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How do you get to school? Unit 3 Section B 1a-1e car train bus plane ship bike/bicycle subway Revision How do you get to school? take the train take the boat ride a bike How do they get to school? They go to school on foot . They walk to school . How does he get to school? He gets to school by bus . He takes a bus to school. Revision 含有动词交通方式有 : take the subway take the train take the bus ride a bike walk … 可以用介词 by 表示乘坐方式 : by subway, by train, by bus, by bike, … by plane/air on foot Do you know them? bus stop bus station train station subway station airport This is an airport. People take the plane here. 1a Match the words with the pictures. __ bus stop 3. __ bus station 2. __ train station 4. __ subway station b c a d Tell your partner how you get to school. Imagine you use two type of transportation. 1b A: How do you get to school ? B: Well, I ride my bike to the subway station. Then I take the subway . A: How do you get to school? B: Well, I ride my motorbike to the bus stop. Then I take the double decker . double decker ( 双层巴士 ) Dialogue 1: Dialogue 2: A: How do you visit your grandmother? B: Well, I take the double decker to the train station. Then I take the “T” bullet train . “T” bullet train 特快列车 Listen and check (√) the things that Mary wants to know? Mary wants to know… _ where Bob lives. _ how far he lives from his grandparents’ home. _ how he gets to his grandparents’ home. _ how long it takes to get to his grandparent’s home. _ what he thinks of the trip. √ √ 1c √ 2 Listen again. How does Bob get to his grandparents’ home? Check (√) 1 or 2. 1d √ 1 1e Talk about how Bob gets to his grandparents’ home. Talking A: How does grandpa get to the park? B: First, he … to … C: Next, he … to … D: Finally he … Practice To get to the park, first grandpa rides his bike to the subway station. Next he takes the subway to the bus station. Finally he gets to the park. How does grandpa get to the park? Do a survey. How do your classmates get to school? Thank you!

