人教版八年级英语上册期末复习课件Unit 7

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人教版八年级英语上册期末复习课件Unit 7

课时1 Section A (1a-2d) 安徽人教版八年级上 一、根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词。 1. They are watching movies about the f (未来). 2. How many p (行星)are going around the sun? 3. We p (种植) trees on March 12th every year. uture lanets lant 4. [ 安徽淮南期末] Air p (污染) is becoming more and more serious in our hometown. 5. We should try our best to make our e (环境) clean. ollution nvironment 二、单项选择。 6. [ 安徽蚌埠期末] —Don’t be late next time! —______ . A. Sorry, I won’t B. Sorry, I don’t C. OK, I don’t D. All right, I won’t 【点拨】本题句意:—下次别迟到了!—对不起, 我不会了。 A 7. — I want to buy a ticket for my son. How much is it? —Children under 5 years old are ______ . A. busy B. free C. fresh D. funny B 8. There ______ a basketball match between Class One and Class Three this afternoon. A. will have B. is going to have C. will be D. is going to play C 9. [ 中考·福建] Blue whales are ______ . We should try to protect (保护) them. A. in time B. in public C. in danger 【点拨】本题句意:in danger意为“处于危险之中”。 句意:蓝鲸处于危险之中,我们应该尽力保护它们。 C 10. [ 中考·浙江温州] I’ve ordered some flowers for Grandma and they will arrive ______ two hours. A. in B. after C. over D. for A 11. —Will there be any paper money in the future? —No, ______ . A. there won’t B. they won’t C. they aren’t D. there will A 12. — Can I help you, sir? — I’d like to have two ______ . I want to write some words. A. piece of paper B. piece of papers C. pieces of paper D. pieces of papers 【点拨】paper “纸” 不可数名词,无复数形式。“两张 纸”译为two pieces of paper。 C 13. We can study______ a computer ______ home ______ the future. A. on; at; at B. on; at; in C. in; at; in D. on; in; at B 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 14. 将来会是什么样子呢? ________will the future ________ ________ ?What be like 15. 目前一些动物处于极大的危险之中。 Now some animals are ________ ________ ________ .in great danger 16. 我想这个老人会活到100 岁。 I think the old man will ________ ________ ________ , 100 years old. live to be 17. 骑自行车是一种很好的锻炼方式,不会污染空气。 ________ ________ ________ is a good way to_______. And it doesn’t ________ the air. Riding a bike exercise pollute 18. 我们都应该参与拯救濒危动物。 We all should ________ ________ ________ ________ , saving endangered animals. play a part in 四、从方框中选择恰当的选 项补全对话。(有两项多 余) A: Linda, I’m reading a book about the future life. B: Sounds cool. ______19 A: Well, I think I will be an excellent businessman (商 人) in ten years. G A. I will have two dogs. B. Where will you live? C. What do you think of the environment? D. I will sell many different kinds of things. E. Why do you want to be a businessman? F. I will buy a big apartment for my family. G. What’s your prediction about your life in ten years? B: ______ 20 A: Because I like selling things to people, and I am good with people. E A. I will have two dogs. B. Where will you live? C. What do you think of the environment? D. I will sell many different kinds of things. E. Why do you want to be a businessman? F. I will buy a big apartment for my family. G. What’s your prediction about your life in ten years? B: ______ 21 A: I will live in Hefei. I went to Hefei three years ago and fell in love with (爱上) it. B A. I will have two dogs. B. Where will you live? C. What do you think of the environment? D. I will sell many different kinds of things. E. Why do you want to be a businessman? F. I will buy a big apartment for my family. G. What’s your prediction about your life in ten years? B: Will you live with your parents? A: Yes, I like living with my parents. ______ 22 B: Will you have pets? A: Yes, I will. ______ 23 I will walk them every day. F A A. I will have two dogs. B. Where will you live? C. What do you think of the environment? D. I will sell many different kinds of things. E. Why do you want to be a businessman? F. I will buy a big apartment for my family. G. What’s your prediction about your life in ten years? B: What will you do to relax then? A: I will visit lots of famous places with my pet dogs. A. I will have two dogs. B. Where will you live? C. What do you think of the environment? D. I will sell many different kinds of things. E. Why do you want to be a businessman? F. I will buy a big apartment for my family. G. What’s your prediction about your life in ten years? 课时2 Section A (Grammar Focus-3c) 安徽人教版八年级上 一、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. [ 中考·山东滨州改编] After years of war(战争), the people in Syria are thirsty for (渴望)________ (peaceful). 2. All rivers ________ (run) into the sea. 3. The government ________________ (build) a new park around our neighborhood in two years. peace run will build/ is going to build 4. Look at the dark clouds in the sky. It ________________ (rain) soon. 5. My sister and I _________________ (take) piano lessons together next time. is going to rain are going to take/ will take 二、单项选择。 6. [中考·山东临沂] The TV news reports that there_____ a storm the day after tomorrow. A. is B. was C. will be D. has been C 7. [ 中考·四川乐山] —You’d better take an umbrella. The weather report says it _____ in the afternoon. —Thank you. I will put one in my bag. A. will rain B. rains C. is raining D. to rain 【点拨】根据前两句句意:你最好带一把雨伞,天气预 报说下午将会下雨。故选A。 A 8. [ 安徽蚌埠联考] To save money, we have to ask _____ people to do_____ things. A. more; more B. more; fewer C. fewer; more D. fewer; fewer C 9. —Will there be more subways in Wuhan in 2020? — _____. People can go everywhere freely. A. I hope not B. I hope so C. I’m afraid not D. I don’t think so 【点拨】I hope so意为“我希望如此”。句意:——2020 年武汉会有更多的地铁吗?——希望如此。人们可以自 由地出行。 B 10. — How soon will your uncle come back from the UK? —_____ a few days. A. At B. After C. In D. For C 11. [ 安徽淮南联考] Doctors often suggest, “_____ vegetables and _____ meat can help you keep fit.” A. More; less B. Few; much C. Fewer; more D. Less; more A 12. —It’s difficult for the villagers to cross the river. —Yes. We need to _____ a bridge here. A. take B. build C. discuss D. touch B 13. —What will the future _____ ? —Cities will be more polluted. A. like B. be like C. looks like D. likes B 14. My sister _____ , middle school in two years. A. will finish B. finishes C. finished D. finish 【点拨】依据in two years “两年后”,可知用一般将来 时。 A 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 15. 我的家人经常一起度过周末。 My family often_________ _________ ________ on weekends. spend time together 16. ——乡村将会有更多的高楼吗?——是的。 — ________there ________ more tall ________ in the country? —Yes, ________ ________ . Will be buildings there will 17. 在未来, 地球上将有更少的淡水。 _______ _______ _______, there will be _______ _______ water on the earth. In the future less fresh 18. 孩子们将在家通过电脑学习。 Children will study at home ________ __________ .on computers 19. 看着海天一色的美景,她慢慢放松了下来。 She became relaxed gradually when she saw the ________ and the ________ merged into one.sea sky 四、任务型阅读。 20. Where were the ants working ? (不超过5 个词) ____________________________________________ 请同学们看《点拨训练》第50页原文。 In the field. 【点拨】根据原文中句子One fine winter day, some ants were working in the field.可知答案。 21. What did the grasshopper want to do when he passed by the field?(不超过10 个词) ____________________________________________ 【点拨】根据原文中句子“Good day, kind ants,” said the grasshopper. “I am very hungry. Could you lend(借给) me a little food?… autumn.”可知答案。 He wanted to borrow some food from the ants. 22. Why didn’t the old ant lend the grasshopper any food ? (不超过15个词) ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 【点拨】根据原文中句子“Well, then,”said the ant, “… winter. You only played and did not work during summer. We’ll never lend you any food.”可知答案。 Because the grasshopper only played and did not work during summer. 课时3 Section B (1a - 1e) 安徽人教版八年级上 一、根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词。 1. Many fishes are in great danger because we p (污 染)the sea. 2. Yang Liwei is one of the Chinese a ( 宇航员). 3. The s ( 空间) is too small; the bookcase won’t go in. ollute stronauts pace 4. The a ( 公寓) is big enough for a family of three. 5. People may take r ( 火箭) to the moon and live there in the future. partment ockets 二、单项选择。 6. —Where do you live? —I live in an apartment _____ the street from here. A. across B. through C. over D. above A 7. —What’s your plan for your vacation? —We _____ to Hong Kong for a visit. A. fly B. is flying C. will fly D. flew C 8. [ 中考·湖北随州] —Do you love your parents? — Yes, of course. _____ in my life is more important than them. A. Something B. Anything C. Everything D. Nothing D 9. I don’t like the movie. It is _____ boring. A. kind of B. a kind of C. all kinds of D. kinds of 【点拨】kind of意为“有点儿”。句意:我不喜欢这部 电影,它有点儿乏味。 A 10. —Which city do you want to _____? —Shanghai. A. live B. live in C. living D. lived B 11. —Will you go boating this Saturday? —_____ . We will camp by the lake. A. Yes, we will B. No, we won’t C. Yes, we do D. No, we don’t B 12. [ 安徽六安裕安月考]— _____there _____ , a class meeting tomorrow? — Maybe. I saw our teacher writing his speech just now. A. Will; have B. Does; have C. Is; having D. Will; be D 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 13. 放假期间, 我经常乘火车去旅游。 I often______ ______ ______ to travel during holidays.take a train 14. 我叔叔是一名宇航员,他在太空站工作。 My uncle is _________ _________ . He works on a _________ _________. an astronaut space station 15. 我明天乘飞机去上海。 I will ______ ______ Shanghai tomorrow.fly to 16. 我们的学校离这儿相当远。 Our school is ______ ______ from here.pretty far 四、完形填空。 Life in the year 3044 is very different ______17 life in the 21st century. 17. A. as B. from C. with D. likeB We still do many of the things we did before, but we do them ______ 18 .For example, we have e-friends to help us and keep us company(做伴). 18. A. different B. carefully C. differently D. careful C An e-friend is a machine that looks just ______ 19 a human being. It can walk and talk and can do almost ______ 20 we human beings do. 19. A. like B. for C. at D. as 20. A. something B. thing C. everything D. nothing A C My e-friend is a lot like me and we have______ 21 ,fun together. She helps me with my homework______ 22 ,we often go swimming. 21. A. many B. few C. a lot of D. lot of 22. A. but B. so C. or D. and C D She will take care of me if anything ______ 23 , so I always feel safe when we are together. She can also send me messages, and I can download(下载) information from her memory. 23. A. hopes B. happens C. expects D. improves B It’s great______ 24 an e-friend —I am never lonely and I always have someone to talk ______ 25 . 24. A. to buy B. buy C. to have D. have 25. A. to B. on C. from D. / C A I would like to tell you more about life in the year 3044, but I have to send my e-friend to clean up my room. Maybe ______ 26 I will be able to travel back in time and visit you. 26. A. one day B. in time C. that day D. next day A 课时4 Section B (2a - 2e) 安徽人教版八年级上 一、根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词。 1. [ 中考·内蒙古包头] He rides a bike to work every day in order to keep in s (形状). 2. Which s (一方) do you agree with? It’s hard to choose for me. 3. We all go back to school in f (秋天). hape ide all 4. [ 中考·海南] Alice asked me to read the book Harry Potter, but I have a (已经)read it twice. 5. [ 安徽蚌埠联考] It’s i (不可能的)to remember all the names in a few minutes. lready mpossible 二、单项选择。 6. Everyone thinks Tom cheated in the exam. But I _____ with them. I think he is an honest boy. A. agree B. believe C. disagree D. trust C 7. — I can’t _____ the little boy can speak 4 languages. —Yeah, he is so smart! A. think B. want C. believe D. hope C 8. —Why does the coat look _____ small on him? —Because he has _____ a big body. A. so; such B. so; so C. such; so D. such; such 【点拨】so +adj. (+a/an+可数名词单数);such+ a/an +adj. +可数名词单数或such +adj. +可数名词复数/不 可数名词。 A 9. — I think students can have mobile phones to help with their studies. — _____. They often use them to play games. A. I think so B. I don’t agree with you C. No problem D. That’s a good idea B 10. [ 中考·山东东营] —Chinese culture is becoming more and more popular around the world. — Yes. Some foreigners _____ print “laoganma” on their T-shirts. A. even B. still C. just D. hardly A 11. Look! There are a lot of kids _____ games in the park. A. play B. playing C. plays D. to play B 12. _____, Jim. It’s time to go to school. A. Wake up B. Look up C. Make up D. Put up A 13. It is very _____ for you _____ soccer in the street. A. interesting; play B. interesting; to play C. dangerous; playing D. dangerous; to play D 14. You came just at the right time. I planned to _____ you to discuss something important. A. care about B. find out C. make sure D. look for D 15. [ 安徽蚌埠联考] There are_____ of students in our school, but only _____ of them are girls. A. hundreds; two hundreds B. hundreds; two hundred C. hundred; two hundreds D. hundred; two hundred 【点拨】hundreds of意为“数以百计的”;具体数+ hundred+可数名词复数意为“……百……”。 B 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 16. 无锡高架桥由于一辆货车超载而倒塌了。 The overpass in Wuxi_______ _______ because of the overload of a truck. fell down 17. 吉姆反复练习唱这首中文歌。 Jim practiced singing the Chinese song _______ _______ _______ _______ . over and over again 18. 他经常帮我学英语,从不厌烦。 He often helps me with English and never ______ ______.gets bored 19. 我喜欢在里面有很多花的那个工厂工作。 I like working in that factory _______ lots of flowers _______ . with inside 20. 在某一时刻,你可能会想要立刻长大。 _______ _______ _______, you’ll probably want to grow up at once. At some point 四、完形填空。 During the break(课间), Ken was playing games on his mobile phone(手机). Some _____21 were standing around him and talking. 21. A. scientists B. classmates C. teachers D. parents B “It _____ 22 that people now can’t live without mobile phones. What will the mobile phone be like in the future?” One of them suddenly(突然) _____ 23 . 22. A. seems B. touches C. promises D. expects 23. A. cared B. laughed C. asked D. shouted A C “I think it will be as _____ 24 as paper. And we can charge (充电) it by putting it in the sun,”Andy said first. Kelly _____ 25 with Andy. 24. A. white B. thin C. big D. high 25. A. helped B. talked C. played D. agreed B D She said, “Yes, it is really possible. In the future, people may leave the Earth and live on other_____ 26 . 26. A. planets B. stations C. countries D. schools A It’ll be very far, _____ 27 we can still talk on the mobile phone. _____ 28 do you think of it, Millie?” “Well, I don’t know. 27. A. so B. if C. but D. though 28. A. What B. Why C. Where D. When C A Maybe it will be able to do _____ 29 everything ,” Millie answered. “No matter what it will be like, it will become _____ 30 .” 29. A. ever B. hardly C. already D. almost 30. A. good and good B. well and well C. better and better D. best and best D C 五、阅读理解。 31. Jim White thinks that in 50 years robots will help to do the following things EXCEPT _____ . A. look after sick people B. drive cars C. teach students D. do the housework 请同学们看《点拨训练》第53页原文。 【点拨】根据文中第二段可知机器人可以帮助我们制造 汽车,做家务,照顾病人,教学生,唯独没有开车。 B 32. Jim White thinks most people will travel_____ in 50 years. A. by bike B. by car C. by train D. by plane 【点拨】根据文中第三段最后一句话:Planes will be very popular and most people would like to take them to travel. 可知答案。 D 33. According to the passage, _____ in 50 years. A. every family will have a car B. people won’t need to work C. computers will control cars’ speed D. the earth will become crowded and noisy 【点拨】对50年后生活的预测,在后四段都有描述,但唯 有在第三段“cars will become very small and computers will control their speed . ”的描述与选项相符。 C 34. The underlined word “shortage” means “_____ ” in Chinese. A. 短缺 B. 充足 C. 清澈 D. 浑浊 【点拨】原文句子为:Finally, water shortage will become one of the most serious problems. If people don’t save water now, we will have no water to drink in 50 years.本段 中作者在谈节约用水,否则以后会没有水喝,由此可知, 作者说的严重问题莫过于水资源短缺。 A 35. This passage mainly tells us _____ in 50 years. A. the school B. the car C. the robot D. the life 【点拨】根据第一段可知本文主要预测未来50年的生活 是什么样子的,故答案为D。 D 六、任务型阅读。 36. How often will robots clean the streets in the future? (不 超过5 个词) ______________________________________________ 请同学们看《点拨训练》第53页原文。 【点拨】根据文中第二段句子:The street will be cleaned by the robots once a day.可知答案。 Once a day. 37. Who thinks robots will make food for us in the future? (不超过5 个词) ___________________________________________ 【点拨】根据原文第三段:I am Karen. There … delicious. The robots can make the food for us.可知答案。 Karen. 38. Where will we live in the future?(不超过10个词) ____________________________________________ 【点拨】根据原文中句子:We will not live on the earth but on the moon or other planets.可知答案。 On the moon or other planets. 课时5 Section B (3a - 4) & Self Check 安徽人教版八年级上 一、根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词。 1. He p ( 很可能) told him all about the matter. 2. [ 安徽六安裕安月考] He works at night and sleeps d ( 在……期间)the day. 3. We decided to go to Australia for a h ( 假期). 4. I understand the article because there are few new w ( 单词) in it. robably uring oliday ords 二、单项选择。 5. ______ middle school students, we should try our best to get good grades. A. For B. As C. To D. About 【点拨】as 意为“作为”。 B 6. My uncle, a famous singer, will ______ hold his own concert in our city next month. A. may be B. may C. probably D. be able C 7. [ 中考·广西来宾] If we want to be thinner and healthier, we should eat ______ and take ______ exercise. A. less; more B. more; less C. more; fewer D. fewer; more A 8. Welcome to our hotel! I hope you’ll have a good time ______ your stay here. A. after B. during C. between D. since B 9. —Look at the girl. How beautiful! —Wow! She is ______ a nice skirt. She looks smart. A. putting on B. wearing C. put on D. wear B 10. [安徽蚌埠联考] I disagree ______ you. I think she has something to do ______ it. A. to; about B. with; with C. with; to D. on; about B 11. [ 安徽蚌埠联考] —Maybe we will live on another planet. —______ . The earth is our only home. A. I agree B. I hope so C. I don’t think so D. You’re right C 12. I hope to play a role in the movie when ______ . A. possible B. impossible C. dangerous D. careful 【点拨】when possible 意思为“当有可能时”。本题句 意:“当有可能时, 我希望在这部电影中扮演角色。” A 13. —Listen! There______ someone ______ in the room. —It must be your sister. A. is; singing B. is; sing C. are; singing D. are; sing A 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 14. 你能告诉我这个词的意思吗? Could you tell me_______ _______ _______ the word? the meaning of 15. 未来我们的生活将会怎样? What _______ our life _______ _______ in the future?will be like 16. 他希望像一只小鸟一样飞向蓝天。 He wishes to _______ _______ _______ the blue sky like a bird. fly up into 17. 两天后我将去香港度假。 I will _______ _______ _______ in Hong Kong _______ two days. take a holiday in 18. 生活中有好的也会有坏的事情发生。 There are _______ good _______ bad things happening in life. both and 四、阅读理解。 19. Europe’s first 3D newspaper is in_____ . A. England B. Belgian C. Germany D. France 请同学们看《点拨训练》第54页原文。 【点拨】根据原文第一段句子:Have you heard of 3D newspapers before? Yes, that’s what the Belgian newspaper, La Derniere Heure, decided to do for its readers. This is Europe’s first 3D newspaper.可知答案。 B 20. It took the team _____ to make the newspaper. A. two days B. two weeks C. two years D. two months 【点拨】根据原文第二段句子:It took the team two months to make the 3D newspaper.可知答案。 D 21. Which of the following is true? A. The images, ads and the text are in 3D. B. You have to wear 3D glasses to read the newspaper. C. The images of the newspaper are not clear even though you wear 3D glasses. D. You’d better hold the paper 5cm from the eyes. 【点拨】根据文章第四段:In fact, if people don’t wear the 3D glasses, the newspaper will be terrible to read because the images are not clear.可知如果不佩戴3D眼 镜看不清楚,故B选项是正确的。 B 写作素养提升练 安徽人教版八年级上 未来的生活会变成什么样呢?人们有可能去月球 旅行, 在火星上生存;也许我们可以与外星人交朋 友……同学们, 请你展开想象的翅膀遨游在未来的世 界里吧! 安徽人教版八年级上 假如你是杨立,你的美国好友吉姆来信询问你 对未来生活的畅想。请你根据下面的内容提示, 发挥 想象,给吉姆写一封回信。 提示:1. your job; 2. your home; 3. your free-time activities; … 要求:1. 语句通顺、符合逻辑, 可适当发挥; 2. 词数:80—100。开头和结尾已给出, 不计入 总词数。 Dear Jim, I’m very glad to hear from you. Let me tell you something about my future life in 30 years. _______________________________________________ Yours, Yang Li 【思路构建】 Dear Jim, I’m very glad to hear from you. Let me tell you something about my future life in 30 years. In 30 years, I think I will be a painter. I will work in a small town in the south of China, because the environment is good there. I will have a small but happy family. I will have a dog 【精彩范文】 and a cat in my home because I love animals. My child will be happy to play with them. In my free time, I will travel with my family. As a painter, I will go to different places and meet different people. So I think my life will be full of interesting stories. I hope to live a simple but happy life in the future. Yours, Yang Li 1. Let me tell you something about the life in the future. 2. People will (be able to) live to be 200 years old. 3. There will be more people and less space to live in. 4. People will move to other planets. 【常用写作句型】 5. I think I will be a/an… in 20 years. 6. Our life will be better and better. 7. Everyone should play a part in making our life better and better. 8. I will try my best to work hard for a better future. 未来总是让人充满幻想, 请根据下列提示, 以“ The Life in the Future”为题写一篇不少于80 词的英语短文。 提示: 1. 想象一下未来的生活会是什么样子; 2. 具体介绍一下未来的生活: 很多事情都由电脑和机器 人完成。例如: 料理家务、购物、看病, 孩子们通过 网络把课堂搬到家里, 人们可以活到200 岁等; 3. 为了未来的生活, 我们现在应该努力学习, 实现理想。 要求: 1. 语句通顺, 内容完整, 语法正确; 2. 不要逐字翻译提示的内容, 想象内容要合情合理。 The Life in the Future ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ The Life in the Future What do you think the life in the future will be like? Every family will have computers and robots. Computers will help us know a lot all over the world. Robots will help us do most of the housework. They can help us do some cleaning, cooking or washing. We can do some shopping __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ and see a doctor without going out. Students can study at home on computers. People will live to be 200 years old because of the better medical care. Our life will be better and better. For this, everyone should play a part in making our dream come true. I believe we'll be able to do this.

