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初二牛津英语知识点复习 M3 U1‎ 1. Save one’s life 生命可数 2. Have a happy life 生活不可数 3. Long ago 4. A poor farmer 5. Have a lot of pocket money 6. Be poor at 7. Would you like sth? = do you want sth? Yes please. No thanks.‎ 8. Would you like to do?=do you want to do? Yes I like. No I wouldn’t.‎ 9. Would you like sb to do sth? Yes of course! No you needn’t.‎ 10. Live happily together 11. In their tiny old hut 12. Visit someone 13. Call on sb 拜访 14. Call at sp参观 15. One winter night=on winter night 16. Smile at each other=look at sb smilingly 17. Many wishes 18. I wish+(将来)‎ 19. I wish+(过去/过去完成)(虚拟) I wish he did’t die at the time. I wish I were you.(虚拟语气谓语动词用复数 )‎ 20. Make +动词+宾语 21. Keep us healthy 22. Keep health 23. Healthily healthier 24. Although 让步状语从句-强调(尽管),没有but 25. Earn very little money 26. 定语前置(形容词,名词,分词)‎ 27. 定语后置(定语/状语从句,名词短语) ‎ 28. User usage use 29. How about=what about 30. Be …… from 31. Appearance(外形) -appear-disappear 32. Differ a from b 33. save (time/money)in doing sth u2‎ 1. wake up 2. plants growing(名词修饰名词)‎ 3. awful=terrible 4. it is adj for sb to do sth. (it is 为形式主语,to do 为真正主语)‎ 5. 当表示客观事实或是必然现象时遇到主将从现的巨型主语与从句都用现在时(it is awful to walk in the streets when the weather is wet.)‎ 6. An exciting time of the year 7. Start getting warm/warmer 8. Blow gently 9. It is wet everywhere 10. Start growing on the trees 11. The animals which……(定语从句)‎ 12. By give each other chocolate eggs(how)‎ 13. Make sb do(自己能发出动作的)‎ 14. Make sb done(无法发出动作)‎ 15. Be full of =be filled with 16. Hot-heat-hotter 17. Bright=clever/enough light 18. Love going to the beach 19. Build sandcastles on the beach 20. There are typhoons 21. Blow a lot 22. Be in danger 23. Endangered 1. Start falling from the trees 2. Dry leaves 3. Start getting cooler 4. A little stronger 5. Eating more food 6. Warmer places 7. No eat anything in winter=eat nothing in winter 8. Just go to sleep(just是强调)‎ 9. Love going on a picnie 10. Have a barbecue 11. On windy days 12. Put on thick coats,scarves and boots 13. In many places of the world 14. Start thinking about their Christmas presents 15. Fun to have Christmas party U3‎ 1. May be: v 猜测,50%‎ 2. must be:肯定的猜测 3. can’t be:一定不 4. can be:没有这个短语 5. may be: adv = perhaps 6. he isn’t here. He ______(maybe/must be/can’t be/can be/may be)‎ 7. must have done动作已完成 8. must be doing正在发生 9. what may happen in the future?‎ 10. I think so – I don’t think so 11. I hope not – I hope so 12. I think that people will ‎ 13. Use petrol 14. There won’t be any air pollution ‎ 15. There will be more people 16. Enough food 17. Enough room = enough place 18. Have no place to live (动词不定式作定语)‎ 19. Be able to(特长) can (普遍都会)‎ 20. I hope so, but I don’t think so.‎ 21. Be able to live in space stations on the moon 22. Be able to grow vegetables there 23. Speak the same language 24. People in different countries ‎ 25. Understand each other better 26. Learn from computers at home 27. Travel by spacecraft 28. Cities under the sea 29. Take pills only 30. In twenty year’s time 31. Have enough food to eat 32. Make a time box 33. Write down what you think may happen in twenty years time 34. Put all the pieces of paper into a box 35. Then close the box U4‎ 1. Enjoyable-enjoy-joy 2. Want her students to conduct a survey for the school 3. Find out 4. Find 5. Changes students would like to see in our school 6. Have a swimming pool 7. They failed in the test, didn’t they?(failed 意思是否定,但句型是肯定的)‎ 8. In PE lessons 9. Have computer lessons 10. Have more children’s magazines to read 1. Sit in groups 2. Need to move our desks ‎ 3. Have a discussion 4. Study in an air-conditioned classroom ( air-conditioner) ‎ 5. Have less homework 6. Feel very uncomfortable (comfort)‎ 7. Spend on doing 8. Suggested changes 9. Have a science laboratory 10. Have cookery lessons 11. Have more display board 12. Have more books and children’s magazines in our school picnic twice a year 13. Places of interest=interesting places 14. Have a lift in school 15. Have more interest clubs 16. It would be…‎ 17. Think about 18. Change a into b 19. Have more books to share among them selves 20. Put some thick paper boards out side the classroom in the corridor 21. Use sth as sth 22. Put some thick paper boards outside the classroom in the corridor 23. It would be adj to do.‎ 24. Learn to work more quickly herself 25. Organize one more school picnic himself 26. Agree on the data 27. Agree to sth 28. Agree to do 29. Agree with M4 u1‎ 1. Be important to ‎ 2. Going to show a video 3. Tell you a lot about electricity 4. It is adj for/of sb to do sth.(to do 为主语) It is adj to sb.(无主语时,for/of 变成 to,to为方向介词)‎ 5. Electric(a)-some thing about electricity-Electrical(a)something use electricity-Electronic(电子的)-electricity(电)-electrician(电工)‎ 6. On a dark night ‎ 7. The lightning flashes 8. The thunder crashes 9. Something in the wire gave him a fright 10. Fright-frighten-frightened-frightening 11. What could it be 12. Use the lightning to do 13. It would be too frightening 14. Make some steam 15. Make sb/sth do(do 为宾补)‎ 16. Make steam to drive…(drive 为目的状语,make &drive 中间加to 是动词不定式)‎ 17. See the pylons carrying ‎ 18. What do they bring 19. Comes into our home 20. Look at the plugs and lights in every room 21. Gives power for lights 22. What else 放于所修饰的词后 ‎ 23. Electrical appliances 24. Washing machine 25. Air conditioner 26. Vacuum cleaner 27. Become so important in our lives 28. Discuss and write 29. It is because 1. Use many different electrical appliances 2. Lamps 3. Lights 4. Video players 5. Microwaves 6. Electric kettles 7. Refrigerators 8. The importance of 9. Make us feel more comfortable 10. Make our lives more enjoyable 11. Make our lives more convenient 12. Help us work more efficiently 13. Save us time doing house work 14. On the ground(railway)‎ 15. ground 16. station(above)‎ 17. platform(on)‎ 18. underground(under)‎ 19. save sb time in doing ‎ 20. save sb money in doing 21. make+sb do/n adj/sb 职位 (不加the a)+宾语+宾语补足语 22. railway=underground=subway=meter 23. travel on 24. bring to 25. be known as 26. has/have been doing—从过去到现在,动作还在发生 27. operate -运行,操作 work run 手术 operation sb of 起效果 can the medicine operate?‎ 28. High-speed 29. Air conditioned 30. Be used to 被动语态 31. Be powered by 32. Run through ‎ 33. Run over 34. Run on 35. At city centre 36. On green island 37. At east end 38. In old town 39. Be different from 40. None of them 41. Above ground 42. Be made of glass stone and metal 43. Mainly-most 44. Modern 45. Comfortable 46. Inside of the stations 47. A lot of space for suitcases and bags 48. on 49. over directly higher than 50. above higher than U2‎ 1. Tell you a fable 2. Learn a lesson from it 3. What kind of person 4. Do something often=used to do 5. Patient-adj(op)impatient –n sick people 6. Happen to do碰巧发生 happen to sb 碰巧发生在某人 7. Correct – adj(op) incorrect – v (n) correction uncorrected corrected 8. Order –take your order-an order of-order sb to do-put sth in order-in order to do (词)- in order that (句子) ‎ 1. Blew and blew 2. Angry-anger 3. Held his coat more tightly 4. Don’t feel sad 5. Make big waves to sink boats 6. Blow blew blown 7. Hold his coat more tightly 8. Don’t feel sad 9. Play tricks on others 10. Sow off 11. Be important/strong/… to ‎ 12. Strength 13. Let me try 14. Have a try 15. Started sweating 16. Take off his coat 17. Ask …Have a competition 18. Competitor/compete/compete in(方面)/compete with(人)‎ 19. Gentle wind 20. Art and craft lesson 21. Use thin bamboo sticks to make a frame 22. Tie sth to sth 23. Put a tail on it 24. Finish doing 25. Crowded places 26. Get hurt 27. Along railway lines 28. Cause accidents 29. Lightning ‎ 30. Get an electric shock 31. Across the sky 32. Diving and rising 33. Lean to ‎ 34. Speed over the sea 35. Poem-poet 36. Flowers bow among the grass 37. Clouds slide in the sky 38. Water smiles U3‎ 1. Have a water festival 2. Get on with your preparation 3. Be well prepared for it 4. Look forward to 5. Well done 6. Practise doing 7. Meet in the hall 8. Make a drink for each guest 9. Either a hot drink or a cold drink 10. not only …but also…=either…or…(谓语动词跟第二主语)‎ 11. both and 谓语动词为复数形式 12. learn about the three forms of water 13. learn how to make delicious drinks 14. it turns into ice 15. the three forms of ‎ 16. ice-solid steam-gas water-liquid 17. ask people at the festival to do the quiz 18. ‎100 millilitres of water 19. Contains …‎ 20. By pouring water 21. Some rules 22. Pour all the water into another object 23. Stop pouring 1. Equals =‎ 2. Zero 3. Know how it works 4. Sign v-n signature 5. It doesn’t matter 6. Time’s up=game over 7. Near reservoirs and piers 8. Get three correct answers 9. What a shame 10. Doing is not allowed 11. Be suitable for U4‎ 1. A visit to the space museum 2. A slide show 3. In the space museum 4. About the solar system 5. Approximate distance form the sun 6. Diameter 7. Spins around the sun 8. Answer these quiz cards about the planest ‎ 9. Closest 10. The closest planet 11. Has the shortest diameter 12. Far-farther(距离远)-further(更加深入)‎ 13. Further study 进修 14. Take the longest time to spin around the sun 15. Drive the spacecraft 16. Walk in space 17. Repair the outside of the spacecraft 18. Do some important experiments 19. The chairperson of the space centre 20. Plan a journey into space 21. Start the computer programme ‎ 22. Choose your crew members 23. Crew members for our journey into space 24. Repair the engines of the spacecraft 25. Authors 26. Scientists 27. Bakers-bake-bakery 28. Engineers-engine 29. Computer specialists-special 30. British-britain 31. Korean 32. Italian-Italy 33. Russian-Russia 34. Mexican-Mexico 35. Indian-India 36. Chose-chosen-choose 37. What’s her nationality?‎ 38. What are their nationalities?‎ 39. The other one 40. I’ve chosen him as well.‎ 41. I prefer to because is younger.‎ ‎8A 1. chapter 1‎ 2. rugby 3. hocket 1. an address at the top right corner 2. a data under the address 3. take a look = have a look 4. a signature(sign)‎ 5. a greeting 6. a postal code is a seriou of unmbers(post poster 海报 postage 邮资)‎ 7. send=send to every where-delivery(做分发的时候不能用send)-deliver 8. new castle 9. upon=on 10. a person who is called=a person called 11. tell you something about my self 12. about five feet tall(adj feed)‎ 13. play computer games 14. enjoy playing chess 15. own owner (per) ‎ 16. I have own a new car. I own /keep/have a new car. I'm the owner of the new car. a new car belongs to me. this new car is mine 17. about 30 years ago 18. live with my parents 19. own a chinese restaurant 20. own=keep=have 21. be born 22. in ‎new castle 23. in 1986‎ 24. work for/out(solve)/as 25. architect-architecture建筑学 26. sport spider 攀岩 27. form=grade 28. form-formal 传统的 29. friendly-friendship 30. sport fields(做旷野不可数)‎ 31. be keen on=be interested in=be pond of 32. show the greatest interested in sth 33. enjoy playing rugby and badminton 34. physics-adj physical(身体上的)‎ 35. enclose sth with 把**放在**里面 36. in the middle 37. write to me soon 38. center(中央/信息多的地方)‎ 39. i hope to him i hope him to win 40. wish/want sb to do(to do 为宾语补足语)‎ 41. hopeful/less 42. by reading the words around it - how 43. much quicker 44. look it up in a dictionary 45. all in 46. trainers 47. be idle 48. be inaudible 49. find the facts 50. hair length 51. height 52. place of birth 53. ‎4'6" for feet ‎‎6 inches 54. consonant sounds 55. vowel sounds 56. at the other side of town 57. an cyclopaedia 58. in alphabetical order 59. reference books 60. came into this world=be born in 61. the son of a poor couple 1. have enough money to pa the hospital 2. pay for the hospital 买下医院 3. adopter 收养人 adpotee 被收养人 4. the Year of the Horse 5. be destined to 6. change his fortune 7. tried very hard to do 8. to celerate their safe arrival in hong kong 9. live in the french embassy 10. a housekeeper -never go to work stay at home take care of children and do housework 11. work as chief cook 12. earn more money 13. greatly from the moment 14. learn some skills 15. the China Drama Academy-acdemic chapter 2 ‎ 1. daily life 2. clean my teeth 3. go to school 4. watch television 5. play table tennis 6. use the telephone 7. eat fish 8. ride a motor bike 9. play the piano 10. play computer games 11. a day in the life of sb 12. one of the top students in shanghai 13. written several successful computer games 14. all her family members 15. put on my school uniform 16. have a family business run by family 17. write computer games 18. be popular 19. over half a million games every year 20. be the manage of the company 21. be responsible for = be in charge for 22. Doctors should be in charge for patients.‎ 23. Sale-sell 24. Discuss the business=have a discussion with sb 25. Tom often discusses football matches with others.‎ 26. Discuss sth with sb 27. At breakfast time 28. Work on my computer 29. Go to school in my own car.‎ 30. Not old enough to drive (too…to/so that)‎ 31. Make phone calls to clients 32. On the way to school 33. Enjoy seeing my school friends 34. He achieve success in the physics contest.‎ 35. Achieve-achievement 36. Too simply for me 37. Achieve a grades in all my subjects 38. Never fail an exam 39. Achieve=get 40. Fail in sth/to do (failure)‎ 41. Unluckily he failed to pass the driving test 42. Unluckily he failed the driving test.‎ 43. Collect sb from 44. Twice a week 45. Collect me from school 1. Have lunch with a client 2. Return to school 3. Attend a club/meeting/a lecture 4. Assist sb to do sth/sb with sth 5. Computer club meetings 6. Play basketball 7. Once a week 8. Ask me to assist them 9. Take me home 10. Finish my homework 11. In an hour or two 12. Have dinner with my parents 13. Continue working on my games 14. Seldom hardly rarely never 为否定 15. He seldom/hardly/rarely/never goes shopping, does he?‎ 16. Continue doing =go on doing 17. know about听说 know 深入了解 18. once or twice a week how often 19. read the article on the next page 20. sb be in charge of sth 人对物负责 sth be the charge of sb 物由人负责 21. start the business two years ago (take up)‎ 22. popular with popular in some country (popularity)‎ 23. uncountable 24. achieve=get=gain 25. be simple for me 26. pick sb up 搭便车 27. violinist 28. keep doing=go on doing=continue doing 持续做前面做过的事情 29. need much sleep sleepy asleep 小 none ‎ Few ‎ A few ‎ Several ‎ Some ‎ Many ‎ A lot of ‎ Plenty of 多 a large number of 30. 31. a musical instrument 32. identifying a speaker’s occupation (identification)‎ 33. goal guard 守门员 body guard 保镖 34. construction worker 35. messenger-message 36. an accountant 37. questionnaire 38. answer all questions honestly 39. day dream 40. help other people=help others 41. do physical exercises or sports 42. lose your temper=get very angry 1. wish you were another person 2. tell the truth 3. tell sth truly 4. cells 5. electricity 6. energy-energetic 7. force sb to do sth 8. temperature 9. go jogging 10. healthy food 11. city sports centre 12. correct papers papers这里指试卷 13. in morning/afternoon/evening 14. at noon/night 15. prepare for lessons 16. visit a student’s family chapter 3‎ 1. On a ferry 2. Cross the river 3. Call the police 4. Deal with trouble 5. Do sth with 6. A page from paul’s diary 7. Happened to him one day 8. Diary-diarist 9. Trouble-troubled 10. Happen=occasionally 11. Waiting for the ferry 12. Wait quietly 13. A bi argument 14. Tow women tourists 15. Shout at 16. Happen 1 to do 碰巧 2 to sb 17. Go on- doing 继续前事/to do=with 不是延续前事 18. Shout back at 19. Hold out 20. Show sb sth 21. Stare at 22. Know what was happen=take place 23. What’s going on 24. down in 25. Buy postcards 26. Start doing sth 27. Notice sth 28. In her handbag 29. Follow=go after ‎ 30. The bell ring 31. Go down onto the ferry 32. Afraid of that man 33. Go and watch the action 34. Hurry to an ice-cream 35. Dial 110‎ 36. Report a robbery 37. Look down through the railings 38. Give some more details 39. Put the phone down 40. Pick up the phone 41. Take the next ferry 42. In handcuffs 43. Well done 44. As we walked by=when we walked by 45. Good thinking=good idea

