八年级上英语课件《How often do you exercise》 (3)_人教新课标

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八年级上英语课件《How often do you exercise》 (3)_人教新课标

Magic picture! 打哈欠真的会传染吗? 【你能看到多少个人头?】 0—4张:弱智;5—8张:一般 人;9—11张:特别感性;11—13张:精神分裂。 你能看道多少张脸呢? 1—3张:轻度弱智; 3—6张:正常人;7— 10张:超与常人;11— 15张:天才! 耶鲁大学耗时5年 的研究成果。 如果你看见顺时针 转,说明你用的是 右脑; 如果是逆时针转, 说明你用的左脑。 据说,14%的美国 人可以两个方向都 能看见。 【 眼力大考验, 你能看见男人的脸吗】 Can you read them? • crab lab • brag • van • flap • slip dig • spot • mop • cop• gum • plum ab ag an ap ad at in ip ig it ob ot og op ug um How often do you exercise? sports go skateboarding play badminton swimming kickboxing A: What do you do on weekends? B: I often (always, usually, sometimes, hardly ever, never)… do homework exercise do some reading surf the Internet watch TV 0% never 20% hardly ever Rarely/seldom 40% sometimes 60% often 80% usually 100% always What kind of food do you like? PK vegetables fruit milk Do you sleep well? exercise sleep food Katrina’s letter • 1.How often does she exercise? • 2.How often does she drink milk? • 3.Does she eat junk food very often? • 4.Do you think she has a healthy lifestyle? • Why or why not? • 5. Is her lifestyle the same as yours or different? What are the differences? She exercises every day. She drinks milk every day. Yes. She eats junk food two or three times a week. Yes. she eats good food, sleeps long hours and exercises every day. Who am I ? I You Tom Tom and Leon We my your her our their his its love….. Me you Him her It Us them mine yours his hers its ours theirs My Your Its Our His Their Her = I love myself! • Myself • Yourself • Yourselves • Himself • Herself • themselves enjoy Have a good time Have a try! • Matt enjoyed______ at his birthday party last night. A. He B. him C. himself D. his --jack, who helped ___ make the model ship? --Nobody! I made it all by ________. A. your; my B. your; mine C. you ; myself D. you, mine The little girl could look after________ though she was only five years old. A. She B. her C. hers D. herself 1----What does Mary do on weekends? ----She often______the Internet at home. A.surf B.go on C.goes on D.surfs 2.They go to movies______. A.twice a week B.twice of a week C.a week twice D. twice week 3.---How often does Li play soccer? ---She doesn’t like it, so she ______plays it. A.always B.hardly ever C.usually D.often 4.My mother wants me to eat much vegetables, She says it is good______my health. A.to B.with C.for D.at D A B C 5.—what else do you need for your trip? ---____ else. I’ve packed everything. A. Something B. everything C. nothing 6. ---there’s___ important in today’s newspaper, isn’t there? --- Sorry, i don’t know. I haven’t got the paper yet. A. Nothing B. something C. anything 7. Did Lisa tell you___ in the letter? A. Funny anything B. anything funny C something funny • Don’t worry. He is __ do this work. • A. too strong to B. strong enough to • C. enough strong to D. strong to • I didn’t really enjoy going out ___ the crowded streets. • A. and B. because C. but D. because of • It’s spring now, so we decide__ to the mountains. • A. to go B. going C. to going D. go • I studied ___ the math test last weekend. • A. on B. at C. for D. in Homework • U2 section A 知识清单Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ 基础闯关Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ 下次上课时间周二16日早9:00 Thank you. Bye-bye.

