八年级上英语课件Section B (1a-1e)_人教新课标 (1)

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八年级上英语课件Section B (1a-1e)_人教新课标 (1)

Section B (1a-1e) 人教版八年级上 1 expensive 2 boring 3 delicious 4 exciting 6 7 8 9 10 B C A C B 基础巩固练 提示:点击 进入讲评 5 cheap 答案呈现 基础巩固练 答案呈现 11 Where did; go 12 How was 13 What did; buy 14 Did; do anything 16 17 18 19 20 D A C B A15 didn't visit 21 22 23 24 25 C D C B A 能力提升练 一、根据句意选出方框中的词填空。 1. I didn’t buy the iPhone XS because it was too__________. 2. The movie was so ________ that I left after watching it for a while. 3. The food in the restaurant is _________. I always go there for dinner. expensive boring delicious 4. We had a(n) __________trip to Qiandaohu. It was much too beautiful. 5. We don’t have much money, so we often buy something ___________. exciting cheap 二、单项选择。 6. — ________ did your mother go on vacation? —She went to Hong Kong. A. When B. Where C. What D. Why 根据答语可知,问 句询问的是地点。 √ 7. —Did you do ________ last weekend? —I did nothing but play computer games. A. something special B. special something C. anything special D. special anything 形容词修饰不定代词时, 形容词要后置。排除B、D。 两者都为“一些事物”的意思, something用在肯定句中,而 anything用在疑问句或否定句中。 √ 8. —How was the weather yesterday? —It was________ . I had to stay at home because it rained hard. A. terrible B. wonderful C. great D. interesting 由后半句雨下的很大, 可知天气很糟糕。 √ 9. —Did you swim this morning? — ________. I studied for a test at home. A. Yes, I did B. Yes, I do C. No, I didn’t D. No, I don’t 句中时态为一般过去时, 可以排除B、D两项。 根据答语后句可知, 题空处应是否定回答。 √ 10. —How were the people there? — They were ________ to me. They helped me a lot. A. bad B. friendly C. crowded D. terrible 由“她们帮助了我很多” 可知人们是非常友好的。 √ 三、根据要求完成下列句子,每空一词。 11. Lisa went to Hong Kong on vacation. (对画线部分提问) ________ ________Lisa _________on vacation?Where did go 先把句子变为一般疑问句,did放 在句首,谓语动词变为原形。 对地点提问用特殊疑问词 “ where”加一般疑问句。 12. The school trip was wonderful. (对画线部分提问) __________ _________the school trip? 对学校旅行的评价用特殊疑问词 how,且在特殊疑问句中要把系动 词提到主语之前。 How was 13. Mary bought lots of things in the store. (对画线部分提问) _________ ________ Mary _________in the store ?What did buy 先把句子变为一般疑问句,did放 在句首,谓语动词变为原形。 对“买了什么”进行提问用特 殊疑问词what加一般疑问句。 14. They did something special in Beijing. (改为一般疑问句) ________ they ________ _______special in Beijing? 变为一般疑问句时在句首加did, 句中谓语动词did变为动词原形。 something用在肯定句意为“一 些事物”,而在疑问句表示同 一意思时常用anything。 Did do anything 15. Lily and her family visited the Summer Palace last weekend. (改为否定句) Lily and her family_________ ________the Summer Palace last weekend. 变为否定形式时,在谓语动词前 加didn’t,谓语动词变为原形。 didn't visit 四、完形填空。 It was the first night of Kevin’s summer vacation. He could not fall asleep because he was very_________16. His bed was in a big tent, and just outside the tent was the forest. 16. A. happy B. busy C. bored D. scared 由文章最后一句:Kevin wasn’t scared anymore and he was excited to see different animals.对应 第一句可知Kevin应该是感到害怕而不能入睡。 √ There were many animals in the forest. It ________17 him a long time to fall asleep at last. 17. A. took B. spent C. gave D. made 句型:It takes sb.+一段时间+ to do sth. 花费某人多长时间做某事。 √ The next morning Kevin started his _______18 with his father and mother. They would see lions and tigers, ________19 not in a zoo. 18. A. painting B. meal C. trip D. race 绘画 饭 旅行 比赛 根据第一句可知他们一家正在度假。 因此他要和父母一起开始旅行了。 √ They would see lions and tigers, ________19 not in a zoo. 19. A. if B. but C. or D. so 根据前文提到的“ There were many animals in the forest. ”可知他们将见到的狮子和老虎 是在森林中,而不在动物园。 √ They got in a big green car. The driver was a nice man. His name was Jim, and he was also their ________20. He would show them around the forest. 20. A. guide B. student C. teacher D. actor 因为他们一家是在度假,根据下一句“He would show them around the forest. ”可 知他也是他们的“导游”。 √ After about ten minutes, Jim ________21 the car. 21. A. tried B. turned C. stopped D. cleaned 根据下文“and he went to buy tickets. ”可 知他是停下车才能去买票。 √ He asked Kevin and his parents to _______22 in the car, and he went to buy tickets. 22. A. work B. order C. call D. wait√ asked sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事。 由后半句“ and he went to buy tickets.”可 知,他让他们一家等在车里自己去买的票。 Kevin saw a(n) _________ 23 through the car window. It was eating leaves of a tall tree. 23. A. elephant B. koala C. giraffe D. sheep 由“It was eating leaves of a tall tree”及下 文“a very, very long neck”可知有长脖子并 且吃树叶的动物是长颈鹿。 √ It was the only animal _________ 24 a very, very long neck, so it was tall enough to eat the leaves. 24. A. in B. with C. at D. from 在…里 带有, 具有 在… 从…起 √ Jim went back soon. Kevin and his parents followed _______25 into the forest. Kevin wasn’t scared anymore(不再) and he was excited to see different animals. 25. A. him B. her C. them D. us 此处指Jim。 √

