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初三英语 第 1 页(共 10 页) 初三英语 第 2 页(共 10 页) 丰台区 2018—2019 学年度第一学期期末练习 初三英语 2019. 01 考 生 须 知 1. 本试卷共 10 页,共五道大题,39 道小题。满分 60 分。考试时间 90 分钟。 2. 在试卷和答题卡上认真填写学校名称、姓名和考号。 3. 试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。 4. 在答题卡上,选择题用 2B 铅笔作答,其他试题用黑色字迹签字笔作答。 5. 考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 知识运用(共 14 分) 一、单项填空(共 6 分,每小题 0.5 分) 从下面各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. Tom is my little brother. _______ likes arts very much. A. She B. He C. It D. His 2. Mr. Clark is always busy working _______ the office. A. at B. on C. of D. to 3. – _______ was the movie last night? – It was interesting. A. When B. Where C. How D. What 4. I was late for school, _______ there’s something wrong with my bike. A. but B. because C. or D. though 5. I ______ go now, or I’ll miss my football class. A. can B. might C. must D. could 6. I think Li Bai is one of _______ poets in China. A. great B. greater C. greatest D. the greatest 7. – What do you often do at weekends? – I often _______ my grandparents. A. will visit B. visited C. visit D. have visited 8. My sister _______ a model plane when I got home. A. makes B. was making C. is making D. has made 9. The boy _______ 3D painting last summer vacation. A. learned B. will learn C. has learned D. learns 10. My uncle is a writer. He _______ many books since he was young. A. writes B. wrote C. is writing D. has written 11. A new sports center _______ near here next year. A. builds B. will build C. is built D. will be built 12. – Can you tell me _______ to London? – Sure. Next month. A. when you will travel B. when you traveled C. when will you travel D. when did you travel 二、完形填空(共 8 分,每小题 1 分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 When I was 14, life felt dull and boring. I didn’t really care to notice the differences among the students in my school. But this dull view of mine changed when my parents bought me a 13 for Christmas. Even though I didn’t know anything about photography, I showed great interest in the new 14 . I kept taking photos for different people around me and plants in the field. Then after a month, I realized I had no 15 for taking pictures. My photos were clearly missing something of importance and lacked originality (创意). Soon, I became so 16 with my lack of artistic talent that I quit my new hobby. During the summer vacation, I went for a walk on the railroad track behind my house. The tracks are a warm red color. It’s an amazing sight to see. Before the walk, I thought, “Maybe I should bring my camera”, which hadn’t been touched for weeks. Surprisingly, this walk on the tracks has 17 my love for photography. When I was walking on the train tracks without a model to photograph and only nature around me, I 18 how important it was to look at the details of things. I didn’t worry about trying to create something beautiful. Instead, I just captured (捕 捉) photos of the beauty already around me. After months of studying outdoor scenes, watching shadows and staring at people’s eyes — I was finally able to 19 beauty of my own. So far, my work has been published in two small magazines and showed in two art galleries. They are important to me because they are signs of how much my artistic abilities have grown: I went from zero artistic talent to being published. And my photos have become something I was 20 of. Thanks to this Christmas gift from my parents, I now have a new way of looking at the world. 13. A. camera B. computer C. magazine D. plant 14. A. game B. hobby C. film D. picture 15. A. knowledge B. time C. energy D. talent 16. A. confused B. angry C. satisfied D. careful 17. A. expressed B. shared C. begun D. kept 18. A. wondered B. imagined C. remembered D. realized 19. A. make B. see C. create D. check 20. A. proud B. sure C. fond D. glad 初三英语 第 3 页(共 10 页) 初三英语 第 4 页(共 10 页) 阅读理解(共 36 分) 三、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个 选项中,选择最佳选项。(共 26 分,每小题 2 分) A My Joyful Hobby Do you have any hobbies? Many of us exercise, do volunteer work, or learn interesting skills in our spare time. What do you enjoy doing the most in your free time? Jessica, America Louis, South Africa Wei Hua, China Jack, Australia 21. What does Jessica like best? A. Playing the violin. B. Painting. C. Writing novels. D. Cooking. 22. Who can cook without parents’ help? A. Jessica. B. Louis. C. Wei Hua. D. Jack. 23. What does Jack plan to do? A. To listen to music. B. To study better at school. C. To learn to cook. D. To write his own stories. B The Lady’s Lamp Once there was a poor lady who lived on a hill near the seashore. She had no children and lived a lonely life. She was so poor that she had to work hard every day. But one night as she sat at her work, the lady said to herself while the winds blew, “I wish I could be of some use in the world. Why can’t I do good to someone besides myself?” At last, she came up with an idea. She decided that she would keep a lighted lamp at the window for the sailors every night. She found that ships sometimes were broken up on the rocks in the sea, since there was no lighthouse to warn them of their danger at night. Maybe her lamp would warn them when their ships came near the rocks on the coast. The lady felt glad when the thought flashed through her mind. She found that, if she worked an hour later each night, she could earn enough to pay for the oil for the lamp. So she worked late and earned money to buy the oil; and then she placed the lamp at the window each night. In this way she saved many lives. She did this for five years without reward, or the hope of reward. However, good deeds ( 行 为 ) are often found out. The sailors whose lives had been saved began to send gifts to her from faraway countries. They sent her tea from China, cloth from India, silk from France and grapes from Spain. But the poor lady did not need these gifts to make her happy. She gave many of them to the poor and the sick. She was happy with the thought that she was doing good. So, as long as she lived, she lit her lamp each night, and placed it at the window. 24. The lady decided to light the lamp for _______. A. the sick B. the children C. the poor D. the sailors 25. How could the lady pay for the lamp oil? A. She worked one more hour each night. B. She raised money from the sailors. C. She got rewards from her country. I like playing the violin best, and benefit a lot from it. Every time I feel sad, I’ll play. When I hear the beautiful music from my strings ( 弦 ), I feel like my world is full of light again. I play it not only for relaxation, but also for my health. The most important skill I’ve learned is painting, which has played an important role in my life. Through painting, I become more patient and careful. It helps me study better at school. In short, painting is important for me. During my spare time, I’ve learned how to cook, because I don’t want to depend on my parents so much. Even though my cooking isn’t as delicious as my parents’, I can make dishes without their help. Cooking lets me enjoy my own life. I like writing when I’m free. I’m a big fan of the Harry Potter series, and three years ago I began to write a sequel (续集) to it. Since then, I’ve fallen in love with writing. I love it so much that I plan to go on practicing it and writing my own stories. 初三英语 第 5 页(共 10 页) 初三英语 第 6 页(共 10 页) D. She sold tea and grapes to others. 26. The lady was happy because ________. A. she got gifts from faraway countries B. she helped many people in her way C. the sailors gave gifts to the sick D. the sailors found out her deeds C Whether we admit it or not, many of us have experienced loneliness. Last month, a survey done by US health service company Cigna found that loneliness has become a common situation in the country. It even found that young people aged 18-22 are more likely to feel lonely than the elders. Loneliness often leads to the emotions of sadness and loss, and can even “make us sick”. So, how do we deal with the pain of loneliness? Throwing ourselves into distractions can be useful. US lifestyle writer Adrienne Breaux wrote about how she turned loneliness into a productive learning process. She used to be a terrible cook, but whenever loneliness hit her, she would buy a lot of ingredients and try out how to make them into delicious dishes. After a few months, she became good at cooking dishes she’d never even made before. This is a typical example of how loneliness gets us out of our comfort zone and allows us to grow. “When it comes to keeping loneliness at bay (控制住) , one of the best ways is to occupy your time with things that feel enriching, creative and exciting.” Breaux wrote, “It’s hard to feel lonely when you’re trying to master a new skill, practice a hobby or try out a new recipe.” The attitude we choose toward loneliness is also the key to deal with it. If we see loneliness as an unwanted and annoying thing, we will suffer it. But if we admit that it’s an everyday part of life, we’ll be able to “embrace (拥抱) the beauty of our solo journey”, as best-selling US author Mandy Hale wrote in her book The Single Woman. Instead of desperately ( 拼 命地 ) finding someone to talk to or go out with, trying to have fun on our own is more practical. US Internet writer Kayla Albert shared a story of her friend, who uses her time alone to do what she really wants to do. Her friend goes out for dinner, watches movies, and visits art museums — all on her own. She claims that this kind of single lifestyle brings her joyfulness and gracefulness. So, we can do it too. Indeed, sometimes, the best songs are the ones performed alone. 27. The survey from Cigna in Paragraph 1 tells _______. A. when people might experience loneliness B. how common the problem of loneliness is C. how people deal with the pain from loneliness D. what kind of people might suffer from loneliness 28. What was Adrienne Breaux’s solution when loneliness hit her? A. To keep herself in the comfort zone. B. To get a new job being a good cook. C. To spend time for self-improvement. D. To relax by writing her lonely feeling. 29. What can we learn from the passage? A. Going out with friends is better than staying alone. B. The key to solve loneliness is to accept and enjoy it. C. The pain of loneliness gets worse as people get older. D. Seeing loneliness as an unwanted thing helps us avoid it. D No one wants to work at a messy desk and look lazy or sloppy. But does a messy desktop actually make you either of those things? Not all disorders mean you’re out of control. Even Steve Jobs thought his personal charm came from his messy desktop. People who prefer a messy desk have their own ideas. Some think it makes them comfortable. A too-tidy room can sometimes make them uncomfortable, because it seems there is no place to rest their feet. Some believe it helps them concentrate more easily. Messy tables can make it easier to focus on the tasks, just like some novelists can write patiently in a noisy café. Others may be perfectionists. For those who strive for perfection, tasks are either 100% or 0% performed. Therefore, they usually put away the less important things and perform the most important ones perfectly, which leads to paper mountains on the desktop. Many people are labeled as “sloppy” and “inefficient” because of messy tabletops. However, when we see the desks of Albert Einstein, Mark Twain and Mark Zuckerberg — pioneers of their times — things might change. Obviously, the world embraces uniformity and order; it also never refuses regular disorder, which seems like a mess but runs in an organized way. In an experiment done by psychologist Kathleen Vohs, participants (参与者) were asked to come up with new uses for ping-pong balls. Both participants in the messy and clean offices created the same number of ideas. However, those in the messy room came up with more interesting and creative ideas. People who don’t keep a neat and tidy desktop can actually develop organizational skills and manage work and thoughts successfully, even while swamped in (淹没于) piles of books, 初三英语 第 7 页(共 10 页) 初三英语 第 8 页(共 10 页) notes and documents. In spite of great disorder, a messy desktop presents information clearly, which can sometimes inspire us unconsciously (无意识地). Research has found people working with a messy desktop are more likely to be creative and willing to take risks, while people with a tidy one tend to follow the rules and are less likely to try new things. Vohs says, “Disorderly environments seem to inspire breaking free of tradition, which can produce fresh insights.” But a messy desk might not be ideal all the time. When you need new ideas, a messy desk might be a good choice; but when you want to be efficient (高效的) and perform a task successfully, it seems better to make a desk clean and tidy. No matter what kind of desk you prefer, we hope you feel comfortable and enjoy it! 30. The underlined phrase “strive for” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_____”. A. fight for B. is interested in C. is afraid of D. keep away from 31. The writer talks about the experiment in the fourth paragraph to ________. A. encourage people to have messy desks as they like B. explain the reasons why people like the messy desks C. introduce a new way of being creative and interesting D. show the influence of messy desks on people’s minds 32. The writer probably agrees that people with messy desks might ________. A. be intelligent and successful B. have good behaviors and habits C. become idea men and risk takers D. finish the task quickly and perfectly 33. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A. Messy Desk: Do People Need to Change It? B. Messy Desk: Do People Find Excuses for It? C. Messy Desk: Does It Make People Comfortable? D. Messy Desk: Does It Help People Work Efficiently? 四、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共 10 分,每小题 2 分) IG, a Chinese esports club, won the world championship title in LOL (League of Legends) in 2018. It beat European team 3:0 in South Korea. It was the first time that a club from China’s LPL (League of Legends Pro League) won the title in the world championship’s eight-year history. So what is esports? Esports (Electronic Sports) is a form of competition using video games between professional players. It is not only a simple game in a sense, but a sport in which players use electronic equipment to play against each other in intelligence. It can improve the players’ thinking ability, heart-to-eye coordination ( 协调), willpower and develop team spirit. In 2003, esports became the 99th sport in China. However, esports is different from traditional sports and online games. Traditional sports athletes mainly train their physical ability and skills, such as muscle memory, exercising and dieting; while esports athletes’ training is mostly about the mind, such as studying strategies (策略) and new updates for the game. The industry has been developed for more than 10 years, but the public usually hold the opinion that playing online games has no benefit but taking one’s attention away from their duties. In fact, there are several differences between esports and online games:  First, the basic features. Online games are entertainment games while esports is a sport. Esports is an intellectual competition between people in an organized environment created by information technology.  Second, the game rules. Esports has clear game rules. Its biggest feature is strict time and round limitations. However, online games are lack of clear rules of the game. Without time limit, it’s easy for people especially teenagers to be addicted to (沉迷于) it.  Third, the sports spirit. Esports competitions between athletes pay great attention to fair sports spirit. Some online games only need to recharge (充 钱) to gain advantages, which is the main difference between esports and online games. In the upcoming 2022 Asian Games to be held in Hangzhou, esports will officially become a medal event. Esports is a new sporting activity. It will take a long time to grow into a mature industry like NBA (the National Basketball Association of the US). Let’s have a better understanding of esports and expect its bright future. 34. Which club won the world championship title in LOL in 2018? 35. What is esports? 36. When did esports become the 99th sport in China? 37. What is esports athletes’ training about? 38. What is the passage mainly about? 初三英语 第 9 页(共 10 页) 初三英语 第 10 页(共 10 页) 书面表达(共 10 分) 五、文段表达(10 分) 39. 从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50 词 的文段写作。文中已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请 不要写出你的校名和姓名。 题目① 假如你是李华,你打算邀请你们班的英国交换生 Peter 周末去老舍茶馆体 验中国的茶文化。请用英语写一封电子邮件,告诉他见面的时间和地点,体验 茶文化的原因,以及他需要做的准备。 提示词语:invite, Laoshe Teahouse, history, many kinds, learn 提示问题:● When and where will you meet? ● Why are you going to experience Chinese tea culture? ● What do you advise Peter to prepare for it? 题目② “滴水之恩,涌泉相报”。感恩、回报是中华民族的传统美德。面对他人的 帮助,多一份感恩与回报,生活就会多一缕阳光。 某英文网站正在开展以“感恩他人”为主题的征文活动。假如你是李华,请 用英语写一篇短文投稿,谈谈生活中谁曾经帮助过你,他(她)是怎样帮助你 的,以及你打算怎样做来回报他(她)。 提示词语:trouble, sad, encourage, look after, in return (作为回报) 提示问题:● Who helped you a lot? ● How did he/she help you? ● What are you going to do in return? It’s one of our traditional virtues to be thankful. _______________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Dear Peter, How is it going? I know you like Chinese culture so______________________________________ Yours, Li Hua 初三英语 第 11 页(共 10 页) 初三英语 第 12 页(共 10 页) 丰台区 2018-2019 年学年度第一学期期末练习 初三英语试卷参考答案 知识运用 一、单项填空 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.D 11.D 12.A 二、完形填空 13.A 14.B 15.D 16.B 17.C 18.D 19.C 20.A 阅读理解 三、阅读短文,选择最佳选项。 21.A 22.C 23.D 24.D 25.A 26.B 27.B 28.C 29.B 30.A 31.D 32.C 33.A 四、阅读短文,回答问题。 34. Club IG./ A Chinese esports club. 35. Esports (Electronic Sports) is a form of competition using video games between professional players. 36. In 2003. 37. It’s mostly about the mind (such as studying strategies and new updates for the game). 38. What is esports; the differences between esports and online games. 书面表达 五、文段表达 39.参考范文: 题目① Dear Peter, How is it going? I know you like Chinese culture so I’d like to invite you to experience Chinese tea culture with me. Shall we meet at Laoshe Teahouse at 9 o’clock this Sunday morning? As you may know, Chinese tea culture is very famous, which has a long history. There are many kinds of tea in China, such as green tea, black tea, white tea and so on. If you are interested in them, you can learn about them online. Maybe you can find your favourite to have a try. Yours, Li Hua 题目② It’s one of our traditional virtues to be thankful. The person I thank most is my friend Tina. Once I failed a singing competition and felt very upset. I was crying in the corner of the hall when Tina came to me. She handed me a piece of tissue and hugged me tenderly. She kept comforting me till I stopped crying and encouraged me. From her words, I became calm and found confidence again. I was very thankful for what she did and decided to practice harder for the next competition. As her good friend, I will be with her whenever she needs me.

