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Unit3 I’m more outgoing than my sister . 第一课时 Section A (1a-2d) 根据汉语提示完成句子。 1. Which one is (更好), the white one or the black one? 2. —Did you take part in the English spoken (比赛) ? —Yes. I won the first hat. 3. —Can you say it again? I don’t hear . (清晰的).—Yes, I said what you did. 4. —Don’t talk (大声的) in the library. —Sorry. I won’t. 5. Tom is more (外向的)than Tim. clearly §自主学习方案----【新词自查】 better competition loudly outgoing How old are you? I am 14 years old.I am 15 years old. You are younger than him. 1. I am 14 years old. 2. I am 13years old. §课堂导学方案---step1情景导入 He is older than her. §课堂导学方案---Step 2 tall wild thin short hair long hair heavy calm short 1a Match each word with its opposite. long hair short hair short tall §课堂导学方案---Step 2 Liu ____ ______ hair than Xu. Xu ______ _______ hair than Liu. has longer has shorter Liu ___________Pan. Pan ____________Liu. is taller than is shorter than Han _______________Lin.is heavier than Lin _______________Han.is thinner than heavy thin §课堂导学方案---Step 2 1a Listen and number the pairs of twins [1~3] in the picture.. 1 2 3 Can you compare the people in the picture? Tom has shorter hair than Sam. ① Tom has shorter hair than Sam. ② Tina is more outgoing than Tara. ③ Paul is shorter than Tom. … §课堂导学方案---Step 2 No, it isn’t. It’s Tina. Tara’s shorter than Tina. Is that Tara? 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.Her twin sister is ___________than her. (athletic) 2.Dave looks a little ______ than before. (calm) 3.This piece of paper feels much _____(thin) than that piece. 4.These pants are ______(new) than those . 5.It seems ____________(serious)than you thought. more athletic calmer thinner newer more serious §课堂导学方案---Step 2 2a. Listen. Are the words in the box used With “-er/ier” or “more”? Complete the chart. funny (run) fast friendly (jump) high hard-working (get up) early smart lazy -er/ier more friendly funny higher earlier smarter lazier hard-working §课堂导学方案---Step 3 2b. Listen again. How are Tina and Tara different? Fill in the chart. Tina is … funnier r ____________ ____________ Tara is … ____________ r ____________ ____________ more outgoing more athletic smarter quieter more serious 判断正(T)误(F)。 ( )1.Tina thinks she is very different from Tara. ( )2.Tara is more serious than Tina. ( )3.Tina is more athletic and smarter than Tara. §课堂导学方案---Step 3 T T F A: Is Tom smarter than Sam? B: No, he isn’t. §课堂导学方案---Step 3 smart tall athletic quiet thin funny Sam Tom *** * **** * *** *** means Sam is taller than Tom. Julie: Did you like the (sing competition yesterday, Anna? Anna: Oh, it was fantastic! Nelly sang so (good)! Julie: Yes, but I think Lisa (sing) (well) than Nelly. Anna: Oh, is Lisa? Julie: The one shorter hair. I think she sang .(clearly) than Nelly. Anna: Yes, but Nelly (dance) (well) than Lisa. Did you do last month? Julie: But you can tell that Lisa practiced (非常) more and really wanted (win). Anna: Well, everyone wants to win. But the (important) thing is (learn) something and have fun. §课堂导学方案---Step 4 A: Hello, did you go the singing competition? B: . A: . B: Yes, she did well. But Mary did better than her. A: . B: I think Mary sang more loudly and clearly. A: Yes. But Lucy dances better than Mary. She practices every day. And she won the last dancing competition last week. . B: That girl in the red dress and with long hair. A: I see. . B: Yes, she is. And she is my classmate. §课堂导学方案---Step 4 A. Why do you think so? B. Did Lucy do well? C. Which is Mary? D. Yes, I did. It was fantastic. E. Is she in Class One? A D B C C Thank you for listening!

