 是一个聪明的人,而且对一切事物充满好奇; 3. 勤奋,总是为班级做额外的事,能注意细节问题,从不忘记该做的事; 4. 从不害怕给一大群人作演讲; 5. 富有创造力,经常能提出各种各样的新想法; 6. …… (补充另外两点) 注意: 1. 词数不少于 80 ; 2. 短文须包括所给内容要点,要求语句通顺。 3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Mr Wu, I’m writing to recommend Sandy to be our monitor. I think she has many strong qualities for this position . _________________________________________________ I think Sandy is the most suitable person to be our monitor . I hope that you can agree with me. Millie ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Dear Mr Wu, I'm writing to recommend Sandy to be our monitor. I think she has many strong qualities for this position. Sandy is clever. She can do all the things well. And she is curious about everything too. She is also hard -working , and always does extra work for our class. She is organized. She ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ can pay attention to every detail. She never forgets the things she needs to do. She is not afraid of making speeches in front of groups of students. She is creative enough to come up with different kinds of new ideas. She is helpful and ready to help others at any time. She likes reading because she can learn a lot from books.

