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UNIT 2 This is my sister. 课时 1 Section A (1a-2d) 人教版 七年级上 一、 根据首字母及汉语提示写出下面句中所缺的单词。 1. Alice is my s ( 姐姐 ). 2. This is Lily’s g ( 奶奶 ). Her first name is Betty. 3. Hello! Are you Sonia’s g ( 爷爷 )? 4. His m ( 母亲 ) is my aunt. 5. —What are t ( 那些 ), Dale? —They are cups. ister randmother randfather other hose 6. B ( 再见 ), Linda! 7. Bill’s p ( 父母亲 ) are not English. 8. Have a good d ( 一天 ). 9. This is Frank Smith and he is my f ( 父亲 ). 10. —Linda is my friend. — W ( 嗯 ), I see. ye arents ay ather ell 二、 用所给词的适当形式完成下面的句子。 11. Tom and Linda are my _________ (family). 12. _________(he) are Dora’s good friends. 13. Jack, are _________ (this) your rulers? 14. Mary and Eric are my _____________ (grandparent). 15. His two _________ (brother) are in China now. 【 点拨 】 12. he, she, it 的复数形式都是 they 。 family They these grandparents brothers 三、单项选择。 ( ) 16. —____ she? —She is my sister. A. What is       B. What are C. Who are D. Who is D ( ) 17. —Are these your friends? —No, ____ my brothers. A. they are B. that is C. he is D. she is A ( ) 18. —Jane, ____ is my friend Alice. —Nice to meet you, Alice. A. this B. that C. these D. those A ( ) 19. —Have a good day! —____ A. How are you? B. Good. C. I’m fine. D. Thanks. 【 点拨 】 对方祝你有美好的一天 , 你应表示感谢。 D ( ) 20. [ 安徽阜阳文峰中学月考 ]—Is Ms. Lee a friend of your ____? —Yes. She is my parents’ friend. A. mother B. father C. family D. school C 四、根据汉语意思完成下列句子 , 每空一词。 21. 这些是我的钢笔。 _________ _________ my pens. These are 22. 汤姆 , 他是谁? Tom, _______ ______ he? who is 23. 那些是你的姐姐们吗? Are _________ your _________? those sisters 24. 迈克和杰克是我的弟弟。 Mike and Jack _________ my _________. 【 点拨 】 主语为两人 , 是复数。所以 be 动词用 are 。 are brothers 25. 我明白了。 I _________. see 五、 从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话 , 有两项多余。 A: Good morning! 26 B: Yes, I am. What’s your name? A: 27 B: Hi, Jane. Nice to meet you. A: 28 26. ______ 27. ______ 28. ______ A. Nice to meet you, too. B. Are you Grace? C. Have a good day! D. My name is Jane. E. Is she your sister? F. She is my friend Mary. G. Is she Jane? B D A B: Jane, who’s she? A: 29 B: Oh, I see. 30 A: Thanks! You, too. Bye! B: Bye-bye. 29. ______ 30. ______ F C A. Nice to meet you, too. B. Are you Grace? C. Have a good day! D. My name is Jane. E. Is she your sister? F. She is my friend Mary. G. Is she Jane? UNIT 2 This is my sister. 课时 2 Section A (Grammar Focus-3c) 人教安徽版 七年级上 一、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. ________ (these) is my sister Linda. 2. Are ________ (that) your pencils? 3. It ________ (be) my key. 4. ________(it) are pens. 5. Who ________ (be) they? This those is They are 二、 用指示代词 that, this, these 或 those 完成下面的 句子。 6. —What’s ________ over there ( 那边 )? —It’s a ruler. 7. —Are ________ your pencils? —No, they aren’t. My pencils are here ( 这儿 ). that those 8. —Are ________ your rulers? —Yes, they are. I put them here ( 我把它们放在这儿 ). 9. Tom, ________ is my friend, Lucy. Lucy, ________ is my brother Tom. 10. Hello. ________ is Tom. Is that Linda? these this this This 三、单项选择。 ( ) 11. —____ is your friend? —Mary. ____ is in China, now. A. Who; He B. What; She C. Who; She D. What; He C ( ) 12. Frank has two sisters. ____ are Gina and Mary. A. He B. She C. These D. They D ( ) 13. —Are those his friends? —____. They’re his teachers. A. Yes, they are B. Yes, those are C. No, they aren’t D. No, those aren’t C ( ) 14. This ____ my sister and those ____ my friends. A. is; are B. are; is C. is; is D. are; are A ( ) 15. [ 安徽淮南龙湖中学月考 ]—Is he your classmate? —____. He’s my brother. A. Yes, it is B. Yes, he is C. No, it isn’t D. No, he isn’t D 四、根据汉语意思完成下面的句子,每空一词。 16. 他们是我的朋友。 ________ ________ my ________. They are friends 17. 那些是你的父母吗? ________ ________ your parents? Are those 18. 这些铅笔是什么颜色的? What color ________ ________ pencils? are these 19. 他们是谁? ________ ________ they? Who are 20. 她们是你的姐姐吗? ________ ________ your sisters? Are they 五、按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。 21. He is my brother . ( 对画线部分提问 ) ________ ________ he? Who is 22. Are these your brothers? ( 改为单数句 ) ________ ________ your ________? Is this brother 23. That is my brother.( 改为复数句 ) ________ ________ my ________ . Those are brothers   24. She is a girl.( 改为复数句 ) ________ ________ ________. They are girls 25. Here are her pictures.( 改为单数句 ) ________ ________ her ________. Here is picture UNIT 2 This is my sister. 课时 3 Section B (1a-1d) 人教安徽版 七年级上 一、 根据首字母及汉语提示写出句中所缺的单词。 1. Dave is my father. I’m his s ( 儿子 ). 2. Alan is my c ( 表弟 ). He isn’t my brother. 3. Gina is my a ( 姑姑 ). Her father is my grandpa. on ousin unt 4. Bill is my u ( 叔叔 ). He and my father are brothers. 5. Grace is my d ( 女儿 ). I am her mother. ncle aughter 二、 看下面关系图 , 写单词完成句子。 6. Frank is Alice’s __________. 7. Ben is Tony’s __________. 8. Frank is Mr. Green’s __________. 9. Ann and Bob are Tony’s __________. 10. Bob and Frank are Gina’s __________. uncle cousin son parents brothers 11. Mr. Green and Mrs. Green are Ben’s ______________. 12. Tony and Alice are brother and __________. 13. Cindy is Ben’s _____________. 14. Alice is Ann’s __________. 15. Gina is Alice’s __________. grandparents sister mother/mom daughter aunt 三、单项选择。 ( ) 16. [ 安徽蒙城鲲鹏中学联盟月考 ]Linda has ( 有 ) _____ uncle and _____ aunt. A. a; a B. an; an C. a; an D. an; a 【 点拨 】 uncle 和 aunt 都是以元音音素开头的单词。 B ( ) 17. [ 安徽来安半塔中学月考 ]He is my grandparents’ son, but he isn’t my father. He is my _____. A. father B. son C. grandfather D. uncle D ( ) 18. —Mom, _____ my friends, Mike and Jim. —Nice to meet you, boys. A. this is B. these are C. those are D. that is 【 点拨 】 依据 friends, 可知本句为复数句 , 依据回答可知是近指 , 故选 B 。 B ( ) 19. —Is she your uncle’s _____? —Yes. She is my cousin. A. son B. sister C. father D. daughter D ( ) 20. —Are they your parents? —_____. They are my uncle and aunt. A. Yes, it is B. No, they aren’t C. Yes, they are D. No, it isn’t B 四、根据汉语意思完成下面的句子 , 每空一词。 21. 那是我的姑姑 , 我爸爸的妹妹。 That is my ________, my father’s ________. aunt sister 22. 这是 Linda 的父母吗? ________ these ________ ________? Are Linda's parents 23. 那不是我的堂妹。 That ________ my ________. isn't cousin   24. 他们是我的叔叔。 They are ________ ________. my uncles 25. 他是你的儿子吗? Is he ________ ________? your son UNIT 2 This is my sister. 课时 4 Section B (2a-2c) 人教安徽版 七年级上 一、根据首字母及汉语提示写出下面句中所缺单词。 1. H ( 这就是 ) is your cup, Linda. 2. The g ( 女孩 ) is my friend, Gina. 3. My brother and my mother are in the p ( 照片 ). ere irl photo/ picture 4. Coco is the name of a d ( 狗 ). 5. In the n ( 下一个 ) picture are my sister Cindy and my friend Sally. og ext 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 6. My grandparents and my aunt are in the ________ (one) photo. 7. Here ________ (be) your keys, Linda. 8. These are my family ________ (picture). 9. Lucy and Jim are my ________ (cousin). 10. They are his ___________ (daughter). first are pictures cousins daughters 三、单项选择。 ( ) 11. Here ____ a pen. It is black. A. be B. am C. is D. are C ( ) 12. —What are the names of the two ____? —They are Wangwang and Doudou. A. photo B. photos C. dog D. dogs D ( ) 13. This is a photo ____ my brother. A. in B. to C. of D. and C ( ) 14. —Is this her ____? —Yes, it is. You can see her parents in it. A. picture B. number C. ruler D. pen A ( ) 15. In the next picture ____ my sisters. A. are B. is C. be D. am A ( ) 16. —What’s the ____ of the cat? — Mimi. A. name B. color C. picture D. photo A ( ) 17. Mike is my father’s brother. He is my ____. A. aunt B. brother C. cousin D. uncle D ( ) 18. That is ____ cousin. ____ name is Bob. A. I; His B. my; His C. I; He D. my; He B ( ) 19. —Bob, are those your grandparents? —No, ____. A. those are not B. they’re not C. those are D. they are B ( ) 20. [ 安徽巢湖黄山中学月考 ]Those are John’s mother’s parents. They are his ____. A. friends B. grandparents C. cousins D. parents B 四、根据汉语意思完成下面的句子 , 每空一词。 21. 她的姐姐在第一张照片里。 ______ ______ _______ _______________ is her sister. In the first photo/ picture 22. Mike 是我弟弟的名字。 Mike is ______ _______ _____ my brother. the name of 23. 这是一张我父母的照片。 This is _____ ________ of my parents. a photo 24. 他的钢笔在这儿。 ________ ________ his pen. Here is 25. 你家里的那个女孩是谁? Who is the girl _____ _____ ________? in your family 五、完形填空。 Hi, friends! I’m Xu Ruike. I’m an English 26 , but( 但是 ) I’m in China now. My 27 name is Alice. ( ) 26. A. name B. school C. girl D. picture ( ) 27. A. middle B. last C. family D. English C D Here are two 28 of my family. My father Xu Yajun and I are in the 29 photo. ( ) 28. A. photos B. friends C. dogs D. names ( ) 29. A. first B. last C. next D. one A A Xu Yajun is my 30 Chinese ( 汉语的 ) name. 31 English name is Mike. ( ) 30. A. mother’s B. father’s C. sister’s D. brother’s ( ) 31. A. Her B. Your C. His D. My B C In the next photo, you can 32 three people ( 人 ). They are my mother and my 33 sisters. ( ) 32. A. say B. have C. meet D. see ( ) 33. A. one B. two C. three D. four D B Their names are Dora, Elly 34 Lily. Dora is my mother. Elly and Lily 35 my sisters. They are nice. ( ) 34. A. too B. and C. well D. but ( ) 35. A. is B. am C. are D. be B C UNIT 2 This is my sister. 课时 5 Section B (3a-3b)& Self Check 人教安徽版 七年级上 一、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Who ________(be)these boys? 2. Here ________ (be) a photo of my family. 3. Are ________ (this) your parents? 4. ________(that) are my grandparents, John and Jenny. are is these Those 5. Ann and I ________ (be not) friends. 6. It’s ________ (her) pencil. 7. I have two ________ (photo) of my family. her photos aren't 二、 单项选择。 ( ) 8. —What’s the name ____ your sister? —Jenny. A. to B. of C. in D. and B ( ) 9. [ 安徽淮南三中月考 ]Tom and Linda are my good friends. ____ are in Shanghai now. A. You B. Those C. These D. They D ( )10. [ 安徽祁门闪里中学月考 ]The boy is my ____. He is my uncle’s ____. A. cousin; brother B. cousin; son C. brother; son D. brother; cousin B ( ) 11. —What are those? —____. A. They are jackets B. They are my brothers C. It is a quilt D. His daughter A ( ) 12. [ 安徽蒙城鲲鹏中学联盟月考 ]—Have a good day, Dale. — Thanks! ____. A. I’m fine B. Good afternoon C. You, too D. Nice to meet you C 三、根据汉语意思完成下列句子 , 每空一词。 13. 那三个女孩是谁? ________ ________ those three ________? Who are girls   14. 你的狗的名字是什么? What’s _______ _______ ______ your dog? the name of   15. 我妈妈在下一张照片里。 My ________ ______ in the _______ photo. mother is next 16. 这里有一件紫色的夹克衫。 ________ ________ a purple jacket. Here is 17. 他们不是我朋友 , 是我表兄弟。 They ________ my ________. They’re my ________. aren't friends cousins 四、根据图片及提示词 , 完成下列对话。 18. —Paul, what’s this? —_____________________. (photo)   It's a photo   19. —Bob, is he your father? —__________________. (uncle) No, he is my uncle 20. —Who’s this girl? —________________. (sister) She's my sister 21. —Who are they? —_________________________. (grandparents) They are my grandparents   22. —_________________________? —It’s Coco. (name) What's the name of the dog 人教安徽版 七年级上 UNIT 2 写作素养提升练 小鸟爱天空 , 小鱼爱河流 , 小马爱草原 , 小熊爱森林 …… 世间万物都拥有自己的家。我爱我的家 , 它充满了微笑、欢乐 , 它是我心灵的驿站 , 它永远都充满着爱与期待。同学们 , 你能介绍一下自己的家吗? 人教安徽版 七年级上 看图 , 假设你是 Mike, 这是你的一张全家福 , 请向大家介绍你的家人。 参考词汇及句型: happy 快乐的 , 幸福的 ; Here is...; This is...; These are... 【 思路构建 】 Hello! I am Mike. Here is a photo of my family. This is my father, David. And that is my mother. Her name is Linda. These are my grandparents, Jack and Cindy. These are my brother and sister, Tom and Gina. I have a happy family. I love my family. 【 精彩范文 】 1. Here is a photo of my /his/her ... 这是一张我的 / 他的 / 她的 …… 照片。 2. This is .../That is ... 这是 ……/ 那是 …… 3. These are .../Those are ... 这些是 ……/ 那些是 …… 4. I have a happy family. 我有一个幸福的家庭。 5. I love my family. 我爱我家。 假设你叫李明 , 这里有一张你的全家福照片。你的爷爷、奶奶、爸爸、妈妈还有两个姐姐都在照片里面。 根据照片提示 , 写一篇题为 My family 的英语短文 , 介绍你的家庭。 注意:词数 60 左右 参考词汇及句型: happy, there are... My family _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Hello, I'm Li Ming. I have a happy family. In my family, there are seven people. Look! Here is a photo of my family. These are my grandparents. This is my mother and this is my father. My two sisters are in the picture, too. Who is the boy? Yes, it's me. I love my family. UNIT 2 中考考点专练 人教安徽版 七 年级上 family 的用法 单项选择。 ( ) 1. Linda’s family ____ very big. A. is B. are C. am D. be A ( ) 2. Here are my ____. These are my parents and that is my sister. A. family B. familys C. families D. a family A ( ) 3. My ____ name is Cindy and my ____ name is Miller. A. first; family B. first; given C. last; family D. given; first A 指示代词: these, those, this 与 that 单项选择。 ( ) 1. — What ____ those? —____ are my coats. A. is; They B. are; Those C. are; They D. is; Those C ( ) 2. ____ my friends. A. This is B. That’s C. These is D. Those are D ( ) 3. Are ____ your ____? A. this; photo B. these; photos C. that; photos D. those; photoes B ( ) 4. —Is this your friend? —____. It’s my sister. A. Yes, it is B. No, she isn’t C. No, it isn’t D. Yes, she is C ( ) 5. —Are those your erasers? —____. A. Yes, it is B. No, it isn’t C. Yes, these are D. No, they aren’t D 按要求完成下面的句子,每空一词。 6. This is a cup. ( 改为复数句 ) ________ ________ cups. These are 7. Those are rulers. ( 改为单数句 ) ________ ________ a ruler. That is 8. —Are these your cousins? ( 作肯定回答 ) —Yes, ________ ________. they are 9. They are girls. ( 改为单数句 ) ________ ________ a girl. She is 疑问代词: who 单项选择。 ( ) 1. —____ she? —She is Linda. A. Who B. What C. Who’s D. What’s C ( ) 2. —Who in the photo? —Tom and Jenny. A. to be B. are C. am D. be B ( ) 3. —Who ____ is the girl? —____. A. She’s in China B. She’s a teacher C. My sister D. We are friends C 交际用语: Have a good day. 单项选择。 ( ) 1. —Have a good day. —____. A. You’re good B. Thank you C. I’m fine D. You’re OK B ( ) 2. —____ —You, too. A. How are you? B. Nice to meet you. C. Hi! D. Have a good day! D here 引导的倒装句 单项选择。 ( ) 1. Here ____ five cups. A. be B. is C. are D. am C ( ) 2. Here ____ a picture of a boy. A. is B. are C. am D. be A 根据汉语提示完成下面的句子,每空一词。 3. 你的杯子在这儿呢。 Here _______ _______ _______. is your cup 4. —— 我的照片呢? —— 它在这儿呢。 —Where is my photo? —Here ______ ______. it is

