八年级上英语课件《全册综合》 (10)_人教新课标

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八年级上英语课件《全册综合》 (10)_人教新课标

•UNIT 6 复习 Find the phrases and sentences on Page 43. Phrases: 搬去上海 上完中学和大学 一名赛车手 一辆速度快的车 上声乐课 上烹饪学校 上表演课 听起来很难 明年九月 写文章 Sentences: 1. 我打算努力学习数学。 2. 你打算去哪里工作? 我打算搬去上海。 3. 你打算什么时候开始? 我打算上完中学和大学就开始。 4. 我打算在大学里学医学。 5. 我打算写些文章并把它们寄给 杂志社和报社。 1. 你长大以后打算做什么?我打算成为一名计算 机程序设计员。 2. 你打算怎样去做呢?我打算学习计算机科学。 3. 我现在终于明白你为什么这么会写故事了。 4. 那你打算怎么成为一名作家呢? 5. 当然我会继续坚持写故事。 6. 那你想要成为什么呢? 7. 我父母希望我成为一名医生,但我自己还不确 定。 8. 不用担心,并非每个人都清楚自己想做什么。 9. 只要你努力,那么你就能成为你想做的人了。 A: What are you going to do? B: I’m going to... A: What do you want to be? B: I want to be a… A: How are you going to do that? B: I’m going to… 1. learn to play the piano 2. make the soccer team 3. get good grades 4. eat healthier food 5. get lots of exercise 短 语 句 型 Find the phrases and sentences on page 44. Phrases: 新年决心 学习弹钢琴 组建足球队 取得好成绩 饮食更健康 多锻炼身体 上吉他课 另一种外语 上钢琴课 Sentences: 1. 听起来很有趣。 2. 我打算学另一门外语。 3. 但是外语不适合我。 4. 听起来像个好计划。 A: What are you going to do? B: I’m going to... A: What do you want to be? B: I want to be a… A: How are you going to do that? B: I’m going to… Find the phrases and sentences on page 45-46. 一种… 大部分时间 向某人做出承诺,许诺 从…回来 在…开始 写下;记下 帮助他们记下自己的计划 把他们的愿望和计划告诉某人 与身体健康有关 与自我提高有关 开始从事/培养某种兴趣爱好… 学弹吉他 与合理的时间规划有关 制订一周学习计划 与某人讨论问题 能够做某事 做决定;下决心 …的观点 …的含义 不同种类的 有一个共同之处 太…而不能 忘记,将…抛在脑后 因为这个原因 没有决心 文章前 2 1 3 discuss the questions with be able to do sth. make resolutions the idea of the meaning of different kinds of a kind of most of the time make promises to sb. get back from… at the beginning of… write down help them to remember their resolutions tell sb. about their wishes and plans be about physical health have to do with self-improvement take up a hobby learn to play the guitar have to do with better planning make a weekly plan for schoolwork have one thing in common too… to… forget about for this reason have no resolutions 1. 你能坚持执行它们吗? 2. 一年的开始常常是制定计划的时候。 3. 这些决心是为了让自己成为更优秀的人。 4. 一个学生可能需要安排更多的时间用来学习。 5. 你知道决心是什么吗?决心就是一种承诺。 6. 我保证我从学校回来后立即整理自己的房间。 7. 然而,你对自己许下的承诺就叫做决心,其中最常见的 一种就是新年计划。 8. 我们在新年伊始制定计划时,希望使我们的生活变得更好. 9 . 例如,有些人跟自己承诺,他们将开始某种锻炼或少 吃快餐。 10. 还有些决心与合理的时间规划有关。 11. 尽管决心各种各样,但它们大多数拥有一个共同的特 点:那就是人们很少能够遵守它们。 12. 有时人们就干脆忘了它们。 13. 因此有人就说,没计划就是最好的计划。 Find out phrases and sentences on page 47-48. 1. 使你的生活更容易 2. 自我提高 3. 可能不久 4. 改善身体健康 5. 改善和家人、朋友的关系 6. 在学校表现的更好 7. 为你的城市工作 8. 让它变得更清洁、更环保 1. 我认为唱歌是一项很好的活动,因此我打算学习唱歌。 2. 我认为这也会让我的家人开心,因为他们喜爱一起听音 乐、唱歌。 3. 听起来很酷。 4. 我打算在那里学四年。 be sure about 确信;对……有把握 e.g. Are you sure about the number? 你对数字有把握吗? make sure 确保;查明 e.g. Make sure you get there on time. 一定要确保准时到达那里。 1. The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway. 海明威的《老人与海》。 此处介词by为“由……所著”之意。再如: a short story by Lu Xun (鲁迅的一部短篇 小说),the music by Mozart(莫扎特写的 音乐),paintings by Van Gogh(梵高的绘 画)等。 2. I'm going to keep on writing stories, of course. 当然我会继续坚持写故事。 keep on with sth. 继续坚持某事。 keep on doing sth. 继续坚持做某事。  He kept on talking in class. My father kept on with his work after an hour's rest. 3. I'm not sure about that. 我还不确定。 be sure about/of … 对…有把握;相信 He is sure about/of success. 4. Not everyone knows what they want to be. 并非每个人都清楚自己想做什么。 常见的部分否定: not every… not all… not both… Not every book is educational. Not all teachers are good teachers. Both the windows are not open. 5. Just make sure you try your best. 保证尽自己的最大努力。 make sure 意为“确信;务必;查明,弄 清楚”。常用于祈使句中,表示请求或 要求对方按照要求做某事,后接"that"引 导的宾语从句或of短语。 e.g. Make sure that you would come. 6. Then you can be anything you want! 那么你就能当上你想做的人了。 此句的基本意思是you can be anything,不定代词anything指代未 来所从事的某一职业,you want用来 修饰anything。 表示将要发生的事,或打算、计划、决定要 做的事含有“打算”的意思。 tomorrow, next week/Sunday, this evening… 主语 + be going to + 动词的原形 She is going to play football. He is going to go fishing. I’m going to be a teacher when I grow up. They’re going to play volleyball next week. 注意:句型中有be动 词, 用is还是am还是 are,取决于主语. 2. 肯定句的构成和用法 句型: 主语+be going to+动词原形+…… 如: I am going to play football next Sunday. He is going to teach in Beijing next year. They’re going to meet outside the school gate. It is going to rain. 3. 否定句的构成和用法 句型:主语+be not going to +动词原形 如: We’re not going to have any class next week. It’s not going to rain this afternoon. I’m not going to be a teacher. He isn’t going to see his brother tomorrow. They aren’t going to watch TV this evening. 4. 一般疑问句的构成和用法 句型:be+主语+going to +动词原形…? 如: Are you going to be a doctor in the future? Yes ,I am.(肯定回答)/ No, I’m not.(否定回 答)。 Is your sister going to bring you lunch? Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t. 5. 特殊疑问句的构成和用法: 句型:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句 - How are they going to school tomorrow? - By bike. - What is he going to do next Sunday? - He is going to read books. - When are you going to buy a new bike? - Tomorrow. - Where is the little girl going ? - She is going to her grandma’s home. 上大学 go to college / university medicine,常做不可数名词; 吃药 take medicine 拓展: foreigner n. 外国人 1. Did you make any resolutions last year? 2.Were you able to keep them? Why or why not? be able to 意“能”,后接动词原形,用于各种时 态 I was able to speak English when I was two years old. I’m not able to agree with you. 2.我不能同意你的观点. 1. 我两岁时就能说英语. be able to…会;能够 ________ __________ _________________________________ keep表示遵守承诺,履行惯例等。 1. discuss the questions with sb. 1) discuss …with sb. 2) discuss doing sth. discussion n. have a discussion about… 2. be able to do sth. e.g. I was able to speak English when I was two years old. I was not able to agree with you. Language points 3. different kinds of… a kind of ︱two kinds of ︱some kinds of ︱ many kinds of ︱all kinds of ︱ many different kinds of Let’s discuss the housing problem. 让我们来讨论一下住房的问题。 4. make promises to sb. 1) make a promise to sb. 2) keep a / one's promise 3) break a / one's promise e.g. Don't make promises to others easily. 5. write down 1) write down n. = write n. down 2) write pron. down 代词只能放_______ e.g. Please write down your name on your paper. 6. be about physical health 身体健康 中间 7. have to do with self-improvement • have to do with… 与……有关;关于 • have something to do with… • have noting to do with… e.g. I have nothing to do with Tom. have to do with better planning 8. take up a hobby 开始做,学着做+n./doing up 短语大集合: cut up; get up; put up; stay up late; wake up; make up; dress up 9. have one thing in common • have nothing in common • have something in common 10. too… to… 太…而不能… e.g. He is too young to play the games. He is too young to go to school. Sentences 1. 你知道决心是什么吗?决心就是一种承诺。 Do you know what a resolution is? It’s a kind of promise. Do you know who she is? where Jim lives? how long it takes from Beijing to Shanghai? what his name is? what they want to be? 2. 我保证我从学校回来后立即整理自己的房间。 I promise I’m going to tidy my room [when I get back from school]. 宾语从句 时间状语从句 tidy one’s room tidy<->untidy promise to do sth. 许诺去做某事。 sb. Sth. 许诺某人某事。 that 从句. 许诺/答应…… 妈妈承诺要给我买辆新自行车。 My mother promised to buy a new bike for me. My mother promised me a new bike. My mother promised that she could buy a car for me. 3. 然而,你对自己许下的承诺就叫做决心,其中 最常见的一种就是新年计划。 However, promises (you make to yourself) are resolutions, and the most common kind is New Year’s resolutions. 定语从句 common  the most common 雪在寒冷国家很常见。 Snow is common in cold countries. promise n. Don’t make promises to others easily. make a promise (to sb.) keep a / one’s promise break a / one’s promise If you make a promise, you should keep it. 如果你许了诺,你就应该遵守它。 4. 我们在新年伊始制定计划时,希望使我们的生 活变得更好。 [When we make resolutions at the beginning of the year, ] we hope that we are going to improving our lives. 时间状语从句 宾语从句 at the beginning of… 你可以在文章开头找到这个句子。 You can find the sentence at the beginning of the article. begin to do sth. / doing sth. improve one’s life / lives / English… 我想要努力学习来提高我的英语。 I want to work hard to improve my English. 5. 例如,有些人跟自己承诺,他们将开始某种锻 炼或少吃快餐。 For example, some people promise themselves they are going to start an exercise program or eat less fast food. 宾语从句 6. 因此有人就说,没计划就是最好的计划。 For this reason, some people say the best resolution is to have no resolutions. 宾语从句 e.g. This is my own camera. I bought it with my own money. 这是我自己的照像机,是我用自己的钱 买的。 1. own adj. & adv. 自己的;私人的 常用结构:“one’s own + 事物”某人 自己的事物 e.g. Personal health is necessary for this job. 做此工作需要健康身体。 2. personal adj. 个人的;私人的 This kind of dog can guide the blind person. 这种狗能引导盲人行走。 名词 person (人) + al → personal 个人的 e.g. The relationship between Mr. Smith and his son is very close. 史密斯和他儿子的关系 很亲密。 3. relationship n. 关系 名词 relation + ship → relationship 关系

