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1. perform v. 1) to do sth 做,履行,执行 perform an experiment/ an operation 高考链接: As a general rule, all forms of activity lead to boredom when they are performed on a routine basis. (No.1 一 ) 2) 演出,表演 (3) 运转 perform well/ poorly n. performance 2019 届高考完形填空高频词用法汇总 2. age n. 1) 年龄 at the age of 高考链接: ...we can see this principle at work in people of all ages. (No.1 一 ) 2) 时代,时期 the age of computer v. 变老 The population is aging. 3. wear off 逐渐消失,消逝 高考链接: Their interest soon wears off. (No.1 一 ) 补充: wear sth out 穿破,磨损 ; wear sb out 使筋疲力尽,使疲乏 be worn out 高考完形填空高频词用法汇总 4. passing adj. 1) 暂时的,瞬间的 a passing thought/ interest 高考链接: ...each standing as a monument to someone’s passing interest(No.1 一 ) 2) 过去的,过往的 passing days/ cars n. 1) (时间、岁月的)流逝 the passing of time/ the years 2) (事物)结束,消亡;人的亡故 the passing of the old year 除夕日 高考完形填空高频词用法汇总 5. interest n. 1) 兴趣(不可数) have/show/take (an) interest in lose interest in 2) 业余爱好 Her main interests are music and tennis. 3) 利息(不可数) interest rate 利率 4 )好处,利益 ( 多用复数 ) protect sb’s interests 6. hand v. 递,交 hand over sth to sb 把 ... 移交给 ... hand in 上交 高考完形填空高频词用法汇总 7. adv. eagerly 热切地,渴望地 高考链接: ....eagerly drove for hours at a time when they first attain their driver’s license (No.1 一 ) 8. quit 1) 离开(职位、学校等);离任 —— 强调辞职 2) 停止,戒掉 quit smoking 3) 离开,搬离 高考完形填空高频词用法汇总 9. leave 1) 离开(某地) 2) 离开居住地点 / 工作单位 3) 让 ... 处于 ... 状态 高考链接: ...become as boring as the jobs they left. (No.1 一 ) Even though Tracy’s characters are interesting, her stories sometimes leave readers uneasy.(No. 7 一 ) 10. drop 1) 落下,掉下 2) 中途卸客 / 货 drop sb/sth off 3) 停止,放弃 高考链接: I dropped the course that afternoon, and I haven’t gone near science since. (No.1 二 ) 高考完形填空高频词用法汇总 11. march v. 1) 齐步走,行进 2) 前进,进发 高考链接: The professor marched into the lecture hall, placed upon his desk a large jar... (No.1 二 ) 12.appear 1) 显得,看来 appear surprised/ It appears that... 高考链接: A man will be reading the newspaper, and seconds later it appears as if he is trying to eat it. 2) 出现,呈现 disappear 3) 演出 He has appeared in over 60 movies 13.off prep. 1) 从 ... 落下 fall off the tree 2) 偏离 , 离开 高考链接: ...the weight of the head pushes the arm off the desk. (No.2 一 ) Police reports are full of accidents that occur when people fall into sleep and go off the road. (No.2 一 ) Suddenly they stood, picked up their metal table and stepped together off the edge of where they were sitting to place the table in the sea water. (No.6 一 ) 14.along prep. 沿着,顺着 go along the road get along/on(with sb) (和某人)和睦相处,关系良好 get along/on well with sb/ sth 某事进展顺利 / 和某人相处融洽 高考链接: A few years ago my older brother and I were not getting along. (No.2 二 ) 高考完形填空高频词用法汇总 15.move 1) 改变位置,移动 Don’t move---stay perfectly still. 2) 搬家 , 换工作 Then he moved to a small island in the Caribbean. (No.2 二 ) 3) 使感动 Grown men were moved to tears at the horrific scenes. 4) move up: 晋升,提升,提高 (to go to a better job, higher level) 高考链接 :I was given the opportunity to move up through the company into different position. (No.3 二 ) 5) moved; moving; unmoved ( 无动于衷的 ) 高考完形填空高频词用法汇总 16.turn out 结果是;证明是 高考链接 1) It also turned out to be the best way for us to get back in touch. (No.2 二 ) 2) It turned out that the yound fellow I had helped was its general manger, the most powerful person in the company. 17. occur 1) 发生,出现 When exactly did the incident occur? 2) 被想出;出现在头脑中 occur to sb 高考链接 : It might never have occurred to my brother to write me if he had not been in a place where there were no phones. (No.2 二 ) 18. take a seat/break/lesson/course/ notes/a photograph/an interest in/ action /the bus(plane, train) 高考完形填空高频词用法汇总 19.hold back 1) 阻挡 The police were unable to hold back the crowd. 2) 隐瞒 hold back information 3) 抑制,控制(感情等) 高考衔接: I had to hold back tears as he left. (No.3 一 ) 一模 : I looked at her, holding back my tears, waiting. 拓展 hold up 承受住 (to remain strong and working effectively) hold sth up 1) 支撑,举起 to support sth and stop them from falling 2) 延迟;阻碍 to delay or block the movement or progress of sth 20.expression 1) 表示;表达 freedom of expression 言论自由 2) 表情;神色 an expression of amazement/disbelief/horror 21.necessarily 必然地;不可避免地 not necessarily 未必 22.favor 1) n. 帮助;好事 do sb a favor 2) n. 赞同;支持 be in favor of in one’s favor 对某人有利 v . 有助于;有利于 The warm climate favours many types of tropical plants. 高考完形填空高频词用法汇总 23.consider 1) 仔细考虑;细想 +doing 2) 认为;以为 consider..(as/to be).. 3) 体谅;顾及 You should consider other people before you act. 4) considerate 体贴的,考虑周到的 ; take sth into consideration 24. accept---acceptance 高考衔接: 1) Now I realize that in marriages, true love is acceptance of all that is. ((No.3 一 ) 2) Over the years I come to realize how much of my success I owe to my acceptance of those words as one of my values. (No.3 二 ) 25. matter 1) n. 问题 What’s the matter? It’s a matter of principle. 2) n. 物质; 东西,材料 3) vi. 事关紧要,有重大影响 高考衔接 Actually, I believed I would work for a few years, get married, stay home and raise a family, so I didn’t think the job I took mattered that much (No.3 二 ) 26. position n. 1 )位置,地方; 2 )姿态,姿势; 3 )职务,职位 高考衔接 I was given the opportunity to move up through the company into different position. (No.3 二 ) 27.include 1) 包括,包含 The tour included a visit to the museum. 2 )使成为 ... 的一部分 高考链接: And in each lunch, I included a note. (No.4 一 ) Robert had always wanted to include such a man in a story. (No.4 二 ) 28.note n. 1) 笔记 make a note of/ take notes 2) 便条 In early grade school they loved their notes. (No.4 一 ) 3) 纸币 4 )音调,音符 5 )注释,批注 v. 1 )注意,留意 2 )指出,特别提到 29.since 连词 1) 自 ... 以来 2) 既然 , 由于 , 因为 高考链接: Since I was still making lunch for his younger brother, I packed one for Marc, too. (No.4 一 ) I saw him looking at his watch and decided, since I was not busy—my patient didn’t turn up at the appointed hours, I would examine his wound. (No.3 一 ) 副词 : 从那以后,此后 高考链接: I dropped the course that afternoon, and I haven’t gone near science since. (No.1 一 ) 介词 : 自 ... 以后,从 ... 以来 We’ve lived here since 1994. 30.throw v. 1 )投,扔,抛 throw stones 2 )使处于某种状态 We were thrown into confusion by the news. 我们被那消息弄得惊慌失措 . 3) 照射 ( 光线 ), 投射 ( 阴影 ) 4) throw a party 举办聚会 5) throw oneself into sth 投身于,热衷于 ...were just a few of the questions he threw at me as I laughingly asked him what was wrong. (No.4 一 ) 31. 积累: doubt v. 怀疑 I doubt whether/if /when/where... (后接疑问语气) I don’t doubt that... n. There is no doubt that.../ without doubt 毫无疑问 wait tables ( 在餐馆 ) 端盘子,招待顾客 wait for sb wait for sb to do sth 等待 try sb/ sth out 试用某人 / 某物 ; 测试 , 试验 I had tried out a model like it before. try out for sth 参加 ... 选拔 try on 试穿 try the shoes on get across 被传达,被理解 At first his message did not get across. 32.mind v. 1) 介意 高考链接 : Would you mind telling me when you are thinking of leaving? ( No.5 二 ) 2) 当心,注意 Mind your head! 高考链接 :I moved slowly, minding every step. (No.5 一 ) 积累: never mind 没关系,无所谓 mind your own business 别管闲事 I don’t mind. 我不在意,不关心。 n. 1) 大脑,头脑 2) 心思 3) 记忆力 I tried to concentrate on the lessons, but my mind went blank .( 一模 : 大脑一片空白) 积累: bear/ keep sb/ sth in mind make up one’s mind to do sth 33.stand n. 1 )态度,立场 2 )货摊,售货亭 3 )架子,座子 the tray stand 托盘架 4) 林丛 v. 1 )站立 2 )位于 ( 某处 ) An old tree stood here. 3) 处于某种状态 The house stood empty for a long time. 4) 容忍,忍受 ( 用于否定和疑问句中 ) I can’t stand people interrupting all the time. 积累: stand by 袖手旁观 stand for (缩写、符号)代表 stand out 显眼,突出 34 .collect 1) 收集,采集 collect/ gather information/ evidence 2) 收藏,搜集( to buy or find things of a particular type and keep them as a hobby ) collect stamps/ postcards 3) 领取,收走,接走 高考链接 : ...my wife did not want me to collect it on my own so we went together to fetch it. (No.5 二 ) 4) 募捐 collect money 35.still adj. 1) not moving; calm and quiet 静止的,平静的,安静地 Keep still while I brush your hair. 2) 无风的 高考链接: Over hundred degrees in still air.(No.6 一 ) adv. 1) 还,还是,仍然 高考链接: And you still go every morning, even though she doesn’t know who you are?(No.3 一 ) Since I was still making lunch for his younger brother, I packed one for Marc, too. (No.4 一 ) 2) ( 加强比较级 ) 还要,更 The next day was warmer still. 36.rise vi. 1) 上升,达到较高水平 / 位置 The river has risen by several meters 2) 起床,起立 He rose to her feet. 3) 太阳 / 月亮升起 The sun rises in the east. 4) (数量)增加,增长 The price of gas rose. 高考链接: Tempers of both the tourist and waiters had risen to meet the situation, making it a rather quarrelsome environment. (No.6 一 ) n. 1) ( 数量或水平 ) 增加,提高 2) 加薪 ask for a rise 3) 上升 37.arise vi. 产生,发生,出现 A new crisis has arisen. Several new industries arose in the city. raise vt. 1) 提升,举起 raise one’s hand 2) 增加,提高(数量、水平) raise salaries/ prices 3) 筹集 raise money 4) 引起,导致 raise doubts/ fears 5) 抚养,养育,培养 6) 饲养 高考完形填空高频词用法汇总 38.seat/sit seat n. 1) 座位 take a seat 就坐 book a seat 预订座位 v. 1) 使就座,落座 seat oneself/ be seated/remain seated 2) 可坐 ... 人,能容纳 ... 人 The aircraft seats 200 passengers. sit v. 坐 May I sit here? sit down 高考链接: He politely seated his lady in the kneed-deep water and then sat down himself. (No.6 一 ) The word “spaghetti” brought back the memory of an evening at Uncle Alien’s in Belleville when all of us were seated around the table. (No.6 二 ) 39.set 1) 放置 set a tray down on the table 2) 为 ... 设置背景 be set in 高考链接: Once she was wondering how to complete a scene set in ancient China. (No.7 一 ) 3) 设置,调整好 set the alarm/watch 4) set the table 摆放餐具 高考链接: He paused for just a second, walked into the water to set the table and take their order . (No.6 一 ) 5) 安排,确定,决定 set a date 6) 树立,创立 set a good example/ set high standards 7) 落下 We sat and watched the sun setting. 40.order n. 1) 顺序,次序 2) 条理 3) 指令,命令 give orders 4) 订货,订购,订单 5 )点菜 May I take your order ? 现在可以点菜吗? 积累: in order/ out of order/take your order v. 1) 命令 , 指挥 , 要求 order sb to do sth 2) 订购,订货 order sb sth/ sth for sb 3) 点菜 高考链接: It came without her having ordered it. (No.7 一 ) 41.serve 1) serve sth to sb/ sb sth 给 ... 提供 ... ,端上 高考链接: Without pausing, he went once more into the water to serve the wine. (No.6 一 ) ... Aunt Pat served spaghetti for supper. (No.6 二 ) 2) 接待,服务 高考链接: Customers are not served in the sea. Why not? (No.6 一 ) 3) 为 ... 工作,履行义务 He served as a captain in the army. 42.due adj. 1) 由于,因为 due to The team’s success was largely due to her efforts. 2) 预定,预期,预计 Rose was due to start school in January. 3) 到期 高考链接 : It was the night before the composition was due. (No.6 二 ) 43. treat v. 1) 对待 2) 把 ... 看做 treat sb/sth as ...3) 治疗,医疗 4) 招待,请客 treat sb to sth n. 乐事,款待 It’s my treat. 我请客。 高考链接 :Spaghetti was an exotic treat in those days. (No.6 二 ) 44.simply 1) 简单地 The book explains grammar simply and clearly. 2) 简朴地;朴素地 They live simply. 3) 不过,只是 Writing stories was simply a personal interest. 高频副词: nearly 几乎 , 差不多 hardly 几乎不 merely 仅仅,只不过 really 事实上,真实地,的确 seldom 不常, 很少 actually 真实地 , 事实上 , 实际上 , 说实在的 45.anyhow=anyway 1) 即使这样 The water was cold but I took a shower anyway. 2) 无论如何 Anyhow, let’s forget about that for the moment. somehow 1) 以某种方式 We must stop him from seeing her somehow. 2) 不知什么原因,不知为什么 Somehow, I don’t feel I can trust him. 46.instead 代替;反而;却 He didn’t reply. Instead, he turned on his heel and left the room. instead of 代替;作为 … 的替换 He changed the office: instead of walls, they have plants at Semeo, so bosses can’t shut themselves away from everyone else. 47.then adv 1) ( 指过去 ) 当时,那时 Then, writing stories was simply a personal interest. 2) 然后,接着;后来 We lived in France and then Italy before coming back to England. 3) 那么,因此,既然如此 If you miss that rain then you’ll have to get a taxi. adj. 那时的 That decision was taken by the then president. 48.turn v. 1) 转动 2 )翻转 3 )变成 ( 系动词 ) He turned teacher . 4) 到达,超过(某一年龄或时间) She turns 21 in June. 短语积累: turn off/ turn on/ turn out/ turn in/turn to sb/turn up/turn down/turn into n. 1) Make a left turn into West Street. 2) Please wait your turn. 49.once adv. 1) 一次 He cleans his car once a week. 2) 曾经 I once met your mother. 3) 同时 Don’t all speak at once! conj. 一旦 Solitude can be hard to discover once it has been given up.(No. 7 二 ) 50.reach v. 1) 到达 , 抵达 (arrive at/ get to) 2) 达到(某点);进入(某阶段) By the time he reached high school, my older son, Marc, informed me he no longer enjoyed my daily notes. (No.4 一 ) 3) 实现;达到 reach a conclusion/decision/compromise 4) 伸手 He reached out his hand to touch her. 5) 联系 As I couldn’t reach anyone at the phone number on the cat’s tag( 标牌 ), I had to pay the bill. n. 手臂展开的长度 beyond the reach of/ out of the reach of reachable adj. 可到达,够得到 People have become so reachable in the world of networks and connections that one can often be contacted even if they’d rather not be. (No. 7 二 ) 51.also adv. 而且,此外;同样,也 She’s fluent in French. She also speaks a little Italian. Also, many jobs and careers require people to be connected. (in addition; besides) 52.otherwise adv. 1) 否则 My parents lent me the money. Otherwise, I couldn’t have afforded the trip. 2) 在其他方面,另 All the dishes in this menu, unless otherwise stated, will serve two to three people.

