冀教版七年级英语上册习题课件Lesson 45 China

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冀教版七年级英语上册习题课件Lesson 45 China

Unit 8 Countries around the World Lesson 45 China 冀教版 七年级 一、根据汉语提示写单词,并背记相应英语词汇 1. All the children must learn a foreign _____________ ( 语言 ). 2 . What ___________ ( 其他的 ) do you like, Jack? language     else    3. The _________ ( 旗帜 ) is flying in the wind. 4 . A lot of people want to visit the _________ ( 宫殿 ) Museum. 5 . Mary is a __________ ( 可爱的 ) girl . flag        Palace     lovely 二、根据提示完成句子,并背记英语句子 6. 詹妮,你了解中国什么 ? __________ do you __________ _________ China , Jenny? What know about 7 . 在 中国人们说什么语言 ? __________ _________ do people __________ in China? What language speak 8 . 北京 是中国的首都。 Beijing is __________ __________ __________ __________ China . the capital city of 9 . 中国 东部有哪些国家? What ____________ are ________ ________ China ? countries east of 10 . 它 有着悠久的历史。 It has __________ __________ __________. a long history 1. There are _________ flowers in our school and I like them _________. A. a lot of; a lot B . a lot; a lot of C . a lot of; a lot of D . a lot; a lot A 【 点拨 】 句意分析法。句意为“我们学校有许多花,我非常喜欢它们”。 a lot of 许多,大量,修饰名词; a lot 很,非常,修饰动词。故选 A 。 2. There’s ________ water in the cup. A. lot of B. lots of C . many D . a lot B 3. —What’s your favorite _________? — English. A. language B . country C . city D . capital A 4. They can speak Chinese .( 对 画线部分 提问 ) _________ _____________ ________ they speak? What language can 5. What __________ do _________ boys want to buy? A. else ; else B . other; other C . other; else D . else; other D 【 点拨 】 句意为“其他的男孩还想买什么”。 else 和 other 都是形容词,意为“其他的”,二者的区别在于: else 常用于疑问代词或不定代词之后,而 other 一般用于名词之前。故选 D 。 6. Would you like __________ to drink? A. anything else B . something else C . else anything D . else something B 7. The students are cleaning their classroom. _________ are cleaning the windows. _________ are cleaning the chairs. A. Some ; Others B . Some; Another C . Others; The others D . Some; Other A 8. It’s _________ 6:00 . Let’s go home! A . at B . on C . around D . for C 【 点拨 】 at 在时间空间的一点; on 在 …… 上面; around 大约,在 …… 四周; for 为了。句意为“现在大约六点了。让我们回家吧”。故选 C 。 9. Somebody is calling me, so I turn __________ to see who it is. A. off B . out C . up D . around D 【 点拨 】 turn off 关掉;关上, turn out 生产, turn up 把 ( 声音 ) 调大, turn around 转身。由句意可知选 D 。 10. The earth( 地球 ) goes __________ the sun. 【 中考 · 武威 】 A. around B . through C . between D . across A 【 点拨 】 句意为“地球围着太阳转”。 around 围绕,其他选项 through 通过, between 在两者之间, across 穿过,都不符合句意。故选 A 。 11. I ___________ pandas, because they are __________. (love) love lovely 12. The little dancer from Australia looks _________ in the long skirt. 【 改编 · 上海 】 A. sadly B . happily C . beautifully D . lovely D 【 点拨 】 句意为“这个来自澳大利亚的小舞者穿着这条长裙看上去很 ________” 。 sadly 伤心地; happily 快乐地; beautifully 漂亮地,美丽地; lovely 可爱的,令人愉快的。句中的 look 意为“看上去,看起来”,是系动词,后应该接形容词作表语。 故选 D 。 一、单项 选择 1. — This photo makes me think of the trip to ________ Great Wall last year. — Yeah, we had a great time there. 【 改编 · 温州 】 A . a B . an C . the D. / C 2. Taiwan is a part of China. It is _________ the southeast of our country. A . on B . in C . of D. at B 3. The Palace Museum is famous _______ the world. A . about B . for C . around D . as C 4. — What _________ do you want to buy? — Nothing. Thanks. A. else B . else things C . another D . other A 5. Many people go to Tian’anmen Square to watch the national _________ rise( 升起 ) on National Day. A . flag B . flower C . animal D . map A 6. —Lily is a _________ girl . — You’re right. Everyone _________ her very much. A. love ; loves B . lovely; loves C . lovely; love D . love; lovely B 7. — What _________ do you speak? — Chinese. A. subject B . language C . country D . people B 8. His father likes to travel _________. He knows _________ places . A . a lot of; a lot of B . a lot; a lot C . a lot of; a lot D . a lot; a lot of D 9. Can you ________ Japanese ? Please _________ these words in Japanese. A. speak ; tell B . say; talk C . speak; say D . say; speak C 10. —Where does your cousin live? —She __________ Toronto . A. live B . lives in C . lives D . live in B 二、按要求完成下列各题 11. Canada is east of China .( 对 画线部分 提问 ) ______________ __________ is east of China? What/Which country 12. What other things do you need ?( 改为 同义 句 ) __________ ___________ do you need? What else 13. The flag is red .( 对 画线部分 提问 ) __________ ___________ is the flag? What colour 14. Beijing is the capital city of China .( 对 画线部分 提问 ) _________ __________ the capital city of China? What is 15. He speaks English well .( 改为 一般 疑问句 ) ___________ he __________ English well? Does speak 三、连词成 句 16. a, is, girl, lovely, she _______________________ She is a lovely girl 17. five, has, stars, the flag ________________________ The flag has five stars 18. has, long, China, history, a __________________________ China has a long history 19. do, about, you, what, him, know _______________________________ What do you know about him 20. countries, west, what, China, of, are _______________________________ What countries are west of China

