八年级上英语课件《How often do you exercise》 (16)_人教新课标

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八年级上英语课件《How often do you exercise》 (16)_人教新课标

Monday Sept.15, 2014 Unit 2 Period 1 1.What did you do last weekend? 2. What do you do on weekends? 2a Listen. Number the activities you hear [1-5] Activities How often a. go to the movies every day b. watch TV once a week c. shop twice a week d. exercise three times a week e. read once a month twice a month 3 1 5 4 2 Look and say What do you do on weekends? I often help with housework. What do you do on weekends? I often exercise/ play sports. What do you do on weekends? I often read. What do you do on weekends? I often watch TV (programs). What do you do on weekends? I often use the Internet. What do you do on weekends? I often shop/ go shopping. What do you do on weekends? I often go to the movies. help with housework exercise/ play sports watch TV programs read shop/ go shopping go to the movies use the Internet Look at the picture. Make a list of the different weekend activities. 1. help with housework 2. 3. 4. 5. read exercise go shopping watch TV 1a Classification & Summary exercise/ play sports运动健身 休闲娱乐 watch TV programs, shop/ go shopping, go to the movies 学习充电 read, use the Internet 家务劳动 help with housework Pairwork What do you do on weekends? I often… New pattern What do you do on weekends? I often…but sometimes I … Look and say What do you do on weekends? I often help with housework but sometimes I use the Internet. What do you do on weekends? I often exercise but sometimes I go to the movies. What do you do on weekends? I often watch TV programs but sometimes I read. What do you do on weekends? I often do my homework but sometimes I go shopping. Chain game What do you do on weekends? I often…but sometimes I … help with housework exercise/ play sports watch TV programs read shop/ go shopping go to the movies use the Internet Make a survey Names Activities Sum up The most popular weekend activity in our group is … What do you do on weekends? 今日小结 Monday Sept. 15, 2014 1.read 阅读 2. exercise= play sports 锻炼 3. watch TV programs 看电视节目 4. help with housework 帮忙做家务 5. shop=go shopping 去购物 6. go to the movies 去看电影 7. use the Internet 使用互联网 1.What do you do on weekends? 你周末 做什么? 2. I often read but sometimes I go shopping. 我经常阅读但有时去购物。 Tuesday Sept. 16, 2014 Unit 2 Period 2 课堂小测 (Unit2-1) 一、翻译下列单词或短语 1. 锻炼 2. 看电视节目 3. 帮忙做家务 4. 使用互联网 二、翻译下列句子 1. 你周末做什么? 2. 我经常阅读但有时去购物。 Revision What do you do on weekends? I often…but sometimes I… Listen and fill in the blanks: always(100%)____________ usually _________________ often__________________ sometimes______________ hardly ever______________ never(0%)________________ exercise, watch TV help with housework go shopping watch TV go shopping read always usually often sometimes hardly ever never 0% Learn to say Rank Rank these activities from 1=most often to 6=least often and narrate your sentences. watch TV go to the movies play computer games exercise use the Internet go camping in the country 2b Listen. How often does Cheng do different activities? Activities How often a. go to the movies every day b. watch TV once a week c. shop twice a week d. exercise three times a week e. read once a month twice a month Fill in the blanks R: So, Cheng Tao, ______ _____ do you watch TV? C: Hmm…about twice a week, I guess. R: Uh-huh. And how often do you read? C: Oh, I read ______ _____ at school! R: How often do you go to the movies? C: Uh…Let me see…maybe ____ a month? R: How often do you exercise? C: Oh, I exercise about ______ _____ ______ ________. R: How often do you shop? C: Shop? I shop about…about twice a month. Fill in the blanks R: So, Cheng Tao, ______ _____ do you watch TV? C: Hmm…about twice a week, I guess. R: Uh-huh. And how often do you read? C: Oh, I read ______ _____ at school! R: How often do you go to the movies? how often every day C: Uh…Let me see…maybe ____ a month? R: How often do you exercise? C: Oh, I exercise about ______ _____ ______ ________. R: How often do you shop? C: Shop? I shop about…about twice a month. once three times a week Learn to say 1. how often 2. every day 3. once a month 4. twice a week 5. three times a week 多久一次,多经常 每天 每月一次 每周两次 每周三次 Pair work How often do you…? I… 2d. Listen 1. How often does Claire have swing dance class? When is it? 2. How often does Claire have piano lessons? When is it? Once a week, every Monday. Twice a week, on Wednesday and Friday. 2d. Role-play Hi, Claire, are you free next week? Hmm…next week is quite full for me, Jack. Really? How come? I have dance and piano lessons. What kind of dance are you learning? Oh, swing dance. It’s fun! I have class once a week, every Monday. How often do you have piano lessons? Twice a week, on Wednesday and Friday. Well, how about Tuesday? Jack: Claire: Jack: Claire: Jack: Claire: Jack: Claire: Jack: Rick: Oh, I have to play tennis with my friends. But do you want to come? Sure! Claire: Jack: Claire is q f next week. She has dance and piano l . She is learning s dance. It’s f . She has it o____ a week, every Monday. And she has piano lessons t a week, on Wednesday and Friday. On Tuesday, she h t play tennis w her friends. ulluite un essons wing wice nce oas ith 2d. Fill in blanks. 3a. Exercise 1.How often ______ he play soccer? 2.______ you drink milk? 3.How often ______ they stay up late? 4.______ Sue eat a healthy breakfast? 5.How often ______ you eat apples? 6.______ your parents play sports? a. b. c. d. e. f. does Do do Does do Do 3b. Exercise 1.( how often/ help with housework ) 2.( what/ usually/ do/ weekends ) 3.( how often/ best friend/ exercise ) 4.( what/ usually/ do/ after school ) How often do you help with housework? What do you usually do on weekends? How often does your best friend do exercise? What do you usually do after school? 3c. Survey How often do you… Names Frequency A: How often do you read English books? B: I read English books about twice a week. Who is the best English student in your group? 今日小结 Tuesday Sept. 16, 2014 1.always 总是 2. usually 通常 3. often 时常 4. sometimes 有时候 5. hardly ever 几乎不 6. never 从不 7. how often 多经常 8. every day 每天 9. once a month 每月一次 10. twice a week 每周两次 11. three times a week 每周三次 1.How often do you read English books? 你多经常阅读英语书? 2. I read English books about twice a week. 我大概一周看两次英语书。 3.How often does he watch TV? 他多经 常看电视? 4. He hardly ever watches TV. 他几乎不 看电视。 Wednesday Sept.17, 2014 Unit 2 Period 3 课堂小测 (Unit2-2) 一、请按照100%--0%顺序写出六个频度副词 二、翻译下列句子 1. 你多经常阅读英语书? 2. 我大概一周看两次英语书。 3. 他多经常看电视? 4. 他几乎不看电视。 Read What Do No. 5 High School Students Do in Their Free Time? 15 8590 2020 21310 45 Complete the pie charts Q & A 1. How many percent of the students do not exercise at all? 2. How many percent of the students use the Internet every day? 3. How often do most students watch TV? What do they usually watch? 20% 90% Every day. Sports and game shows. Q & A 4. What does the writer think is the best way to relax? Why? 5. Do you think the students at No. 5 are healthy? Why or why not? Exercise, because it’s healthy for the mind and body. No, I don’t think so. Because they watch TV more and exercise less. Use and express 15 8590 2020 21310 45 % percent always, usually, sometimes 15 8590 2020 21310 45 Retell the survey result Here are the results of the activities that No. 5 High School students do in their free time. We found that…, not at all… We all know that…, but we were surprised that…, at least, use it for fun The answer to our questions about … although…, ….are the most popular Challenge! No.1 High School of Xiamen: Student learning English Survey Activity Every day Once or twice a week Three or four times a week read English books 85% 10% 5% watch English programs 45% 30% 25% sing English songs 2% 28% 70% Let’s recite it! It’s good to relax by using the Internet or watching game shows, but we think the best way to relax is through exercise. It’s healthy for the mind and the body. Exercise such as playing sports is fun, and you can spend time with your friends and family as you play together. And remember, “old habits die hard”. So start exercising before it’s too late. Let’s recite it! It’s good to relax by using the Internet or watching game shows, but we think the best way to relax is through exercise. It’s healthy for the mind and the body. Exercise such as playing sports is fun, and you can spend time with your friends and family as you play together. And remember, “old habits die hard”. So start exercising before it’s too late. 今日小结Wednesday Sept. 17, 2014 1.result 结果 2. percent 百分之 3. in the free time 在业余时间 4. use of the Internet 互联网的使用 5. not… at all 一点也不 6. go online 上网 7. be surprised that… 吃惊的是… 8. at least 至少 9. the answers to the questions 问题的答案 10. such as 例如 1. Although many students like to watch sports, games shows are the most popular. 尽管许多学生喜欢看体育节目,但益智 类节目仍然是最受欢迎的。 2. We think the best way to relax is through exercise. 我们认为运动是最好的放松方 式。 3. It’s healthy for the mind and the body. 它 (运动)有益身心。 4. Old habits die hard. 恶习难改。 Thursday Sept. 18, 2014 Unit 2 Period 4 课堂小测 (Unit2-3) 一、翻译下列单词或短语 1. 结果 2.百分之… 3.上网 4.至少 5.问题的答案 6.例如 二、翻译下列句子 1. 我们认为运动是最好的放松方式。 2. 恶习难改。 We think the best way to relax is through exercise. It’s healthy for the mind and the body. Exercise such as playing sports is fun, and you can spend time with your friends and family as you play together. And remember, “old habits die hard”. So start exercising before it’s too late. Besides exercise, what else is good for your health? healthy food enough sleep 1a. Match the words with the pictures. a b c d e f 1. ____ junk food 4. _____ vegetables 2. _____ milk 5. _____ sleep 3. _____ fruit 6. _____ coffee b a e c f d 1a. Match the words with the pictures. a b c d e f milk sleep fruit vegetables junk food coffee Learn to say are good for our health is bad for our health Pairwork How often do you eat…/ drink…/ sleep? Do you like…? I eat…/drink…/sleep… Yes./ No. Sb. says it’s good/ bad for my health. Does Tina have good habits? Yes. No. I don’t know. Does Bill have good habits? Yes. No. I don’t know. Listen and circle Questions Tina Bill 1.How often do you exercise? 2.How often do you eat fruit? 3.How many hours do you sleep every night? 4.How often do you drink milk? 5.How often do you eat junk food? 6.How often do you drink coffee? every day nine never every day hardly ever never every day nine 3 or 4 times a week never 2 or 3 times a week 4 times a day Listen and fill in blanks Summary Tina has good habits. She looks after her health. She is healthy. Bill has bad habits. He is unhealthy. Discussion What do you think of the kids? Do they have good habits? Why or why not? 今日小结Thursday Sept. 18, 2014 1.coffee 咖啡 2. junk food 垃圾食品 3. good (eating) habits 好的(饮食)习惯 1.She looks after her health. 她很关注健康。 2.But my mother wants me to drink milk. 但我妈妈要我喝牛奶。 3.She says it’s good for my health. 她说 这对我的健康有好处。 Friday Sept. 19, 2014 Unit 2 Period 5 A: What do Tom and Mike do on weekends? B: They sometimes go to the museum. A: do they go to the shopping center? B: ever. Maybe about twice a month. A: do they watch TV? B: Mike never watches TV, but Tom watches TV _______day. A: Oh, I’m just like Tom. I watch TV, too. often How often Hardly How often every always Exercise 1.a=0, b=1,c=2 2.a=2, b=1,c=0 3.a=0, b=1,c=2 4.a=0, b=1,c=2 5.a=2, b=1,c=0 6.a=0, b=1,c=2 9-12points: You’re really healthy! Good for you-- and your health! 4-8points: You’re smart about health most of the time. 0-3points: You have to learn more about healthy habits. Don’t worry-- you can do it! Are you healthy? Quiz Complete the report Activities Days a year Exercise 365 Read books 365 Watch TV for over 2 hours 320 Drink juice 210 Eat hamburgers 95 help with housework 20 Stay up late 15 Go to the dentist 0 Jane is a 16-year-old high school student in the United States. American Teenager magazine asked her about her habits. Jane has a lot of good habits. She always exercises and she reads books _______. Also, she _______ drinks juice and she _______ stays up late. However, she has some bad habits, too. She _______ watches TV for more than two hours a day, and she _______ eats hamburgers. Her parents are not very happy because she _______ helps with housework and she _______ goes to the dentist for teeth cleaning. She says she is afraid. every day usually hardly ever always sometimes hardly ever never Talk about yourself Activities How often Good habits Bad habits My habits I am a 14-year-old student in No. 1 High School of Xiamen. I have a lot of good habits. …However, I have some bad habits, too. … I think… Good habits: exercise I always exercise every day. After playing sports ,I always feel happy and excited. It’s also healthy for my mind and body. I think the best way to relax is through exercise. So start exercising before it’s too late. Bad habits: exercise I never / hardly ever exercise because I am very busy every day. Good habits: food I always eat vegetables and fruit every day. Vegetables are my favorite. I also like drinking juice. I hardly ever / never eat junk food because I can’t stand it. Bad habits: food I usually eat hamburgers for lunch and dinner although I know they are bad for my health. I always drink coffee twice a day. I never eat vegetables but I sometimes eat fruit. Good habits: sleep I always go to bed early and get up early. I usually sleep eight hours. I hardly ever/ never stay up late. Bad habits: sleep I never / hardly ever sleep eight hours because I always stay up late to play computer games / to watch sports shows every day. It’s bad for my health. Good habits: read books I always read books every day. After reading ,I always feel happy and relaxed because I can learn more about our life. Bad habits: read books I never / hardly ever/sometimes read books because I don’t like reading. Good habits: help with housework I always help with housework on weekends. My parents are always happy when I help with housework. Bad habits: help with housework I never / hardly ever/sometimes help with housework although my parents are always busy and tired. 结尾拓展 1.I think I look after my health and I’m really healthy! 2. I think I’m smart about my health most of the time. 3. I think I have to learn more about healthy habits. l look after my health. And my healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades. Good food and exercise help me to study better. 谈健康的生活方 式对我的好处 写作指导:介绍学生的日常生活并给与评价 1.要突出介绍的对象。 2.按时间顺序或活动的先后顺序或好习惯与 坏习惯的分类(例如课本3a)进行谋篇,注意 活动的频率表达。 3.采用总结性的语言给与评价。 今日小结Friday Sept. 19, 2014 1. none 没有一个 2. almost 几乎 3. point 得分 4. however 然而 1. drink juice 喝果汁 2. stay up late 熬得很迟 3. go to the dentist for teeth cleaning 看牙医 洗牙 4. over=more than 多于 5. less than 少于 6. American Teenager magazine 美国青少年 杂志 课堂小测 (Unit2-4) 一、翻译下列单词 1. 没有一个 2.几乎 3. 得分 4.杂志 5.然而 6.咖啡 一、翻译下列单词 1. 垃圾食品 2. 好的习惯 3. 喝果汁 4. 熬得太迟 5. 看牙医洗牙 6. 多于 7. 少于

