2020年外研版初中英语八年级上册第一次月考质检考试测试卷及答案 附月考知识点归纳

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2020年外研版初中英语八年级上册第一次月考质检考试测试卷及答案 附月考知识点归纳

‎2020外研版初中英语八年级第一次月考质检测试卷及答案 附月考知识点归纳 ‎ ‎ 一、 单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)‎ ‎1. Lucy is _______ excellent Chinese teacher in _______ university.‎ ‎ A. a, a B. an, an C. a, an D.an, a ‎2. Can you give me some __________about how to learn Chinese?‎ A. suggestion B. grammar C. way D. advice ‎3. –Jack, What do you think of the movie?‎ ‎ --Nothing is more _______than it. I can’t stand it and don’t want to see such a movie again.‎ ‎ A. relaxing B. boring C. interesting D. enjoyable ‎4. It was difficult______ me ______the work before Sunday. ‎ ‎ A. for, go B. for, to go C. of, to go D. of, going ‎5. Breakfast is _______ meal of the day. It gives us lots of energy after a long night.‎ ‎ A. important B. more important C. most important D. the most important ‎6. Zhejiang is _______ the east of China and ______ the north of Fujian.‎ ‎ A.in, in B. on, in C. to, on D.in, on ‎ 7. --It is said that our Chinese _________more than 40 minutes a day reading WeChat (微信)。‎ ‎ -- It’s true. But I think WeChat is taking too much of our time.‎ ‎ A. pay B. spend C. cost D. take ‎8. I’m afraid Mr. Zhou is _______busy to meet the visitors.‎ ‎ A. too much B. much too C. too many D. very much ‎9.-- I don’t know the name of the street. Can you __________for me? ‎ ‎--No problem.‎ ‎ A. write it down B. write down it C. write them down D. write down them ‎10. Look, it’s raining heavily. _________ stay at home and watch TV?‎ A. What about B. Why not C. You’d better D. Would you like ‎ ‎11. I think ___________we drive, _________ accidents there will be. ‎ ‎ A. the more careful, the more B. the more careful, the fewer C. the more carefully, the fewer D. the more carefully, the less ‎12. The teacher asked me to read aloud ________ all the students could hear me.‎ ‎ A. because of B. so that C. but D. when ‎13. ________did you stay in Hangzhou last year? --- For 3 months.‎ ‎ A. How long B. How soon C. How far D. How often ‎14. --Tim, is there _________in today’s newspaper? -- Nothing.‎ ‎ A. something interesting B. interesting something C. anything interesting D. interesting anything ‎15.-- I’m sorry for being late, Mr Chen.‎ ‎ -- __________. There is a little time left.‎ ‎ A. That’s right B. You’re welcome C. Never mind D. It’s nothing 二、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。‎ Once there was a lazy crow. He always thought it was too much trouble to 16________ food. “Craw! Craw!” he said. If someone ‎ could bring me my food every day, I would be very 17__________‎ One day, he saw a fat pigeon (鸽子) flying by. “How happy and ‎ well-fed (喂养) it looks!” the crow said to 18________. So the ‎ crow flew after the pigeon to a park. There were some other pigeons there, too.‎ Later, an old man came and brought them a large bag of food. When the man left,‎ the crow flew over to the pigeons. “Craw! Craw!” said he. “Can I 19________ you?‎ ‎“No, you can’t!” shouted the pigeons 20_________. “We don’t know you.”‎ The crow went home feeling sad, 21________ he didn’t want to give up. He thought ‎ for a moment and then got an idea. “I will paint my feather 22_________,” he said, “and ‎ the pigeons will 23________ I am one of them.” 24_________ he finished the painting, he ‎ flew off to the park and was welcomed by the pigeons. The crow didn’t eat 25__________‎ all day. He was so hungry that he got very excited at the food. “Craw! Craw! Give lots to me!” he said loudly. Suddenly the pigeons found he was a crow. They flew after him and ‎ made him 26 _________ at last.‎ Sadly, the crow flew to his own forest. When his old friends, the other crows saw him, ‎ they asked him to go away. They didn’t like him because of his white-painted 27________, so the crow felt 28__________ than before. His own friends didn’t want him, and the pigeons ‎ wouldn’t let him into their group.‎ ‎“29__________ looks easier isn’t always so,” the crow said to himself. “I wish I had ‎ ‎30_________ painted my feather white!”‎ ‎ 16. A. look for B. look up C. look over D. look after ‎17. A. lovely B. healthy C. pretty D. happy ‎18. A. him B. them C. it D. himself ‎19. A. help B. join C. see D. believe ‎20. A. happily B. sadly C. angrily D. quietly ‎21. A. and B. so C. because D. but ‎22. A. red B. blue C. black D. white ‎23. A. think B. agree C. hope D. understand ‎24. A. before B. after C. as D. because ‎25. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing ‎26. A. wait B. eat C. cry D. leave ‎27. A. feathers B. eyes C. head D. ears ‎28. A. colder B. busier C. worse D. stronger ‎29. A. Who B. What C. Why D. Where ‎30. A. always B. often C. sometimes D. never 三、阅读理解(共16小题,每小题2分,主观题5分,满分35分)‎ ‎ 阅读下面四篇短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。‎ A The 1st day After hours of flying. We arrived in Auckland. Ms. Field welcomed us at the airport. In the afternoon, she gave us a talk about New Zealand.‎ The 2nd day After breakfast,we went to Auckland Museum by bus. At the museum, we learned about Maori culture(毛利文化).MS Field taught us some Maori greetings. Those greetings were very hard to pronounce and remember.‎ The 3rd day ‎   We went to Ms Field’s school. The students there liked Chinese culture very much, I made friends with them.‎ The 4th day --The 7th day We traveled from Christ Church to Queenstown. The trip was very exciting. We sheared sheep (剪羊毛) on a farm and enjoyed the delicious food. ‎ ‎ Han Lei and his parents came back from New Zealand yesterday. He wrote about his trip on his blog(博客).‎ What a wonderful trip! I wish to visit New Zealand again!    ‎ ‎31. We can read this passage _________.    ‎ A.in a book   B.in a magazine     C.on the internet D.in Han Lei’s diary ‎32. How did Han Lei and his parents get to New Zealand?‎ A.By bus     B.By plane.     C.By ship     D.By train.‎ ‎33.What did Han Lei think of Maori greetings? ‎ A.Boring     B.Easy.     C.Exciting.     D.Difficult ‎34.Which of the following is True?‎ A.Han Lei made friends with the students in Ms Field’s school on the second day.‎ B.Han Lei and his parents spent 4 days in New Zealand. C.Han Lei and his parents saw a wonderful movie in Christchurch  D.Han Lei and his classmates sheared sheep and enjoyed some food in New Zealand.‎ B To travel around the world is the dream of many adventurous people. But very few people ‎ can afford such a trip because hotels, food and airplane tickets are too expensive. But some ‎ people think of some ways to make their dreams come true.‎ Laura Cody and Tanbay Theune, a couple from Britain, decided to travel around the world. They ‎ found a good way to pay for their trips. They looked after pets for rich house owners. In exchange, they ‎ could stay in the houses for free. They looked after horses, cows, cats, dogs and fish. In two years, the ‎ couple visited Australia, Germany, Spain and Italy. They stayed in big cities and small villages. The ‎ home owners were usually very generous and gave them food, wine and day trips.‎ Another person who tries to realize her travel dream is photographer Rhiannon Taylor. She travels ‎ around the world to visit, review and take photos of the best hotels. She shares the places she stays and ‎ the food she eats on the Internet with thousands of people.‎ With these ways of making money, traveling around the world is no longer a dream. More ‎ and more young people are thinking creatively to make their dream come true.‎ ‎35. Why do most people feel hard to make their travel dream come true?‎ A. Because they can hardly find hotels. B. Because the food is not healthy.‎ C. Because the cost of travel is high. D. Because they are busy with their work.‎ ‎36 From the passage, we know Laura and Tanbay paid for their trips by ______.‎ A. staying in the house for free B. being given food and day drinks C. going to Australia and other countries D. looking after pets for rich house owners ‎37. Taylor is a photographer who shares her photos ______.‎ A. on the Internet B. during her travel C. with hundreds of people D. during staying in hotels ‎38.What does the underlined word “generous” mean in Chinese?‎ A.吝啬的     B.友善的     C.慷慨的     D.冷漠的 C Dubai is a city of big business,expensive hotels,skyscrapers(摩天楼),and shopping malls.‎ In the early 20th century,Dubai was a famous trading port (港口).People from the world ‎ stopped in Dubai to do some business.But it was still a small city,and most people lived as ‎ fishermen and businessmen.Then in 1966,oil (石油) was discovered.This brought a lot of ‎ money into the area,and soon Dubai began to change.‎ Today Dubai is one of the world’s most important business centers.In fact,each year the ‎ city gets its money mainly from business,not oil.These years Dubai has attracted more and ‎ more visitors from the world.They come to relax on its beaches,and every year,millions visit just to go shopping!‎ Dubai is also one of the world’s fastest growing cities.Many tall buildings are built ‎ in ‎ months.The city also has many man-made islands.One of these,the Palm Jumeirah,is like palm tree and is very beautiful.‎ The city is still an amazing mix(混合体)of people from different countries.The people from ‎ ‎150 countries live and work in Dubai,and foreigners now are more than Dubai natives(本地人).‎ Many people welcome the city’s growth.But a growing number of Dubai natives worry ‎ about the speed of change.As a Dubai native says,“We must always remember where we came from.Our kids must know we worked very hard to get where we are now,and there’s a lot more work to do.”‎ ‎39.Why did people stop in Dubai in the early 20th century?‎ A.To relax. B.To buy oil. C.To go shopping. D.To do business.‎ ‎40.Which of the following is NOT true?‎ A.Many visitors come to Dubai just for shopping every year. ‎ B.The Palm Jumeirah is a beautiful man-made island.‎ C.Dubai now gets money mainly from selling oil.‎ D.People used to make a living by fishing and doing business. ‎ ‎41.In the last paragraph,what does the underlined part mean?‎ A.We should always visit Dubai. B.We should learn something from visitors.‎ C.We must always remember our past.D.We must think about our kids.‎ ‎42.What’s the main idea of the passage?‎ A.Dubai is a good place to visit. B.Dubai is a business center. ‎ C.Dubai is growing very fast. D. Dubai is a mix of people from different countries D ‎ A man was so old that he couldn’t work in the fields any more. He went to live with his son, daughter-in-law and a four-year-old ‎ grandson.‎ ‎ The family ate together at the table every day. But it was difficult for the old man to eat well. When they were eating, he always dropped his spoon and food on the floor. The son and his wife thought their father ‎ was very dirty. “We must do something for father,” the son said. They set a small table in the ‎ corner. There the old man ate alone while his son enjoyed the dinner with his wife and child. ‎ The old man broke some dishes, so his son put his father’s food in a wooden (木制的) bowl. ‎ The four-year-son grandson watched it quietly when his father did it.‎ ‎ One evening before dinner, the father saw his little son playing with wood on the floor. He ‎ asked the child kindly, “what are you making?” “Oh, I am making a little bowl for you and ‎ mother to use when you are old.” The four-year-old son smiled and went back to work. The ‎ father said nothing and went away.‎ ‎ That evening, the son took the old man’s hands and let him back to the table. From then on,‎ the old man ate every meal with his family. Both the son and his wife look after their father ‎ well.‎ ‎43.Why did the old man go to live with his son?‎ A. Because he didn’t want to work. B. Because he was too old to work.‎ C. Because he had lots of money. D. Because he was badly ill.‎ ‎44. What did the father do after hearing the little child’s answer?‎ A. he didn’t say a word. B. He thought it was a good idea.‎ C. He went to tell his wife about it. D. He watched it quietly.‎ ‎45. Which is in the right order according to the passage?‎ ‎① The old man ate dinner at the table in the corner.‎ ‎② The son thought his old father was very dirty.‎ ‎③ The son let his father back to the table.‎ ‎④ The little child was making a wooden bowl.‎ A①②③④ B.①②④③ C.②①④③ D.②①③④‎ ‎46. What can we learn from the passage?‎ ‎_____________________________________________________________________________‎ 四、词汇运用(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)‎ ‎ A) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。‎ ‎  ‎except, mountain, miss, especially, wide ‎ si ‎47. As we know, it is one of the most beautiful _________ in the world. ‎ ‎48. Mike got up very late and _________ the early bus this morning.‎ ‎49. The little boy likes eating sweet food, __________ chocolate cakes.‎ ‎50. The streets in our city are much __________ than before.‎ ‎51. Most of my friends agreed to go to the party _______ Tom, because he had to look after ‎ his little sister.‎ C)阅读下面短文,请根据所给中文正确拼写单词,使短文意思完整。‎ ‎ Last week, our school team had a 52___________(排球) game. We played 53_________ (对) No.2 Middle School. Before the game, we 54_________ (练习) every day after school to55 _______ (提高) ourselves. We wanted to win the game, so I thought we should train harder than usual. On that day, we arrived as early as 56__________ (可能的) so that we had enough time to warm up. Before the game, our coach Mr. Li told us some useful ways and asked us to play carefully. Lots of fans watched the game, and they cheered us on 57__________(响亮地). We felt very 58________(激动的) and confident. 59___________ (然而),in the final minute, we made a big 60__________(错误) and lost the game. What a pity! We felt very sad, but our coach said that we did better than last year and we would have many 61________(机会) to win in the future.‎ 五、书面表达(共1小题,满分20分)‎ 假如你校要举办一次主题为“Find your own ways to learn English”的征文活动, 请你根据下面表格中的要点提示,写一篇90字左右的英语短文介绍你学习英语的经历和感受。‎ 以前 现在 学习体会 不擅长英语 学习困难:不会拼写单词 ‎ 语法出错 ‎ 阅读速度慢 英语越来越好 学习方法:大声朗读 做错题笔记 ‎ 多阅读 学好英语的关键:‎ 专心致志,寻找自己的学习方法.‎ 提示词: be good at, write down, as…..as you can ‎ Find your own ways to learn English 参考答案 一. 单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)‎ ‎1-5 DDBBB 6-10 DBBAB 11-15 CBACC ‎ ‎ 二、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)‎ ‎ 16-20 ADDBC 21-25 DDABB 26-30 DACBD ‎ ‎ 三、阅读理解(共16小题,每小题2分,46主观题5分,满分35分)‎ ‎31-34 CBDD 35-38 CDAC 39-42 DCCC 43-45 BAC ‎ ‎46. We should be good with old people. Besides, parents are the best teachers for the children.‎ ‎ ‎ 四、词汇运用(共20小题,每小题1分,满分15分)‎ ‎47-51. mountains, missed, especially, wider, except ‎52-56. volleyball, against, practised, improve, possible,‎ ‎57-66 loudly, excited, However, mistake, chances ‎ ‎ 五、书面表达(共1小题,满分20分)‎ ‎ ‎ 月考知识点归纳:‎

