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‎2020-2021学年人教新目标版初三英语上册期中复习考点07. 选词填空 一 grammar,what,secret,aloud,ability,and,read,careful,pronounce,memorize Dear Wang Lin,‎ I’m sorry to hear that you have problems in English learning.But don’t worry.Everyone has the 1. to learn English well.Here are some 2. to language learning.I hope they can help you.‎ Listening and repeating is a good way to improve your 3. .Why not buy some English tapes?You can listen to them at home 4. repeat the sentences again and again until you are comfortable with them.‎ It’s normal to forget some new words sometimes.But I think you can write them on paper or your notebooks so that you can 5. them in your free time.Another way is to read 6. every morning.7. is one of the best ways to increase your vocabulary.‎ I know it’s really boring to remember 8. rules.But grammar is really useful.Remember to listen to the teacher and take notes 9. in class.You can review them on your own or with your classmates after class.Then practice 10. you learned by doing exercises.Try to study and remember information bit by bit instead of memorizing a lot once.‎ Yours,‎ Gina 二 from,think,many,lantern,good,watch ,call,Christmas,put,on Do foreign people love Chinese New Year? Yes,they do.We can learn from the following.‎ ‎“I like red 1. a lot,”says an Italian girl 2. Sarah.She's in Beijing with her parents. “The Spring Festival in China is like 3. in Italy.And I 4. red lanterns are just like Christmas trees 5. Christmas Day. ”‎ An American girl,Liya says, “All families in China will 6. up Spring Festival couplets(对联) on doors. The words on the couplets are very beautiful. ”‎ Emily,a girl from Canada,is in China for about two years. She learns Chinese calligraphy(书法)7. her friends,because they are good at it. She writes very 8. now.She can write 9. Chinese characters now.She loves eating dumplings on the eve of the Spring Festival.She also loves 10. fireworks(焰火) and taking photos of them on that day.‎ 三 ant,care,deal,interest,influence,proud,score,seldom,tell,up My grandma picks me up after school.She takes 1. of me while my parents are at work.Grandma is always 2. in my homework.‎ Today,I had to use the computer to do my homework.First,I looked for information about how 3. find food on the Internet.And then I 4. with information and wrote a report.I thought my report was good and would have a high 5. .Grandma said,“You are really good at using computers.I am 6. of you.”She also told me about how computers have changed everything.“The 7. of computers is great.Computers have even changed the way kids do homework,”she said.Grandma told me that when she was a girl,people 8. used computers because they didn't have computers at home.‎ ‎“Well,how did you look 9. information?”I asked grandma.She told me that she went to the library and read books about the information she needed to learn.‎ When my parents come home,I will be excited 10. them what grandma said.‎ Things sure have changed since grandma was a girl!‎ 四 before,he,important,perhaps,fill,head,strange,under,water,come During Plant Week,my kindergarten students learn about the 1. of plants in our lives,the different kinds of plants in our area,and how plants grow.Each student had a flower pot.I told them how to fill them with earth,plant seeds and water them.‎ We did our activity in the classroom.They 2. the pots with earth,and then put the seeds in the earth.The next step was to take them to the outside of the classroom and water each of them 3. we went to have a rest.‎ One student named Johnny,put too much 4. into the pot when trying to water it.All the other students laughed at Johnny.But they never thought a 5. thing would happen about an hour later!‎ It was very hot there in the afternoon in late spring.So we went out of the classroom to have a rest 6. a big tree.When we passed by the pots,I heard Johnny’s loud voice,“Miss Welch,Miss Welch!Look what’s 7. out of my pot!”‎ It had only been about an hour since we planted the seeds.I had no idea what I was about to see.But there was a frog 8. poking(探出)out of the earth in the pot!9. that frog found its way into the flower pot to ‎ cool off on that hot day.His classmates never laughed at 10. again.Now the pot became the main attraction for the rest of the day.‎ The frog was gone the next day.My students put water in the pots every day.How they wanted the frog to come back and cool off in the pots!‎ 五 popular,she,of,shape,celebrate,invent,cookie,expect,smelt,nearly Do you like eating chocolate cookies?Do you know how they were produced?Thanks to Ruth Wakefield,they were 1. by accident in 1930.‎ Ruth and 2. husband owned a restaurant called the Toll House.As a manager and cook,Ruth was very busy all the time.One day in 1930,she was making some chocolate butter 3. .It was required that she should melt(融化) chocolate into the dough(面团).However,she found that she had run out 4. baker’s chocolate.What would she do?She came up with a good idea.Therefore,she had to break some semi-sweet chocolate(半甜巧克力) into small pieces and added them to the dough.She 5. these pieces of chocolate to melt.‎ After the cookies were baked(烤),to her surprise,the chocolate hadn’t melted into the dough and kept their 6. instead,and her cookies weren’t chocolate butter cookies.They 7. very delicious.They tasted sweet and crispy.‎ They were named Toll House cookies after Ruth’s restaurant and are the most 8. cookies in America today.About seven billion chocolate chip cookies are eaten every year,and 9. half the cookies baked in American homes are chocolate chip cookies.‎ To remember Ruth,now there is a National Chocolate Chip Day.It’s always on May 15th every year.People 10. National Chocolate Chip Day and enjoy sweet,tasty chocolate chips.‎ 六 chance,they,support,safe,or,allow,help,manage,hug,license Many families find it useful to write down some rules about what family members are expected to do.Every family member should know what is or isn’t 1. .The rules can be stuck(粘贴) on the fridge.In this way,younger children can have a 2. to read them.‎ You can 3. to make simple rules as soon as your child has language skills to understand them.Young ‎ children will need parents’ 4. to follow rules.They need help to understand and remember the rules.You can give your child a 5. if he does well.‎ Rules are also 6. to teenagers.Instead of sticking the rules on the fridge,it's a good idea to keep them somewhere a little more private.For example,teenagers can stick the rules on the walls of 7. bedrooms.‎ Rules about 8. are important to teenagers.Many people think teenagers shouldn’t be allowed to stay out late.Besides,without a driver's 9. ,teenagers shouldn’t drive a car.Rules about health are also very necessary.Teenagers shouldn’t smoke 10. drink wine.It’s bad for their health.In public places,teenagers shouldn’t talk loudly. It’s good for them to develop good habits.‎ 七 overcome,other,say,return,failure,smile,it,happy,confident,language As the 1.________goes,smiling is sunshine in everyone's heart.When I started to go to primary school,my teacher,Mr.Wei told me the importance of smiling.He told me that 2.________was a simple behavior which was very powerful.It can give people warm feelings,show your respect to 3.________.Since a smile is a positive(积极的)attitude,we can often smile to ourselves to become 4.________ and happy.Although there are some situations where we may experience hardship or even 5.________,we can always smile to ourselves.It can help us 6.________many difficulties as well as succeed in the end.Learning to 7.________to others is also beneficial.When we smile to others,we can get a smile in 8.________.Then it can put us in a good mood.What's more,it can also help us build a good relationship with others.In one word,smiling is a 9.________which can help others understand us better.Therefore,let's start to smile and live a better and 10.________life.‎ 八 ready  another number  use pronounce it  easy one  if  be  improve unless Are you facing problems in learning English? If so, the following two ways will help you to learn it more 1.________ and with more fun!‎ ‎“I download English songs from the Internet. It has really 2.________ my listening. What's more, I am happier when I study this way,” said one junior student. Listening to your favorite English songs 3.________actually an effective way. Before you listen, you can read 4.________and find out what the song is about. While listening, pick some useful words or phrases. A dictionary may also be helpful 5.________ necessary.‎ Watching a movie is 6.________good and interesting way. “It is wonderful to watch movies, and it can help your English a lot!” said a junior three student. “You can also imitate the 7.________of the actors.” So choose your favorite movie before watching. Then have paper and a pen 8.________ as you may want to write down useful ‎ words or phrases. In this way, you can increase the 9.________ of words and know the dialogs better.‎ 九 he try however  win such who  correctly  raise surprised  mistake with put ‎ A lot of people want to be excellent painters to make their life colorful. 1.________, many of them don't even have confidence(信心)to pick up the coloring pen.‎ I used to be 2.________a person. I always lacked(缺少) confidence in learning. I was afraid that I would not do well. For example, I couldn't help checking my answers 3.________the other students before handing them in. I didn't believe that I could do them 4.________. But things changed after I read an article about my hero Sun Yang. Sun is a famous sports star who has 5.________many prizes not only because of his hard work, but also because he always believes in 6.________. No one is born to be a hero. 7.________can talk or walk when they were born? Nobody! But as long as we believe in ourselves and keep 8.________, we will be able to do more and more things as we grow up. From then on, I always try to be confident. In class, I often 9.________ my hand and speak my opinions. Even if I am wrong, I learn from my 10.________.‎ I am happy that I have bravely picked up my coloring pen in life. ‎ 十 use find them idea importance and have on when real but in I am fully convinced that you must have heard about Chinese papercutting, haven't you? Papercutting is an 1.________art form in China. Papercuts are used for many purposes, and everything can become the theme(主题)of papercuts, from people to the things that can be 2.________in everyday life such as birds, flowers and animals.‎ Each papercut brings out the personal 3.________of the writer. People express traditional culture or 4.________own feelings with different styles of papercuts. For example, 5.________someone marries, we put up some red papercuts 6.________the wall, dressing table or other furniture to express our best wishes.‎ It is easy to learn papercutting 7.________very difficult to make it perfect. We need a longtime practice to learn how to 8.________the scissors(剪刀) and how to paint. Moreover, we 9.________need to learn some cutting skills.‎ From history until now, in many parts of China, papercutting skill 10.________ become necessary for women and a symbol of a clever mind.‎ 十一 and kind easy hear we from think hard tell to tooth but There are a lot of interesting things in the world. If someone 1. ________you that they can fish in the desert (沙漠) , you must 2. ________they are joking. But this is true. In some places of Africa,people can fish in the desert. It must be very interesting to get some fish 3. ________the sand. And in the woods of Asia there is a 4. ________of bird. To our surprise, this kind of bird doesn't eat anything but iron. I think the bird's teeth must be 5.‎ ‎ ________than the iron. We all know that snakes can eat mice, 6. ________ in a place in Africa a kind of big mouse can eat snakes. Isn't it interesting? Have you ever 7. ________ of “ brush trees”? They are different from the trees we know. People can use their branches (树枝) to brush 8. ________ . Can you believe it?‎ In fact, there are a lot of interesting things in 9. ________world. If you are careful enough, you can find them 10. ________around you.‎

