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初一英语下(人教版)‎ Unit 7 What does he look like?‎ ‎ 谚语收集:‎ 一、 词汇要点 1. hair ‎【用法】________(做“几根头发”讲时,是可数名词;做“头发”讲时,是可数名词。)‎ ‎【拓展】straight hair________ curly hair_______‎ ‎【举例】__________________________________________.露西留着短直发。‎ 2. thin ‎【用法】adj.______‎ ‎【拓展】反义词:___________________‎ ‎【举例】The ice on the river is thin.___________________________。‎ ‎ ______________________________________.他是个瘦男孩。‎ ‎3. heavy ‎ ‎【用法】adj._______‎ ‎【拓展】反义词:________‎ 副词:_______‎ 另,heavy还可以表示雨,雪“大”,风“大”一般用strong wind.‎ ‎【举例】How heavy are you ?___________________________?‎ ‎ They didn’t go to school because of the heavy snow._______________.‎ ‎4. build ‎【用法】n.__________ v.__________‎ ‎【拓展】builder________ building________‎ ‎【举例】We are of the same build. ________________________。‎ ‎ She is of medium build. _____________________。‎ ‎5. height ‎【用法】n.______‎ ‎【拓展】它的adj.为___‎ ‎ tall与high ‎ tall指人,树,建筑物等的“高”,但不指山“高”。‎ ‎ a tall man_________‎ ‎ tall 指“树,建筑物”的高时,与high可以互换。‎ ‎ a tall tree = a high tree ‎ high用于不与地面接触的人或事物的高度,还可用于抽象的高,如物价,速度,温度,评价等方面。‎ ‎ high的反义词:________; tall的反义词:__________‎ ‎【举例】 We are both the same height._____________________________。‎ ‎ _____________________________. 这是一座高山。 ‎ ‎6. look ‎ ‎【用法】 v._________ n.__________(复数为looks)‎ ‎【搭配】look like=be like_____; look after_____; look at_____; look for_______‎ ‎ look out_____;look up_____;look over____;look up and down______ ‎ ‎7. popular ‎【用法】adj._______‎ ‎【搭配】be popular with________________‎ ‎【拓展】popular 可缩写成_______. ‎ ‎ pop songs______________ pop music_______________‎ ‎【举例】Wang Lihong is a very popular actress._________________________。‎ ‎ __________________________________.汉堡包受到孩子们的欢迎。‎ ‎8. always ‎【用法】adv.___________(几乎100%)‎ ‎【拓展】近义词: usually______ (约90%) often______(约60%)‎ ‎ 补充:never________(几乎0%) ‎ 注意 这些词常用于be动词,助动词,情态动词之后,行为动词之前。‎ ‎【举例】_____________________________________.他总是骑自行车去学校。‎ ‎ She is never late for school.___________________。‎ ‎ Lily never tells jokes. ________________。‎ ‎(短语:play a joke on sb._______ ; have a joke with sb._________)‎ ‎ 10. team ‎【用法】n.________‎ ‎【搭配】a team of _______‎ ‎【拓展】team做主语时,看作整体,谓语用单数形式;看作成员时,谓语用复数形式。‎ ‎ 如:the captain/leader of the school guitar team__________________‎ ‎【举例】I’m sure our team _____going to win.____________________。‎ ‎ A team of children _____ playing games._______________________。‎ ‎11. nobody ‎【用法】pron.________(多用于疑问句和肯定句中,肯定句中做主语时,谓语动词用单数)‎ ‎【拓展】somebody_________(多用于肯定句)nobody_________(表示否定)‎ ‎ 这类不定代词,跟形容词连用时,形容词放它们后面。‎ ‎【举例】There is nobody in the room._________________。‎ ‎ ___________________________________. 没人喜欢他。‎ ‎12. person ‎【用法】n. _______(着重指个人方面)‎ ‎【拓展】people意为“人”,着重指全体方面,它是单数表复数概念。‎ ‎ people当”民族”讲时通常用不定冠词或复数。(a people; peoples)‎ ‎【举例】There are two persons outside._________________________。‎ ‎ Are there many people at the meeting? _________________?‎ ‎13. 本单元短语: not …any more不再…(常指次数和数量上不再增加,多与短暂性动词连用);not …any longer不再…(后者常指时间上不再延长,多与连续性动词连用)。‎ remember doing sth. ________________remember to do sth.___________-‎ forget doing sth.___________________ forget to do sth. _____________‎ stop doing sth.____________________ stop to do sth._________________‎ a little bit_____(不能修饰名词) ; ‎ a bit_____(修饰形容词);a bit of _____(修饰不可数名词)‎ a little________(修饰不可数名词) little______________(修饰不可数名词)‎ a few __________(修饰可数名词) few__________(修饰可数名词)‎ not a bit=not at all ”一点也不” not a little “非常”‎ 一、 重要话题------英美外表方面见闻 (1) Had better not say,’ You are fat. You are so thin. ‘‎ (2) Westerns like being with long hair and wearing colorful clothes. ‎ (3) Don’t point to or touch others with fingers, which is an expression of the impolite behavior.‎ (4) When you are praised by others for your beauty, please say ‘Thank you.’‎ (5) beard________ mustache_________ whiskers___________‎ 二、 重要句子 1. What does he look like? _____________________?‎ ‎---He is short and thin. He has long hair ‎ ‎---He has a medium build. = He is a man of a medium build. ‎ 2. She always wears a red dress and white shoes._____________________.‎ 3. She is good-looking but she’s a little bit quiet. _______________________.‎ 4. She never stops talking. _______________________.‎ If you don’t feel(感到) well, you may (可以)stop _______________(write)‎ 5. Do you remember Johnny Dean, the pop singer with funny glasses and long curly hair? _______________________________?‎ I remember _____________ (see) her once(曾经).‎ 6. I don’t think he is so great. __________________。‎ 如:我认为他不聪明。(I , think, he, clever)_______________________. ‎ 一、 重要语法------描述人的外貌 孙悟空, 猪八戒, 超人.‎ ‎ ‎ 询问某人的外貌特征常用句型:What dodoes +主语+look like?“…长得怎么样?”‎ ‎ 回答:Sb. isare +形容词. 或 Sb. havehas(+形容词)+名词。‎ 描述外貌常用形容词:(1)描述身高:tall, short, medium ‎ (2)描述体型:thin, fat, heavy, medium ‎ (3)描述头发:short, long, straight, curly ‎ (4)描述颜色:blonde, brown, black, gray(grey)‎ 形容词的排列顺序:长短、大小、高低;形状;年龄、新旧;颜色;国籍、地区、出处;物质、材料;类别。‎ 二、 课后练习 I 选择填空 ‎ ( )1.You ____ nervous.(紧张)‎ A .looks like B .like a little C. look a little D. look like ‎( )2.My friend ,Jim, ____.‎ A.has a bald head B.is a bald head C.has blad D.is a blad ‎( )3.I don’t think ____ cool.‎ A.is he B.is his C. he is D.his is ‎( )4.It’s time for class.Please stop ____.‎ A.talking B.to talk C. talk D.talks ‎( )5.He ____ medium height and he ____ blonde hair.‎ A.is;is B.has;has C.is;has D.has;is ‎( )6.She is good-looking ____long,black hair.She is ____ a red dress.‎ Ahas;has B.with;on C. has;with D.with;wearing ‎( )7.Some people don’t like his new ____.‎ A.image B.looks C.looked D.to look ‎( )8.____ he have a medium build?‎ A.Are B.Has C.Does D.There is ‎( )9.Nobody ____ the good news.‎ A.knows B.know C. are know D.is know ‎( )10.The rock singer is with funny ____ and long, curly ____.‎ A.glasses;hair B.glasses;hairs C.glass;hair D.glass;hairs ‎( )11.The jazz CDs are ____ the ____ floor.‎ A.in;third B.on;third C. on;three D.in;three ‎( )12.Football, also ____ soccer, is the world’s favorite game.‎ A.calls B.called C. call D.calling ‎( )13.____ fans ____ the Olympic Games on TV in 2004.‎ A.Two billions of;watch B.Two billions;watch ‎ C. Billion of;watched D.Billions of;watched ‎( )14.--Why does Tina want ____ a reporter?‎ ‎ --Because she likes talking to people and ____ stories.‎ ‎ A.to be;writes B.be;writes C. to be;writing D.be;writing II 用所给单词的适当形式填空。‎ 1. He is medium __________ (high).‎ 2. I think she is a good __________ (sing).‎ 3. Who was a __________ (win), you or he?‎ 4. Mrs Wang always wears __________ (glass).‎ 5. It’s Sunny today. I can go __________ (shop).‎ 6. He loves __________(tell) jokes.‎ 7. The students stopped__________(talk) when there teacher come in.‎ 8. He likes __________(watch) sports programmes on weekends.‎ 9. Rick __________ (not, have) curly, brown hair.‎ 10. David usually __________ (wear) a pair of glasses.‎ III 句型转换 1. He is short.he has short,straight hair.(用with连接成一句话)‎ He is short ____________________________________________.‎ 2. Jack is tall and thin.(对划线部分提问)‎ ‎________ ________Jack ________ like?‎ 1. Kath is not too tall or too short.(写出同义句)‎ ‎ Kath is ___ _____ ________.‎ 2. Li Ming is not too heavy or too thin. (写出同义句)‎ ‎ Li Ming ________ ________ medium ________.‎ 3. Nobody knows me. (写出反义句)‎ ‎________ ________ me.‎ 4. This pop star has a new look.(改为一般疑问句)‎ ‎________ this pop singer ________ a new look?‎ 5. He is not so great,I think. (写出同义句)‎ I ________ think he ________ so great.‎ 6. That boy with glasses is my cousin. (写出同义句)‎ That boy is my cousin. He _________ ________ glasses.‎ 7. Who is your favorite musician? (写出同义句)‎ Which musician do you ________ ________?‎ 8. Is he doing his homework at his desk?(用every evening 改写)‎ ‎________ he ________ his homework at his desk every evening?‎ ‎11 I think she is a clever girl.(改否定句)‎ ‎__________________________________________.‎ IV 书面表达 ‎ 我有一位来自英国的朋友,12岁,她长着一头金黄色的卷发,中等个儿,身材苗条,圆脸,亮晶晶(bright)的大眼睛,小嘴巴,小鼻子,长相较好,喜欢穿蓝色的上衣,下着一条洁白色的裙子,脚着一双白色的运动鞋。‎ ‎____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎

