广东省惠东县平海中学八下 Module 1 U2 教案

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广东省惠东县平海中学八下 Module 1 U2 教案

Unit 2 I feel nervous when I speak Chinese. 教学内容:Unit 2 I feel nervous when I speak Chinese. 课型:Reading and writing 教学目标: 1、通过本课的学习,学生能够朗正确运用下列单词和词组:fair, glasses, proud, be proud of, jeans, pretty, stranger, nervous, message, hobby, at school , mark, love, sb. can’t wait to do sth. 2、进一步学习感官动词 feel look smell taste 的用法,在理解的基础上,学会用它们表达情 感 3、能读懂对人外貌和性格的简单描述。 4、通过本课的篇章学习,使学生能够正确描写出一个人的外貌﹑性格、爱好等。 四、教学重难点: 1、理解感觉和知觉系动词的构成及掌握自我描述的表达方式。 2、能够运用感官动词,正确描写出一个人的外貌﹑性格、爱好等。 五、教学准备: 课堂整体运用任务型教学模式以及阅读课“四个阶段”教学模式。本课指导学生通过阅读获取信 息,培养学生阅读技能。在教学过程中,采用多媒体手段辅助教学,利用各种图片和习题任务贯 穿整个教学过程。因此,本节课需准备:PPT 课件。 六、教学过程: 教学 步骤 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Step One Warming- up (3’) Warming-up Play a game. Organize all of them to stand up and play a game :Simon says Touch your nose The whole class play a game .Touch their body part as the teacher gives orders. 通过游戏的方 式来调动学生 的积极性,培养 学生的兴趣,并 巩固这些感觉 器官的名称,. 顺利地导入本 课话题。 Step Two Pre- reading (5’) Teach the new words. 1 Teach new words about appearance with some pictures. ( dark fair glasses….) (Activity 1 ) 2.Play a guessing game.(Activity 4) Teacher: I have a little good friend, what does he look like? “He is quite tall and strong. He has small eyes and short hair. He is in Row5 .And he is wearing glasses. Who is he?”Give the key points to 1 Learn new words about appearance . ( dark fair glasses….) Students guess and say the answer. Then it’s their turn to describe their classmate for the whole class to guess. 通过图片引导 学生谈论外貌, 学习本课词汇, 图片形象直观, 容易调动学生 积极性,迅速地 把注意力转移 到课堂之上。 设计这个游 戏主要是为了 让学生学会如 何描述人的外 貌 ,为接下来 的文章学习做 重要的铺垫。 学生以齐读的 describe a person. 3.Organize them to read the new words together. 3.Read the new words together. 方式纠正自己 的读音、强化记 忆。 Step Three While- reading (24’) Step Three While- reading (24’) 1. Scanning Ask them to scan Sally‘s letter and find out which is her photo. ( Activity 2) 2. Skimming.( Activity 3) Ask students to skim the letter and match the questions with the paragraphs. a) What are your hobbies? b) How do you feel about coming to China? c) What do you look like? 3.Careful reading. Paragraph 1 and 2 Ask the students to read Paragraphs 1 and 2 and fill in the blanks and describe Sally. This is Sally. She’s _____ ____ with _____ ___ hair, and she wears _______. She’ll wear _____ and a ______ for the journey, but she’ll also carry her _____ _____. (2)Let the students read Paragraph 1 and 2 in groups of four and find out difficulties. (3)Ask them to solve the difficulties in groups. Paragraph 3 Ask the students to read Paragraph 3 and choose “T” or “F”. ①Sally spends a lot of time playing classical mus ic with her friends at school. ( ) Scan Sally‘s letter and find out her photo.. Students skim the passage and match the questions with the paragraphs.. Students read Paragraphs 1 and 2, then fill in the blanks and describe Sally. (2)Students read Paragraph 1 and 2 in groups of six and find out difficulties. (3)Solve the difficulties together. Students read Paragraph 3 and choose “T” or “F”. 要求学生快速 阅读课文,找出 与本课描述一 致主人翁的照 片。 通过快速阅读, 学生大致了解 了每个段落的 主旨内容。 让学生带着任 务(问题)去阅 读课文,去找答 案,有助于学生 更加准确地获 取信息,提高阅 读效果和技能。 学生通过分层 次阅读文章,获 取具体信息,把 知识点和课文 理解在分段学 习得以突破。而 小组活动能通 过学生间的自 主、合作学习, 让学生充分地 实践运用语言, 并激发学生创 造性思维的发 展。 ②Sally is proud of her sister. ( ) ③ Sally thinks she should work harder. ( ) (2) Ask a student to be “a little teacher” to check the answers. (3) Let the students read Paragraph 3 in turns and the other students listen carefully to point out important points. (4)Solve the difficulties. Paragraph 4 (Activity 5) (1)Ask the students to read Paragraph 4 carefully and answer the following questions. How does Sally feel when she…? 1)gets bad marks at school? 2)leaves her mum and dad? 3)is with strangers? 4)speaks Chinese? 5)does something wrong? 6)flies? (2) Organize the whole class to read together. And ask some students to come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found in this paragraph. 4 Practise reading. Get the students watch a video and read with it, then let them read loudly in groups. 5.Excercises: (Activity 6) Ask the students to complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box. (2) A li ttle teacher checks the answers. (3) Students read Paragraph 3 in turns and the other students listen carefully to point out important points. (4) Take notes. (1)Students read Paragraph 4 carefully and answer the following questions. (2)Some students come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found in this paragraph. Students watch a video and read with it, then read loudly in groups. Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box. 读书在英语学 习中起着相当 重要的作用,熟 能生巧,通过跟 读来学习正确 的语音语调,通 过小组朗读来 互相学习,培养 合作精神。 以 Speaking. 1 Ask the students to make a survey about their net pals. . Make a survey in pairs and then give a report.. 通过学生感兴 趣且比较新颖 的话题“介绍你 Step Four Post- reading (10’) What does your net pal look like? How does he she …feel when he/she ……?And fill in the form. 2.Retelling Organize the Ss to retell the passage with the information below. Possible answer: My net pal has short black hair. He always wears glasses…. When he talks to girls, he often feels nervous. Try to retell the passage with the information below. 的网友”来设计 一个调查任务, 让学生进一步 巩固本课重点, 达到言语输出 的目的。 复述课文能使 学生加深对课 文内容的理解。 Step Five Summary (2’) 1.Get the students to sum up the language points. T: What have we learned today? Ss:…… 2.Let the students choose the best groups in this lesson. 1.Sum up the language points. (1)Feelings Students summary: How do you feel when …? I feel nervous / proud / stupid / angry / excited… (2) Describe a person: What does she / he look like? (3)Phrases: Thanks for + n. / v.-ing hear from sb can’t wait to do sth recognize sb from be proud of + n. / v.-ing a bit & a little as well 2.To choose the best groups. 引导学生对这 节课的总结,让 学生做自由发 言,培养学生自 主学习,自主总 结的良好学习 习惯。 简短的评价使 学生的课堂表 现得到肯定并 且可以激励学 生的学习兴趣, 树立学习英语 的信心。 Step Six Home- work (1’) (Activity 7) Write a message to your net-pal and describe yourself. Use the information in Activity 7 to help you. 课后作业有助 于学生巩固已 学的知识,补充 其他方面的锻 炼。写作是阅读 的拓展,让学生 最终完全掌握 语言,实践运用 语言。 Complete the passage with the words in the box. Sally is Lingling’s penfriend. She is (1)______ tall and has (2)________ fair hair. She(3) ________glasses. She likes both (4)__________ music and(5) ________ music.She enjoys sports (6)____________, especially tennis. She’s very(7) ________ of her brother because he's good at everything. She often 板书 设计 Module 1 Feelings and impressions 小组评价 Unit 2 I feel nervous when I speak Chinese. T1 T2 T3 1. It was great to hear from you, and I can’t wait to meet you. 2.I'm quite tall,with short fair hair, and I wear glasses 3.I enjoy sports as well 4. I'm very proud of him! 5.I feel nervous when I speak Chinese. 达标训练题 一、根据句意和汉语或首字母提示完成句子。 1.If you want to get good ________ (分数), you should work harder 2. His __________(业余爱好) is collecting stamps. 3. —Excuse me,could you tell me how I can get to the railway station? —Sorry, I am a s_________ here. 4. What a l________ dog! I like it very much. 5. When Jimmy a________ in Shanghai, it was raining. 6. Apples are hard. Bananas are s____ . 7. My mother bought an apple p___ for me yesterday. 二.单项选择 ( )1. The little boy doesn’t like the soup because it tastes _______. A sweet B worse C bad D well ( )2. –What ______ news it was! - Yes, all of the children were _____ A. excited,exciting B. exciting,exciting C. exciting ,excited D. excited,excited ( )3. The teacher’s words made us _____ very happy. A feel B felling C to feel D felt; ( )4. Tom’s father told him not to be afraid of _____ in public. A to speak B speaking C speak D speaks ( )5. He bought _______ books with ________ money. A a few; a little B a bit; a little C a few; a bit D a little; a few 三、完成句子。 1. 最近你受到 Jack 的来信了吗? ________ ________ _______ _________ __________ recently? 2. They gave me some presents for birthday. I_______ _______ _________(迫不及待地)open them at once. 3. 谢谢你告诉我关于 Sally 喜欢做什么? _________you________ _________me_________ what Sally _______ _____-___? 4. 这个男孩看起来像他的哥哥. The boy_____ _____his _____brother. 5.这孩子既健康又活泼。

