译林版八年级英语上册期末复习课件Unit 3 A day out

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译林版八年级英语上册期末复习课件Unit 3 A day out

Unit 3 A day out 课时 1 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 译林版八年级上 一、根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词。 1. [ 中考 · 青岛 ] Don’t worry! We are old enough to look after o ( 我们 自己 ). 2. Last year, we visited the Sydney Opera House in A ( 澳大利亚 ). 3. [ 安徽名校大联考 ] The road was not w ( 宽 的 ) enough for two cars to pass . urselves ustralia ide 4. I hear Donald Trump, the P ( 总统 ) of the USA, will visit China next month. 5. I think it must be great to get to the t ( 顶部 ) of Mount Huang and watch the sunrise ( 日出 ). resident op 二、单项选择。 6. [ 中考 · 长春 ] My little brother is a tidy boy.He always keeps his room ______. A. clean B . to clean C . cleaning D . cleaned A 7. The desk ______ wood and the paper ______ wood too . A. is made of; is made from B. is made from; is made of C. are made of; is made from D. are made of; is made of A 8 . [ 中考 · 安徽 ] On sunny days, my grandma often reads a novel ______ the window. A. by B . for C . with D . from A 9 . — ______ is the Golden Gate Bridge? —It’s thousands of meters long. A. How long B . How far C. How many D . How much A 10. [ 中考 · 南充 ] —I think that Eric writes as_____ as Betty. —So he does. A. more careful B . more carefully C. most carefully D . carefully D 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 11. 夕阳西下,泛舟游太湖多棒啊! How wonderful it is _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ on the Taihu Lake in the sunset! to take a boat trip 12. 来吧,琳达。咱们一起跳舞吧。 ________ ________ , Linda. Let’s dance together. Come on 13. 你看起来很累。保重! You look very ________ . ________ ________ ! tired Take care 14. 这座桥两英里长,一百英尺宽。 The bridge is two ________ ________ and a hundred ________ ________. miles long feet wide 15. 平衡饮食能使你保持健康。 Eating a balanced diet can make you ________ ________ . keep fit 四、补全对话。 ( 两项多余 ) A. Let’s meet at 8:00 in the morning. B. I often watch English movies. C. How can I get there? D. I will call you tomorrow morning. E. See you then. F. Nothing special. G. Sounds interesting. A : Hello, Judy. B : Hi, Steve. A : What are you going to do this Sunday? B : _____16 I will just do some washing. What about you? F A : I hear there are some new animals in Wuquan Zoo. Do you want to go with me? B : _____17 When shall we meet? A : ______18 B : Where shall we meet then? A. Let’s meet at 8:00 in the morning. B. I often watch English movies. C. How can I get there? D. I will call you tomorrow morning. E. See you then. F. Nothing special. G. Sounds interesting. G A A : At the gate of Wuquan Park. B : ______19 A : It’s not far from your home. You can take the No.8 bus. B : OK. See you tomorrow. A : _____20 A. Let’s meet at 8:00 in the morning. B. I often watch English movies. C. How can I get there? D. I will call you tomorrow morning. E. See you then. F. Nothing special. G. Sounds interesting. C E 安徽译林版八年级上 课时 2 Reading I Unit 3 A day out 一、根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词。 1. What a sunny day! There isn’t a cloud in the s . ( 天空 ). 2. It is helpful to have a c ( 清晰 的 ) opinion of what you want. 3. They practiced playing baseball hard last week . F ( 最后 ), they won the match . ky lear inally 4. We are all happy that the machine works f ( 够好,蛮不错 ). 5. A strange plane is s ( 发光 ) in the sky. ine hining 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 6. I went to visit the gardens in Suzhou last month and I enjoyed _____________(I). myself 7. It is good to see so many places of ____________ (interesting) in the World Park. interest 8. This is such a ____________(bored) town that there’s nothing to do in the evenings. boring 9. Last weekend, it ____________(take) me about two hours to go to the park by bus. took 10. There is always a lot of ____________(traffic) at this time of a day. traffic 三、单项选择。 11. [ 中考 · 天津 ] Harry invited me ____ with him when his parents were out of town. A. stay B . stayed C. staying D . to stay D 【 点拨 】 invite sb. to do sth. 12. We learned how to use WeChat by _____. A. herself B . himself C. ourselves D . itself C 13 . —Jane, I hear there will be an art club in our school . —Wonderful! I can’t wait to _____ it . A. join B. repeat C. forget D . receive A 14 . I took the bus and _____ at the Bailin Park Station . A. got through B . got over C. got on D . got off D 15. They _____ London _____ a cold morning. A. arrived in; in B . arrived in; on C. arrived at; on D . arrived at; in B 四、根据汉语意思完成句子。 16. 当我看到如此多的秦俑的时候,我简直不敢相信 自己的 眼睛。 I simply ________ ________ ________ ________ when I saw so many Terracotta Warriors. couldn’t believe my eyes 17. 她迫不及待地打开礼物盒。 She ________ ________ ________ open the present box . can’t wait to 18 . 里基总是引导学生们自己找到解决办法 , 但从未 告诉他们 答案。 Ricky always guided students to find the solutions by ____________, but never told them the answers . themselves 19 . 当那位歌手到达时,歌迷们变得很激动。 The fans became very ________ when the singer arrived. excited 20 . 每年成千上万的人从世界各地来到中国。 Thousands of people from ________ ________ ________ ________ come to China every year. all over the world 五、完形填空。 Trina, an Australian girl, was new in town. The town was near the _____21. She wanted to visit the beach . 21. A. river B . hill C . lake D . sea D She asked her new friend Hana to ______22 her to the beach. Her friend said ______ 23. 22. A. push B . take C . bring D . offer 23. A. hello B . no C . goodbye D . OK B D They went to the beach . It was a ____24 day. There were many people on the beach. 24. A. sunny B . cloudy C. snowy D . windy A They put a big towel ( 毛巾 ) on the sand and then walked down into the sea water. They _____25 themselves very much . 25. A. planned B . loved C . enjoyed D . smiled C After an hour, they went back to sit on the towel . A lifeguard walked by and talked for a few _____26. The two friends played and talked _____ 27 all the afternoon . 26. A. minutes B . days C . weeks D . months 27 . A. happily B. straight C. carefully D . politely A A They also watched the sun going down. It was big and _____ 28 when it was going into the sea . 28. A. white B. blue C. orange D . black C It was almost ______29 when they walked back to the car. “That was excellent ,” she told her friend, “and I ______30 the beach .” 29. A. bright B. dark C . tidy D. real 30 . A. hate B . walk C . finish D . like B D 课时 3 Reading Ⅱ 安徽译林版八年级上 Unit 3 A day out 一、根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词。 1. [ 中考 · 重庆改编 ] One p ( 页 ) of the book is missing, so I can’t learn the whole story. 2. We often search for information on the I ( 因特网 ). 3. We saw the m ( 主要 的 ) sights of the world in the World Park . age nternet ain 4. We a ( 到达 ) at the small village on a cold evening. 5. Different countries have different c ( 文化 ). rrived ultures 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 6. These glasses are ________( make) of glass. made 7. The little girl finished the work by ________(she). herself 8. This book is so ________ (bore) that I won’t read it. boring 9. It’s important ________ (give) your pet enough food every day. to give 10. Our English teacher sang a song at the__________ (begin) of her class. beginning 三、单项选择。 11. He lives _______ our school. A. far to B . far from away C. away from D . far from D 12. They were _____ at the _____ news . A. exciting ; excite B . excited ; exciting C. excited ; excite D . exciting ; excited B 13 . [ 安徽名校中考一模 ] I couldn’t believe it ! There was hardly anyone in the theatre, but this big man came and sat right _____ me . I couldn’t see a thing! A. behind B . in front of C. next to D . beside B 14. [ 中考 · 吉林 ] Let’s save pandas! There_____only about 2,000 pandas living in the forest now . A. am B . is C . are C 15 . Your story is the best. I have never heard____before . A. the better one B . the best one C. a better one D . a good one C 四、完形填空 。 More and more people like traveling around the world when they have time. ____16 how to travel fast , safely and comfortably is becoming more and more important to people . 16. A. So B . Because C . But D . Though C Different people like different _____17 of traveling . 17. A. styles B . ways C. roads D . plans B Many people like to travel by plane, but I don’t like it because it is usually ______18 from the city to the airport . 18. A. far B . near C . close D . simple A You have to get there early and wait for hours for the plane to _____19 and it is often late. You can’t open the window . 19. A. take down B . take away C. take up D . take off D You can’t choose the food. Planes are fast, but they still take hours to get out of the airport and _____20 the city . 20. A. through B . into C. across D . over B I like traveling by train. I think trains are _______21. Railway stations are usually in cities. 21. A. slow B . crowded C. safe D . nervous C When you can’t catch a train, you can catch _____22 one. You can walk around in the train . 22. A. first B . final C. the other D . another D You can see many interesting things on your way. I know it _____23 a little more time . 23. A. takes B . costs C. spends D . pays A I ____24 like cars. You can start your trip when you want to, and you don’t need to ____25 to a railway station or a bus stop. Also you can take many things with you in a car . But sometimes there are too many cars on the road . 24. A. too B . also C . as well D . either 25 . A. take B . reach C . arrive D . get B D 课时 4 Grammar 安徽译林版八年级上 Unit 3 A day out 一、单项选择。 1. [ 安徽初中毕业模拟 ]—Did you watch 2018 CCTV Spring Festival Evening Gala in Hefei? — Certainly. That night the sky over Hefei was as____as that in the day with the light. A. bright B . brightly C. brighter D . more brightly A 2. [ 长丰县一质检 ] —Look after _____ while we are away , Mary. —Don’t worry about me, Mom. I’ll be fine. A. myself B . herself C . ourselves D . yourself D 3 . [ 中考 · 黄冈 ] —Jack, you swam very well. Who taught you? —Nobody. I taught _____ . A. I B . me C . myself D . mine C 4 . [ 中考 · 河南 ] When times are difficult, tell _____ that pain is part of growing. A. you B . yourself C . your D . yours B 5. This coat is _____ comfortable _____ that one, but not _____ expensive _____ that one. A . as; as; as; so B . so; as; as; so C. as; as; so; as D . so; as; as; as C 二、用适当的反身代词填空。 6. I started to design dresses _________after learning designing for a year. myself 7. The host added, “Well, I hope you will both enjoy __________.” yourselves 8. He first learnt to express __________through movement in Tim’s dance class. himself 9. Dear Peter, you have grown up, and you can decide your future __________. yourself 10 . —There’s something wrong with the computer. — Take it easy. The computer will start by _________in a few seconds. itself 三、按要求完成句子。 11. is, Simon, happy, the, three, as, girls, as ( 连词 成句 ) __________________________________________ Simon is as happy as the three girls. 12. This story is not as interesting as that one .( 改为 同义句 ) That story is ________ ________ ________ this one . more interesting than 13 . This rope is 8 meters long. That rope is also 8 meters long. ( 合并 为一个句子 ) This rope is ________ ________ ________ that one . as long as 14 . Tom ran faster than Jim did. ( 改为同义句 ) Jim ________ ________ ________ ________ as Tom . was not as fast 15 . I’m as old as your uncle. ( 改为同义句 ) I’m the same ________ ________ your uncle. age as 课时 5 Integrated skills & Study skills 安徽译林版八年级上 Unit 3 A day out 一、根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词。 1. The t ( 味道 ) of this kind of juice is very special. 2. The school bus r ( 到达 ) the school gate at 5:00 p.m. 3. We really need your s ( 支持 ). We can’t solve the problem . aste eached upport 4. It’s time to have a r ( 休息 ). Let’s go out for a breath of fresh air. 5. The c ( 费用 ) of taking a coach from Nantong to Nanjing is about 100 yuan . est ost 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 6. She greeted us with a __________( cheer) smile. cheerful 7. The garden was full of __________(colour) flowers. colourful 8. He began to feel afraid and __________ (help). helpless 9. Joan was happy because she was given some __________ (use) gifts last week. useful 10. The clean water is not an __________ (end) resource, so we shouldn’t waste it. endless 三、单项选择。 11. —Sam, don’t forget _____ the book to the library tomorrow . —OK, I won’t. A. return B . returning C . returned D . to return D 12. [ 中考 · 扬州改编 ] —I’m tired out after the three-day work day and night. — _______ relax yourself? Go out and enjoy the natural beauty. A. Why not B . Why don’t C. What about D . Shall we A 13 . [ 芜湖 27 中二模 ] —I want to borrow some books from our school library. Is it open today ? —No. It opens _______ Friday afternoons. A. in B . at C . on D . during C 14. A terrible traffic accident ______ on Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge yesterday. A. was happened B . took place C. happened to D . was taken place B 15. [ 安徽仿真模拟 ] —Jeff seems unhappy. What’s the matter? — He got his mobile phone lost this afternoon. Let’s go to _____. A. pick him up B. look him down C. let him down D. cheer him up D 课时 6 Task & Self-assessment 安徽译林版八年级上 Unit 3 A day out 一、根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词 。 1. There is no such thing as a f ( 免费 的 ) lunch. 2. [ 合肥包河区二质检 ] The policeman suddenly p . ( 拔 ;拉 ) his gun and pointed at the man. 3. It is the biggest city s ( 广场 ) in the world . ulled quare ree 4. Our classmates will take the u ( 地铁 ) to the Palace Museum. 5. I bought two movie t ( 票, 入场券 ) to Amazing China yesterday. nderground ickets 二、单项选择。 6. — ______ to ride a bike from your school to the park? —About twenty minutes. A. How long did you spend B. How far did it take you C. How long did it take you D. How far did you spend C 7. [ 中考 · 青岛 ] Larry hopes ______ his English, so he keeps practicing it every day. A. to solve B . solving C . to improve D . improving C 8 . [ 中考 · 苏州 ] —Please stay with me this weekend. —I’m sorry, but my father and I planned ______ Beijing a long time ago. A. visit B . visiting C . to visit D . visited C 9 . — Does your father go to work by ______ car every day ? —No, he sometimes takes bus. A. a ; the B . the; a C . 不填 ; a D . a; 不填 C 10. [ 中考 · 宜昌 ] —_____ do you exercise, Tony? —Three times a week. A. How often B. How soon C. How long D . How much A 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 11. 去年,我们城市发生了巨大变化。 Great changes _________ _________ in our city last year . took place 12. 在决赛的最后这些获胜者获得奖牌和奖杯。 The winners _________ _________ _________ and cups _________ _________ _________ _________ the final. won the medals at the end of 13. 请不要忘记为我们的篮球队喝彩。 Please don’t _________ _________ _________ _________ our basketball team. forget to cheer for 14. 他们正在为凯蒂计划一天的出游。 They are ________ ________ ________ ________ for Kitty. planning a day out 15 . 今天下午我们将乘地铁返回学校。 We will ________ ________ ________ school by underground this afternoon. go back to 写作素养提升练 安徽译林版八年级上 Unit 3 A day out 本单元的话题为“一日游”,要求就某一次旅行过程进行写作。写作时,首先表明去何地旅行;其次,详细描述本次旅行的时间、地点、方式以及游览的景点;最后,总结旅行的感受,抒发个人的感慨。 写作时,若描写自己的旅行则用第一人称,若描写他人的旅行,则使用第三人称,在描述旅行过程时一般用一般过去时。总结旅行感受时可用一般过去时、一般现在时或一般将来时。 安徽译林版八年级上 作为中国首都和历史文化名城的北京,备受世界瞩目。它历史悠久、名胜众多。每年,北京吸引大批的中外游客前来观光旅游。上周,来自法国的布莱克先生一家踏上了去北京的旅程。请你根据表格信息描述一下他们的北京之行, 80 词左右。 A trip When last week Where Beijing Weather sunny How to go by plane What to see the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, Tian’anmen Square, Beihai Park Feeling excited 【 思路构建 】 步骤 构思 列纲 1 开篇简单介绍布莱克先生 ...is from... 2 详细描述本次 旅行 last week..., by plane, the weather..., they visited... 3 总结旅行感受 they think..., they hope... Mr Black is from France. Last week, he and his family visited Beijing.They went there by plane. This was their first trip to Beijing. So they felt very excited. The weather in Beijing was great. It was sunny and cool. And there are lots of places of interest there. They visited the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, Tian’anmen Square and Beihai Park. They 【 精彩范文 】 think that Beijing is a great city and that the Chinese people are friendly. They hope to visit Beijing again some day. interest, sights, rock, reach, rest, cheerful, colorful 【 单词 】 have lunch, invite sb. to do sth., at the gate of, have a good time 【 短语 】 We’re planning... We’ll meet at... It’ll take... We can... We’ll go back to... 【 句型 】 假如你是 Tony ,请你根据下列内容提示,用英语写一篇日记,记述你 10 月 27 日参加的一次旅游活动,并谈谈你的感受。词数 80 左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。 活动地点 距离你家约 10 千米的西湖 交通工具 自行车 活动时间 上午九点出发;十点到达; 下午五点半返回 活动内容 自定(至少谈及三项活动) Sunday, October 27th, 2019 Windy Today I went on a trip with my friends ._____________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Sunday, October 27th , 2019 Windy Today I went on a trip with my friends. We went to the West Lake about ten kilometers away from my home by bike. We started at nine and arrived there at ten in the morning. We spent the whole morning going boating on the lake. Then we had lunch in a small restaurant. After that , some of us went fishing, some went to a small island to ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ watch thousands of beautiful birds and the others played games. We came back home at half past five in the afternoon. We had a wonderful time. 中考考点专练 安徽译林版八年级上 Unit 3 A day out 一、单项选择。 1. [ 淮南模拟 ] Simon reads ______ among the boys of the Smiths though he plays all day long. A. wide B . widely C. more widely D . most widely D 【 点拨 】 句意:史密斯家的男孩中西蒙阅读最广泛,尽管他整天玩耍。 among the boys 提示史密斯家至少有三个孩子,故用最高级。 read 是行为动词,用副词 widely 来修饰,故选 D 。 2. [ 黄山休宁县月考 ] In the past several years , Alipay( 支付 宝 ) has been _____ used in China. A. heavily B . deeply C. widely D . politely C 【 点拨 】 句意:在过去几年里,支付宝在中国已经被广泛使用。 heavily 严重地; deeply 深深地; widely 广泛地; politely 礼貌地。故选 C 3 . [ 亳州利辛县期中 ]—The writer is very famous among teenagers. — So she is. Her books are _____ read by teenage boys and girls. A. slowly B . luckily C. exactly D . widely D 4 . [ 安徽中考信息交流卷 ] The idea is now _____ accepted in China that we can pay for nearly everything with a smartphone. A. luckily B . hardly C. widely D . heavily C 二、根据汉语意思完成句子。 5. 张大你的嘴。 Open your mouth ________. 6. 众所周知,人们应该保护环境。 It’s ________ known that people should protect the environment . widely wide 一、单项选择。 1. [ 淮北模拟 ]—How do you study English so well ? — ______ reading many books. A. To B . Of C. At D . By D 2. [ 中考 · 青岛 ] More and more people in Qingdao go to work _______ subway now. A. with B . on C . in D. by D 二、根据汉语意思完成句子。 3. 对不起,我误拿了你的校服。 I’m sorry I took your school uniform ________ ________ . 4 . 她独自拍了这些照片。 She took these photos _________ _________ . by mistake by herself 一、单项选择。 1. [ 合肥包河区教学质量监测 ] The line is busy. I can’t ______. A. get on B . get through C. turn on D . turn off B 2 . [ 中考 · 武汉 ] I took the subway and ______ at the downtown station. A. got through B . got over C. got on D . got off D 二、选择合适的短语并用正确的形式填空。 3. She can’t _____________ her shyness. 4. I rang you several times but couldn’t _____________ . 5. Kitty _____________ the bus at the bus station and walked into a fashion shop. get up; get over; get off; get through; get back get over get through got off 6. Jack’s mother asked him _____________ before dark. 7. She _____________ very early in the morning. get up; get over; get off; get through; get back to get back got up 一、用所给代词的正确形式填空。 1. Mum, I am old enough to wash ___________( I) own clothes and ___________ ( your). You can have a rest after work. 2. There are lots of restaurants in __________ ( we) town . And most of ___________ ( they) are clean and cheap . my our yours them 3. My little sister is old enough to dress ___________ (she). 4. Can you share your book with ___________ (I)? I left ___________ (my) at home. herself me mine 二、单项选择。 5 . [ 合肥包河区模拟 ]—I don’t think we can find the canyon by ______, Betty. —I agree, and we had better ask for help. A. herself B . himself C. ourselves D . itself C 6 . [ 合肥、安庆名校大联考 ] If you want to make true friends at school, you should think more of others than of ______ . A. you B . your C. yours D . yourself D

