牛津译林版九年级上册Unit 6(Period 3)随堂练习

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牛津译林版九年级上册Unit 6(Period 3)随堂练习

Unit 6 TV programmes 一、词组翻译。 1. 到 家 太 迟 _________________________ 2. 快 速 完 成 她 所 有 家 庭 作 业 ____________________ 3. 介 绍 … 给 某 人 _______________________ 4. 到 达 摄 影 棚 ___________________ 5.随身带伞___________________________ 6.被录音_______________________ 7.为…. 而猎杀______________________ 8.对什么没有兴趣______________________ 二、用 if 或 unless 填空。 1. _________ it snows tomorrow, we’ll have a day or two off. 2. I’ll take that computer _________I have enough money. 3. She is sure to pass the examination _________she is ill. 4. _________I’m tired, I’ll have a rest for tea. 三、单项选择。 ( )1. If I ________ his phone number, I will tell you. A. find B. found C. will find D. have found ( )2. We will go camping if it _______ tomorrow. A. Won’t rain B. didn’t rain C. doesn’t rain D. isn’t rainin g ( ) 3. I’m waiting for my friend. If he _______, I ______ swimm ing alone. A. doesn’t come; will go B. won’t come; will go C. will come; won’t go D. don’t come; will go ( ) 4. ______ you go to the supermarket at 7 p.m, you can buy a lot of cheap food. A. When B. Unless C. Whether D. If ( )5. ---Do you know_____ we will get there at 3:00 this afternoon? ---I am afraid we will be late. A. that B. how C. why D. whether ( ) 6. ------Shall we go on a picnic this weekend? ------Good idea! Unle ss it _______. A. rains B. doesn’t rain C. rain D. won’t rain 四、综合练习。 A few weeks ago, I communicated with Chase's math teacher , we agreed that 1 like math and reading are not the most important things , We also talked about shaping little hearts to become a large community , especially kind and brave hearts. She told me 2 . Every Friday afternoon she asks her students to take out a piece of paper and write down the names of four children who they'd like to 3 with the following week. The students should also nominate one student who they believe has been an 4 student that week. The paper requires to be handed in. 5 the students go home, she began to study the sheets of paper . In fact , she is not looking for a new seating chart or " excellent students" but 6 children. She is 7 whose gifts are going unnoticed . And she will take action to help those who are not getting along with others right away. I think that this is the most wonderful method I have ever met. It's 8 taking an X-ray of a classroom to see the 9 of students to find out who need adults to step in. Teachers can stop this because the 10 comes out on those safe, little sheets of paper. It is helpful for parents and teachers to teach lonely students how to make friends, how to ask others to play, how to join a group or how to 11 their gifts. I was surprised by her si mple, 12 idea , this talented woman explained the cause of her idea. Since she watched Columbine , she has known ALL VIOLENCE BEGINS WITH DISCONNECTION. she always 13 lonely kids the help they need, It's math to her. All is love – 14 math. Chase's teacher is such a great educator that she spends almost ten years looking for love and loneliness to 15 the path of our world. 1. A. lessons B. subjects C. books D. tools 2. A. this B. one C. it D. some 3. A. run B. eat C. sit D. lie 4. A. great B. smart C. unhappy D. excellent 5. A.When B. After C. If D. Before 6. A. lonely B. bad C. clever D. impatient 7. A. finding B. choosing C. watching D. discovering 8. A. as B. with C. like D. through 9.A. eyes B. stomachs C. hearts D. arms 10.A. situation B. truth C. result D. event 11. A. share B. give C. change D. keep 12. A. excellent B . beautiful C. smart D. silly 13.A. keeps B. shows C. provides D. gets 14. A. still B. even C. enough D. already 15. A. choose B. improve C. pass D. change 九年级上册单元课时当堂训练 Unit 6 Period 3 参考答案 一、词组翻译。 1. get home too late 2. complete all her homework quickly 3.introduce …to sb 4.arrive at the radio 5.take an umbrella with … 6.be recorded 7.hunt….. for….. 8.have little interest in 二、缺词填空 1.If 2. If 3. unless 4.If 三、单项选择。 1.A 2. C 3.A 4. D 5.A 6. A 四、综合练习 答案: 1-5. B A C D B 6-10.A D C C B 11-15.A C D B D

