人教版教案Unit 2

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人教版教案Unit 2

1 Unit 2 What time do you go to school? 一.单元分析 本单元以学生最为熟悉的日常作息习惯为谈论话题,通过对句型:(---What time is it? ---It is six .)---What time do you usually get up?---I usually get up at six a.m. 谈论 daily routines 并练习时间的表达和询问方式,同时逐步的培养学生合理安排时间的能力。整个 单元以谈论日常作息时间安排为主线,将日常生活中所涉及到的语言、词汇和时间的表达 法融入一系列的小任务中,七年级学生通过完成一个个的任务达到交际的目的,从而能够 合理的安排自己的作息时间;且初步了解时差。 二.学情分析 学生通过前段时间的学习,对一般现在时态的用法已经有了一定的语感和模仿运用的 能力,也能够用简单的英语表达个人意见。通过本单元学习能基本掌握时间的表达法并能 用英语谈论作息时间安排。 三.课时安排 四课时 四.教学过程 Period 1 Section A (1a-2c) I. Teaching Objectives 1. Knowledge Objectives: (1) Expressions: up, get up, dress, get dressed, brush, tooth/teeth, shower, take a shower, usually, forty, wow, never, early, fifty, o’clock, half. (past, to) (2) Structure: ---What time is it? ---It is six. ---What time do you usually get up? ---I usually get up at six a.m. 3) Grammar: what time questions 2. Ability Objectives: (1) Learn how to express the time. (2) Get Ss to ask about and say times. (3) Let Ss use what time questions. (4) Let Ss have the first understanding of always, usually and never. 3. Moral Objectives: Time waits for no man. II. Teaching Importance(focus) (1) Learn how to press the time. (2) Get Ss to ask about and say times. (3) Let Ss to use what time questions. III. Teaching Difficulties 1.三种表达时间的方法,学生对 past,to 来表达时间会有可能混淆。 2. tooth 的复数形式为 teeth,学生会容易弄错。可拓展 foot—feet。 2 Ⅳ. Teaching Aids A recorder, multi-media Ⅴ. Teaching Procedure: Step l:Lead in Guess a riddle. Step 2: Pre-task 1. Present: What time is it now? Get Ss to press the time in 3 ways. 2. Summary. 3. Practice: Use the picture of 1a to practice: What’s the time? It’s… 4. Look at the pictures and present the expressions of daily routines. 5. Work on 1a and 1b. Step 3 While-task 1. Pair work (A1c) 2. Work on 2a&2b 3. Fill in the blanks. Step 4 Post-task Work on A 2c. First do pair work, then make a report. Step 4 Sum up Do exercises in class and check the answers Homework 1. 作业本 2. 预习 Unit 2 第二课时 3. 常规听读,听写作业 Layout of Bb 教学反思: Unit 2 What time do you go to school? Period 1 ---What time is it? ---It is six. ---What time do you usually get up? ---I usually get up at six a.m. 3 Period 2 Section A (2d- 3c) I. Teaching Objectives 1. Knowledge Objectives: (1)Expressions: job, work, station, radio station, night, funny, exercise, on weekends, best, group. (2) Structure: What time do you usually get up/…? I usually get up/…at… What time does he/she usually get up/…? He/She usually gets up /…at… That’s a funny time for breakfast! (3) Grammar: what time questions 2. Ability Objectives: (1) Ss learn to how to talk about routines. (2) Get Ss to improve on expressing the time. 3. Moral Objectives: Everyone should learn how to make full use of the time. II. Teaching Importance(focus) (1) Ss learn to how to talk about routines. (2) Get Ss to improve on expressing the time. III. Teaching Difficulties 1. work 与 job 的区分要注意,work 属于不可数名词,可做动词。Job 属于可数名词,不 可做动词。 2. 三单动词忘记加 s 的可能性较多,要多练。 3. exercise 的读音与拼写容易错。 Ⅳ. Teaching Aids A recorder, multi-media Ⅴ. Teaching Procedure: Step 1 Lead-in Enjoy an English story. Step 2 Pre-task Review of the expressions in Period 1, then teach new words. Step 3 While-task 1. Look at the picture of A 2d, teach some new words 2. Role-play the conversation.(A2d) 3. Fill in the blanks. 4. Go through the grammar focus. 5. Work on 3a, 3b. note:always> usually> never Step 4 Post-task Make a survey and make a report. (3c) Note: First, then, next, after that… 4 Step 5 Sum up Do exercises in class and check the answers Homework 1. 作业本 2. 预习下一课时 3. 常规听读、听写作业。 Layout of Bb 教学反思: Unit 2 What time do you go to school? Period 2 What time do you usually get up/…? I usually get up/…at… What time does he/she usually get up/…? He/She usually gets up /…at… That’s a funny time for breakfast! 5 Period 3 Section B (1a-2c) I. Teaching Objectives 1. Knowledge Objectives: (1) Expressions: quarter, homework, do one’s homework, run, clean, walk, take a walk, quickly, either, either… or…, lot, lots of, sometimes, taste. (2) Structure: I don’t have much time for breakfast. I either watch TV or play computer games. She knows it’s not good for her, but it tastes good. (3) Grammar: when questions and adverbs of frequency 2. Ability Objectives: (1) Ss learn to use adverbs of frequency. (2) Ss learn to use when questions. 3. Moral Objectives: Have a healthy lifestyle. II. Teaching Importance(focus) (1) Ss learn to use adverbs of frequency. (2) Ss learn to use when questions. III. Teaching Difficulties 1. either… or…的使用是个难点,可以和 both, all 一起教学。 2. 阅读较长,让学生学会找 key words. Ⅳ. Teaching Aids A recorder, multi-media Ⅴ. Teaching Procedure: Step 1:Lead—in Enjoy an English song named Time. Step 2:Pre-task 1. Work on 1a &1b. 2. Work on 1c&1d 3. Do pair work.(1e) Step 3:While-task 1. Pre- reading: Work on B 2a, get Ss to give more healthy activities. 2. While-reading: Read and circle the healthy activities and compare who is healthier. 3. Post- reading: Work on 2c. Step 4. Post-task Retell 2b. ( If time is limited, do it after class.) Step 5 Sum up 6 Do exercises in class and check the answers Homework 1. 作业本 2. 完成 Self Check。 3. 常规听读、听写作业。 Layout of Bb 教学反思: Period 4 Section B (3a-Self Check) I. Teaching Objectives Unit 2 What time do you go to school? Period 3 I don’t have much time for breakfast. I either watch TV or play computer games. She knows it’s not good for her, but it tastes good. 7 1. Knowledge Objectives: (1) Expressions: life (2) Structure: First… then… next… after that… (3) Grammar: Talk about routines 2. Ability Objectives: (1) Ss learn to use First… then… next… after that…to write their daily routines. (2) Review of the important items in this unit. 3. Moral Objectives: Time is life. II. Teaching Importance(focus) (1) Ss learn to use First… then… next… after that…to write their daily routines. (2) Review of the important items in this unit. III. Teaching Difficulties 写作是个难点。 Ⅳ. Teaching Aids A recorder, multi-media Ⅴ. Teaching Procedure: Step 1 Warming up Enjoy an English flash. Step 2 Pre-task Review of B 2b Step 3 While-task 1. Work on B3a, Number the sentences in order.. 2. Work on B3b, writing daily routines with First… then… next… after that… 3. check the self check Step 4 Post-task Sum up this unit Step 5 Sum up Do exercises in class and check the answers Homework 1. 作业本 2. 订正 3. 常规听读、听写作业 Layout of Bb 8 教学反思: Unit 2 What time do you go to school? Period4 • 本单元学习了时间表达方式 时间表达法有三种 • 本单元学习了关于如何问时间的问句 What time is it= What’s the time? What time/ when do you/ they…? What time/ when does he/ she /XXX…? • 本单元学习了表示频率的副词,分别是 always, usually, often, sometimes , never. • 本单元学习了如何表达日常生活的作息时间,除了时刻的时间顺序以外,还可以用 first, then, next, after that 等来表达先后顺序。学习了区分健康的习惯与不健康的 习惯

