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七上仁爱版英语Unit 1 Topic 3 What class are you in?‎ Section A教学设计 The main activities are 1, ‎2a and ‎4a. 本课重点活动是1, ‎2a和‎4a。‎ Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 ‎1. (1)Learn some numeral words:‎ eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty ‎(2)Learn other useful words and expressions:‎ year, old, year(s) old, How old …?, class, in, grade, that ‎2. Master the special questions and demonstratives:‎ ‎(1)—Who’s that?‎ ‎—That’s Nancy.‎ ‎(2)—What class are you in?‎ ‎—I’m in Class Four, Grade Seven.‎ ‎(3)—How old are you?‎ ‎—I’m twelve.‎ ‎(4)—What grade are you in?‎ ‎—I’m in Grade Seven.‎ ‎(5)—What class is she in?‎ ‎—She’s in Class Eleven, Grade Eight.‎ ‎3. Talk about someone’s age, class and grade.‎ Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 数字卡片/录音机/投影仪或小黑板/教学挂图 ‎ Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:7分钟)‎ ‎1. (做游戏,复习数词0-10。)‎ 游戏规则:一名学生从zero开始报数,其后面的学生按顺序快速报数。每逢三或三的倍数时,学生不说出该数,只是站起来后迅速坐下,然后下一个学生接着说下一个数。出现失误的学生退出活动,下一位同学从zero开始重新报数。坚持到最后的学生为优胜者,并给予奖励。‎ T: Let’s play a game.‎ Example:‎ S1: zero S2: one S3: two S4: (站起之后迅速坐下)‎ S5: four S6: five S7: (站起之后迅速坐下 S8: …‎ ‎…‎ ‎2. (教师请一名学生上讲台配合示范,复习上节课的重点内容,导入新课。)‎ T: What’s your name?‎ S1: My name is S1.‎ T: Where are you from?‎ S1: I’m from Yangzhou.‎ T: What’s your telephone number?‎ S1: My telephone number is (0517)783-1234.‎ T: Now we want to know more personal information about our classmates, such as age, class, grade, how should we ask?‎ S1: How old are you?‎ S2: What class are you in?‎ S3: What grade are you in?‎ ‎(老师可帮助学生回答。)‎ ‎(板书)‎ How old …?‎ What class … in?‎ What grade … in?‎ ‎(学习新单词、新句型。)‎ T: How old are you?‎ S1: 13.(汉语)‎ T: You can answer like this: I’m 13/thirteen.(教师教学数词十三。)‎ S1: I’m thirteen.‎ T: What class are you in?‎ S2: 11班/I’m in Class 11.(教师帮助学生回答,教学数词十一。)‎ T: What grade are you in?‎ S3: I’m in Grade 7.‎ T: Good. First let’s learn how to count the numbers from 11 to 20.‎ ‎(由年龄、班级所涉及的数词,导入‎1a。)‎ Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:13分钟)‎ ‎1. (教师出示11-20的数字卡片,正面是英语单词,反面是阿拉伯数字。依次示范每个数词的读音。然后播放1录音,让学生跟录音模仿11到20数词读音。完成1。)‎ eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty ‎2. (让学生翻开书,朗读数词11-20,并找出这些数词的拼写规律。特殊记忆11、12、13、15、20这五个数词。通过相似联想,巩固数词11-20的记忆。)‎ ‎ T: Now turn to Page 17. Read 1 by yourselves and find out the rules of spelling.‎ ‎3. (将数词与句型结合起来,巩固新知识。)‎ T: Make sentences like this: I’m in Class 11.‎ Ss: I’m in Class 14, Grade 7.‎ ‎4. (1)(教师出示‎2a挂图,展示Li Ming和Sally两人正在对话的情景,听‎2a录音,回答问题。)‎ T: Look at the pictures. Do you want to know what class Li Ming and Sally are in? Let’s listen to the tape ‎(2)(播放录音,让学生听并跟读。)‎ T: Listen to the tape and repeat.‎ ‎(3)(教师找一名学生示范对话。)‎ T: Excuse me, what’s your name?‎ S1: My name is ...‎ T: How old are you?‎ S1: I’m twelve.‎ T: What class are you in?‎ S1: I’m in Class Four, Grade Seven.‎ T: Are you in Class Four, too?‎ S2: No, I’m not. I’m in Class Five.‎ ‎(学生两人一组操练。完成‎2a。)‎ Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)‎ ‎1. (让学生自读‎2a,完成2b。)‎ T: Now read ‎2a by yourselves, then work in pairs. Finish 2b.‎ ‎2. (播放3录音,完成3的听力训练。)‎ T: Listen to 3 and match.‎ ‎3. (根据3的连线,两人一组操练How old …? What class … in? What grade … in?这三个句型,同时巩固练习数词11-20。)‎ ‎4. (做数字加减游戏,复习数词11-20。)‎ T: Now let’s play two number games.‎ Example:‎ T: Take a number.‎ S1: Two.‎ T: And ten.(可用手势帮助学生理解。)‎ S1: Twelve.‎ T: Plus eight.‎ S1: Twenty.‎ T: Minus fifteen. (可用手势帮助学生理解。)‎ S1: Five.‎ ‎(游戏分两组,进行小组竞赛,算得又快又准确的组为获胜组。)‎ Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:8分钟)‎ ‎1. (教师用挂图出示‎4a对话情景,找一名学生S5到讲台前和教师示范对话。)‎ T: Hello! Who’s that?(教师解释此句含义 S5: That’s Nancy.(教师帮助回答 T: How old is she?‎ S5: She is fourteen.‎ T: What class is she in?‎ S5: She is in Class Eleven, Grade Eight.‎ ‎(板书)‎ ‎—Who’s that?‎ ‎—That’s Nancy.‎ ‎—How old is she?‎ ‎—She is fourteen.‎ ‎—What class is she in?‎ ‎—She’s in Class Eleven, Grade Eight.‎ she’s=she is that’s=that is who’s=who is ‎(学生之间互动操练,增强学生的口语表达能力。)‎ ‎(播放录音‎4a,让学生听并跟读,模仿语音语调。然后让学生两人一组操练。完成‎4a。)‎ T: Now listen to the tape and repeat. I’ll ask some students to act out the dialog.‎ ‎2. (出示写有姓名、年龄、班级、年级的人物图片:教师带领学生操练第三人称单数的重点句型。)‎ T: Excuse me, who is she?‎ Ss: She is Sally.‎ T: How old is she?‎ Ss: She’s twelve.‎ T: What class is she in?‎ Ss: She’s in Class Four, Grade Seven. Are you in Class Four, too?‎ T: No, I’m not. I’m in Class Five.‎ ‎3. (让学生根据自己的真实情况表演对话,互动操练。)‎ ‎(1) S1: Hi, S4! What grade are you in?‎ S2: I’m in Grade Seven. Are you in Grade Seven, too?‎ S1: No, I’m not. I’m in Grade Eight.‎ ‎(2) S3: Hello! S4! What class are you in?‎ S4: I’m in Class 4, Grade 7. Are you in Class 4, too?‎ S3: No, I’m not. I’m in Class 7.‎ ‎(3) S5: Who’s that?‎ S6: That’s Li Ming.‎ S5: How old is he?‎ S6: He’s thirteen.‎ S5: What class is he in?‎ S6: He’s in Class Nine, Grade Eight.‎ Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:7分钟)‎ ‎1. (做宾戈游戏。完成5。)‎ T: Now let’s play a BINGO game.‎ ‎(1)(从1-20中选9个数字填入制作好的九个方格内,用投影仪图示。)‎ T: Choose nine numbers from 1~20 and put them into your form like this:‎ ‎(2)(听教师读数字,每次九个一组,当学生听到教师读到的数字在自己表格中出现的时候,‎ 就在数字上打“×”,表格上没有的不打“×”。)‎ T: Listen to me and cross out (×) the numbers you hear.‎ ‎(3)(告诉学生,当他们打叉的数字横、竖或斜成一条直线时,就大声说“BINGO”,意思 是他/她赢了。)‎ T: Say“BINGO”! When you finish any three numbers in a line, like those on the picture.‎ ‎2. (找几个同学玩一个单词的“BINGO”游戏。)‎ ‎(游戏步骤可参考上一个“BINGO”游戏。)‎ ‎3. (用投影仪出示下列表格,让学生互相调查,然后完成这个表格。)‎ T: Boys and girls, let’s make a survey. Ask your friends these questions, then fill in the form.‎ What’s your English name?‎ How old are you?‎ Where are you from?‎ What’s your telephone number?‎ What class/grade are you in?‎ Example:‎ T: Have you finished, boys and girls? S1, what’s your friend’s English name?‎ S1: His/Her English name is …‎ T: How old is he/she?‎ S1: He/She is …‎ T: Where is he/she from?‎ S1: He/She is from …‎ T: What is his/her telephone number?‎ S1: His/Her telephone number is …‎ T: What class is he/she in?‎ S1: He/She is in Class …, Grade …‎ ‎(让学生两人一组自行问答,多调查几位同学,加深理解,熟练表达。)‎ ‎4. Homework:‎ ‎(1)找出英文数词11-20的拼写规律,默写出这十个英文数词。‎ ‎(2)写一篇自我介绍的作文。(包括:姓名、英文名字、年龄、班级、年级,电话号码等 信息。)‎ 板书设计:‎ What class are you in?‎ Section A ‎1.Numeral words: 4.—Who’s that?‎ eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen —That’s Nancy.‎ sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty —How old is she?‎ ‎2.—How old are you? —She is fourteen.‎ ‎—I’m twelve. —What class is she in?‎ ‎—What class are you in? —She’s in Class Eleven, Grade Eight.‎ ‎—I’m in Class Four, Grade Seven. she’s=she is that’s=that is who’s=who is ‎3.—What grade are you in?‎ ‎—I’m in Grade Seven.‎

