高中英语Theme parks-Using Language同步学案

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高中英语Theme parks-Using Language同步学案

Period Three Using Language ‎1 ‎ 拓展归纳 advance on/towards...向……逼近 advance sb. sth.预付某人某物;预先提供某人某物 advance sth.促进(推进)某事物 in advance在前面;预先;提前 in advance of...在……前面;在……之前 stop the advance of...阻止……的前进 make a great advance(=make great advances)取得很大的进步 ‎ 完成句子 ‎(1)This research has done much to_advance_our_understanding_of_learning_language (提高了我们对语言学习的认识).‎ ‎(2)Studying for qualifications is one_way_of_advancing_your_career (促进事业发展的一个办法).‎ ‎(3)Even_at_his_advanced_age (他虽说黄昏暮年),he still knows how to enjoy himself.‎ ‎(4)People were evacuated from the coastal regions in_advance_of_the_hurricane (飓风袭来之前).‎ ‎2 Classes or other large groups that let Futuroscope know their plans in advance can get the group admission rate.(P38)‎ 拓展归纳 on/by one’s own admission(根据)某人自己承认 gain/obtain admission to...获准进入……‎ admission free免费入场,不收门票 admit v. (admitted,admitted)允许;承认;容许 admit 完成句子 ‎(1)我们足球队决定吸收他为本队队员。‎ Our football team decided to admit_him_as one of the members.‎ ‎(2)我儿子今年将进那家公司工作。‎ My son will_be_admitted_to the company this year.‎ ‎(3)玛丽打开门,让我进了她的房间。‎ Mary opened the door and admitted_me_into her room.‎ ‎(4)形势根本不容许有任何拖延。‎ The situation admits_of_no_delay at all.‎ ‎(5)这家剧院可容纳1 000人。‎ The theatre admits_1,000_people.‎ ‎3 ‎ ‎ 拓展归纳 have experience in sth./doing sth.在(做)某事方面有经验 have much/a lot of experience有许多经验 learn from experience从经验中学习 be/get/become experienced at/in sth./doing sth.在(做)某事方面变得有经验 翻译句子 ‎(1)我体验过艰苦的生活。‎ I_have_experienced_what_hardships_mean.‎ ‎(2)他的教学经验很丰富。‎ He_is_much_experienced_in_teaching.‎ ‎(3)我们都从经验中学习。‎ We_all_learn_by_experience.‎ ‎(4)这本书是根据个人经历写成的。‎ The_book_is_based_on_personal_experiences.‎ ‎4Its 3D cinemas and giant movie screens provide brand new experiences of the earth and beyond.(P38) ‎ 拓展归纳 为某人提供某物 provide for赡养,提供生计 provide,supply,offer ‎(1)provide提供(答案、范例、机会等);供应(某人)所需(尤指基本的生活必需品)。‎ ‎(2)supply供给或供应(某人)所需或可用的物品。‎ ‎(3)offer主动(向某人)提供某物。                                                     ‎ 完成句子 ‎(1)他必须努力工作来养家糊口。‎ He has to work hard to provide_food_and_clothes_for his family.‎ ‎(2)船长命令为船只安装雷达设备。‎ The captain ordered they should provide_their_ship_with radar equipment.‎ ‎(3)他需要养活妻子和五个孩子。‎ He has a wife and five children to_provide_for.‎ ‎5 I ended my travels by meeting face to face with a dinosaur,the terrible T-Rex,and survived the experience!(P38) ‎ 拓展归纳 heart to heart坦诚地 neck to neck齐头并进地;并驾齐驱 shoulder to shoulder肩并肩地 back to back背对背地 hand over hand有进展,有起色 hand in hand手拉手地 arm in arm臂挽臂地 side by side并排地,并肩地 step by step逐步地 little by little逐渐地 one by one一个接一个地 翻译句子 ‎(1)理论应该与实践相结合。‎ Theory_should_go_hand_in_hand_with_practice.‎ ‎(2)孩子们手挽手沿着马路跑去。‎ The_children_ran_down_the_road_hand_in_hand.‎ ‎(3)她把椅子背靠背地摆成两排。‎ She_arranged_the_chairs_in_two_rows,placed_back_to_back.‎ ‎6 Visitors can get close to parts of the world they have never experienced,going to the bottom of the ocean,flying through the jungle or visiting the edges of the solar system.(P38)‎ 拓展归纳 close to接近(指空间);几乎,将近(与数字连用)‎ be close at hand就在眼前,就在旁边 be close about sth.对某事守口如瓶 be close with sth.对某事是吝啬的 close on/upon(=close to)几乎,接近 close by临近地(的);近旁的(地)‎ 完成句子 ‎(1)她走近他向他低声耳语。‎ She got_close_to_him and whispered to him.‎ ‎(2)飞船接近空间站。‎ The spaceship got_close_to the space station.‎ ‎(3)我不能走近那儿看看究竟发生了什么事。‎ I couldn’t get_close_to_there to see what was happening.‎ ‎(4)在刚开始的时候救援队无法接近震中。‎ At the beginning,the rescue team couldn’t_get_close_to the center of the earthquake.‎ ‎7 ‎ 拓展归纳 bring sth. to life使某物更生动 full of life充满活力的 be sb.’s life对某人至关重要的(人或事物)‎ frighten/scare the life out of sb.把某人吓得魂不附体 lay down one’s life for为……牺牲生命/献身 完成句子 ‎(1)春天来临,万物复苏。‎ Spring is here and everything comes_to_life.‎ ‎(2)随着新学期的到来整个学校又充满了活力。‎ The school came_to_life again as the new term began.‎ ‎(3)下半场比赛变得很刺激。‎ The match really came_to_life in the second half.‎ ‎(4)他的画栩栩如生。‎ His pictures are true_to_life.‎ ‎(5)在小说中,艺术家赋予塑像以生命。‎ In the story,the artist brings_the_statue_to_life.‎ ‎1 I bought tickets for myself and my friends at the park’s entrance,but tickets are also available online.我是在公园的入口处给自己和朋友买的票,但是也可以在网上购票。‎ for oneself,by oneself,in oneself,of oneself,to oneself ‎(1)for oneself的意思为“为自己”(for himself or for herself)。‎ One should not live only for oneself.‎ 人不应单为自己而活。‎ ‎(2)by oneself的意思是“单独地”、“靠自己地”(alone or independently)。‎ His father lives by himself in the village.‎ 他的父亲独自一个人住在村里。‎ ‎(3)in oneself的意思是“就其本身或本性而言”。‎ This wood is hard in itself.‎ 这种木头本身就是硬的。‎ ‎(4)of oneself的意思是“自然地”、“自发地”、“自动地”。‎ The door opened of itself.‎ 门是自己开的。‎ Every day I awake of myself at half past five.‎ 每天早上我都是五点半就自己醒来。‎ The fire went out of itself.‎ 火自己熄灭了。‎ ‎(5)to oneself的意思是“独自占有或享用”。‎ When one dines in a restaurant,one likes a table to oneself.‎ 人们在饭店吃饭时,总是喜欢独占一桌。                                                     ‎ 用恰当的介词填空 ‎(1)One can’t choose freedom for oneself without choosing it for others.‎ ‎(2)How long were you by yourself in the house?‎ ‎(3)In itself,it’s not a difficult problem to solve.‎ ‎(4)There’s no need for the team to feel proud of itself.‎ ‎(5)It doesn’t have the market to itself.‎ ‎2 Futuroscope is not only for individuals,but is also the perfect mix of fun and learning for class outings.“观测未来”不仅仅适合个人(旅游),也适合学生全班出游,因为它是娱乐和学习的完美结合。‎ 用法点拨 本句是not only...but also...结构,意为“不仅……而且……”。其中可以省略also,not only不能分开使用,但but also却可以分开使用。由于该结构是连词,所以前后应连接两个相对称的并列成分。该句型可连接两个并列的主语、谓语、宾语、表语和状语,说话的侧重点在后一部分。当连接两个并列主语时,谓语应同靠近的主语在人称和数上取得一致。‎ Not only Tom but also his students were invited to the party.(连接两个主语)‎ 不但汤姆而且他的学生们也被邀请参加了聚会。‎ He not only teaches in a college but also hosts TV talk shows.(连接两个谓语动词)‎ 他不但在大学教书而且也在电视上主持谈话秀节目。‎ Shakespeare was not only a writer but also an actor.(连接两个表语)‎ 莎士比亚不但是个作家,也是位演员。‎ They quarrel with each other not only at home but also in the office.(连接两个地点状语)‎ 他们不仅在家里吵架而且也在办公室吵。‎ 注意 当not only...but also...连接两个分句,并且not only位于句首时,第一个分句中的主语和谓语要部分倒装。‎ Not only does the sun give us light but also it gives us heat.‎ 太阳不仅给我们光还给我们热。‎ Not only can he sing,but also he can dance well.‎ 他不仅能唱歌,舞也跳得不错。‎ 完成句子 ‎(1)He has_not_only_knowledge_but_also_experience (不但有学问,而且有经验).‎ ‎(2)She is_not_only_clever,but_also_hardworking (不但聪明,而且勤奋).‎ ‎(3)Not_only_is_he_a_doctor (不仅他是个医生),but his wife is also a doctor.‎ ‎“观测未来”——刺激与求知 上周我进行了一次深入太空的旅行。我来到了太阳系的尽头,被拖进了一个黑洞里。然后我游览了巴西,感受了坠机后在丛林中求生的滋味。随后,我跟着一些潜水者潜入海底观 看神秘的、从未见到过阳光的生物。作为间歇,我参加了一个赛车比赛,然后来到世界上最险要的山上滑雪。最后,我面对面地遭遇了一只恐龙——可怕的雷克斯龙。在死里逃生之后,我的旅行也结束了!‎ 在“观测未来”,我在一天之内就做完了所有这些事情。“观测未来”于1987年开放,是世界上最大的太空时代主题公园之一。这个以科技为基础的法国主题公园使用最先进的技术。它的立体电影以及那巨大的屏幕能(为游客)‎ 提供在地球以及更远的地方进行全新体验的机会。参观者可以接触到他们从来没有经历过的世界角落,比如潜入海底、飞越丛林或者参观太阳系的边缘地带。这些奇妙的、最新的信息,以及大量动手实践的学习机会让世界以一种全新的方式展现在游人面前。遍布公园的学习中心可以让参观者尝试做自己的科学实验,与此同时学到更多关于太空旅行、海底世界等等的知识。‎ 我是在公园的入口处给自己和朋友买的票,但是也可以在网上购票。“观测未来”不仅适合个人(旅游),也适合学生全班出游,因为它是娱乐和学习完美的结合。班级或者大的团体如果提前让“观测未来”知道他们的计划,还可以拿到团体入场价格。“观测未来”附近为那些从城外来的游客准备了很多很好的旅馆,而且大多数旅馆都提供往返公园的车辆服务。如果开车(也很方便),“观测未来”就在高速公路附近。在出发之前好好计划一下你的旅行,因为“观测未来”里面的表演、活动和好的纪念品商店太多了,所以全部游览完是很难的。‎ 来这里要准备走好多的路——一定要穿上舒适的运动鞋或其他走路穿的鞋!‎ Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.Now in our school the students take an active part in activities (活动)after class.‎ ‎2.India has a larger population than America.‎ ‎3.After a hard struggle,the fish was caught alive.‎ ‎4.The ticket will give you free permission to go into the theme park.‎ ‎5.The weather varies (变化)from hour to hour in some mountainous districts.‎ ‎6.The date of the meeting has been advanced (提前)from Friday to Wednesday.‎ ‎7.The little boy is full of imagination (想像力) and wants to be a scientist.‎ ‎8.Now I advise theme parks to introduce more history of the minority peoples in America,like the native Indians.‎ ‎9.They showed me wonderful equipment (设备) as well as life of the early settlers in America.‎ ‎10.Experiment means a careful test to try out an idea.‎ Ⅱ.用适当的介、副词填空 ‎1.Don’t forget to charge the money to my account.‎ ‎2.How much did the manager charge you for the book?‎ ‎3.A theme park usually has a certain theme that the whole park is based on.‎ ‎4.Its purpose is to involve the visitors in physical exercise.‎ ‎5.Have you been to the park named after Walt Disney?‎ ‎6.A bill came along the package.‎ ‎7.Are you equipped for the journey up that mountain?‎ ‎8.When he came to life,he found himself in a different world.‎ ‎9.Families come to have picnics or have fun together.‎ ‎10.With the prices up 20%,the company had a difficult time.‎ Ⅲ.词语填空 ‎1.A small child’s behavior is often amusing.‎ ‎2.The town came_to_life ten years after the earthquake.‎ ‎3.Your experiences are good wealth.You should learn to_profit from them.‎ ‎4.Danger!A train is rushing here.Don’t_get_close_to (not) the railway!‎ ‎5.As there was a very long way to go in the following ten days,they decided to_advance sixty kilometers a day from the next day on.‎ ‎6.The man volunteered to go into the burning building and helped two children out of danger.‎ ‎7.John hasn’t been happy these days because he has_got_involved in trouble.‎ ‎8.The teacher often varies his teaching methods to make his lessons interesting.‎ Ⅳ.翻译句子 ‎1.She shared my troubles as well as my joys.‎ 她和我苦乐与共。‎ ‎2.What we need to do is to try to meet the peasants’ need.‎ 我们要做的是尽力满足农民的需要。‎ ‎3.He was more frightened than hurt.‎ 他没受什么伤,倒是受惊不小。‎ ‎4.Your duties here have come to an end.‎ 你的职责到此已经结束了。‎ ‎5.Nobody survived the accident.‎ 没有一个人从这次车祸中幸存下来。‎ ‎6.How much do you charge for repairing the watch?‎ 修这块表要多少钱?‎ ‎7.There are no such books in the bookstore.‎ 书店里没有这样的书。‎ ‎8.He had his house damaged seriously in the earthquake.‎ 他的房子在地震中遭到严重的破坏。‎ ‎9.To the teacher,the most important thing is to educate students.‎ 对于教师来说,最重要的事情就是教书育人。‎ ‎10.Have you provided against a coal shortage next winter?‎ 对于下一个冬季的煤荒你已有所准备吗?‎ Ⅴ.单项填空                   ‎ ‎1.—What is your favorite ________ of sports clothing?‎ ‎—Nike.‎ A.equipment B.amusement C.theme D.brand 答案 D 解析 考查名词词义辨析。句意为:——你最喜欢什么牌子的运动服?——耐克。equipment设备;amusement娱乐;theme主题;brand商标,牌子。只有D项符合句意。‎ ‎2.There are 55 ________ in China as well as Han.‎ A.major B.majorities C.minorities D.minor 答案 C 解析 考查词义辨析。句意为:除了汉族外,中国有55个少数民族。major主要的;majority多数;大多数;minor较小的;较少的;minority少数;少数民族。故选C。‎ ‎3.A new amusement park in our city has opened with ________ computer techniques.‎ A.uptodate B.manmade C.nearsighted D.peaceloving 答案 A 解析 考查合成词词义辨析。句意为:一个带有最新电脑技术的娱乐公园在我们城市开业了。uptodate现代的;最新的;manmade人造的;nearsighted近视的;peaceloving热爱和平的。只有A项符合句意。‎ ‎4.Can you still buy ________ by the yard in Britain?‎ A.clothes B.cloth C.clothing D.dress 答案 B 解析 考查近义词辨析。句意为:在英国还能按码买布吗?clothes一件或多件衣服;cloth布;布料;clothing衣服的总称;dress女服;(统指)衣服(尤指外衣)。故B项正确。‎ ‎5.After walking two hours,they ________ the town.‎ A.got closely to B.got closed to C.got close to D.got closing to 答案 C 解析 get close to接近;靠近。‎ ‎6.He is one of the luckiest students who have won ________ to the best university.‎ A.connection B.admission C.profession D.accession 答案 B 解析 考查名词词义辨析。句意为:他是最幸运的学生之一,被最好的大学录取了。connection连接;admission允许进入;profession职业;专业;accession到达;加入。故选B。‎ ‎7.Not only ________ the activity ________ public awareness of world hunger,but raised a lot of money for the poor children.‎ A./;has increased B.is;increase C.has;increased D./;increased 答案 C 解析 考查not only置于句首的用法。句意为:这项活动不仅提高了公众的世界饥荒意识,而且也为贫穷孩子筹集了很多钱。not only在句首时,前一个分句倒装,后一个分句不倒装。排除A、D项;B项结构不对;故选C。‎ ‎8.I’ve always communicated with him on the Internet,but I’ve never met him ________.‎ A.back to back B.heart to heart C.side by side D.face to face 答案 D 解析 考查短语意义辨析。句意为:我总是和他在网上交流,但是我从来没有面对面地和他见过面。back to back背靠背地;heart to heart心连心地;side by side肩并肩地;face to face面对面地。故选D。‎ ‎9.Kate seems young and ________.‎ A.comes to life B.is full of life C.is true to life D.makes a new life 答案 B 解析 句意为:凯特看上去很年轻而且充满了活力。be full of life充满活力的;come to life变得生动有趣;be true to life忠于生活,逼真;make a new life开始新生活。‎ ‎10.When you leave school,you should tell the headteacher ________.‎ A.in advance B.in no way C.in advanced D.sooner or later 答案 A 解析 句意为:当你离校时,你应该提前和班主任说一声。in advance提前,为固定短语。in no way决不;C项不存在;sooner or later早晚,迟早。‎ ‎11.When the others had gone,he ________ and put back the furniture.‎ A.remained B.left C.kept D.stayed 答案 A 解析 remain vi.留下来;leave vt.留下;stay停留,逗留。‎ ‎12.We started our dinner with soup,and end up ________ fruit.‎ A.in B.with C.as D./‎ 答案 B 解析 end up with以……结束。with之后接表示内容或活动的名词,in后接表示结果的名词或地点名词,as之后接表示身份或职业的名词。‎ ‎13.The majority of doctors ________ smoking ________ harmful to health.‎ A.believes;is B.believe;is C.believe;are D.believes;are 答案 B 解析 the majority of+复数名词作主语,谓语用复数;smoking为动名词,单个的动名词作主语,谓语用单数。‎ ‎14.________,there must have been 2,000 people there,that is,there are ________ 2,000 people there.‎ A.On total;a total of B.In total;a total of C.In total;the total of D.On total;the total of 答案 B 解析 in total总共;a total of+数量词总数意为“总量达多少”。‎ ‎15.—Is that 110?A thief is in my house...‎ ‎—OK,help is ________.‎ A.in the way B.in its way C.on the way D.by the way 答案 C 解析 help is on the way=help is coming;in the way挡路;by the way顺便提一下。‎ ‎ Ⅵ.短文改错 Of all my teachers,Mr. Moore is the one who impresses me .Though he’s 34,but   he looks very young for his age.And he’s one of the most popular in our school.Compared with other teachers,he pays attention to his way of teaching.He tries various ways make his classes lively and interesting. his opinion,we should not only know “what”,but understand “why”.So,instead of giving us answers immediately,he encourages to think by ourselves whenever he puts forward questions. his help,we’ve learned how to analyze and settle problems. a wonderful world of “why” he leads us to!He’s so learned person that we all admire him.‎ Ⅶ.书面表达 北京芳草地小学有许多外国小朋友。假如他们明天要去北京动物园(the Beijing Zoo) 游玩,该校校长请你写一段简要而生动的文字介绍,文中涉及如下内容要点:‎ 事项 应提供的信息 亚洲最大的动物园,世界最大的动物园之一,园中有数百种动物 鸟类 黄的、绿的、橘红色的、棕色的,会唱美妙的歌 大象 大耳朵、长鼻子,待人和善 猴子 大的、小的跑跑跳跳,像快活的孩子 熊猫 有良好的行为举止,对来访者都十分友好,十分懂礼貌 注意:1.应加题目、开头和结尾。‎ ‎2.文字通顺,信息完整。‎ ‎3.词数:100左右。‎ 参考范文 Welcome to the Beijing Zoo The Beijing Zoo is the largest zoo in Asia and one of the largest in the world.There are hundreds of different kinds of animals in it.We can see yellow,green,orange and brown birds,who can sing nice (or beautiful) songs.The elephants have a big nose and big ears and they are kind to humans (or people).We can also see big and little monkeys running and dancing,just like happy children.Pandas,with good manners,are very friendly and polite to visitors.We will certainly (or ‎ surely) have a good time there.‎ ‎                    ‎ She is very dear to us.We have been prepared to do ________ it takes to save her ‎ life.(湖南高考)‎ A.whichever B.however C.whatever D.whoever 答案 C 解析 句意为:她对于我们非常珍贵,我们要不惜一切代价挽救她的生命。动词do为及物动词,其后跟宾语从句,所以空格处既要引导宾语从句,又要在句中作take的宾语,表示“无论什么”用whatever。‎ 课文原文 Whichever and whatever you like,there is a theme park for you!‎ Nine in ten parents said there were significant differences in their approach to educating their children compared with ________ of their parents.(江苏高考)‎ A.those B.one C.both D.that 答案 D 解析 从选项上可以看出此题考查的是代词的用法。做题时可以先在空格处填上名词,然后再找出相应的代词。根据句意空格处应该填the approach,所以应该用that指代。‎ 课文原文 After that,I joined some divers and went to the bottom of the ocean to see strange blind creatures that have never seen sunlight.‎ Everybody was touched ________ words after they heard her moving story.(宁夏高考)‎ A.beyond B.without C.of D.in 答案 A 解析 句意为:当他们听说了她的感人故事后都感动得说不出话来。beyond words难以用语言表达,不知该如何表达,为固定词组。‎ 课文原文 Its 3D cinemas and giant movie screens provide brand new experiences of the earth and beyond.‎ For many cities in the world,there is no room to spread out further,________New York is an example.(四川高考)‎ A.for which B.in which C.of which D.from which 答案 C 解析 句意为:对于世界上许多城市来说,没有可以进一步 延展的空间,其中纽约是一例子。表达“……中的一个……”应使用介词of,of用以表示所属关系。‎ 课文原文 For anyone coming from out of town,Futuroscope has many excellent hotels nearby,most_of_which provide a shuttle service to the park.‎ There are plenty of jobs________in the western part of the country.(浙江高考)‎ A.present B.available C.precious D.convenient 答案 B 解析 available意为“可得到的,可利用的”。句意为:在这个国家的西部地区,有很多工作可找。‎ 课文原文 I bought tickets for myself and my friends at the park’s entrance,but tickets are also available online.‎

