牛津译林版九年级上册Unit 6(Period 6)随堂练习

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牛津译林版九年级上册Unit 6(Period 6)随堂练习

Unit 6 TV programmes 一、词组翻译。 1.阻止他们离开_____________________ 2.收到来自某人的信息 _________________________ 3.报警 ____________________________ 4.穿着警服的三个男人 _________________________ 5.从大楼里出来 ____________________ 6.手里拿着枪 _________________________________ 7.被推进一辆小巴 __________________ 8.试图用小刀撬开小巴的后门 _______________ 二、词汇运用。 1.If a bear is in danger, it will ____________(攻击)people. 2.__________ (雄性)wolves are very brave, especially when their family are in danger. 3.His ____________ (late)film is one of the funniest he’s ever made. 4.I’m sure if he ____________ (go)to the party, he ___________ (have) a great time. 5.You ____________ (not get)nervous if you ____________ (do) enough exercise. 6.The twins ____________ (争斗)with each other if they _______________ (争吵). 三、翻译句子。 1.要想很好地了解世界,我们有必要学好英语。 ___________________________________________________ 2.这部纪录片帮助人们近距离观察野生动物的生活。 ___________________________________________________ 3.昨晚,那个医生被发现死在医院里。 ___________________________________________________ 4.这对双胞胎正为看什么电视节目而争吵。 ___________________________________________________ 5.如果不是在网上看到这件事,我不会相信。 ___________________________________________________ 6. 我不能决定是否去国外深造。 ________________________________________________ 7. 他们正在讨论是否参加竞赛节目。 ___________________________________________________ 四、综合练习(缺词填空)。 Hello. This is the South Seas Travel Agency. I’m sorry, n_____________ can speak to you right now. We moved to a_______________ part of the town last month. We a_____________ have a new phone number. Please r_____________ us at 847-2297. Our new a______________ is 98 Warnock Road. It’s easy to f_______________---it’s near the park, at the end of the road. We will open for business at our new office on D_______________ 21. We have many exciting trips for holidays. And we have very beautiful p_______________ for anyone who spends 350 yuan or m________________ on a holiday. That is, if your holiday costs more than 350, we will give you a travel bag f_____________. Thank you for calling the South Seas Travel Agency. 九年级上册单元课时当堂训练 Unit 6 Period 6 参考答案 一、词组翻译 1. stop them from leaving 2. receive a message from … 3. call the police 4. three men in police uniforms 5. come out of the building 6. with guns in their hands 7. be pushed into a minibus 8. try to use a knife to open the back door of the minibus 二、词汇运用 1. attack 2. Male 3. latest 4. goes; will have 5 won’t get; do 6. will fight; argue 三、翻译句子 1. It is necessary for us to learn English well if we want to learn about the world well. 2. This documentary helps people take a close look at the life of the wild animals. 3. That doctor was found dead in the hospital last night. 4. The twins are quarrelling about what type of TV programme to watch. 5. I wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t see it on the Internet. 6. I can’t decide whether to go abroad for further study. 7. They are talking about whether they will take part in the game show. 四、综合训练 1. nobody 2. another 3. already 4. ring 5. address 6. find 7. December 8. presents 9. more 10. free

