冀教版七年级英语上册习题课件Lesson 23 The Corner Store

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冀教版七年级英语上册习题课件Lesson 23 The Corner Store

Lesson 23 The Corner Store 冀教版七年级 Unit 4 Food and Restaurants 一、根据汉语提示写单词,并背记相应英语词汇 1. __________ ( 传递 ) me over that book. 2. Write your address in the top right-hand ___________ ( 角落 ) of the letter. Pass      corner        3. I don’t have enough __________ ( 钱 ) for the book. 4 . There are thirty -six students in our class, including __________ ( 二十 ) boys and sixteen girls. 5 . The ___________ ( 冰箱 ) can keep the food fresh ( 新鲜的 ). money           twenty         fridge 二、根据提示完成句子,并背记英语句子 6. 我能帮助你吗 ? __________ I _________ you ? Can/May help 7 . 丹尼 ,请帮我去一下便利店。我需要一些牛奶。这 儿是一些钱。 Danny , please go to the _________ _________ for me. I need some milk. Here ___________ __________ __________. money corner store is some 8. 让我想想 …… 我想要一些果汁 …… Let me __________ ... I’d like some _________ ... see juice 9 . 他 没问:“你妈妈想要什么?” He didn’t _________,“ What _________ your mum _________?” ask would like 10 . 拿 一个下来。传递它 。 _________ one _________. _________ it _________. Take down Pass around 1. Money _________ important , but it’s not everything. A . am B . is C . are D . be B 2. I don’t have enough ________. I can’t buy the jacket. A. money B . food C . rest D . work A 3. —__________? — Yes, please. I would like a red coat. A. What would you like B . How much is it C . What about a red coat D . Can I help you D 4. —_________? — I want to buy a pair of sports shoes. 【 中考 · 云南 】 A. What’s wrong B . What can I do for you C . How much is it D . What does it look like B   【 点拨 】 根据答语“我想买一双运动鞋”可知问句是提供服务的用语,可用 Can I help you? 或者 What can I do for you? 之类的问句。故选 B 。 5. —_________ does she live? — She lives in the same neighborhood as me. 【 中考 · 自贡 】 A . What B . Where C . Which B 6. We will travel to the Great Wall after the exam . ( 对画线 部分 提问 ) 【 中考 · 重庆 B】 _________ ________ you travel after the exam? Where will 7. Could you please help me _________ the pictures? A. take after B. take down C. take off D. take up B 【 点拨 】 词语辨析法。句意为“你能帮我把那些画取下来吗”。 take after 相像; take down 取下,拿下; take off 脱掉; take up 占用。故选 B 。 8. Please _________ my little dog when I’m away. A. take care B . take care of C . take down D . take off B   9. 我可以在这儿拍照吗? May I _________ _________ here ? take photos   10. 一辆公共汽车刚开过去。 A bus __________ _________ just now. passed by 11. Please pass a cup of coffee to me .( 译 成 汉语 ) 【 中考 · 绥化 】 ______________________________________ 请递给我一杯咖啡。 一、单项 选择 1. It’s raining outside. I have to be at _________ home . A . a B . an C . the D . / D 2. Would you like _________ coke ? A . no B . many C . any D . some D 3. I buy school things _________ the store. A . on B . with C . at D . off C 4. I don’t have much ________. A. money B . friends C . foods D . book A   5. I want to _________ the map from the wall. Can you help me? A. put up B . take down C . put on D . take off B 6. Juice and bread _________ over there. A . am B . is C . are D . be C   【 点拨 】 语法判定法。两个及以上不可数名词作主语当作复数,故选 C 。 7. Would you please _________ the cup of tea to me? I can’t reach( 够着 ) it . A . borrow B . pass C . get D . buy B 8. There are _________ on the table. A. three bottle of milk B . three bottles of milk C . three bottles of milks D . three bottle of milks B   9. Please ________ us around your school. A. show B. to show C . shows D . showing A   10. —_________? — Yes, please. I’d like some rice. A. Do you have any rice B . Can I help you C . What would you like to buy D . What do you want B 二、用方框中所给词或短语的适当形式填空 11. I ______________ some bread. I’m hungry. twenty, fridge, would like, corner store, over there would like      12. Look at the man __________. He is Mr. Smith. twenty, fridge, would like, corner store, over there over there      13. —How many boys are there in your class? —_________. twenty, fridge, would like, corner store, over there Twenty      14. I go to the ______________ to buy food. twenty, fridge, would like, corner store, over there corner store     15. There is no food in the _________. Let’s buy some. twenty, fridge, would like, corner store, over there fridge 三、连词成句 16. over, there, milk, is, the _______________________. The milk is over there 17. would, what, like, she ______________________? What would she like 18. me, some, let, food, buy ______________________. Let me buy some food 19. orange, juice, sister, needs, my ______________________________. My sister needs orange juice 20. bottles, I, coke, have, of, many ____________________________. I have many bottles of coke 四、 选词 填空 Today is Saturday. Mrs. Smith wants to go ____________21 . She needs __________22 many things for her family. year, red, buy, for, shop, busy, play, vegetable, car, so shopping    to buy   She wants to buy bread, milk, ____________23 and fruit. Chicken is her family’s favourite, ________24 she also wants to buy some. Mr. Smith likes __________25 basketball best. year, red, buy, for, shop, busy, play, vegetable, car, so vegetables    so   playing   Mrs. Smith needs to buy a basketball _________26 him. Their daughter( 女儿 ) Lynn needs a new skirt for school. _________27 is Lynn’s favourite colour. John is Lynn’s brother. year, red, buy, for, shop, busy, play, vegetable, car, so for Red   He is only four ________28 old. He likes toy __________29. Mrs. Smith wants to buy one for him. Oh, Mrs. Smith will be so _________30 today. year, red, buy, for, shop, busy, play, vegetable, car, so years cars     busy  

