八年级上英语课件《Do you want to watch a game show》 (20)_人教新课标

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八年级上英语课件《Do you want to watch a game show》 (20)_人教新课标

Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? Section B 2b-2e Do you know him? What's his name? • Do • What's the name of the movie? • What's the name of the mouse? • What's the name of the writer? • Do you know who his girlfriend is? Who knows: • What's the name of the movie? • What's the name of the animal? • What's the name of the writer? • Do you know who his girlfriend is? It's Steamboat Willie. Mickey Mouse. Walt Disney. Minnie. Do you want to konw more about him? Listen and ReviewListen to the tape and fill in the blanks with the correct words we have previewed. When people say" 1 (文化) ",we think of art and history.But one very 2 (著名的) symbol in American culture is a cartoon.We all know and love the black mouse with 3 (两个大的圆耳 朵)---Mickey Mouse.Over 80 years ago,he first 4 (出现) in the cartoon Steamboat Willie.When this cartoon 5 (出版) in New York on November 18,1928,it was the first cartoon with sound and music.The man behind Mickey was Walt Disney.He 6 (变得) very 7 (富有的) and 8 (成功的). In the 1930s,he made 87 cartoons with Mickey. • Some people 9 (可能)ask how this cartoon animal became so popular.One of the 10 (主 要原因) is that Mickey was like a 11 (普通的) man,but he always tried to face any danger.In his early films,Mickey was 12 (不 幸的) and had many problems such as 13 (失去) his house or 14 (女朋 友),Minnie.However,he was always 15 (准备 好的)to try his best.People went to the cinema to see the "little man"win.Most of them wanted to be like Mickey. • On November 18,1978,Mickey became the first cartoon 16 (角色) to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.Today's cartoons are usually not so 17 (简单的) as little Mickey Mouse,but everyone still knows and loves him.Who has a pair of ears more famous than Mickey's? 1.文化 2.著名的 3.两个大的圆 耳朵 4.出现 5.出版 6变得 7.富有的 8.成功的 9.可能 10.主要的原因 11.普通的 12.不幸的 13.丢失 14.女朋友 15.准备好的 16.角色 17.简单的 culture famous two large round ears appeared came out became rich successful main reasons common unlucky losing girlfriend character simple Skimming and ScanningRead the passage , choose the main idea of the passage and complete the time line on the page 38(2b). A. Micky Mouse,a famous symbol in American culture. Which one do you think is the main idea(大意) of this passage? B.Some cartoons with Mickey Mouse. C. Disney theme parks around the world. D. What people think of cartoons. 2b Read the passage and complete the time line on the next page. Steamboat Willie came out in New York. ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ November 18, 1928 1930s November 18, 1978 Walt Disney made 87 cartoons with Mickey Mickey became the first cartoon character to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame Read Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 2 and find out the answers to the questions. Mickey Mouse What does he look like? Who created him? What was his first cartoon? Why is he popular? 2c When people say"culture",we think of art and history.But one veryfamous symbol in American culture is a cartoon.We all know and love the black mouse with two large round ears---Mickey Mouse.Over 80 years ago,he first appeared in the cartoon Steamboat Willie.When this cartoon came out in New York on November 18,1928,it was the first cartoon with sound and music.The man behind Mickey was Walt Disney.He became very rich and successful.In the 1930s,he made 87 cartoons with Mickey. What does he look like? Who created him? What was his first cartoon? Paragraph 2 • Some people might ask how this cartoon animal became so popular.One of the main reasons is that Mickey was like a common man,but he always tried to face any danger.In his early films,Mickey was unlucky and had many problems such as losing his house or girlfriend,Minnie.However he was always ready to try his best.People went to the cinema to see the "little man"win.Most of them wanted to be like Mickey. Why is he popular? Discussing Read the passage again and discuss the questions with a partner.Then report the results of your discussions. 2d 1.What is Mickey Mouse a symbol of? What cartoon character is a symbol of Chinese culture? 2. Do you think Walt Disney is a smart man? Why or why not? Do you want to be like him? 3. Why did people want to be like Mickey? Do you want to be like Mickey? Why or why not? • Can you think of another cartoon character that is as famous as Mickey in China? Why is the character popular? Writing 2e Use the phrases to write your own sentences or questions about Pleasant goat and big big wolf (喜羊羊与灰太狼). think of __________________________ come out _________________________ one of the main reasons such as was ready to try his best Pleasant goat and big big wolf (喜羊羊与灰太狼) Pleasant Lazy Slow Red Wolf Fit Grey Wolf Beauty Soft Homework1.Practice reading the passage. 2.Write an article about your favorite actor.

