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Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister. Section A 教学目标 1. 学习 adj. 和 adv. 比较级的构成。 2. 掌握下列句型 : A + 谓语 + 比较级 + than + B. A + 系动词 + as + 形容词原级 + as + B. 重 难 点 1. 复习形容词和副词的用法 , 学习 adj. 和 adv. 比较级的构成。 2. 掌握句型: A + 谓语 + 比较级 + than + B. A + 系动词 + as + 形容词原级 + as + B. outgoing both better loudly quietly hard-working adj. 外向的、爱交际的 adj. 两个都 adj. 较好、更好 adv. 喧闹地、大声地 adv. 轻声地、安静地 adj. 勤勉的、辛勤的 New Words competition fantastic which clearly win though n. 比赛、竞争、竞赛 adj. 极好的、了不起的 adj. 哪一个、哪一些 adv. 清楚地、明白地 v. 获胜、赢 adv./ conj. 不过、虽然 New Words Height tall short Yi Jianlian is tall . He Jiong is short . Lead in Hair short hair long hair Fan Bingbing has long hair . Wang Fei has short hair . Weight 体重 heavy thin Han Hong is heavy . Zhao Liying is thin . Personality 性格 like to talk, laugh a lot outgoing 外向的 don’t like to talk, like to be very quiet serious / 'siəriəs / 严肃的 Xie Na is outgoing . Bai Yansong is serious . 两者如何进行比较? 1 、表达“ A 和 B 一样”,用 as…as 的结构。 公式 : A+ be 动词 +as+ 形容词 原级 +as…+B A+ 实义动词 +as+ 副词 原级 +as…+B I am as tall as you. 我和你一样高。 He runs as fast as I. 他跑得和我一样快。 2 .表达“ A 不如 B” 用 not as/ so…as 的结构。 公式 : A+ be 动词的否定形式 +as/ so+ 形容词原级 +as…+B A+ 助词的否定形式 + 动词 +as/ so+ 副词原级 +as…+B I am not as tall as you. 我没有你高。 He doesn’t run as fast as I. 他没有我跑得快。 3 、表达“ A 大于 B” 用“比较级 +than” 的结构。 公式 : A+ be 动词 + 形容词比较级 +than+ B… A+ 实义动词 + 副词比较级 +than+ B… Eg. I am tall er than you. 我比你高。 He runs fast er than I. 他跑得比我快。 如何将 adj.& adv. 变成比较级? tall tall er fast fast er nice nice r thin thin ner ( 以不发音的字母 e 结尾的 + r ) ( 一般在词尾 + er ) 原形 比较级 ( 重读闭音节词词尾只有一个辅音字母时,先双写辅音字母再 + er) early earl ier outgoing more outgoing ( 以辅音字母 + y 结尾的单 词,变 y 为 i + er ) ( 多音节词和部分双音节词前加 more) 归纳形容词或副词比较级的构成: 3. 重读闭音节词词尾只有一个辅音字母时,先双写辅音字母再 + er 4. 以辅音字母 + y 结尾的单词,变 y 为 i + er 2. 以不发音的字母 e 结尾的 + r 1. 一般在词尾 + er 5. 多音节词和部分双音节词前加 more 将下列形容词变成比较级形式: old→ fat→ young→ ugly→ high→ low→ light→ white→ sunny→ hot→ cool→ older fatter younger uglier higher lower lighter whiter sunnier hotter cooler Exercises tall short Liu Xiang is ______ _____ Yao Ming. Yao Ming is _____ ____ Liu Xiang. shorter than taller than Lily is _______ _____ Lucy . Lucy Lily Lucy and Lily are twins ( 双胞胎 ). funnier than funny 2. ____ → _____ 1. _____ → ____ short fat thin tall Write the opposite words (反义词) according to the pictures. 1a 3. ______ → ______ quietly loudly 4. _________ → _________ short hair long hair Match the words with its opposite. 把词语和它的反义词匹配起来。 tall loudly thin short hair long hair heavy quietly short Listen and number the pairs of twins in the picture [1-3]. 1 2 3 1b Tape script A: Is that Sam playing the guitar? B: No, that’s Tom. Sam has longer hair than Tom. C: Both Tom and Sam can play the drums, but Sam plays them better than Tom. Conversation 1 A: That’s Tara, isn’t it? B: No, it isn’t. It’s Tina. Tina is taller than Tara. And she also sings more loudly than Tara. Conversation 2 A: Is that Paul? B: No, that’s Peter. Peter’s heavier than Paul. And Paul’s shorter than Peter. Conversation 3 Pair work 1c Practice the conversation then make conversations about the other twins. A: That’s Tara, isn’t it? B: No, it isn’t. It’s Tina. Tina is taller than Tara. And she also sings more loudly than Tara. Let’s practice! Is that Tara? No, it isn’t. It’s Tina. Tara’s shorter than Tina. Tara Tina No, it isn’t. It’s Paul. Paul’s thinner than Peter. Peter’s taller than Paul. Is that Peter? Listening Listen. Are the words in the box used with –(i)er or more ? Complete the chart. 2a funny (run) fast friendly (jump) high outgoing (work) hard hard-working (get up) early smart lazy -er / -ier more friendly outgoing funny — funnier smart — smarter lazy — lazier fast — faster hard — harder hard-working — more hard-working high — higher early — earlier Interviewer: Tina, do you think you are different from your sister Tara? Tina: Oh, sure. We look similar but we’re very different. Interviewer: Really? In what ways are you different? Tina: Well, I’m more outgoing than Tara. I’m friendlier and funnier , too. And I love sports. Tara: Y es, she can run faster and jump higher than me. Interviewer: Who’s more hard-working at school? Tara: Tina thinks she works harder than me, but I work as hard as Tina . But she’s smarter than me. Tina: Not really. I think I’m lazier than Tara. She always gets up earlier than me. tall tall er Mr. Yao is tall er than Mr. Yi. Mr. Yi is ___________ than Mr. Yao. short er 更高的 Mr. Yi is tall. 姚 比 易 更高 。 易 比 姚 更矮 。 heavy heav ier Miss Black Miss. Black is __________________________. heav ier than Miss. Han Miss. Han is heavy. Mrs. Smith 80 years old Mr. Smith 78 years old Mrs. Smith is ______ than Mr. Smith . Mr. Smith is ___________ than Mrs. Smith . young er Mr. Smith is old. old er funny funn ier Kungfu Panda is ______________________________. funn ier than Tom and Jerry Tom and Jerry is funny. 8:00 Bob gets up _______________________. earli er than Julie Julie gets up early. thin thin ner Miss. Brown is thin ner than Miss. Liu. Miss Brown Miss Liu is thin. big The volleyball is big ger than the tennis. big ger The tennis is big. yesterday 37 ℃ today 40 ℃ Today is hot ter than yesterday. Yesterday was hot. outgoing more outgoing Miss. Xu is __________________ than Miss. Xie. more outgoing 更外向的 Listen again. How are Tina and Tara different? 2b Tina … is more outgoing than Tara. is friendlier and funnier. runs faster and jumps higher than Tara. is smarter than Tara. is lazier than Tara. Tara … works as hard as Tina. gets up earlier than Tina. Is Tom funnier than Sam? No, he isn’t. Sam is funnier than Tom. Is Sam more hard-working than Tom? Yes. He’s more hard-working than Tom. 2 d Role-play the conversation. Julie: Did you like the singing competition yesterday, Anna? Anna: Oh, it was fantastic ! Nelly sang so well! Julie: Yes, but I think Lisa sang better than Nelly. Anna: Oh, which is Lisa? Julie: The one with shorter hair. I think she sang more clearly than Nelly. Anna: Yes, but Nelly danced better than Lisa. Did you do anything special last month? Julie: But you can tell that Lisa practiced a lot more and really wanted to win. Anna: Well, everyone wants to win. But the most important thing is to learn something and have fun. 1. 汤姆比萨姆更聪明吗? Is Tom _______ ____ Sam? 2. 不是。萨姆比汤姆更聪明。 No, he isn’t. Sam is _______ _____ Tom. 3. 塔拉比蒂娜更外向吗? Is Tara _____ ________ _____ Tina? Grammar focus smarter than smarter than more outgoing than 4. 不是。蒂娜比塔拉更外向。 No, she isn’t. Tina is ______ ________ _____ Tara. 5. 你和你姐姐一样友善吗? ____ you ___ friendly ___ your sister? 6. 不是。我更友善一些。 No, I’m not. I’m _________. as as Are friendlier more outgoing than 7. 塔拉与蒂娜工作一样努力吗 ? Does Tara work ___ _____ ___ Tina? 8. 谁在学校里更努力一些? Who’s _____ _____________ at school? 9. 蒂娜认为她学习比我更努力。 Tina thinks she _____ _____ than me. as hard as more hard-working works hard 3a Practice Use the words to write questions and answers. 1. Julie / tall / you 2. Jack / run / fast / Sam Q: ____________________________ A: No, he doesn’t. He runs _____ than Sam. Q: Is Julie as tall as you? A: No, she isn’t. She’s _____ than me. Does Jack run as fast as Sam? taller faster 3. your cousin / outgoing / you Q: _______________________________ A: No, she isn’t. She is ______________ than me. Is your cousin as outgoing as you? 4. Paul / funny / Carol Q: _______________________ A: No, he isn’t. He is _________ than Carol. more outgoing Is Paul as funny as Carol? funnier 3b Think of yourself two years ago. Write about how you are different now. 1. Are you taller? Yes, I am. I’m taller now than I was two years ago . 2. Are you funnier? 3. Are you more outgoing? Yes, I am. I’m more outgoing than I was two years ago . Yes, I am. I’m funnier than I was two years ago . 4. Do you study English harder? 5. Do you sing better? Yes, I do. I study English harder than I was two years ago . Yes, I do. I sing better than I was two years ago . 知识点小结 形容词和副词的用法: 1. 形容词 + 名词(形容词常放在名词前做定语) a tall boy delicious food 系动词 + 形容词(形容词放在系动词之后做表语,构成系表结构) She is beautiful . 实意动词 + 副词(副词常放在实意动词之后,尤其是在句末) run slowly 2. 形容词和副词的比较级( 两者 产生比较,就用比较级) 比较级的标志词: 1 )句中有 than 2 )句末有 A or B 形式 3 )根据句意判断有比较的情况 Eg. He is shorter than Tom. Who is taller, Tom or Bill? Tom is taller of the two boys. 3. 同级比较句型: A + 系动词 + as + 形容词原级 + as + B. She is as shy as her sister. A + 系动词 ( 否定 ) + as/ so + 形容词原级 + as + B. She isn’t as/ so shy as her sister. A + 实意动词 + as + 副词原级 + as + B. She runs as slowly as her sister. A + 实意动词(否定) + as / so+ 副词原级 + as + B. She doesn’t run as/ so slowly as her sister. 4. 形容词、副词比较级变化规则 1 )单音节词在词尾加 er. tall — taller short — shorter great — greater 2) 以不发音字母 e 结尾的直接加 r. nice — nicer late — later fine — finer 3) 以一个辅音字母 +y 结尾的重读闭音节单词,应改 y 为 i 再加 er. easy — easier heavy — heavier 4) 以一个元音字母 + 一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节单词,应双写辅音字母再加 er. big — bigger 5 )多音节词和部分双音节词,以 ly 结尾的副词(除 early, badly 外),比较级在前面加 more. useful—more useful slowly—more slowly happily—more happily important—more important 5. 形容词和副词比较级之前可以用 much, even, a little, far, still, a bit, a lot 来修饰,表示比较的程度。 Lesson One is much easier than Lesson Two. Tom looks even younger than before. 6. both 与 all 的区别: 两者通常都放 be 、 V 情、 V 助之后, V 实之前。 both 指“两者都 …” , all 指“三者(或三者以上)全、都 …” 。 —What are your parents? — They doctors. A. are all B. are both C. all are D. both are    B Exercises 写出下列单词的比较级。 funny quiet serious smart outgoing quickly funn ier quiet er more serious smart er more outgoing more quickly tall nice big funny outgoing old old er tall er nice r big ger funn ier more outgoing late expensive thin smart high fat interesting more interesting late r more expensive thin ner smart er high er fat ter 1.Tina is ______ (calm) than Jill. 2.His nose is ______ (big) than hers. 3.This bag is _______ ( large ) than that one. 4.My father is _____ ( busy ) than my mother. 5.Kate is ____________ (outgoing) than Lily . calmer bigger larger busier more outgoing 用所给单词适当形式填空。 6. My hair is ______ (long) than my sister’s. 7. I am _____ (tall) than you. 8. She is _____ ________ (outgoing) than me. 9. Lily is _______ (heavy) than Lucy. And Lucy is _______ (thin) than Lily. 10. I have _______ (short) hair than Tina. 11. Tom is _____ ____________ (hard-working) than Tim. taller longer more outgoing heavier thinner shorter more hard-working 1. The twins ______ lovely girls. A. are all B. are both C. both are 2. I like drawing and I am good _____ it. A. in B. on C. at 3. That box is _______ than others. A. more heavier B. heavy C. much heavier 选 择 B C C 4. She is three years _______ than I am. A. old B. more old C. older 5. I think a good friend should make me ____. A. laugh B. laughing C. to laugh C A 6 . Lucy is very short, but she is ___ than her sister. A. shorter B. longer C. taller D. older 7 . Frank is ____ friendly than his brother. A. a little more B. a few more C. much D. a little 8 . Sam is ____at Chinese than Jim. A. good B. well C. better D. gooder C A C 9 . This one is too large. Can you show me a _____one? A. larger B. large C. small D. smaller 10 . Do you think March is ____than January? Yes, it’s __ warmer. A. better, a little B. well, much C. worse, very D. nicer, quite D A 11. -- Which of the caps will you take? --I’ll take _______. one for my father the other for my brother. A. neither B. both C. all 12. Sam looks like his Dad. They are ______ tall. A. either B. any C. all D. both B D 13. There are many tall buildings on ________ sides of the street. A. either B. all C. both 14. ___Lily ___ Lucy may go with you because one of them must stay at home. A. Not, but B. Neither, nor C. Both, and D. Either, or C B That's all! Thanks for listening! Bye! Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister. By Su Zhi Section B 教学目标 1. 学习生词。 2. 形容词、副词比较等级的准确运用。 教学重难点 掌握比较级的用法以及形容词、副词比较级的变化规则。 提高阅读技能。 talented truly care care about laugh serious mirror kid adj. 有天赋的、有才能的 adv. 确实、真正 v. 在意、关心、担忧 关心、在意 v./ n. 笑、发笑、笑声 adj. 严肃的、稳重的 n. 镜子 n. 小孩、年轻人 New Words as long as necessary be different from bring out grade should the same as saying 只要、既然 adj. 必须的、必要的 与 ...... 不同 使显现、使表现出 n. 成绩等第、评分等级 modal. 应该、可以 和 ...... 相同、与 ...... 一致 n. 谚语、格言、警句 New Words reach hand touch heart fact in fact break arm v. 伸手、到达 n. 手 v. 触摸、感动 n. 内心、心脏 n. 事实、现实 实际上、事实上 v. 破、损坏、碎 n. 手臂、上肢 New Words share loud similar be similar to primary primary school information v. 分享、共用 adj. 响亮的、大声的 adj. 类似的、相像的 与 ...... 相像 / 类似 adj. 最初的、最早的 小学 n. 信息、消息 New Words Friendship is very important in our life. We may have many friends. Some are the same as us. Some are different. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Lead-in I have a good friend. He is really outgoing. I have a good friend. She’s cute and smart. My good friend works very hard. My good friend is good at music. Is he a good friend ? 1. When you have problems , he doesn’t want to help you . 2. When you’re tired , he does homework for you . 3. When you are sad , he goes away. 4. When you don’t know the answers in the test , he gives you the answers to copy. No. We must help each other. No. It’s bad for our study. No. We must help each other. No. It’s bad for our study. a. has cool clothes. d. is good at sports. f. make me laugh. b. is talented in music. What kind of things are important in a friend? Rank the things below [1-7] (1 is the most important.) g. is a good listener. e. truly cares about me. c. likes to do the same things as me. 1a A good friend… A : I think a good friend makes me laugh. B : For me, a good friend likes to do the same things as me. C : Yes, and a good friend is talented in music , too. D : That’s not very important for me ... 1b. Talk about what you think a good friend should be like. A good friend… is good at sports. is good at school work. is popular at school. likes to do the same things as me. has cool clothes and hair style. makes me laugh . is more outgoing than me. has good grades. likes telling jokes. keeps secrets . … My view Likes about best friend The same as best friend Different from best friend Molly Mary Peter likes to do the same things, popular, good at sports a good listener pretty outgoing Peter plays basketball better and speaks more louder. Holly’s quieter and studies harder. look similar, tall, have long curly hair Lisa is quieter and smarter. Mary is more outgoing. 1c&1d. Listen and fill in the chart. Interviewer: Who’s your best friend, Molly? Molly: Peter. Interviewer: Why do you like him? Molly: Because he likes to do the same things as I do. He’s popular, too, and he’s good at sports. Interviewer: Is he different from you in any way? Molly: Well, yes. I like to study. I study harder than peter. He plays basketball better than me. Interviewer: Ok, I see… Molly: Oh, and he speaks more loudly than me. I’m a little quieter . But I’d say we’re both pretty outgoing. Interviewer: How about you, Mary? Who’s your best friend? Mary: My best friend is Lisa. Interviewer: What do you like about her? Mary: Well, she’s a good listener , and that’s important to me. Interviewer: Is she a lot like you ? Mary: Some people say we look similar. We’re both tall, and we both have long, curly hair. But Lisa is quieter than me. I’m always talking. She’s also smarter. I’m more outgoing. 2a Write the comparative forms of the following adjectives. Then use them to write five sentences about you and your friends. popular________ funny ________ quiet ________ friendly ________ shy ________ serious ________ outgoing ___________ smart ________ hard-working ________________________ more popular quieter shier more outgoing funnier friendlier smarter more hard-working more serious Sample: My friend David is more hard-working than me, but I am funnier than him. __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ write the rest sentences by yourself. 2b Read about what these people think. Underline the differences between the friends and circle the similarities. My mother told me a good friend is like a mirror. I’m quieter and more serious than most kids. That’s why I like reading books and I study harder in class. My best friend Yuan Li is quiet too, so we enjoy studying together. I’m shy so it’s not easy for me to make friends . But I think friends are like books- you don’t need a lot of them as long as they’re good. It ’ s not necessary to be the same . My best friend Larry is quite different from me. He is taller and more outgoing than me. We both like sports, but he plays tennis better , so he always wins. However, Larry often helps to bring out the best in me . So I ’ m getting better at tennis. Larry is much less hard-working , though. I always get better grades than he does, so maybe I should help him more. I don ’ t really care if my friends are the same as me or different. My favorite saying is. “ a true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart . ” My best friend Carol is really kind and very funny. In fact, she ’ s funnier than anyone I know. I broke my arm last year but she made me laugh and feel better . We can talk about and share everything. I know she cares about me because she ’ s always there to listen. 2c Are the following statements true or false? 1. Jeff is less serious than most kids. 2. Jeff and Yuan Li are both quiet. 3. Jeff thinks it is easy for him to make friends. 4. Huang Lei is taller than Larry. 5. Huang Lei isn’t as good at tennis as Larry. 6. Larry works harder than Huang Lei. 7. Mary thinks her friends should be the same as her. 8. Carol broke her arm last year and Mary made her feel better. T F F F T F F T 1. A good friend is like a mirror. 2. Friends are like books – you don’t need a lot of them as long as they’re good. 好朋友像书籍 — 只要他们优良,无需太多。 好朋友就像一面镜子。 Friends 真正的朋友会握你的手,打动你的心弦。 3. My best friend helps to bring out the best in me. 4. A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart. 好朋友帮我将自己最好的一面发挥出来。 My favorite saying is “A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.” It makes me think about my best friend, Bill. He helps me with my English for three years. I was bad in English three years ago. But now I’m interested in it with his help. Report My friend My best friend is Tina, and she likes to do the _______ ( 相同的 ) things as I do. She is _______ ( 受欢迎的 ) in school, and always _______( 使 ) me ________ ( 欢笑 ). She is _________ ( 擅长于 ) sports. She is __________ ( 更有趣的) and_______________ ( 更外向 ) than I am. She likes to __________ (保守秘密) . And she is a ___________ ( 倾听者 ). By the way, she is of medium build. Friendship means a lot to me . same popular makes laugh good at funnier more outgoing keep secrets good listener Wang Lingling ’ best friend is Liu Lili. They are both tall, but _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Wang Lingling ’ s straight hair is longer than Liu Lili. Wang Lingling likes reading and LiuLili likes sports. Both of them are popular and outgoing. Wang Lingling is more serious, and Liu Lili is funnier. Wang Lingling is more hard-working, and Liu Lili is smarter than Wang Lingling. 3a Example: My friend A is quite similar to me. We are both tall and thin. We are both quiet and serious. We like reading together. We are hard-working in class, so we often get good grades. My friend B is different from me. She’s funnier and more outgoing than me. She always speaks loudly. She is good at soccer. She’s smart and she’s a good listener. 3c Write two paragraphs describing your friends. What people are like What people can do Self check hard-working Put the words in the correct columns in the chart. hard-working, run fast, quiet, serious, jump high, smart quiet smart run fast jump high serious What people are like What people can do Can you add more words or phrases in the chart? funny outgoing friendly study harder play the guitar better get up early sing more clearly popular 1. My brother is _______ (funny) than me. He makes people laugh a lot. 2. I’m outgoing, but my best friend is a lot _____________ (outgoing) than me. 3. My brother is as ________ (serious) as my sister. They both like to study. 4. My cousin can run ______ (fast) than me. She is taller than me, too. 5. Jim is __________ (friendly) than Tom, so Tom has more friends than Jim. funnier more outgoing serious 2. Fill in the blanks using the correct forms of the words in brackets. faster friendlier 知识点小结 1. laugh v. & n. 笑 He laughs best who laughs last. 谁笑在最后,谁笑得最好。 / 不要高兴得太早。 laugh at 嘲笑 Don’t laugh at him. 别嘲笑他。 2. true adj 真实的 —— truly adv. 真正 / 实地 —— truth n 真相,真理 come true 实现 That’s a __________(truly) story. true 3. talent (n) 才能,天赋 talented (adj.) 有才能的 比较级: more talented be talented in sth 在某方面有天赋 talented show 才艺表演 4. make + 宾语 + adj make + 宾语 + V 原形 5. true (adj) 真正的 —— truly (adv) 真实地 —— truth (n) 真理,真相 6. care about 关心,在乎 7. share sth. with sb. 和某人分享某物 Eg. The little kids should learn to share things with others. 小孩应该学会和别人分享东西。 8. be serious about 热衷于 I’m serious about playing ping-pong. 9. look at oneself in the mirror 照镜子 10. as long as 跟 ...... 一样长 My ruler is as long as yours. as long as 只要, 既然 (引导状语从句,时态:主将从现) As long as you work hard, you’ll get good grades. 11. be different from 与 ...... 不同 My room is different from hers. 12. the same as+ 名词 / 代词 和 ...... 相同 His bag is the same as yours. 13. be similar to 与 ...... 相似 Your pen is similar to mine. 14. bring out 使 ...... 表现出来 15. reach for sth 伸手取某物 16. in fact 实际上, 事实上 17. put one’s heart into 集中精力在 ...... 18. the singing competition 歌咏比赛 1 9 . “It’s +adj.+of+sb.+ 不定式”表示“某人(做某事)怎么样”。 注意:这一句型中常用描述行为者的性格、品质的形容词 。 如 : good , kind , nice , polite , clever , foolish , lazy , careful , careless , right , wrong 等。 It’s very kind of you to help me. 20. “It’s+adj.+for+sb.+ 不定式”表示“做某事对某人来说怎么样”。 注意:这一句型中常用的形容词有 important , necessary , difficult , easy , hard , dangerous , safe , useful , pleasant , interesting , impossible... 。 It’s not easy for them to learn a foreign language. 1. Seen from the mountain, the town looks ________________ (beautiful). 2. She has made far ________ (great) progress this term than she did last year. 3. She is a head ________ (tall) than I. 4. This room is 3 times ________ (big) than that one. more beautiful greater taller bigger 根据所给词的正确形式填空 Exercises 5. Jim is _______ (tall) than Mary. 6. Baobao is ____________ (young) boy in his class. 7. I believe English is _______________ (interesting) than any other subject. taller the youngest more interesting 1. This year they have produced ____ grain ______ they did last year. A; as less; as  B. as few; as   C. as few; as   D. less; than 2. Which is ______ classroom, this classroom or that one? A. bigger     B. the bigger    C. a bigger   D. bigger D C 选 择 3. This apple is ________ that one. A. as big twice as       B. as big as twice C. as twice big as       D. twice as big as 4. There are more books in our library than ________. A. theirs                     B. those in theirs C. that in theirs         D. those in their D B 5. It is thought that the harder ________, ________ result you’ll get. A. you work; the better         B. you will work; the more better C. you worked; a better         D. you were working; more better A 6. It is hot today, thought not so as yesterday. A. hot B. hotter C. hottest D. the hottest 7. —How are you today, Lucy? —Much , but my doctor says I’ll still have to rest for another some days. A. well B. good C. better D. best 8. When the teacher came in, we stopped . A. to talk B. talking C. talk D. talked 9. Who makes him here so long! A. standing B. stand C. stands D. to stand 10. What are you at, speaking or writing? A. good B. well C. better D. best A C B B C 11. For me, music is as as sports. A. more popular B. most popular C. popular D. so popular 12. She bought much food the way home. A. in B. by C. on D. to 13. Although we discussed the plan, we didn’t agree with each other some ways. A. at B. on C. by D. in 14. The twins lovely girls. A. are all B. are both C. both are D. all are 15. This camera is better than that one. A. less B. much C. more D. many C C D B B That's all! Thanks for listening! Bye!

