牛津译林版九年级上册Unit 1随堂练习

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牛津译林版九年级上册Unit 1随堂练习

Unit 1 Period 1 一、词组翻译。 1. 关于个性的一篇有趣的文章 _______________ 2.轻易地生气 ___________________ 3.使她所有的东西保持井然有序 _______________ 4.炫耀 _____________________ 5.想出新主意 _________________ 6.为我们重复语法规则 _____________ 7.整天工作不说话 _________________________ 8. 对-----好 奇 _______________________ 二、词汇运用。 1.My father is very ____________ (energy)and he often stay up late at night. 2.Suzy,don’t throw things here and there. You should learn to be __________(organize). 3.An________(patient)person can not be a good teacher and hisher students don’t like hisher lessons. 4.It’s boring for me to work without __________(speak) all the time. 5.Look!The card ________(写着)“Happy Birthday To You”. 6.Neither Tom (也不) Jim has finished the homework ? 7.Tom has many new ideas in class .Everyone in the school thinks he is a _________(创 造) boy. 8.Kate always works hard. She hopes to be an _________(会计) in the future. 三、单项选择。 ( ) 1. It makes him feel good the cake with us. A. share B. to share C. sharing D. shares ( ) 2. The scientist is very modest. He never______ . A. show off B. shows on C. shows off D. show on ( ) 3. Simon is creative enough new ideas. A come up with B. to come up with C come out with D. come down with ( ) 4. Neither my mother nor my father swimming. A. like B. is like C. likes D. liking ( ) 5. --- Where is my food, Tom?--- Sorry, I just . . A. did, eat it up B. has, ate up it C. have, eaten it up D. will , eat up it 四、翻译句子。 1、吴老师很有创造力能想出各种各样的观点。 ___________________________________________________________________. 2、无论我的父母还是我都认为我不能成为一个好的会计。 ___________________________________________________________________. 3、整天工作不说话真可怕。 _______________________ ____________________________________________. 五、缺词填空。 Think about two people you know. How would you describe their personalities? Are they the s 1? Of course not! Everyone is different. Even twins have d 2 personalities. Some people are very outgoing and f 3 . They like to be w 4 other people all the time. And some people are quiet, maybe even shy. They like to be alone or play with a f 5 friends. Some people worry a lot. They may w 6 about many things. H 7 , some people don't worry about anything! They n 8 mind what is going on next. These people are very relaxed. Some people are h 9 .They always do their best. They aren't lazy. They always get more chances to have success. And don't f 10 this: Everyone is different. That means you are special. 九年级上册单元课时当堂训练 Unit 1 Period 1 参考答案 一、词组翻译 1. an interesting article about personality 2. get angry easily 3. make all her things in good order 3. show off 5. come up with new ideas 6. repeat grammar rules for us 7.without speaking all day long 8.be curious about 二、词汇运用 1.energetic 2.organized 3. impatient 4. speaking 5. says 6.nor 7.creative 8.accountant 三、单项选择 1-5.BCBCC 四、翻译句子 1、Mr Wu is creative enough to come up with all kinds of ideas. 2、Neither my parents nor I think I can make a good accountant. 3、It’s terrible to work without speaking all day long. 五、缺词填空 1. same 2. different 3. friendly 4. with 5. few 6. worry 7. However 8. never 9. hard-working 10. forget

