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语法精讲及练习|定语从句 ‎1 概念引入 欣赏含有定语从句的名言:Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.笑是太阳,它从人们的脸上赶走冬天。Don’t trust the first sign that you see.不要相信你看见的第一个迹象。All is not gold that glitters.发光的未必都是金子。Nothing is impossible to the man who has will.世上无难事,只怕有心人。God helps those who help themselves.自助者天助。 2 用法讲解 一、定语从句的功用和结构在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。被定语从句修饰的词叫做先行词,定语从句必须放在先行词之后。引导定语从句的关联词有关系代词和关系副词。This is the present that he gave me for my birthday.这是他给我的生日礼物。Do you know everybody who came to the party?你认识来宴会的每一位吗?This is the place where Chairman Mao once lived.这是毛主席曾经居住的地方。 二、各个关系代词和关系副词的具体用法1. who 指人,在定语从句中作主语或宾语。I prefer singers who can write their own lyrics.我更喜欢能写自己歌词的歌唱家。These are musicians who make us happy.这些是能让我们高兴的音乐家。People who eat a balanced diet are healthier.平衡饮食的人是健康的。 2. whom指人,在定语从句中作宾语。Do you know the young man (whom) we met at the gate?你认识我们在门口遇到的那个年轻人吗?Mr. Lee (whom) you want to see has come.你想见的李先生已经来了。 3. whose 指人,在定语从句中作定语。The girl whose mother is ill is staying at home today.她妈妈病了的那个女孩今天呆在家。I know the boy whose father is a professor.我认识他的父亲是教授的那个男孩。 4. which指物,在定语从中作主语或宾语。A dictionary is a book which gives the meaning of words.字典是给单词释义的一本书。Here is the book (which) the teacher mentioned yesterday.这是老师昨天提到的那本书。 5. that多指物,有时也指人,在定语从句中作主语或宾语。I prefer music that has great lyrics. 我喜欢具有优美歌词的音乐。Carmen likes music that’s loud. Carmen喜欢大声的音乐。I like music that I can dance to. 我喜欢能伴舞的音乐。 6. when 指时间,在定语从句中作状语。I’ll never forget the time when we worked on the farm.我从来不会忘记我们工作在农场的那个时光。He arrived in Beijing on the day when I left.在我离开的那天他到的北京。7. where 指地点,在定语从句中作状语。This is the house where we lived last year.这是我们去年居住的那个房子。The factory ‎ where his father works is in the east of the city.他的父亲工作的工厂是在城市的东边。 三、关系代词和关系副词的功用关系代词和关系副词用来引导定语从句,在先行词和定语从句之间起纽带作用,使二者联系起来。关系代词和关系副词又在定语从句中充当一个成分,关系代词可作主语、宾语或定语,关系副词可作状语。 1. 作主语:关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,从句的谓语动词的人称和数必须和先行词一致。I don’t like people who talk much but do little.我不喜欢说话多做事少的人。The cars which are produced in Hubei Province sell very well.在湖北省生产的汽车销量好。 2. 作宾语She is the person that I met at the school gate yesterday.她是我昨天在校门口遇到的那个人。The book that my grandmother gave me is called The Great Escape.我奶奶给我的那本书叫做《胜利大逃亡》。 3. 作定语:关系代词whose在定语从句中作定语。What’s the name of the young man whose sister is a doctor?他的妹妹是医生的那个年轻男士叫什么名字?The girl whose father is a teacher studies very hard.她的父亲是一位老师的那个女孩学习非常努力。 4. 作状语I’ll never forget the day when I first came to Beijing.我从来不会忘记我第一次来北京的那天。This is the house where I was born.这是我出生的那个房子。 四、具体使用时还要注意下列问题:1. 只能使用that,不用which 的情况:1)先行词被序数词或形容词最高级所修饰,或本身是序数词、形容词最高级时,只能用that,而不用which。He was the first person that passed the exam. 他是第一个通过考试的人。 2)被修饰的先行词为all,any,much,many,everything,anything,none,the one等不定代词时,只能用that,而不用which。Is there anything that you want to buy in the shop?在商店里你有什么东西要买吗? 3)先行词被the only,the very,the same,the last,little,few 等词修饰时,只能用that,而不用which。This is the same bike that I lost. 这就是我丢的那辆自行车。 4)先行词里同时含有人或物时,只能用that, 而不用which.I can remember well the persons and some pictures that I saw in the room.我能清楚记得我在那个房间所见到的人和一些照片。 5)以who或which引导的特殊疑问句,为避免重复,只能用that.Who is the girl that is crying?正在哭泣的那个女孩是谁? 6)主句是there be 结构,修饰主语的定语从句用that,而不用which.There is a book on the desk that belongs to Tom. 桌子上那本书是汤姆的。 2. 只能用which,不用that的情况:1)先行词为that,those时,用which,而不用that.What’s that which is under the desk?在桌子底下的那些东西是什么?2)关系代词前有介词时,一般用which,而不用that.This is the room in which he lives. 这是他居住的房间。3)引导非限制性定语从句,用which,而不用that.Tom came back,which made us happy. 汤姆回来了,这使我们很高兴。 3. 关系代词 whom,which 在定语从句中作介词宾语时,可以和介词一起放在先行词与定语从句之间,有时为了关系紧凑也可以将 whom 或 which 放先行词后,而将介词置于定语从句的后面。That was the room in which we had lived for ten years.= That was the room which we had lived in for ten years.那是我们居住了十年的房子。 3 巩固练习 ‎ ‎ I. 用关系代词或关系副词将下列每对句子连成一个复合句。1. The boy is my younger brother. He was here a minute ago.  ___________________________________________2. The old man is a professor. He teaches chemistry in a college._____________________________________________3. Beijing Hotel is near Tian An Men Square. The foreign visitors live there.  _____________________________________________4. The woman is here now. You were talking about her just now.  _____________________________________________5. This is the hall. We listened to the report in it the other day.  _____________________________________________6. The car was going 90 miles an hour. The car just passed us.  _____________________________________________7. The man waved to us. The man was my uncle.  _____________________________________________8. I enjoyed reading the book. You gave me a book last week.  _____________________________________________9. I prefer the subject. The subject is science.  _____________________________________________10. I spoke to the man. The man is a singer.  _____________________________________________ II. 用适当的关系代词或关系副词填空。1. The house _______ we live in is very big.2. The boy ______ is wearing the black jacket is very clever.3. This is the present _______ he gave me for my birthday.4. The man _______ talked to you just now is an engineer.5. He talked about the teachers and schools _______ he had visited.6. There is nothing in the world _______ can frighten him.7. She wears a gold ring, _______ is very uncommon in our class.8. We visited a factory _______ makes toys for children.9. Is this the place _______ your father once lived?10. I’ll never forget the days _______ I joined the League.III. 单项填空。1. —Who is the man _______ was talking to our English teacher? —Oh! It’s Mr. Baker, our maths teacher.    A. he    B. that    C. whom    D. which2. I hate the people ________ don’t help others when they are in trouble.    A. who    B. which    C. they    D. where3. This is the place ______ I have ever visited.    A. there    B. when    C. where    D. which4. The moon is a world ______ there is no life.    A. that    B. which    C. where    D. why5. Watch carefully everything _____ the teacher will do.    A. that    B. which    C. what    D. who6.I love the place ____ the weather is always cool.    A. that    B. where    C. why    D. which7. The man and the dog ____ were hurt in the accident were sent to the hospital.    A. which    B. who    C. that    D. whom8.The reason ____ I was late ‎ for the class was my oversleeping.    A. why    B. which    C. that    D. when9. Jane is one of the students in the class ______have ever been to China.    A. who    B. whose    C. which    D. whom10. He lived in a small village, ______ was a long way from the railway station.    A. that    B. which    C. where    D. when【真题链接】1. The woman        is the most important in my life is my mother.    A. which    B. who    C. whom    D. what2. People ______ overweight need more water than thin people.    A.who is    B.which are    C.that is    D.who are3. After Mandela was free (自由的) in 1990, he chose to shake hands with the people ________ wanted to kill him.    A. whose    B. which    C. /     D. who4. He likes low-carbon life. He lives in the house ________ he built himself out of trash.     A. where    B. what    C. which    D. in which 参考答案 I. 用关系代词或关系副词将下列每对句子连成一个复合句。1. The boy who/that was here a minute ago is my younger brother.2. The old man who/that teaches chemistry in a college is a professor.3. Beijing Hotel where the foreign visitors live is near Tian An Men Square.4. The woman (who/whom/that) you were talking about just now is here now.5. This is the hall where we listened to the report the other day.6. The car which/that just passed us was going 90 miles an hour.7. The man who/that waved to us was my uncle.8. I enjoyed reading the book (that/which) you gave me last week.9. The subject (which/that) I prefer is science.10. The man (who/whom/that) I spoke to is a singer.II. 用适当的关系代词或关系副词填空。1. that/ which  2. who/ that  3. that/ which    4. who/ that5. that    6. that    7. which8. which/ that    9. where    10. whenIII. 单项填空。1. B 句子的先行词是the man,所以that引导,且that在定语从句中作主语。2.A 句子的先行词是the people,所以用who引导,且who在定语从句中作主语。3.D 本句先行词是物,关系代词在定语从句中作visit的宾语,所以选D。4.C 本句先行词是表示地名的world,且关系副词在定语从句中作地点状语,所以选C。5.A 本句是考查定语从句的引导词。由于先行词是不定代词,它的引导词只能是that。6.B 本句是考查定语从句的引导词。由于先行词是表示地点名词,所以它的引导词应该用where,且引导词在定语从句中作地点状语。7.C 本句的先行词既有人也有物,所以引导词只能用that,that在定语从句中作主语。8.A 本句的先行词是表示原因的名词,所以引导词用关系副词why。9.A 考查关系代词的用法。此句是定语从句,先行词是students,且在定语从句中作主语,因此用关系代词who。10. B 本句属于非限制性定语从句,所以用which引导,且which在从句中作主语。【真题链接】1. B。此题考查定语从句,先行词是人,引导词用who,在定语从句作主语,故选B。2. D。句意:超重的人需要的水比瘦的人多。定语从句的先行词是people,且关系词在从句中作主语,故答案为D项。3. D。句意:在曼德拉1990获得自由后,他选择了与想杀他的人握手。先行词指人且在定语从句中作主语,故选who。4.‎ ‎ C。本句意为:他喜欢低碳生活,他在垃圾之外建立了自己的房子。本题考查which的用法,which在后置的定语从句中代替上文出现的事物或情况。 ‎

