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七上仁爱版英语Unit 3 Topic 1 Do you have a pen pal?‎ Section A教学设计 The main activity is ‎1a. 本课重点活动是‎1a。‎ Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 ‎1. Learn some useful words and expressions:‎ could, tell, sure, speak, some, poor, with, help sb. with sth., problem, after, after class ‎2. Learn present simple to do and personal pronouns:‎ ‎(1)—Do you come from the U.S.A.‎?‎ ‎ —No, I don’t.‎ ‎ (2)—Do you like Chinese?‎ ‎ —Yes, I do.‎ ‎3. Ask for permission and make requests:‎ ‎(1)—Could you help me with it?‎ ‎—No problem.‎ ‎(2)—Could you please tell me your name?‎ ‎—Sure.‎ Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 幻灯片/教学挂图/录音机/尺子/玩具猫/玩具狗/蒙眼布/铅笔 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)‎ ‎1. (教师按照座位链式提问,要求学生用Yes, I do./No, I don’t.快速作答。)‎ T: Do you have a knife?‎ S1: Yes, I do.‎ T: Do you have long legs?‎ S2: No, I don’t. ‎ T: Do you have a round face?‎ S3: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.‎ T: Do you have a small mouth?‎ ‎…‎ ‎(通过运用Do you have …? Yes, I do./No, I don’t.句型引出课题Do you have a pen pal?)[‎ T: Do you have a pen pal, S6?‎ ‎(板书)‎ Do you have a pen pal?‎ ‎2. (教师通过询问学生个人信息,导入新知识。)‎ T: Excuse me. What’s your name, please?‎ S1: My name is …‎ T: How old are you?‎ S1: I’m …‎ T: Do you have an English name?‎ S1: Yes, I do.‎ T: Could you please tell me your English name?‎ S1: …‎ T: You can say “Sure. My English name is …”.‎ ‎…‎ ‎(板书)‎ ‎—Could you please tell me your …?‎ ‎—Sure.‎ ‎(教师示范)‎ T: Could you please tell me your age, S2?‎ S2: Sure. I’m …‎ T: Could you please tell me your telephone number?‎ S2: Sure. It’s …‎ ‎(让学生两人一组运用Could you please tell me your …?句型询问对方的个人信息。)‎ ‎3. (教师说I’m an English teacher, but I speak Chinese.引出生词speak。) ‎ T: Do you speak English, S1?‎ S1: (帮助学生回答)Yes, I do.‎ T: Do you like it?‎ S1: (帮助学生回答)Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.‎ ‎(学生两人一组操练,运用Do you speak …? Do you like …?句型及其肯定回答和否定回答。)‎ ‎4. (假设一种情形,教师请一个英语成绩不理想的学生,用not good来引出poor一词。)‎ T: Is your English good?‎ S3: No, it isn’t. I can speak some English, but my English isn’t good.‎ T: You can say “My English is poor.”‎ ‎(板书)‎ some poor S3: My English is poor. Could you help me?‎ T: No problem. I can help you with it.‎ ‎(板书)‎ No problem.‎ help … with …‎ ‎(通过以上的活动导入‎1a。)‎ Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:8分钟)‎ ‎1. (教师播放‎1a录音两遍。学生听录音并选择正确答案。教师利用幻灯片展示问题。)‎ ‎(1) Where does Jane come from?‎ A. Japan. B. Canada. C. China.‎ ‎(2) Does Jane speak English?‎ A. No, she doesn’t. B. Yes, she does. C. We don’‎ t know.‎ ‎(3) Whose Chinese is poor?‎ A. Jane’s. B. The boy’s. C. Maria’s.‎ ‎ (核对答案)‎ ‎2. (教师将‎1a的教学挂图挂在黑板上,让学生听‎1a录音并跟读。)‎ ‎3. (教师将全班学生分成两组,男、女生各一组,男生扮Li Xiang,女生扮Jane,分角色朗读‎1a。)‎ ‎4. (要求学生运用下列句型,可适当发挥,操练‎1a的对话,完成1b。)‎ ‎ (1)Could you please …‎ ‎ (2)Sure.‎ ‎ (3)Do you like English?‎ ‎ (4)Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.‎ ‎ (5)Could you help me with my …?‎ ‎ (6)No problem.‎ ‎ (教师巡回作指导,然后挑出表现比较好的一组登台表演。)‎ Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)‎ ‎1. (教师播放‎1a录音,然后请学生口述‎1a内容,至少要用三句话来介绍Jane的情况。先在小组内进行,然后各小组选派代表向大家汇报。)‎ ‎2. (教师利用幻灯片出示练习题,要求学生根据‎1a内容填空。)‎ ‎ The girl’s name is Jane. She comes from Canada. She speaks English. Jane likes Chinese very much, but her Chinese is poor. Li Xiang can help her with her Chinese.‎ ‎ (画线部分是要填的词)‎ ‎3. (老师先做示范,然后在各小组内操练,举行“小组对话大赛”,巩固所学句型。)‎ T: Excuse me, could you please tell me your name?‎ S1: Sure. My name is …‎ T: Do you come from the U.S.A.‎?‎ S1: No, I don’t. I come from …‎ T: Do you like English?‎ S1: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.‎ ‎ (学生两人一组先在小组内操练,然后各小组选出一个最优秀的参加全班的“小组对话大 赛”。)‎ ‎4. (教师让学生与同桌合作完成‎1c,核对答案后请2-3对学生练习对话。) ‎ ‎5. (做“身后藏物”游戏。) ‎ 方案一:‎ ‎(1)请4名学生上讲台,老师拿出四件物品给全班学生看一看,例如:铅笔、尺子、玩具猫和玩具狗。然后快速分给讲台上的4名学生,让他们把物品放在背后,注意不要让下面的学生看见谁拿到了什么。‎ ‎(2)老师问其中的一名学生:Do you have …?并故意问错,学生回答:No, I don’t.老师进而引导其他学生用Do you have …?句型提问讲台上的学生,被问到的学生作出回答,直到台下有学生猜对。‎ 方案二:‎ 四个人一小组练习。四件物品摆在桌前。其中一人A看过物品后,蒙住眼睛,另外3个人则各拿其中一样物品,A解开蒙眼布,用Do you have …?句型猜3‎ 个人手中各拿什么物品。‎ Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:7分钟)‎ ‎1. (做“问答接龙”游戏。从教师开始问第一排第一个学生,第一个学生回答后再问第二个学生,第二个学生回答后再问第三个学生,依次下去。)‎ T: Do you like English? ‎ S1: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.‎ ‎ (转身) Do you have a …?‎ S2: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.‎ ‎ (转身) Do you help …?‎ S3: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.‎ ‎ (转身) Do you …?‎ ‎2. (小组活动,要求学生们分组完成2。)‎ Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)‎ ‎1. (在老师的带领下完成3。)‎ ‎ (教师一边领读,一边打节拍,让学生跟着说,或者教师放录音让学生有节奏地跟读。)‎ ‎2. Homework:‎ ‎ 自编一个对话,运用下面句型:‎ ‎ ①Could you please …?‎ ‎ ②Sure.‎ ‎ ③Do you …?‎ ‎ Yes, I do./No, I don’t.‎ ‎ ④No problem.‎ 板书设计:‎ Do you have a pen pal?‎ Section A speak —Could you please tell me your …?‎ No problem. —Sure.‎ help … with … —Do you …?‎ poor —Yes, I do./No, I don’t.‎

