2019版高考英语一轮复习:第三周+星期二 阅读理解(科普知识类+健康环保类)+七选五+语法填空

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2019版高考英语一轮复习:第三周+星期二 阅读理解(科普知识类+健康环保类)+七选五+语法填空

Ⅰ.阅读理解 A ‎(2018·吉林百校联盟联考)‎ A new “smart bin” could mean the end of environmentconscious families spending hours sorting tins,cartons,bottles,and cardboard for recycling.‎ The invention,which can help sort rubbish into recycling categories without needing people to operate.It is being trialled in Poland and is set to go on sale in UK within a few years.‎ The bin,designed by startup company Bin.E,recognizes different types of waste via a system positioned inside the bin which uses sensors,image recognition and artificial intelligence.Once waste is placed inside,the camera and sensor identify its type and place it in one of the smaller bins.Then it compresses the waste so it occupies less space.‎ It is thought that the bin could be stocked by department stores such as John Lewis,which said it is introducing more new hitech recycling bins.Matt Thomas,a buyer at John Lewis,gave us the reason,“We’ve recently seen a jump in specialist bins sales,with a 25 percent increase in the last few months alone.We have noticed our customers are becoming more and more focused on sustainability.In response to this demand,we are really excited to introduce a smart bin this autumn/winter seasondesigned to make recycling more efficient and functional for the everyday home.”‎ Bin.E’s official release on the market will take place in 2018.However,at first only a larger version designed for offices will be available.The office bin will sell at £430 while customers will need to pay a £107 subscription fee for an accompanying smartphone app,which hooks them up with collection services.A spokesman at Bin.E said that home version of the bin will be cheaper and will not include a monthly payment.‎ They added:“After the office version,we plan to create an outdoor version and later the home version.We decided to go for the outdoor version for public areas first because it is more difficult to organize an efficient waste segregating system than in our homes.”‎ ‎1.What do we know about a new “smart bin” from the first paragraph?‎ A.It works automatically.‎ B.It has been used widely.‎ C.It is easy to operate.‎ D.It is very expensive.‎ ‎2.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?‎ A.The waste. B.The camera.‎ C.The bin. D.The sensor.‎ ‎3.Why is John Lewis introducing more new hitech recycling bins?‎ A.To change people’s behaviour.‎ B.To satisfy increasing demands.‎ C.To popularize new technology.‎ D.To make them more famous.‎ ‎4.Where will the first version of new “smart bin” be used according to Bin.E’s official?‎ A.At home.‎ B.In the supermarket.‎ C.In the open air.‎ D.In the office.‎ B ‎(2018·广西南宁八中摸底)‎ Every day,people come into contact with thousands of chemicals.These chemicals are said to be harmless to human health.In fact,the chemicals are considered so safe that we wash with them.We put them on our bodies and even our faces.Other chemical products are used throughout our homes.‎ By the time you walk out of your front door,you have already been exposed to thousands of chemicals.‎ On its own,each chemical seems harmless.But in combination with other chemicals,they may become deadly.That is the finding of a twoyear study by a highprofile(高调的) task force of scientists.The task force was told to investigate the cancercausing possibility of chemical mixtures.‎ Linda Gulliver was one of the 174 scientists on the task force.Their job was to study the cancercausing potential of 85 chemicals.All 85 are said to be common in the environment.‎ Ms Gulliver explains that chemicals have the potential or ability to form dangerous mixtures.Even simple minerals can become dangerous when mixed with chemicals found in plastics or beauty products.‎ Working in groups,the scientists explored how different chemical mixtures could lead to cancer.Ms Gulliver’s team looked at the ability of different combinations to support the increase of malignant(恶性的) human cells.‎ She says the current way to identify whether chemicals cause cancer is to test them one at a time.This method leads,she adds,to a long list of supposedly “safe” chemicals.She and her team say that approach needs to change.‎ ‎“We definitely need certain research...to find out what mixtures of chemicals would be more harmful than others; what groups of chemicals,when together,would produce more harmful effects.And at the moment,that is not known.”‎ An estimated one in five cancers has been linked to chemical exposure.It may turn out that the cancercausing villain(恶人) is not a single chemical at all.‎ ‎5.What effect may one single chemical have on us according to the text?‎ A.It may destroy our body.‎ B.It may not cause danger to us.‎ C.It may let us suffer from cancer.‎ D.It may let our body make a change.‎ ‎6.What can we learn about Ms Gulliver’s research?‎ A.She has found 85 cancercausing chemicals.‎ B.She has found reasons for five kinds of cancers.‎ C.She has found that only one chemical can cause cancer.‎ D.She is not sure what mixtures of chemicals are more harmful.‎ ‎7.According to the text,we can infer that the study .‎ A.is just wasting time and money ‎ B.is still in need of great efforts C.will cause panic in public ‎ D.will be resisted by the public ‎8.What is the best title for the text?‎ A.Mixtures of Safe Chemicals May Cause Cancer B.Being Exposed to One Chemicals Is Dangerous C.How Mixtures of Safe Chemicals Come into Being?‎ D.What Is the Real Cause for Cancer?‎ Ⅱ.七选五 ‎(2018·吉林长春期中)‎ Many times we tend to use our hands to explain our needs and thoughts. 9 So you must be cautious when using hand gestures in communication.‎ Hand gestures are a way of communicating with others and conveying your feelings.These gestures are most helpful when one is speaking to someone with no language in common.The meanings of hand gestures in different cultures may translate into different things. 10 Former President George W.Bush had to face a major faux pas(失礼) during a visit to Australia.He tried to signal a peace sign by waving the twofinger or Vsign at the crowd.‎ You may think of this as a simple gesture,but he committed a major error. 11 The meaning of this hand gesture in Australia was asking the crowd to screw themselves,a rude expression used to show you’re very angry! 12 Therefore,it is very important to understand the meanings of gestures before you travel to different countries.‎ ‎ 13 Those considered as good gestures in one country may be termed as offensive gestures in some countries.So,if you are a frequent flier to different countries,improve your communication skills by learning the meaning of hand gestures.‎ A.Here is a very common example.‎ B.Instead of his palm facing outwards,it faced inwards.‎ C.The great man received warm welcome by the Australians.‎ D.We communicate not only by words,but by hand gestures as well.‎ E.A serious error committed by the then most powerful man in the world.‎ F.But the same hand gesture may mean something quite offensive to a person from a different cultural background.‎ G.Before you communicate with people in different cultures,you need to understand the meaning of gestures.‎ Ⅲ.语法填空 ‎(2018·安徽合肥联考)‎ I was traveling in a small place in New York.That place had no taxi for a short 14. (distant).One had to take a rickshaw(人力车).‎ I called out for an old man in the waiting line.Before I got on the rickshaw,I 15. (automatic) asked how much he would charge to take me across to the Mall.I 16. (tell) “10 dollars”.Then I started bargaining.He just gave a hard smile and said,“Whatever you feel like,please give me.It is not necessary 17. (bargain) on this small amount.”‎ I was a bit ashamed at myself and kept quiet while he continued,“18. (like) those taxis,my vehicle does not run on petrol or diesel(柴油) or even gas;19. runs on my sweat.So please give it to me 20. a smile,for the money has to feed so many 21. (hunger) mouths at home.”‎ When we reached the Mall,I gave him the money and the smile 22. requested and added a gentle pat on his back.He smiled back as if to give me a receipt and I would preserve his smile for 23. long time.‎ 答案精析 Ⅰ.‎ ‎1.A [细节理解题。由第一段可知有了这个智能垃圾箱,人们就不用花几个小时分类垃圾了,因为这个垃圾箱是自动分类垃圾的。故选A。]‎ ‎2.C [代词指代题。第三段讲的是该垃圾箱的工作原理。而画线词所在句的意思是智能垃圾箱压缩垃圾,使其占用更少的空间,可知it指代the smart bin,故选C。]‎ ‎3.B [细节理解题。根据第四段中的“We’ve recently seen a jump in specialist bins sales,with a 25 percent increase in the last few months alone.We have noticed our customers are becoming more and more focused on sustainability.In response to this demand...”可知客户越来越关注可持续性,为了应对这一需求,会引入更多智能垃圾桶,故选B。]‎ ‎4.D [细节理解题。根据第五段中的“However,at first only a larger version designed for offices will be available.”可知最初是在办公室使用,故选D。]‎ 语篇解读 单一的化学物品可能对我们是无害的,但是如果与其他的化学物品混合在一起就可能导致癌症。‎ ‎5.B [细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“On its own,each chemical seems harmless.”可知单一的化学物品可能是对我们无害的,故选B。]‎ ‎6.D [细节理解题。根据倒数第二段内容可知她也不清楚哪些化学物品混合在一起会更有害,故选D。]‎ ‎7.B [推理判断题。根据倒数第二段科学家所说的“And at the moment,that is not known.”以及最后一段内容可知,这个研究还需付出很大的努力,故选B。]‎ ‎8.A [标题归纳题。本文主要讲了单一的化学物品可能对我们是无害的,但是如果与其他的化学物品混合在一起就可能导致癌症,故最佳标题是“安全化学物品的混合可能会导致癌症”。]‎ Ⅱ.‎ ‎9.F [‎ 根据上句:很多时候我们倾向于用我们的手来解释我们的需求和想法。再根据下句:所以你在交流中使用手势时必须要谨慎。由此可知:同样的手势在不同的文化背景中可能意思不同。故选F。]‎ ‎10.A [根据上句:在不同的文化中手势可能转化为不同的含义。空格下文举了一个例子,说明此空起承上启下的作用。故A项“Here is a very common example.”符合题意。]‎ ‎11.B [根据下句:这种手势在澳大利亚的含义是骂别人,一个粗鲁的表达方式表明你很生气!由此可知上句应该是一个手势语,所以B项“Instead of his palm facing outwards,it faced inwards.”符合题意。]‎ ‎12.E [根据上文可知,布什在澳大利亚犯了一个严重的手势错误。再根据下文可知,去其他国家旅行以前,明白手势语的意思非常重要。因此此空的意思是:当时世界上最有影响力的男人犯下的一个严重错误。故选E。]‎ ‎13.G [根据下句可知,在一个国家被认为是好的手势而在一些国家可能是冒犯性的手势。因此在你与不同文化背景的人交流以前,你需要了解手势语的含义。故选G。]‎ Ⅲ.14.distance 15.automatically 16.was told 17.to bargain 18.Unlike 19.it 20.with 21.hungry 22.as 23.a

