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Module 7 A famous story Unit 3 Language in use 一、词汇运用。 A) 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词。 1 . __________ , he went out without saying a word. 2 . It's very hot , but the farmers are still working in that_____. 3 . Look ! There are three rabbits in this _____ . 4 . It doesn ‘ t rain for a long time , and the river in front of my house is ____( 干的 ). 5 . Don't swim in ______( 深的 ) water. Suddenly field hole dry deep B) 根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 6 . I have nothing ______(do).Do you have any good ideas? 7 . I _____________(watch) TV from 8 : 00 to 10 : 00 last night. 8 . —Have you ever been to Changsha? —Yes , but only _________(two). 9 . Did you see the boy ______(play) on the playground when you passed by? 10 . Don't turn on the radio.The baby is _______________(sleep). to do was watching twice playing asleep/sleeping C) 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空。 think about , too ... to , sho w ... around , run after , take the place of 11 . The dog is ____________the cat in the garden. 12 . I'll __________your suggestion and give you an answer tomorrow. 13 . It's ____dark for me ___take photos. 14 . Can you ______the visitors ________your school? 15 . I don't think robots will _______________teachers to teach us in the future. running after think about too to show around take the place of 二、单项选择。 16 . What happened to ___ ? Can you tell me? A . she      B . her      C . he      D . his 17 . —Let's go ____the road now. —Wait a moment please.The light is red now. A . across B . through C . under D . with 18 . —What ____at that time? —Having a meeting. A . did you do B . do you do C . were you doing D . are you doing B A C 19 . Don't talk with a ___person.It's dangerous. A . quiet B . strange C . funny D . boring 20 . My mother took some money __her pocket and gave it to the poor child. A . of B . out of C . away D . to 21 . The boy ___Li Xin is her brother. A . name B . names C . called D . calls B B C 22 . James , your computer doesn't work now.Is there ___with it? A . wrong something B . something wrong C . wrong anything D . anything wrong 23 . —Mum , I'm tired.Let' stop ___a rest. —OK. A . to have B . having C . have D . to having D A 24 . —Where ___you put my dictionary? —I left it on your desk when you ________ to Tom. A . did ; spoken B . did ; were speaking C . do ; is speaking D . do ; speaking 25 . —Can a plane fly ___the Atlantic Ocean? —Yes , but it needs to go ________ the clouds for hours. A . across ; through B . through ; across C . across ; across D . through ; through B A 三、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 26 .今天早上,我给汤姆打电话告诉他那个好消息。 This morning , I _______Tom to tell him the good news. 27 .你正在追赶什么? What are you______________? 28 .这件事没有什么奇怪的。 There was ________________about the thing. called up running after nothing strange 29 .很久以前,有三个小女孩,她们住在森林里。 ______________ , there were three little girls , and they lived in a forest. 30 .昨天晚上家里的灯突然全灭了。 The lights in the house ________suddenly last night. Once upon a time went off 四、情景交际:选择方框中的选项补全对话 ( 有一项多余 ) 。 Anna : Hello , Bob ! You look tired. 31. _______ Bob : I was reading an English book all the time. Anna : What's its name? Bob : Alice ' s Ad v entures in Wonderland . Anna : 32. _____ Bob : Yes.It's about a girl called Alice and all kinds of strange animals and people. Anna : 33. _____ C D E Bob : Yes.I like it very much.What were you doing yesterday evening? Anna : 34. I want to read the book.Can you lend it to me? Bob : 35. ____ Anna : Thanks very much. Bob : You're welcome. F B A . Were you reading a story? B . Of course . C . What w ere you doing yesterday e v ening? D . It ' s a famous story , isn ' t it? E . It sounds good . F . I w as doing my home w ork . 五、完形填空。 A long time ago , there was a big apple tree.A boy loved to play with him.He loved the tree and the tree loved him. Time went by.The boy grew up and he no longer played __ 36 __ the tree. One day , the boy came back to the tree and he looked __ 37 __ . He told the tree he didn't have money to buy toys.The tree asked him to pick his apples and __ 38 __ them for money. Many years later , the boy returned again.He needed a house.The tree asked the boy to cut off his branches ( 树枝 ) __ 39 __ a house.__ 40 __ years later , the boy wanted to go __ 41 __ and he cut the tree trunk ( 树干 ) to make a boat.Finally , the boy was tired and needed a place to rest.The tree offered the boy his __ 42 __ roots. This is everyone's story.The tree is our __ 43 __ . When we are young , we love to play with Mum and Dad.When we grow up , we leave them , and only come to them when we need something or when we are __ 44 __ . They will always be there and give us __ 45 __ . ( )36.A.with B . for C . on D . at ( )37.A.happy B . tired C . sad D . lucky ( )38.A.buy B . sell C . give D . offer ( )39.A.build B . Built C . to build D . building ( )40.A.A little B . A few C . A lot D . Much ( )41.A.shopping B . Boating C . climbing D . swimming ( )42.A.dead B . die C . death D . died ( )43.A.friend B . parents C . sister D . teacher ( )44.A.busy B . in good health C . in trouble D . free ( )45.A.nothing B . Everybody C . everyone D . everything A C B C B B A B C D 六、任务型阅读。 Once upon a time , there were three little pigs.One day their mother said to them ,“ You are too big to live here.You need to build your own houses.But make sure that the wolf can't catch you. ” The first little pig built a house of straw.It was the easiest one to build.The second little pig built his house of sticks , which was a little bit stronger than the straw one.The third little pig built his house of bricks ( 砖 ) , which was the strongest but took him a lot of time. One day the wolf came and saw the first little pig in his grass house.The wolf pushed down the house and ate the first little pig. Then the wolf came to the stick house and pushed down that house , too.Then he ate the second little pig. The wolf then came to the house of bricks , but he could not push down the brick house.The wolf climbed up to the roof and tried to get through the chimney ( 烟囱 ).The smart little pig fired and boiled water on it.When the wolf fell down , he fell into the hot water and died. 根据短文内容,完成下列表格。 Three little pigs The reason why they left their mother They were so big that they 46. with their mother. The materials ( 材料 ) they built their houses with Grass , 47. and bricks. The fate ( 命运 ) of the first pig and the second pig The wolf 48. them. The fate of the third pig The wolf wanted to get in the 49. ____ house through the chimney.When the wolf fell down , he fell into the 50. and died. couldn't live sticks ate brick hot water

