八年级上英语课件《I'm going to study computer science》 (3)_人教新课标

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八年级上英语课件《I'm going to study computer science》 (3)_人教新课标

Let’s talk about jobs! T:What does he do? S:He is a/an… a student a waiter a nurse a reporter a policeman an artist a writer an actor a professional basketball player [ә] [e] [ә] [ә] 职业的篮球运动员 an engineer [e] [i] [iә] 工程师 a pilot [a] [ә] 飞行员 电脑设计师 a computer programmer [әu][æ] [ә] teacher actor professional basketball player engineer pilot computer programmer Bill Gates 1a Sentences study A: What are you going to be when you grow up? B: I am going to be a teacher when I grow up. be going to 后接动词原形,表示对未来“打算, 计划”等。如: I’m going to play soccer this afternoon. They are going to dance at the party. be在此意思是“成为,当”, 相当于become。 grow up: “长大(成人)”此处用在when 引导的时间状语从句中,而主句 是一般将来时,所以grow up用 一般现在时表示将来意义。 B:I’m going to be a/an … A:What are you going to be when you grow up? be able to conversation 1 A: Li Juan, what are you going to be when you grow up? B: I think I’m going to be a computer programmer. A: That sounds difficult. How are you going to do that? B: I’m going to study computer science. Read: conversation 2 A: Li Lei, What are you going to be when you grow up? B: I’m going to be a professional basketball player. A: How are you going to do that? B: I’m going to practice basketball every day. --What are you going to be when you grow up? --I’m going to be a/an… --How are you going to do that? --I’m going to… practice basketball every day practice singing pilot/ exercise every day study hard singer doctor basketball player 1c:Pairwork English teacher A: What are you going to be when you grow up? B: ... A: How are you going to do that ? B: ... study English hard Bill Gates computer programmer study computer science A: What are you going to be when you grow up? B: … A: How are you going to do that ? B: … engineer study math really hard A: What are you going to be when you grow up? B: … A: How are you going to do that ? B: … actor take acting lessons A: What are you going to be when you grow up? B: … A: How are you going to do that ? B: … What Where How When Chen Han is going to be an actor. He’s going to move to New York. He’s going to take acting lessons. He’s going to finish high school and college first. 2b: 2c:Talk in pairs A: B: What / Where / How / When is Chen Han going to …? He’s going to … www.themegallery.com www.themegallery.com --What is she going to be when she grows up? --She is going to be … a dancer is going to www.themegallery.com30 --How is she going to do that? --She is going to … practice dancing everyday practice dancing everyday www.themegallery.com31 --Where is she going to work? -She is going to … Beijing www.themegallery.com32 A: What is she going to be when she grows up? B: She is going to be a dancer. A: How is she going to do that ? B: She is going to practice dancing every day. A: Where is she going to work? B: She is going to work in Beijing. www.themegallery.com --What is he going to be when he grows up? -He is going to be... a basketball player Is going to www.themegallery.com --How is he going to do that? --He is going to... practice very hard practice dancing everyday --Where is he going to work? -He is going to work in … USA www.themegallery.com A: What is he going to be when he grows up? B: He is going to be a basketball player. A: How is he going to do that ? B: He is going to practice very hard. A: Where is he going to work? B: He is going to work in USA. www.themegallery.com a teacher (study hard every day) Liangshan Middle School 良山中学 What are you going to be when you grow up ? ---I’m going to be … How are you going to do that ? ---I’m going to … Where are you going to work ? ---I’m going to work in … 良山中学 www.themegallery.com A: What are you going to be when you grow up? B: I’m going to be a teacher. A: How are you going to do that ? B: I’m going to study hard every day. A: Where are you going to work? B: I’m going to work in Liangshan Middle School. www.themegallery.com What are you going to be when you grow up ? ---I’m going to be … How are you going to do that ? ---I’m going to … Where are you going to work ? ---I’m going to work in … (practice singing every day) a singer Taiwan www.themegallery.com A: What are you going to be when you grow up? B: I’m going to be a singer. A: How are you going to do that ? B: I’m going to practice singing every day. A: Where are you going to work? B: I’m going to work in Taiwan. www.themegallery.com A E 1 D a big house French B all over the worlda part-time job C art school www.themegallery.com My dream job When I grow up, I’m going to do what I want to do. I’m going to move somewhere interesting. Pairs sounds like a city that I could enjoy. There are lots of art exhibitions there. I want to be an artist. 1.What is she going to be when she grows up? She is going to be an artist. www.themegallery.com So how am I going to do it ? First, I’m going to find a part-time job for a year or two and save some money. Then I’m going to be a student at an art school in Pairs. And I’m going to study French at the same time. Next, I’m going to hold art exhibitions because I want to be rich and buy a big house for my parents . 2.How is she going to do that? 3.Why is she going to hold art exhibitions? first , then ,next www.themegallery.com 2.How is she going to do that? 3.Why is she going to hold art exhibitions? First find a part- time job Then be a student at an art school and study French Next hold art exhibitions Because she wants to be rich and buy a big house for her parents. www.themegallery.com I also want to travel all over the world. One day, I’m going to retire somewhere quiet and beautiful. 4.One day, where is she going to retire? She is going to retire somewhere quiet and beautiful. When I _________(1), I’m going to do what I want to do. I’m going to move ____________ _________ (2). Pairs __________(3)a city that I could enjoy. I want to be an artist . I also want to travel ________________(4). Finally, I’m going to retire______________________ _________(5). grow up sounds like 3a Read the diary and fill in the blanks: somewhere interesting all over the world somewhere quiet and beautiful www.themegallery.com find a part- time job be a student at an art school and study French hold art exhibitions retire somewhere quiet and beautiful travel all over the world First Then NextOne day Retell the diary with “be going to …”. www.themegallery.com www.themegallery.com Make conversations with your seatmates vA: What are you going to do when you grow up? vB: I’m going to be a …… vA: How are you going to do that? vB: First, …, next,… , then,… finally,… vA:Where are you going to work? vB:I’m not sure yet. Maybe Beijing or Shanghai. When is New Year’s day? What do you do on New year’s Eve? What’s your New Year’s resolution? Learn to play an instrument make the soccer team get good grades get lots of exercise eat healthier food New Year’s resolution 1. Learn to play an instrument 2. get a part-time job 3. make the soccer team 4. get good grades 5. eat healthier food 6. get lots of exercise ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ 1a Follow your dreams Who can say the phrases quickly A: What are you going to do next year? B: I am going to take guitar lessons. A: Sounds interesting. I am going to learn a foreign language. 1b 2a Listen and circle the resolutions that you hear learn to play an instrument make the soccer team get good grades get lots of exercise eat healthier food Listen again and fill in the blanks name Kim Lucy Manuel How are they going to do it? going to take piano lessons going to practice really hard going to go to a summer camp going to play soccer every day going to study hard and do his homework every day 2b Lucy: Did you make a New Year’s resolution this year, Kim? Kim: Yes, Lucy, I did. Lucy: What are you going to do ? Kim: Well, I’m going to make the soccer team. Manuel: How are you going to do that? Kim: I’m going to practice really hard, and I’m going to go to a summer camp. I’m going to play soccer every day there. Manuel: How about you ,Lucy? Did you make a resolution? Oh, sure. I’m going to learn to play an instrument. Kim: Cool. How are you going to do that? Lucy: I’m going to take piano lessons. Kim: How about you , Manuel? Manuel: My New Year’s resolution is to get good grades. Kim: How are you going to do that? Manuel: I’m going to study hard and do my homework every day. Lucy: That sounds good! Important phrases 1.新年决心 New Year’s resolution 2.组建足球队 make the soccer team 3.下决心 make a resolution 4.演奏乐器 play an instrument 5.上吉他课 take piano lessons 6.得到好成绩 get good grades 7.努力学习 study hard 8.做我的作业 do my homework www.themegallery.com www.themegallery.com 3b Writing Three students made their New Year’s resolutions yesterday. Lucy said she is going to learn to play an instrument. She is going to take piano lessons. Manuel said his New Year’s resolution is to get good grades. He is going to study hard and do his homework every day. Kim said he is going to make the soccer team. He is going to practice really hard and he is going to go to a summer camp. He’s going to play soccer every day there. 3c What are some of your resolutions? Write about them. I want to go to Senior Middle School. I’m going to get good grades. I’m going to learn Japanese. I want to go to Japan . 高中 I’m going to start a soccer team. I’ll ask my good friends to join us. I’m going to exercise more. I want to be healthier. I. Fill in the blanks with the words given. practice move write enjoy travel 1. I’m going to _____ from Dalian to Beijing after high school. 2. I want to _____ for international magazines when I’m older. move write 3. First I have to _______ my English. 4. I want to _____ to interesting places and see new things. 5. I want to be a reporter because I ____ talking with people. practice travel enjoy

