新教材高中英语Unit2课件 人教版必修第二册

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新教材高中英语Unit2课件 人教版必修第二册

Unit 2 WILDLIFE PROTECTION Section D Listening and Talking & Reading for Writing 核心词汇 词汇一   search for 搜索;查找 ◆教材原句 They got up early      search for wild birds. 他们起得很早      寻找 野鸟。 ◆要点必记 search...for 搜查 …… 以寻找 …… search sp. for sb./sth. 搜查某地寻找某人 / 某物 search sb. for sth. 搜某人的身寻找某物 search out 找出,查出 in search of 寻找,寻求 题组练 · 领悟方法 ◆单句语法填空   ( 1 )[词汇复现] As a result , this species of butterfly has to search      new habitats . ( 2 ) The young man drove around the town     search of a good hotel. ◆单句写作 ( 3 ) He has gone to a big city______ _______ _________ (寻找) a better job. ( 4 ) I have ______ _______ ________ (到处找) the valuable vase , but I can’t find it. ( 5 ) The police ______ _______ _________ (正在寻找) the thief then. for in in search of/ to search for searched everywhere for were searching for 词汇二   stir up ( 1 )激起(感情) ( 2 )挑起,煽动(争执或事端)  ( 3 )吹起 ◆教材原句 What does each poster use to stir up emotions ? 每张海报用什么来煽动情绪? ◆要点必记 stir vt. 激发;搅动 stir up hatred 激起仇恨 stir up a debate 挑起争论 stir up trouble 挑起事端 单句写作 ( 1 ) 约翰老是在班里惹是生非。 John was always                in class. ( 2 ) 我们麻烦事儿已经够多的了,你就别再挑拨是非了。 We’ve got enough problems without you trying to             . stirring up trouble stir things up 词汇三   emotion n. 感情;情感;情绪 ◆要点必记 ( 1 ) be overcome with emotion 激动得不能自持 convey certain emotions 传达某些情感 a wave of emotion 情绪的高涨 mixed emotions 百感交集 ( 2 ) emotional adj. 情绪(上)的,情感(上)的 the physical and emotional needs of young adults 青壮年的身心需求 emotional harm 情感伤害 emotionally adv. 感情上,情绪上 ◆单句写作 ( 1 ) 昨天玛丽激动得不能自持。 Mary                yesterday. ( 2 ) 她的声音充满了激情。 Her voice_____________________.             ◆单句语法填空 ( 3 ) The       ( emotion ), physical and mental energy mothers devote to their children can be never-ending. ( 4 ) Compared with his sister , Jerry is even more sensitive to       ( emotion ) and relationship problems. was overcome with emotion was full of emotion emotional emotional 词汇四   unusual adj. 特别的;不寻常的 ◆教材原句 Write a title that is simple , interesting , and unusual ... 写一个简单、有趣、不寻常的标题 …… ◆要点必记 It’s unusual ( for sb. ) to do sth. (某人)做某事是不寻常的。 as usual 像往常一样 than usual 比往常 …… ◆学法点拨 un- 是否定前缀,表示“不,未,非,反” unhappy 不高兴的 unsuitable 不适当的 untrue 不真实的 unwilling 不愿意的 uncomfortable 不舒服的 unfriendly 不友好的 ◆单句写作 ( 1 )          ( …… 是不寻常的) for the trees to flower so early. ( 2 ) The peasant got up              (比往常早) . ( 3 ) We go to enjoy the catchy scene in the suburb        (像往常一样) . ◆单句语法填空 ( 4 )[词汇复现] This kind of dolphin is       ( usual ), because their skin is different from that of other ones. ( 5 ) The participants waited outside the cafe       usual. ( 6 ) This painting is       ( suitable ) for Chinese-style decoration. It looks strange. ( 7 ) He is       ( willing ) to lose the chance of visiting the exhibition with the prince. as unsuitable unwilling It’s unusual earlier than usual as usual unusual 重点句式 句式一  口语交际:表达目的( Expressing purposes ) ◆要点必记 ( 1 )常用的几种目的状语 to , so as to do , in order to do , so that (以便, 为了), in order that , in case , for fear ( that ) ( 2 )表达目的的常用句型 This is used for... 这是用来 …… I did it to/in order to/so as to... 我做这件事是为了 …… He has done it so that/in order that... 他做这件事是为了 …… ◆单句写作 ( 1 ) 为了找到失踪的孩子,村民们在过去的五个小时里竭尽全力。                    , the villagers have been doing all they can over the past five hours. ( 2 ) 为了不让别人听见,她向上伸出手指示意有人在楼上走动。               , she pointed her finger upwards to signal that someone was moving about upstairs. ( 3 ) 他戴上了眼镜,以便看清楚它。 He put on his glasses            he could see it clearly. In order to find the missing child In order not to be heard in order that/so that 句式二   When it comes to... 一谈到 …… ;就 …… 而论( to 是介词) ◆教材原句 When it comes to wildlife protection , all species—the good , the bad , and the ugly— should be treated equally. 当涉及野生动物保护时,所有的物种 —— 好的、坏的和丑陋的 —— 都应该被平等对待。 ◆要点必记 ( 1 ) When it comes to + n. / pron. / v. -ing... 一谈到 …… ;就 …… 而论 ( 2 ) come up to 达到(标准等);比得上 come on 赶快;加油 come about 发生,产生 come across 偶然碰见;偶然发现 come to 共计;达到;苏醒 come over 来访,拜访 come out 出现;出版;开花;(真相)为人所知 come up with 提出;想出 ◆单句写作 ( 1 )               (当谈及运动时), he is familiar with Yao Ming. ( 2 ) In fact ,           (当谈及) the art of war , ants have no equal. ◆单句语法填空 ( 3 ) When      comes to maths , he is a little weak. ( 4 ) She came      an old friend of hers yesterday while she was shopping at the department store. ( 5 ) The argument came      when they talked about politics. ( 6 ) Since Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize in 2012 , his fans have been eagerly waiting for his more new novels to come      . ( 7 ) Several of the students have come up      suggestions of their own.   When it comes to sports when it comes to   it across about out with ◆单句写作   ( 1 ) He wore a mask           (目的是,为了) no one could recognise him. ( 2 ) He screamed for help           (目的是,为了) he could make himself heard. = He screamed for help           make himself heard. ( 3 ) He is very humorous ,           (所以我们都喜欢他) . ◆一句多译 他早早起床以便能准时到达学校。 ( 4 ) He got up early      he could get to school on time. ( 5 ) He got up early                get to school on time. ( 6 )        get to school on time , he got up early. so that/ in order that so that/in order that so as to/in order to so that we all like him so that in order to/ so as to In order to

