人教新目标英语七上Starter Unit 时教学设计

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人教新目标英语七上Starter Unit 时教学设计

课程设计 授课日期 年 月 日 Teaching Page 5 2b-5 2b. Groupwork 3a. Look at the picture in Activity 3a, play the recording for students.3b. Get students to look at the picture 4. Point to the chart. 5. Listen and sing the song. Practising ( Self Check1-4) 1.to read and write the letters.. 2. order the alphabetical order. 3.read the letters and words 4.to sum up what we have learnt Ask two students to read the sample dialogue to the class. Then get students to work in small groups. Ask some groups to perform their greetings to the class Ask students to listen and draw lines between the letters. Then let the students guess what it is. Check their drawings. Make sure they can match them all. Ask them to practice the song for several times. Ask students to check the letters and the words they know. Ask students to write new words and share their words with the class. 13’ 15’ 板 书 设 计 Starter Unit 1. Good morning! Section B (1-4) how are you I am fine thanks OK name list How are you? I’m fine. I’m = I am 课 后 反 思 课题 Starter Unit 1. Good morning! Section B (1-4) ( 第 2 课时 ) 总第 2 课时 教学 目标 Learn some new words. Listening and speaking skills. Study well and help each other 重 点 难 点 关 键 Listening practice in the letters A-H. To grasp: 1. the vowels A and E . 2.The girls’ names and boys’ names Reading and practising 班级人数学生出缺 席情况 缺席姓名 程 序 与 内 容 师生活动 补充与改进 时 间 Pre-learning 1.to lead in the new lesson 2.to write the title on the Bb 3.to show the learning aims 4.to check the new words Learning Page 4 Section B 1-5 1.The teacher writes the names and letters. 2.The teacher checks their tasks. Greet the students as usual and check the homework. T: Good morning, class. S: Good morning, teacher. T: Sit down, please. Say: When we meet people, we usually say some greetings. How do we great each other? In this lesson, we will go on learn these common greetings. Learn the following new words by using the picture on page4. how , are , you , I , am , fine ,thanks , OK , name , list Ask students to listen to the conversation. Then practice with their partners. Play the recording for students. Students listen and repeat. 2’ 15’

