I’m more outgoing than my sister全套单元课件

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I’m more outgoing than my sister全套单元课件

Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister. 人教版八年级英语上册 Section A 1a-1c Objectives To learn to talk about personal traits. To learn to use comparatives to compare people. To learn new words: outgoing, hard-working, competition, fantastic… appearance Personality Likes and dislikes tall , short ,of medium height fat, thin, heavy ,strong, of medium build others: have short hair/a beard /blue eyes wear glasses/a yellow skirt with glasses/big eyes in a red shirt be beautiful, handsome, cute friendly , kind , serious, outgoing, easy-going, calm, wild, athletic, shy, quiet, strict favorite subject/color...... like/dislike to do / doing abilities can/can’t do sth well be good at sth/doing sh height: build: Warming-up 1:What does she look like? She is tall and thin. She has long straight brown hair. She has a big mouth. She wears a pink shirt and black skirt. She is a girl in black shoes. 2:What is she like? She is outgoing and friendly. 3:What does she like ? She likes eating bananas. 4:What can she do well? She can play the piano well. 1:What does he look like? 2:What is he like? 3:What does he like? 4:What’s he good at? Jane Mary Jane is tall. Mary is taller than Jane. Let’s compare. heavy heav ier The dog is heavy. The elephant is heavier than the dog. Lily is _______ than Lucy. Lucy is ______ than Lily. Lily Lucy thin ner fat ter Lin Lin Dang Dang Lin Lin is cuter than Dang Dang. Dang Dang is cute. Jim Bob Jim is young. Bob is younger than Jim. I have long hair I have longer hair than you. tall loudly thin short hair long hair heavy quietly short Match each word with its opposite! 1a Do they look the same? They are twins. They are twin sisters. Why? They are twins. They are twin brothers. Do they look the same? Why? Look at the pictures, talk about the differences. Who is taller, Tina or Tara? Who is heavier, Peter or Paul? Who has longer hair, Tom or Sam? Who is more quietly, Tom or Sam? Who is more loudly, Tina or Tara? Who is shorter and thinner, Peter or Paul? Tina Peter Sam Tom Tina Paul Listen and number the pairs of twins in the picture [1-3]. 1 2 3 1b Let’s have a look at these twins. Look carefully, then let’s play a game. short short er The baby is shorter than the girl. Compare people young young er The little boy is younger than the young man . old old er Ted Vince Vince is older than Ted. Practice the conversation in the picture above. Then make conversations about the other twins. A: That ’ s Tara, isn’t it? B: No, it isn’t. It’s Tina. Tina is taller than Tara. And she also sings more loudly than Tara. 1c Let’s practice! Is that Tom? No, it isn’t. It’s Sam. Tom can play the guitar better than Sam. Who’s Tom? No, it isn’t. It’s Paul. Paul’s thinner than Peter. Peter’s taller than Paul. Is that Peter? Who’s Peter? 1. Both Tom and Sam can play the drums, but Sam plays them better than Tom. 1) both “ 两个、两者都 ……”, 在句中可作代词、 形容词、副词、连词。作副词时常放在 be 动词之后 , 实义动词之前。 Language points e.g. Both (of) his parents are doctors. ( 作代词或形容词 ) =His parents are both doctors. ( 作副词 ) They both went camping in the holiday. ( 作副词 ) Both English and math are very important. (both …and… 短语常连接两个并列的成分 , 可连接名 词、动词、形容词和代词等 ) 注 : both 指两者都 , all 指三者或三者以上都。 2. That’s Tara, isn’t it ? 附加疑问句:陈述句后添加一个附着的简略疑问结构,用以进行确认。 ⑴ 若陈述部分为肯定,便用否定形式进行提问; ⑵ 若陈述部分为否定,便用肯定形式进行提问。 即 前肯后否,前否后肯 ► There’s someone in the room, isn’t there ? ► We can’t say it this way, can we ? ► There ’s someone in the room, isn’t there ? 房间里有人,是吧? ► He didn’t say anything at the meeting, did he ? 他在会上什么也没说,对吗? ► We can’t say it this way, can we ? 我们不能这样说,对不对? 特别提醒:附加部分的动词要和陈述句部分保持一致 Have a try 1._______of the twins have long hair. A. All B. Both C. Each D .either 2.His son never works hard,____________? 3.-Sam hardly ever used the computer yesterday, did he? -______________.He played computer games till midnight. A. Yes,he did. B.No,he didn't C. Yes,he didn't D. No,he did ☺ ☺ does he I. 按要求写出下列各词的正确形式。   1 easy ( 比较级 ): ___________    2 different ( 名词 ): _________ 3 many ( 比较级 ): ______        4 serious ( 比较级 ): _____________     5 friendly ( 比较级 ): _________      easier difference more more serious friendlier Exercises 6  funny ( 比较级 ): _________  7 outgoing ( 比较级 ): ______________      8 quiet ( 反义词 ): _________  9 tall ( 反义词 ): ____________  10 beautiful ( 比较级 ):______________  more beautiful more outgoing loud short funnier II. 句型转换。 This picture looks beautiful, but that one looks more beautiful.( 同义句 ) That picture looks ______ _________ _____ this one. 2. She has longer hair than Emma.( 同义句 ) Her hair is ______ ______ _______. 3.Helen studies hardest in her class.( 同义句 ) Helen studies ________ than ______ _______ student in her class. more beautiful than longer than Emma’s harder any other 1.If you want to be thinner and healthier, you’d better eat ____food and take ____ exercise. more, fewer B. more, less C. fewer, more D. less, more III. 选择。 2.He’s ____ than his brother. strong B. stronger C. the stronger D. the strongest 中考链接 — Which singer do you like, Zhang Liangying or Zhou Bichang? — ________. I love their songs very much. A. All B. Neither C. Both “我非常喜欢他们的歌曲” C 两者都不 都(三者及以上) 两者都 — You are singing to the plants! — That’s true. I believe it helps them grow ______ . A. slower B. better C. harder “我相信这帮助它们长得更好。” B 更好 更慢 更难 Homework Compare one of your friends with you to find your similarities and differences, then write them down. Preview the words of this unit. Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister. 人教版八年级英语上册 Section A 2a-2d — Is that Eric? — No, that’s David. Eric is thinner than David and he is better at sports than David. David Eric is thin Eric is better at sports Eric Review The red box is big. The green box is small. The red box is big ger than the green box. The girls dance well. The man and the woman dance better. The man and the woman dance better than the girls. Listen. Are the words in the box used with -(i)er or more? Complete the chart. funny friendly outgoing hard-working smart lazy (run) fast (jump) high (work) hard (get up) early -er / -ier more friendly, funny, fast, high, hard, smart, lazy, early outgoing, hard-working 2a Tina … Tara … is more outgoing than Tara. works as hard as Tina. Listen again. How are Tina and Tara different? Fill in the boxes. Let’s talk about the differences between Tina and Tara. friendlier, funnier, run faster, jump higher, smarter, get up earlier 2b Student A, look at the chart on the right. Student B, look at the chart on page 81. Ask and answer questions about Sam and Tom. Sam Tom smart tall run fast get up early thin funny hard-working friendly 2c ☆☆☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆☆☆ ☆☆☆ ☆☆☆ 1. Sam works ______ ( hard ) than Tom. 2. Tom is ______ __ ( smart ) than Sam. 3. Tina is ______(tall) and ____ ____ ( quiet ) than Tara. 4. Paul is ______ _ (short) and ______ __ ( heavy ) than Pedro. 5. I get up _ ____ ______ _ ( early ) than Tara. 6. Tara is _______________( serious) than Tina. 7. Du Ji a is ____________ _ ( popular ) than others in Class 19. 用形容词的适当形式填空 harder smarter taller quieter shorter heavier earlier more serious more popular Guessing who she/he is? Try to write at least 3 sentences in your paper to describe one of your classmates. And let us guess who she/he is. Remember do not mention his/her name. Example: My best friend has long hair. She is taller than me. She wears glasses. She is a very hard-working girl. 2d Listen to the conversation and answer the questions. 1.Who has shorter hair? Lisa. 2.Who danced better? Nelly. 3.Who sang more clearly? Lisa. 4.What does Anna think is the most important? To learn something new and have fun. Julie: Did you like the singing competition yesterday, Anna? Anna: oh, it was fantastic! Nelly sang so well! Julie: Well, I think Lisa sang better than Nelly. Anna: Oh, which one was Lisa? 2d Role-play the conversation. Julie: The one with shorter hair. I think she sang more clearly than Nelly. Anna: Yes, but Nelly danced better than Lisa. Julie: You can tell that Lisa really wanted to win, though. Anna: Well, everyone wants to win. But the most important thing is to learn something new and have fun . Anna likes the singing competition. It was __________. Julie thinks Lisa, the one with _______ hair, sang _______ ___ and ________ than Nelly. Anna thinks Nelly danced ______ than Lisa. The ________________ thing is to learn something new and have fun. Fill in the blanks According to the conversation. fantastic shorter better more clearly better most important Have a discussion which 在问句中作疑问代词,其含义为“ 哪一个,哪一些 ”。 e.g. Which are the ones you really like? 哪些是你们真正喜欢的? Which is your best friend , Tom or Lucy? 哪一位是你最好的朋友,汤姆还是露西? 1.Oh, which one was Lisa? 哦,哪一位是莉莎? Language points which 也可 引导定语从句 ,在从句中可以 作主语 ,也可以 作宾语 。 e.g. Color the birds which are flying. 给那些正在飞的鸟涂色。 The story (which) he told was very interesting. ( which 作宾语,此时 which 可省略 ) The shop _____ sells flowers is at the end of the street. A . Who B . where C . which ( which 作主语 ) 2.You can tell that Lisa really wanted to win, though. 不过,你能看得出来,莉莎真的想赢。 1 ) though 作副词,意为“ 不过;可是;然而 ”,常用于口语中,一般放在 句尾 。 e.g. —Have you ever been to Australia? 你去过澳大利亚吗? —No. I’d like to, though. 没有。 不过 我很想去。 这是份苦差事,可他还是接受了。 It was a hard job. He took it, though. 拓展 : (1)though 还可以作 连词 ,意为“ 虽然;尽管 ”,引导让步状语从句,此时可以和 although 互换。 e.g. Though/Although he was ill, he worked hard. 他虽然生病了,但仍努力工作。 (2)though/although 不能和 but 连用 , 但可以 和 yet, still 连用 。 e.g. Though/Although he is 90, he is still very healthy. 尽管已经 90 岁了,但他仍然很健康。 2 ) win v. 获胜,赢 + 比赛、奖项等 过去式 :won, 现在分词 :winning, 名词 :winner eg. They won the game yesterday. Zhang Yining won a gold medal in the women's singles. Who is the winner, Sam or Jim? 拓展 : 赢了某人不用 win, 用 beat eg.The LA Lakers beat the Rockets. 试对比: We beat them and won the game. 3.But the most important thing is to learn something new and have fun. 但最重要的是要学到一些新东西并获得乐趣。 the most important 意为“ 最重要的 ”,是 important 的最高级形式。 important 的比较级为 more important 。 e.g. I think English is the most important of all the subjects. 我认为在所有的科目中英语是最重要的。 I. 按要求写出下列各词的正确形式。   1  funny ( 比较级 ) : ___________    2  different ( 名词 ) : _________ 3  many ( 比较级 ): ______        4  serious ( 比较级 ): _____________     5 friendly ( 比较级 ): _________      funnier difference more more serious friendlier Exercises II. 翻译句子。 1. — 那是山姆吗? — 不是,是汤姆。他比山姆的头发短,而且 他比山姆高。 2. 汤姆比山姆更友好。      Tom is friendlier than Sam.         — Is that Sam? — No, that’s Tom. He has shorter hair than Sam. And he’s taller than Sam. 中考链接 ________ we didn't win the basketball game, we were satisfied with our hard work. A. If B. Though C. Since D. Because B 如果 既然 虽然 因为 句意“虽然我们没有赢得篮球赛,我们对自己的努力很满意” Homework 想像 自己未来的形象。用英语写一篇短文 。 ( about 60 words) Many years later, I will be taller, I want to be more beautiful… 2. Preview the new words and expressions. 3. Preview the Grammar Focus. Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister. 人教 版八年级 英语上册 Section A 3a-3c To learn to compare personal traits of people by using comparatives. To learn new words: as, way, both, physics, however... To compare people,learn from others. Objectives 根据句意填入单词的正确形式: 1. My brother is two years __________(old) than me. 2. Tom is as _______(fat) as Jim. 3. Is your sister __________(young) than you? Yes, she is. 4. Who is ___________(thin), you or Helen? Helen is. 5. Whose pencil-box is _______(big), yours or hers? Hers is. 6. Mary’s hair is as __________(long) as Lucy’s. 7.Ben jumps________ (high) than some of the boys in his class. 8.______ Nancy sing __________ (well) than Helen? older fat younger thinner bigger long higher Does better Review 唱歌 比赛 比 …… 唱得好 头发较短的那个 比 …… 唱 得清楚 比 …… 跳 得好 更多地练习 重要的是学到东西 重要的是得到 快乐 比较你的父母 阅读 2d-3c, 翻译下列短语及句子。 singing competition sing better than the one with shorter hair sing more clearly than dance better than practice more The most important thing is to learn something new. The most important thing is to have fun. Compare your parents. Find their differences in each picture. The more, the better. The man is... The pig is... The horse is The bike goes fast . The car goes ______than the bike. faster Tall, tall er , who is tall er ? I am tall. You are tall er . You are tall er than me. Thin, thin ner , who is thin ner ? He is thin. She is thin ner . She is thin ner than him. Funny, funn ier . Who is fun nier ? You are funny. They are fun nier . They are funn ier than you. Outgoing. More outgoing. Who is more outgoing? Lucy is outgoing. Lily is more outgoing. Lily is more outgoing than Lucy. Let’s chant! Is Tom smarter than Sam? No, he isn ’ t. Sam is smarter than Tom. Is Tara more outgoing than Tina? No, she isn ’ t. Tina is more outgoing than Tara. Are you as friendly as your sister? No, I ’ m not. I ’ m friendlier. Does Tara work as hard as Tina? Yes, she does . Who ’ s more hard-working at school? Tina thinks she works harder than me. Grammar Focus Compare some of your classmates or family members,try to make sentences. My brother is taller than me ,I work harder than him. ...... 1. 什么是形容词的 原级 ? 表示修饰两种东西的程度是一样的 , 用 as… as 表示原级 ,译为 :“ 和 …… 一样 ”。 2. 什么是形容词的 比较级 ? 表示两者相比,一个比另一 个 更 …… , 有比较级的句中有 than , 且仅限于两者比较。 形容词的原级和比较级 原级和比较级区分程度的不同: 原级 是说明两个人物或事物的程度 一样 。 比较级 是区分两个人物或事物的程度 不一样 。 This tree is as ____ as that tree. The green bag is as ____as the blue one. This pencil is as ____ as that pencil. tall big long 原 级 当两个人或两件事物进行比较时,形容词和副词要用比较级,也就是词尾 -er 形式,比较级常常用 than 来连接被比较的两个人或事物。 ► I am shorter than you . 我 比你矮。 ¥ 2 0 ¥ 3 0 cheap cheap er The pink dress is cheap . The black dress is ___________ the pink one . cheap er than The red car is cut e . The blue car ______________ the red car. (蓝车比红车更可爱 ) is cute r than The red apple is big . The green apple is ____________ the red one. bigger than 56.1 kg heavy 58kg Garfield is heav y . Doraemon is ____________ Garfield . heav ier heav ier than Garfield Doraemon 形容词比较级的构成 1. 构成的规则变化 : 2. 构成的不规则变化 : 形容词和副词的比较级 short - shorter small - smaller nice nicer safe safer - - - - - - big thin heavy heavier happy happier 找规律: big bigger thin thinner 1. 构成的规则变化 : 1) 单音节词和少数双音节词一般在词尾 后加 -er 构成比较级 或 - est 构成最高级 . 如: 原级 比较级 最高级 cold –—— cold er –—— cold est bright——— bright er ———bright est young—— young er —— young est 2) 以字母 e 结尾的词只加 –r 或 -st 构 成 比 较 级 和 最高级 。 原级 比较级 最高级 nice —— nic er –—— nic est fine —— fin er —— fin est large —— larg er —— larg est 3) 重读闭音节词末尾只有一个辅音字母 时,先双写 这个辅音字母 , 再 加 -er 或 -est 。 如 : big – bigger – biggest thin – thinner – thinnest 4) 以“辅音字母 + y” 结尾的双音节词,先改 y 为 i , 再 加 -er 或 -est 。如 : easy – easier – easiest happy – happier – happiest 5) 多音节词和部分双音节词在词前加 more 或 most 。 如: delicious — more delicious — most delicious interesting — more interesting — most interesting important — more important — most important 2. 构成的不规则变化 : e.g. good / well – better – best bad / badly/ill – worse – worst many / much – more – most little – less – least far – farther / further – farthest/ furthest old -older/elder-oldest/eldest 讲述 两者有 差异 , 第 一个人物超过第二个 人物 时用比较级 。 基 本句型 : 主语 (‘A’)+ 谓语动词 + 形容词 / 副词比较级 +than+ 主语 (‘ B ’)+…            e.g. A modern train is  faster than  a car. 现代的火车比轿车快多了。   This  book didn’t cost me  more than  that one. 这本书花费我的钱不比那本多。         比较级的用法 在形容词比较级前还可用 much, even, still, far a little 来修 饰 , 表 示“ …… 的多”, “ 甚至 ……”, “ 更 ……”, “…… 一些”。 e.g. This city is much more beautiful than before. She’s a little more outgoing than me. It’s a little colder today. “ 比较级+ and +比较级”意为“越来越 ……” 多音节比较级用“ more and more +形容词原级” 形式。如: ► It’s getting worse and worse . ► The group became more and more popular. “ Which / Who is + 比较级 … ?” 比 较 A 、 B 两事物 , 问 其中哪一个较 …… 时用此句型。如: Which T-shirt is nicer, this one or that one? Who is more active, Mary or Kate? Which one is more popular among students, going to concerts or going to movies ? the+ 比较级 ... , the+ 比较级 ... “ 越 ..., 越 ...” eg.The more,the better. The harder you work,the better grades you'll get. Ex. __________you're,________mistakes you'll make. A.The careful,the less B.The more careful,the less C.The more carefully,the fewer D.The more careful,the fewer ✔ 使用形容词比较级时需注意以下几点: 1 ) than 后面接代词时 , 一般要用主格形式,但在口语中也 可使用宾格形式。 如: ► My brother is taller than I/me. 2 ) 当需要表示一方超过另一方的程度时,可以用 much, a lot, a little, a bit, even, still 等来修饰形容词比较级。 注意 : 比较级不能用 very, so, too, quite 等修饰。如: ► He is much more serious than Sam. 3 )形容词比较级后面往往用连词 than 连接另一个比较的 人或事物 , 但在上下文明确的情况下 , 形容词比较级可单 独使用。如: ► My sister is tall, but my aunt is taller . 我姐姐个子高 , 但我姑姑个子更高。 4 )进行比较的人和物必须是同一类。 ► My books are more than yours. ► I have more books than you . Use the words to write questions and answers. 1 . Julie / tall / you Q : _______________________ A : No, she isn’t . She’s ________ than me. 2 . Jack / run / fast / Sam Q : ____________________________ A : No, he doesn’t. He runs______ than Sam. Is Julie as tall as you? taller Does Jack run faster than Sam? slower 3a 3. your cousin / outgoing / you Q:____________________________ A: No, she isn’t. She’s ___________ __ than me. 4. Paul / funny/ Carol Q : _____________________________ A : No, he isn’t. He’s ___________ __ than Carol. Is your cousin more outgoing than you? more serious Is Paul as funny as Carol? more funnier 1 . Are you taller? 2 . Are you funnier? ___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Yes, I am. I’m taller now than I was two years ago. Yes, I am. I’m funnier now than I was two years ago. 3b Think of yourself two years ago. Write about how you are different now. Yes, I am. I’m more outgoing now than I was two years ago. Yes, I do. I study English harder now than I did two years ago. Yes, I do. I sing better now than I did two years ago. 3. Are you more outgoing? 4. Do you study English harder? 5. Do you sing better? Compare your parents. Check (√) who is smarter , funnier, etc. in the chart. Then ask your partner about his / her parents. A: Who is smarter, your mother or your father ? B: I think my mother is smarter than my father. 3c Mother Father smart funny work hard outgoing friendly sing well √ old→ fat→ young→ ugly→ high→ low→ light→ white→ sunny→ hot→ cool→ older fatter younger uglier higher lower lighter whiter sunnier hotter cooler Exercises I. 将下列形容词变成比较级形式: II. 词汇。 1. I’m short but my sister is ________(short). 2. My mother has long hair, and my sister has ________ (long) hair. 3.This little baby is _________________(outgoing) than that one. shorter longer more outgoing 4. In some ways we look the same, but in some ways we look ____________( 不同 ). 5. Ann is a very _______( 安静的 ) girl, she hardly makes noise. different quiet 1. The twins ______ lovely girls. A. are all B. are both C. both are 2. I like drawing and I am good _____ it. A. in B. on C. at 3. That box is _______ than others. A. more heavier B . heavy C . much heavier III. 单项选择。 B C C 4. She is three years _______ than I am. A. old B. more old C . older 5. I think a good friend should make me ____. A. l augh B. laughing C . to laugh C A 6 . Lucy is very short, but she is ___ than her sister. A . shorter B . longer C . taller D. older 7 . Frank is ____ friendly than his brother. A . a little more B . a few more C . much D . a little 8 . Sam is ____at Chinese than Jim. A . good B . well C . better D . gooder C A C 9 . This one is too large. Can you show me a _____ one? A. larger B. large C. small D. smaller 10 . —Do you think March is ____than January? — Yes , i t’ s _ ___ warmer. A. better, a little B . well, much C. worse, very D. nicer, quite D A IV. 翻 译 句 子。 1. 刘英是我朋友,她比 我 外向一点。 2. 安跳舞跳的比丽萨好。      3. 我认为她唱歌比丽丽好。 Ann dances better than Lisa.         Liu Ying is my friend. She’s a little more outgoing than me. I think she sings better than Lily.        4. 在学校里谁更用功? Who’s more hard-working at school? 5. 琳达跟杰克一样用功吗? Does Linda work as hard as Jack? 6. 你比你姐姐更外向吗? Are you more outgoing than your sister? 7. 我认为莉莉比她姐姐更聪明。 I think Lily is smarter than her sister. 一 What do you think of English? 一 I think English is as _____ as Chinese. A.useful B.more useful C.the most useful 中考链接 as…as 和 …… 一样,中 间用形容词原 级。 A – Paul, do you prefer weekdays or weekends? – Weekdays, of course.I’m _____ on weekends. busy B. much busier C . more busier D . the busiest 由句意可知, Paul 更喜欢 工作 日,因为周末更忙。故选比较级。 B 1. Make an adjective word list including all the adjective words you know. 2. Write a short passage to compare you and your best friend. Homework Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister. 人教版八年级英语上册 Section B 1a-1e To learn to talk about important personal traits in a friend. To learn to listen for the details. To learn new words : talented, truly, care about… Objectives A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。 A faithful friend is hard to find. 知音难觅。 Be slow in choosing a friend; slower in changing. 选择朋友要慎重,改换朋友更要慎重。 Lead-in Do you have a friend? Who’s your friend? Why do you choose him/her as your friend? Discuss Is he a good friend? When you fight with others, he helps you fight. When you are tired, he does homework for you. When you are thirsty, he gives you a cup of tea. When you meet a thief, he runs away quickly. Free talk A good friend … __ a. has cool clothes. __ b. is talented in music. __ c. likes to do the same things as me. __ d. is good at sports. __ e. truly cares about me. __ f. makes me laugh. __ g. is a good listener. What kinds of things are important in a friend? Rank the things below [1-7] (1 is the most important). 1a 在 ... 方面有天赋 关心,在意 __ has cool clothes. __ is talented in music. __ likes to do the same things as me. __ is good at sports. __ truly cares about me. __ makes me laugh. __ is a good listener. a b c d e f g Match pictures with their meanings. A : I think a good friend makes me laugh. B : For me, a good friend likes to do the same things as me. C : Yes, and a good friend is talented in music , too. D : That’s not very important for me ... Talk about what you think a good friend should be like. 1b Like about their best friends The same as their best friends Different from their best friends Molly Molly studies harder. Mary They’re both tall . Lisa is quieter . Peter likes to do the same things. popular, good at sports a good listener Listen. What do Molly and Mary like about their best friends? Fill in the first column of the chart. 1c The same as best friends Different from best friends Molly Mary Molly studies harder. Peter plays baseball better than Molly. Peter speaks more loudly. Molly is a little quieter. They’re both tall. They both have long, curly hair. Lisa is quieter. Lisa is smarter. Mary is more outgoing. is popular; is good at sports; They’re both pretty outgoing. Listen again. How are Molly and Mary the same and different from their best friends? Complete the rest of the chart in 1c. 1d Challenge Complete the passage using the information in 1c,1d. Molly's best friend is Peter. They are both _______and good at_______.But Molly studies ________than Peter.Peter plays basketball______than Molly. Though they are both outgoing,Peter speaks ____________than Molly and Molly is a little ________. Mary's best friend is Lisa because Lisa is a good ________.They are both _______and have__________hair. But Lisa is _______ and _________.Mary is_________________. popular sports harder better more loudly quieter listener tall long,curly quieter smarter more outgoing Talk about Molly and Mary and their best friends. A: Molly studies harder than her best friend. B: Well, Mary and her best friend are both tall. 1e Think about four sentences to describe the same or different things between you and your best friend. One sentence should give the false information and the other three should give the correct information. The class will guess who she/he is and which sentence gives the false information. Let’s play a game! 1. ...truly cares about me . 真正地在乎我。 care about v. 担心 。相当于: be worried, be interested 指:忧虑、担心、关心、惦念 ► Do not you care about anybody? 你难道谁也不关心吗? ► I really care about my work. 我真的关心我的工作。 Language points 2. I think a good friend makes me laugh. make sb. do sth. 让 ( 使 ) 某人做某事 (make 后跟不带 to 的不定式 ) ► His words made us feel so exciting. ► The boss made the workers work all day and all night. 3. A good friend is a good listener . listener 本意是“ 听者;听众”,根据语境 a good listener 应译为“ 作为一个好朋友应当乐于倾听朋友的倾诉”。 类似词语还有 : 说话者 speaker 4. Peter likes to do the same things, like to do sth  喜欢偶尔做某事 like doing sth  喜欢经常做某事,或个人爱好  如“ Do you like reading? ”你爱好读书吗?    like + to do 表示想做什么事情,类似于 want , 如“ Do you like to go with me? ” 表示现在愿不愿意去做某事。 I. 句型转换。 1. Peter is thinner than Sam. ( 同义句转换 ) 2. My sister is better at study than I. She is clever. ( 同义句转换 ) Sam is fatter than Peter. My sister is much smarter than me at study. Exercises 3. I study science very well. ( 同义句转换 ) 4. Miss Li is popular in our class. Mr. Wang is more popular.( 同义句转换 ) I am very good at science. Mr. Wang is more popular than Miss Li in our class. II. 用比较级形式填空。 1.Tom’s bike is new, but John’s bike is ______. 2.Tom’s schoolbag is big, but John’s schoolbag is _______. 3.Tom’s house is small, but John’s house is even _______. 4.Tom’s coat is long, but John’s coat is even _________. 5.Tom’s desk is good, but John’s desk is ________. newer bigger smaller longer better 6. He is ________ (young) than I am. 7. Mr. Smith is much _____ (old) than his wife. 8. Chicago is ______ (big) than Paris. 9. This book is ______ (good) than that one. 10. The weather this winter is _______ (bad) than that of last winter. younger older bigger better worse III. 翻译句子。 1. 对我来说,好朋友喜欢做我喜欢的事。 2. 我认为一个好朋友能让我笑口常开。  3. 你的好朋友跟你有什么不同吗?      I think a good friend makes me laugh.            For me, a good friend likes to do the same things as me. Is your best friend different from you in any way?     3. 我最好的朋友莉莉在音乐方面很有天分。 My best friend Lily is talented in music. 4. 我们的父母是真的关心我们。 Our parents truly care about us. 5. 我喜欢丽萨,因为她是一位很好的聆听者。 I like Lisa because she is a good listener. —Mike plays the drums so wonderfully! —Of course. He is_____than any other students in his class. A. talented B. more talented C. less talented D. the most talented 中考链接 由句意“比班里任意一个其他的学生都有才能”可知,要用比较级。 B Homework Write about you and your best friend … What do you like about him/her? The same things between you. The differences between you. Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister. 人教版八年级英语上册 Section B 2a-2e To learn to talk about important personal traits in a friend. To learn to write something about you and your friends. To learn new words : serious, necessary, should, as long as, be different from, in fact,the same as… Objectives Which is long er , the yellow one or the red one? The yellow one is long er than the red one. Warming up Which is bi gg er , the mouse or the elephant? The elephant is bi gg er than the mouse. [‘bɪ g ə ] Which is small er , the mouse or the elephant? The mouse is small er than the elephant. Which is h ea v i er , the fox or the bird? The fox is h ea v i er than the bird. Write the comparative forms of the following adjectives. Then use them to write five sentences about you and your friends. popular____________ funny ________ quiet ________ friendly ________ shy ___________ serious ____________ outgoing ___________ smart ________ hard-working __________________ more popular quieter shyer/ shier more outgoing funnier friendlier smarter more hard-working more serious 2a Think about four sentences to describe the same or different things between you and your best friend. One sentence should give the false information and the other three should give the correct information. The class will guess who she/he is and which sentence gives the false information. Let’s play a game! Sample: My friend David is more hard-working than me, but I am funnier than him. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______ write the rest sentences by yourself. Should friends be the same or different? Read about what these people think. Underline the comparative words and phrases in the passage. My mother told me a good friend is like a mirror. I ’ m quieter and more serious than most kids. That ’ s why I like reading books and I study harder in class. My best friend Yuan Li is quiet too, so we 2b enjoy studying together. I ’ m shy so it ’ s not easy for me to make friends. But I think friends are like books — you don ’ t need a lot of them as long as they ’ re good. It ’ s not necessary to be the same. My best friend Larry is quite different from me. He is taller and more outgoing than me. We both like sports, but he plays tennis better, so he always wins. However, Larry often helps to bring out the best in me. So I ’ m getting better at tennis. Larry is much less hard-working, though. I always get better grades than he does, so maybe I should help him more. I don ’ t really care if my friends are the same as me or different. My favorite saying is, “ a true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart. ” My best friend Carol is really kind and very funny. In fact, she ’ s funnier than anyone I know. I broke my arm last year but she made me laugh and feel better. We can talk about and share everything. I know she cares about me because she ’ s always there to listen. Match people with their opinions. A good friend is like a mirror. Friends are like books — you don’t need a lot of them as long as they’re good. My best friend helps to bring out the best in me. A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart. Jeff Green Huang Lei Mary Smith Fill in the chart with the information given in the article. Name Opinion The same as his/her friend Different from his/her friend Jeff Green Huang Lei Mary Smith A good friend is like a mirror. They are quiet and study hard. Jeff is quieter and more serious than most kids. It’s not necessary to be same. They both like sports. Larry is more outgoing and taller Than Huang Lei. She doesn’t care if her friends are the same as her or different. Carol is funnier than anyone. 1. Jeff is less serious than most kids. 2. Jeff and Yuan Li are both quiet. 3. Jeff thinks it is easy for him to make friends. 4. Huang Lei is taller than Larry. F T F F Are the following statements true (T) or false (F)? 2c 5. Huang Lei isn ’ t as good at tennis as Larry. 6. Larry works harder than Huang Lei. 7. Mary thinks her friends should be the same as her. 8. Carol broke her arm last year and Mary made her feel better. F T F F How do you and your friends compare with the people in the article? Write five sentences. I’m different from Jeff because I’m louder than the other kids in my class. My best friend is similar to Larry because she’s less hard-working than me. 2d Which saying is your favorite? Which friend do you think about when you read this saying? Why? Tell your partner about it. 2e 1. A good friend is like a mirror. 2. Friends are like books- you don ’ t need a lot of them as long as they ’ re good. 3. My best friend helps to bring out the best in me. 4. A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart. 1. That’s why I like reading books and I study harder in class. That’s why + 句子 “这便是为什么 ……” 、“这就是 …… 的原因” (固定的句式) ► That’s why he was late this morning. 这就是他今天早上迟到的原因。 Language points 2. … you don’t need a lot of them as long as they’re good. 字面意思:只要朋友好,你并不需要许多 → ( 朋友 ) 不在多而贵在好 as long as (固定搭配)连接句子,表示“只要 ……” ► We can talk about this as long as you want. 只要你想 ( 谈 ) ,我们就可以谈谈这事。 ► It’s fine as long as you’re happy. 只要你高兴就好。 3. I don’t really care if my friends are the same as me or different. 此句中 if 不是“如果”的意思,而是“是否”的 意思 ► I don’t care if he likes it or not --- I’m coming! 我不管他喜欢还是不喜欢 — 我会来的! ► Can you tell me if I’m right, Mr. Green? 格林先生,您能告诉我我是否正确吗? 宾语从句 作 care 宾语 4. A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart . hand 引申为“帮助;援助” heart 则为 “情感;感受” ► Can you give me a hand ? 你能帮我一把吗? ► The movie touched the hearts of all the people at the cinema. 这部电影令所有在场的观众动容。 5. I know she cares about me because she ’s always there to listen. be there : (1) “ 在别人需要帮助时,刻准备伸手相助 ” (2) “随叫随到;不离 …… 左右” (3) be there + for somebody ► My parents were always there for me when I was growing up. 在我成长的过程中,我的父母总是随时给予我帮助。 6. My best friend helps to bring out the best in me. bring out (习语)“使显现;使表现出” bring out the best/worst in someone “ 把某人最好 / 最坏的一面表现或显露出来” ► Take a look at your friendships. Do they bring out the best in you? 审视一下你的友谊,他们让你表现出最好的自我了吗? 7.I ’ m quieter and more serious than most kids. serious adj. 严肃的;稳重的 常用短语: be serious about 对 …… 认真 eg: Our English teacher,Miss Zhang is very serious . We should be serious about our jobs. I. 翻译句子。 1. 她很风趣,而且比我更外向。但是,我们都喜欢做相同的事情。 She is very funny, and more outgoing than I am. But we both like doing the same things.          2. 那就是我喜欢读书的原因。 That’s why I like reading books. Exercises 3. 我的老师总能让我表现出最好的自我。 My teacher can always bring out the best in me. 4. 在我有困难的时候,我的好朋友莉莉随时都能 给我帮助。 My best friend Lily is always there to help when I’m in trouble. 5. 只要能做到这一点她就可以万事大吉。 As long as she did this, all would be well. 6. 我们不知道老师会不会参加班会。 We don’t know if our teachers will attend the class meeting. 7. 充满爱与灵魂的故事往往能打动人们的心。 A story with love and soul can always touch the heart. 8. 你为何不伸出援手? Why you don’t reach for my hand? 中考链接 As middle school students, we_____ follow the public rules wherever we go . would B. should C. might D. could 句意为“作为中学生,无论去哪我们都应该遵守公共规则。” B 1.Write about the things that are the same and different between you and a friend. 2.Preview the new words and expressions. Homework Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister. 人教 版八年级 英语上册 Section B 3a-3c Look at the following pictures, let’s review the comparative forms. smaller bigger bigger or smaller smaller bigger bigger or smaller stronger thinner stronger or thinner Which is stronger? A or B? Which is thinner? A or B? A B heavier thinner heavier or thinner It’s smaller . It’s shorter . It’s bigger . It’s heavier . It’s longer . She is taller . He is thinner . Who is taller? Who is thinner? a dog a horse Which is taller? A horse is taller than a dog . Who is tall er , the father or the son ? The father is taller th a n the son. Who is short er , the father or the son? The son is shorter than the father. Name Opinion The same as his/her friend Different from his/her friend Jeff Green Huang Lei Mary Smith A good friend is like a mirror. They are quiet and study hard. Jeff is quieter and more serious than most kids. It’s not necessary to be same. They both like sports. Larry is more outgoing and taller Than Huang Lei. She doesn’t care if her friends are the same as her or different. Carol is funnier than anyone. Review Wang Lingling and Liu Lili are best friends. Look at the chart below and compare them. Wang Lingling Liu Lili 3a Wang Lingling Liu Lili tall tall short straight hair like reading like sports popular outgoing outgoing serious hard-working long straight hair popular funny smart 1.  阅读表格中的描述 2. 分析描述词的特点:用形容词还是用动词描述 3. 相似的地方,用 both 表达共同点;不同的地方 , 用 比较的句式表达 4.  试着写出这些句子 5.  检查答案 写作指导 Wang has long straight hair, Liu has short straight hair . Wang Lingling likes reading, but Liu Lili  likes sports. They are both popular in class. They’re both outgoing . Wang Lingling is serious.  Liu  Lili is funnier than Wang Lingling. Wang is more  hard-working  than  Liu , but Liu  is  smarter.  One possible version   Make notes about two of your friends. One friend should be similar to you; the other friend should be different. A friend who is similar to me A friend who is different from me Name: Name: 3b Write two paragraphs describing your friends. 相似的方面 : 用 be both 或  likes 句式结构来描述 不同之处 : 用形容词或副词的比较级形式,用正确的句式对比两人的不同 A is more outgoing than B.  B works harder than A.   写作指导 3 c My friend A is quite similar to me. We are both tall and  thin . We are both quiet and  serious . We like reading  together . We are  hard-working  in class, so we often get  good   grades .   My  friend B is different from me.  She’s  funnier and  more outgoing  than me. She always speaks loudly. She is good at  soccer . She’s smart and she’s a good  listener . One possible version   My friend A and I are similar . Both of us like swimming and reading. We both go swimming at the weekends and then have lunch together. We often share many interesting books with each other. Both of us are interested in cartoon. So we’re good friends. The other possible version   My friend B is quite different from me.  She is more outgoing and more popular than me. She sings better and wins a school competition. Many “fans” are attracted by her. But B is much less hard-working. I always get better grades than she does. We help each other. Read the job ad. Then compare two of your classmates . Decide which classmate is better for the job. Student Helper Wanted The English study Center needs a weekend student helper for primary school students. 4 小学 You must: -be a middle school student -have good grades in English -be good with children -be outgoing Call the English Study Center at 443-5667 for more information. call sb. at... A: So who do you think should get the job , Jenny or Jill? B: Well, Jenny is smarter. I think she should get the job. A: Jenny is smarter, but I think Jill is more outgoing . 1 Put the words in the correct columns in the chart. hard-working run fast quiet serious jump high smart what people are like what people can do hard-working, quiet, serious, smart run fast jump high Self Check 2 Fill in the blanks using the correct forms of the words in brackets. My brother is _________(funny) than me. He makes people laugh a lot. I’m outgoing, but my best friend is a lot ________________ (outgoing ) than me. funnier more outgoing 3. My brother is as ____________( serious ) as my sister . They both like to study. 4. My cousin can run __________(fast) than me . She is taller than me, too. 5. Jim is_________________ (friendly) than Tom , so Tom has more friends than Jim. serious faster less friendly e.g. The boss makes the workers work over 13 hours a day. 1. make sb. + v. “ 让(使)某人 做某事 ”。 make sb. + adj. “ 让(使)某人 …… ” e.g. The teacher’s words made the boy happy . Language points 2. be good with.... “ 善于应对 ...” He is good with the old people. be good at... “ 擅长 ...” Mary is good at English. be good to... “ 对 ... 好 ”=be friendly to... She is a kind girl,she is always good to everyone. quiet funny outgoing kind athletic My friend likes sports. She’s very _______. Paul is never _____ ! He can’t stop talking. Lu Xiang is really ______. She is very good at math, physics and chemistry. Mary is a ______ girl. She always makes me laugh . 5. Jane isn’t very _________ . She likes to stay at home and read. athletic quiet smart funny outgoing I. 根据句意从方框中 选择 单词填入句中。 Exercises 1. Seen from the mountain, the town looks ________________ (beautiful). 2. She has made far ________ (great) progress this term than she did last year. 3. She is a head ________ (tall) than I. 4. This room is 3 times ________ (big) than that one. more beautiful greater taller bigger II. 根据所给词的正确形式填空。 1. This year they have produced ___grain __they did last year. A. as less; as  B. as few; as   C. as few; as   D. less; than 2. Which is ___ classroom, this classroom or that one? A. bigger     B. the bigger    C. a bigger   D . bigger D B III. 单项选择。 3. This apple is ______ that one. A. as big twice as       B. as big as twice C. as twice big as       D. twice as big as 4. There are more books in our library than ____. A. theirs                     B. those in theirs C. that in theirs         D. those in their D B 5 . It is thought that the harder ________, ________ result you’ll get. A . you work; the better         B . you will work; the more better C . you worked; a better         D . you were working; more better A 1. 他比我大三岁。 2. 我喜欢像我妹妹那样的人。 3. 我像他一样强健。 Ⅳ. 翻译。 He is three years older than me. I like someone who is like my sister. I am as athletic as he is. Ⅴ. 连词成句。 1. my, math, subjects, favorite, English, are, and 2. parents, his, teachers, both, are 3. he, little, a, outgoing, more, me, is, than My favorite subjects are English and math . His parents are both teachers. He is a little more outgoing than me. 1. Their room is ___ _____ _______ ( 稍大点 ) than yours. 2. I spend ___ ____ ______( 多得多 ) time on Chinese than other subjects. 3. Their life was becoming ______ ___ _____ ______ ( 越来越困难 ). a little bigger a lot more more and more difficult Ⅵ. 根据汉语补全句子。 4. The days get ________ ____ ________ ( 越来越短 ). 5. She wants to buy _________ _______ ( 一些 便宜的东西 ). s horter and shorter something cheap 中考链接 — I know little about this product. — Surf the Internet, and you will get much ______ about it. A. information B . message C . suggestion 信息 A 消息 建议 句 意为“我对这个产品了解不多。 上网你会得到有关它的很多信息。” Homework 1. Write something about your past and now. 2 . Think of your best friend. Write down two ways in which you are similar, and two ways in which you are different. Use comparatives .

